
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 15:00:08


 As a result, staggering numbers of 20-somethings are moving home with mom and dad and/or remaining financially dependent on their parents. The obstacles to employment and the inability to generate financial momentum are also delaying adult milestones like getting married, buying homes and having children. 

A new Millennial Career study conducted online for American Express by Harris Interactive, reveals that two-thirds (68 percent) of recent grads and students are not working or working at a job that is not in their field. Additionally, almost half (47 percent) are receiving financial assistance from their parents. The study also revealed that hiring managers are placing more emphasis on soft skills like communication, critical thinking, and overall professionalism. Today's 20-somethings need to think beyond just their resume for ways to stand out to potential employers and compete in this challenging job market. Here are a few tips for job seekers to keep in mind based on the key findings from the survey: 


Act like a professional even if you don't have a job. Hiring pros point to professionalism and emotional maturity as skills recent graduates are lacking, so do not wait until you are hired to start acting like a polished, mature professional! Monitor your online and social networking behavior just like you would if you had a boss that could Google you at any moment. Dress and conduct yourself in a professional manner everywhere you go because you never know whom you'll meet. Triple proofread everything you send out, from cover letters to emails to thank you notes -- even Facebook status updates and tweets. Develop an "elevator pitch" that is a 30-second snapshot of your interests, experience and career goals. Practice your introduction, elevator pitch and handshake with a seasoned professional. The more you act like a professional when you are looking for a job, the more likely you are going to be seen as one. 

严格要求自己的行为, 即使你现在还没有工作。现在大学毕业生缺少应聘常识及该有的成熟理智,所以不要等到雇佣的时候才开始要求自己成为一个成熟、有修养的人士。好好监管你的网络及社会交际圈,就好像有老板天天盯着你一样。时刻注重着装、言行的得体,因为你永远不会事先知道会遇到谁。由你经手的事情,要再三核对,无论是封皮、电子邮件或是感谢信,即使face book网络的身份不停的变换。练习“一分钟演讲”,三十秒内快速介绍你自己的兴趣,经历和职业目标。多向经验丰富的人学习自我介绍,快速演讲及握手方式。当你在面试时,表现的越专业,人们会觉得你经验丰富。

Don't regress during the recession. Stop using the economy and job market as a scapegoat for stagnation and continue developing yourself personally and professionally. Fill your time and become more attractive to employers by furthering your education, obtaining certifications, or enrolling in specialized training programs. Take advantage of FREE online tools such as 10-day online financial and career bootcamp programs which cover a range of topics from setting career and financial goals to learning communication, networking and salary negotiation skills. The free Build Your Career and Take Control of Your Finances bootcamps are available at s. Instead of spending money on personal things, invest in professional things that make you smarter, skilled, and more self-aware. You are your best investment right now and far more valuable than the latest gadget or a new pair of shoes. Additionally, hiring pros report that communication skills, emotional maturity and a good attitude top the list of what makes a candidate attractive; consider enrolling in writing or speaking classes to improve your communication skills and/or explore working with a life coach or counselor to work through any issues impacting your overall attitude.

在经济衰退时,更不能放松言行。经济的不景气,就业市场的饱和不是你停止努力的借口,而是要不断的自觉、专业的提高自身的能力。深造学习、考取证书,参加专业培训不但令你的生活充实,也让你的经历丰富,更加吸引雇佣者的眼球。利用免费的上网工具,参加10天一期的有关财政、职业的训练营,在那里, 你会学到如何设定职业、财政目标,学会沟通,交际及工资的讨价还价技巧等多方面的问题。随心创造事业和管好你的钱袋,对我们来说十分实用。将个人花销转投于专业投资,会令你更加聪智,精明,更有自我意识。你自己将会成为最大的投资,要比买最新的小玩意或一双新鞋,更有价值。除此之外,雇佣职业报告说,交际技巧,成熟理智及良好性情会令应试者更有吸引力。参加写作及口语培训,提高你的交际能力,与咨询师一起工作,通过解决各种问题来影响你整体的观念。

Treat finding a job like a job. Structure is an extremely important component in the job search. If you do not have a system in place for researching, networking and following up during your job search, you are missing an opportunity to develop your work ethic and organizational skills. Set aside a designated period of time each day to search for jobs, make phone calls, network online, write cover letters, conduct informational interviews, etc. Make yourself accountable to show up for yourself just like you would be accountable to show up for a job. Commit to a productivity ritual and practice it for at least 30 days in a row, as it takes that long for a practice to become a habit. Practice creates productivity, and productivity produces results. Research free and easy-to-use online tools that can support you in being more productive anytime, anywhere. 

Avoid tunnel vision. There are various ways to work and network in your desired field before you are hired. If you cannot get a job in your chosen field, pursue intern or volunteer opportunities related to your field. Very often the types of opportunities and hands-on experience you can obtain at a non-profit organization or start-up are not available at entry or even mid-level jobs. Do not overlook the value of interning or volunteering because when looking at resumes, the majority of hiring pros believe any related hands on experience is very important. According to the Millennial Career survey commissioned by American Express, more than 60% of recent grads have not looked outside their field of study for work. Being open to applying for jobs outside of your chosen field is a good idea, as any experience you get is going to be useful in building career momentum and will prevent you from having huge gaps on your resume. In addition to looking outside your desired field for jobs, look beyond your zip code. Research cities where the economy is on the rise or major corporations are based-staying close to home may not be the most secure choice during this time. 

