
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/02 18:57:16


Abstract Love is the eternal theme in human life.However, love changes much because of the influence of asceticism. Althoughlove is a tragedy, the spirit of main characters longing for love andstruggling with the doctrine of religions i

Love is the eternal theme in human life. However, love changes much because ofthe influence of asceticism. Although love is a tragedy, the spirit of maincharacters longing for love and struggling with the doctrine of religions isworth learning. It can also be learned that the asceticism restrains the humannature and results in the destruction.
This thesis will deal with the influence of asceticism on love in The ScarletLetter and The Thorn Birds. The influence reflects mainly in the leadingcharacters Dimmesdale and Ralph. Both of them are priests and fall in love. Theworse is that each of them has a child. However, they have to abandon theirbeloved because of the asceticism, and they bear too much torture. So tragedycannot be avoided.
Key Words
Love; desire; tragedy; asceticism


摘 要
爱情是人类永恒的话题. 可是在西方社会中,爱情由于宗教禁欲主义的影响发生了一些变化,带有了一定的悲剧色彩。在西方描写神职人员爱情的文学作品中,虽然他们的爱情是悲剧,但他们那种为了爱情而努力奋斗,甚至和宗教做抗争的精神使我们振奋。从中我们也能深刻的感受到宗教对人性的摧残。
本篇论文将从《红字》和《荆棘鸟》两部作品中的主要人物丁梅斯代尔和拉尔夫来看宗教禁欲主义对他们内心的摧残和折磨,从而导致的悲剧. 丁梅斯代尔和拉尔夫都是牧师,却同样陷入了感情之中。但是因为宗教的禁欲主义,他们不能接触爱情,一旦有了感情就要经受很多折磨和痛苦。所以悲剧的产生是必然的。
爱情; 欲望; 悲剧; 禁欲主义
Love, one of the most beautiful and romantic emotion in human life, has beenstruggling with Asceticism in western society. Just because of this, love, themost beautiful feeling in human’s heart, is both a dream and a punishment inthe eyes of clergymen under Asceticism. Therefore, love of clergymen in thewestern literary works ends in tragedy. This paper will deal with the love tragedyunder Asceticism in The Scarlet Letter and The Thorn Birds.


The Scarlet Letter is written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The story happened in thebackground of American colony ruled by Puritan in the sixteenth century. Theleading characters in this novel Dimmesdale and Hester fall in love with eachother. But Dimmesdale is a priest. Before he meets Hester, he has devotedhimself to the God. In this paper, you can learn Dimmesdale’s mixed feeling. Heloves Hester, but he must abide by the rule of Puritan. Pearl’s birth not onlysends Hester to the prison and Hester is sentenced to wear the scarlet letter“A” all her life, but also gives Dimmesdale more spiritual torture, becauseDimmesdale has no courage to confess his sin. He is afraid of losing his fame,his status and the punishment of religion. The torture he suffering is not somuch coming from his conscience as coming from the forbidden of asceticism.Therefore, it is asceticism that results in the tragedy love between Dimmesdaleand Hester.
In The Thorn Birds, Ralph has more than one chance to choose his own life,which is not controlled by the doctrine of religion. In order to get the power,fame and his career, Ralph abandons his love. His choice provides him with thepower, and forbids himself at the same time. But on the other hand, he cannotforget Meggie and he realizes the importance that Meggie means to himgradually. At that time, the religious doctrines have taken back his rightstaying with Meggie. Therefore, the tragedy happens inevitably.