女神再临 靡宝txt微盘:英语词汇(149)pass away、perish、depart、die 等表示“死亡”

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 05:13:30



diedepart、perishpass away 等表示“死亡”




die  一说其“死亡”,我们也许首先想到的是“die”。die是最普通用词,泛指各种原因引起的死亡。die是不及物动词,说“因……死亡”用die of / from ……。


1) Many of the wounded died on the way to hospital.


2) Many religious people believe the souls of good people will live on after they die.  


3) There were draughts over the area for three successive years and thousands of people died of starvation.  


4) By conservative estimates, 2.5 million people die every year from smoking.


5) He sought after wealth all his life but died a miserable man.




pass away


汉语中常用“逝世”、“去世” 等词语婉转表达“死”,英语中则常用departpass away婉转表达die


 1) The ninety-year-old lady departed in peace last night.


        2) His father departed from his life last year.



        3) She was very sorry to hear that her first grade teacher has passed away last week.


 4) He got a lung caner and soon passed away.



perish  是书面用词,可指人、动物和植物的死亡,也可指某种事物、制度的消亡,强调夭折或不幸暴亡。


      1) Hundreds of people are reported to have perished in the severe frost in the northern part of the country.


      2) Death is normal; we are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish, even under ideal conditions.



carry off  “夺走生命”是表示“死亡”的另一说法,英语中常用carry off 表示。


1)Much to our sorrow, the famous actor was carried off by a sudden heart attack last week.


         2) The epidemic diseased carried off half of the people in the village.