将找工作当做一件工作来做。找工作时, 如何安排是一件非常重要的因素。如果你不系统的安排一下,或是按照计划进行, 很可能就会失去一次培养职业操守和组织能力的机会。每天都留出一定的时间来寻找工作,打电话,上网,写简历或是收集招聘信息等等。认真的对待找工作,就好像认真对待找工作一样。积极培养高效率并坚持至少30天,长期坚持并养成习惯。练习创造效率,效率产生结果。找寻一些免费且易操作的网络工具让人任何时候,任何地点都更加有效率。

不要做井底之蛙。在你找到工作之前, 要从多渠道在你感兴趣的领域工作。如果不能找到你感兴趣的工作, 可以在相关的领域实习或做志愿者以便获得机会。在非赢利的机构或新兴的企业所获得的各种机会和经验对于工作入门或中等程度的工作来说不够用。不要小瞧实习或做义工的价值,因为大多数的雇佣认为你简历上相关的经验十分重要。根据美联社的千年工作调查显示,超过60%的应届毕业生不关注与他们专业不相关的领域。多尝试一下其它的领域是一个不错的选择,任何经验对于建立工作信心都是有帮助的,也会让你摆脱专业的局限性。除此之外,多尝试下你感兴趣的领域,展望一下未来。 选择那些经济发展上升的城市或是离家近的城市也许在这一时期是最保险的选择。


Learn how to network effectively. Set a "wish list" of people you'd like to meet, and take steps to connect with them. Use online connections like Linked In and Facebook to find mutual friends, and ask for an introduction rather than relying on a cold connection request. If you request a connection without an introduction, be sure to personalize it; do not send an empty or template request such as LinkedIn's "I'd like to add you to my professional network." It is also an extremely valuable networking technique to pursue informational interviews. Research individuals with whom you'd like to speak to in various fields, and send them an email or letter requesting 15 minutes of their time to ask them about their career path. Be sure to mention you are NOT asking for a job. Remember that people love to talk about themselves, so in the interview, keep the focus on them, not you! If they ask about you, always be ready with your well-rehearsed and authentic elevator pitch. After you've established a connection, put a monthly reminder on your calendar to follow-up with them in some way to keep the relationship going. For instance, send an email sharing an article that would be of interest to them or quick update on any new experiences you have had. Finally, in-the-moment reminders create lasting networking ability, so whenever you receive a business card from someone, immediately take a minute to jot down notes on the back that will remind you of where and how you met the person and any topics you discussed that you can refer to when you follow up. Don't assume you will remember! 

学会如何高效利用人际关系网。建立一个“愿望单”,将你想要见的人列在其中,一步步的与他们联系。利用"人脉"和“脸谱网”来寻找共同的朋友,向她们做自我介绍而不仅仅是一个冰冷的交友请求。如果你只是发了一个简单的交友请求,那确定要柔和一下,不要只是发一份空白留言或是“人脉”那千篇一律的申请,“我想请你做我的好友”。让你的面试做到信息丰富,需要十分重要的联络技巧。调查不同领域的、你所感兴趣的人,给他们发电子邮件或信件请求以获得15分钟采访他们的工作历程。一定要强调你不是来找工作的。记住,人们都喜欢聊聊自己,所以在面试时,把关注点放在他们身上而不你的身上。如果他寻问有关你的情况,那么把反复排练过的,真实的“1分钟演讲”搬上来。一旦建立联系,在日历上定上提醒,每月与他们联系,并以一定的方式与他们保持长久的联系。例如,分享一篇可能令他感兴趣的文章或是更新一下你最近的亲身经历。最后,及时的提醒会为你创造长久的联系能力,所以当你从某人那里收到一张名片时,一定要快速的在其背面记下信息, 以提醒你是在何时何地遇见这个人,并且当你再次见到他时,知道有什么话题可聊。不要认为你可以一直记住别人的信息。

Personality and passion counts. The fact that hiring pros from the American Express Millennial Career survey say that personality counts almost twice as much as a candidate's skill set is good news for those who say your biggest challenge is not having enough work experience. Highlight your interests and passions, and let your personality come through in an interview. To deal with the "lack of experience" roadblock, demonstrate that you have experience and measured results in SOMETHING. For example, if you are going in for an interview or writing a cover letter where you cannot cite or show a lot of specifically related experience, show and itemize how you have progressed at a hobby or skill set. Brainstorm ways to "sell" yourself as a capable, innovative, self-motivated learner who can create things.


Break your social media habit. Half of hiring pros in the survey report that social media has improved recent grads ability to think out of the box, but has deteriorated writing skills, ability to focus on a task, and verbal communication skills. Additionally, spending a lot of time online can be extremely distracting. Consider limiting the time you spend on social media sites like Facebook to less than one hour per day to maximize the time you spend doing more productive things. Set designated times during the day where you can surf and use social media for social reasons so you can focus on particular tasks at all other times. 

改掉上网聊天的习惯。50%雇佣调研显示,网络媒体让现令的大学毕业生勇于打破常规想问题,却也荒废了他们的写作技巧,使得他们的关注问题的能力和语言的交流技能慢慢退化。除此之外,在网络上发费过多的时间确实让人分心。试着将每天上Facebook的时间减少到一个小时以内,用省下的时间来做更有意义的事情。计划好每天的上网时间,当有需要时才上网, 这样你就可以在其他时间集中精神专攻特定的任务

Don't fear failure or underemployment. Successful people report they learn more from their failures than their successes. Don't let your qualifications or concerns stop you from applying for a job or networking with someone. Many job requirements are preferred but not necessarily mandatory if you fit the description in many other ways. Unless a requirement is stated as a "must have," don't be discouraged if you don't meet all the requirements; apply anyway! Also if you find yourself applying for jobs you feel overqualified for, cut yourself some slack. In this market many people feel like they are happy to get a job, any job. Or perhaps you are moving into a different field and are beginning at a very entry-level position. Trust that every opportunity is a step to the next, even if it feels beneath you at the time. When you are interviewing for jobs you may be over-qualified for, be sure to keep an enthusiastic (but not desperate) attitude. Clearly explain that at this stage in your career, having a job is the most important thing or that you want to move into a different field and know that starting at a lower level is a requirement. 

不要害怕失败或应聘失败。成功人士的成功在于他们从失败中获得的远远大于成功所带来的。不要让任何的限制或你的担心而阻碍你寻找工作或与他人交际。当你的资历并不完全符合公司要求时, 不要气馁,因为许多工作要求都是优先选择,而不是强制性的,只要你在其他方面符合就可以。除非明确规定所需的工作要求是强制性的。即使你发现所应聘的职位对你来说有些大才小用,你仍然不要掉以轻心。因为在现在状况,无论获得什么样的工作,人们都十分开心,即使让你进入一个完全陌生的领域,从入门开始。要相信,每次机遇都是通往下站地的“通行证”,虽然有时它让你感到有些屈才。在应聘时面对大才小用的局面时,一定要保持一种积极乐观的心态,切忌消极应对。要清楚的知道,在现阶段,有一份工作才是最重要的事情,从低层做起是你转行所必须要经历的。

Perfect your resume and cover letter. The competition for jobs has made it even more important to stand out and make a great impression every step of the way. The days of mass submitting the same resume and cover letter are over. Tailor every cover letter to the job you are applying for. Mention something specific about the organization that you respect or recently learned about. Talk about how you would fit with the company rather than stating that you would like to learn something from them. In terms of your resume, don't bother with listing an "objective" on the top of your resume. Opt for a "qualifications summary" instead, and don't feel like you have to list everything you've done - think quality not quantity. When writing your bullet points, describe results and action items rather than summarizing your responsibilities. And have at least three people proofread your resume and cover letter. If you cannot get someone to do it, read it slowly out loud as you are more likely to catch errors that way. 

让你的简历和求职信尽善尽美。每一个细节都会令你脱颖而出,引起招聘方的注意。大量内容相同的简历和求职信都会石沉大海。每篇投寄的求职信都要适当得体,并且提及你最近很学的东西并且告知一些对企业的一些细致了解。要表示你会如何适应贵公司而不是将会从那学到什么。至于简历,不要认为在其上面加上“客观”而麻烦。列出你的工作经历, 而不用详细列出你做过什么,要注重质量而不是数量。当你书写重要经历时, 要强调结果和行为而不只是规纳你的职责。至少要有三个人检查你的简历和求职信。如何没人帮你检查, 那么你自己慢慢的大声朗读,也会发现一些不当的地方。

Ace your interviews. Since hiring pros report professionalism and personality are key aspects of whether you get the job, acing an interview is a key ingredient to getting hired. Remember that you are being observed from the moment you step into the building. Be nice to everyone from the parking attendant to the assistant. It's crucial to be on time but not too early; often employers get annoyed if you are lingering there too soon, so wait in your car if you have to. Have a list of questions prepared that you can ask about the company or the job you are applying for, and be sure to turn OFF your cell phone before you even walk in the building. Keep an enthusiastic and positive attitude, don't come across as too eager or discuss the difficulty of the job market.

在面试中成为佼佼者。雇佣技巧指出,专业和性格是取决你是否能够找到工作的关键,在面试中的出色表现是你获得工作的关键因素。要记住,从你进入面试地点的那一刻起,你就已经受到“监视”。要友好的对待每个人, 无论是停车场服务员还是公司的助理。守时是必须遵守的,但是不要去的太早。你在面试地点停留的时间不要太长,否则会引起招聘方的反感,若来的过早,最好在车中等待。在面试前, 将你对公司或所应聘职位所要问的问题列成一个单子,并且确保在进入面试地点前将手机关掉。保持一种热情洋溢和积极进取的态度,但是不要表现的急于求成,并且不要谈论找工作的艰辛。