
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/02 19:40:36
Research of “ Shou Yi Method” in Huang-Lao Ideology Before Han Dynasty
The method of “Shou Yi” (hold to the One)[1] was one of the easiest methods of self-cultivation of far ancient times, when the society was still ruled by Dao and De. The Yun Ji Qi Qian ever said, “Nothing other than Jin Dan could enable the human being to achieve a long and immortal life; nothing other than the true One could keep human’s body away from aging.” It highly summarizes the different self-cultivation realms of the two qualified methods one is the doctrine of Jin Dan from the Han Dynasty and the other the “Shou Yi Method” (method of holding to the One) with its origin before Han Dynasty.
The Shou Yi doctrine was first introduced in The Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor and discoursed in De Dao Jing, and Huainanzi.
Due to the gradual human departing from Dao and loss of De, the Zhi (intelligence) increased and Hui (wisdom) faded; the people of the Han dynasty solely worshiped Confucianism and an atmosphere of explaining Taoism with Confucian theories rose up. Resultingly the real meaning of “De Yi” was largely forgotten or confused, followed by loss of the systematical traditional Taoist methodology, which includes cultivating De, Shou Yi (holding to the One), De Yi (attaining the One) and Zhi Yi (upholding the One)[2].
This article elaborates on the historical transformation course of “De Yi” using the concept of the three Yuan according to the attributes of the epochs of the three great culture-genes of the Dao De root culture. It compares and comments on the two self-cultivating theories of “Jin Dan Doctrine” and “Shou Yi Method”. With this it takes up the Shou Yi self-cultivating method which has been lost after the Han Dynasty.
“守一修身法”是上古时代道治社会和德治社会时期,人类的心身处于淳德合道的“德一”状态时,无为而为采用的一种至简至易的修身方法,随着人类的离道失德,人类的精神世界失去了“德一”的完整性与稳定性,“德一”朴散为五个德性子系统,开始了“一种离开古代氏族社会的纯朴道德高峰的堕落” (《马克斯恩格斯选集》第4卷第94页)。这种堕落是以一种渐变的方式展开的。“故失道而后德,失德而后仁,失仁而后义,失义而后礼。夫礼者,忠信之泊也,而乱之首也”(《德道经·论德章》)。汉代以后,中华民族进入相继丢失仁义礼信四个德的子系统之后的忠信菲薄的时期,加之独尊儒术,以儒解道之风的兴起,“德一”这一修身学中重要的阶梯和次第,开始被人类愚智的错误解读而逐渐拆除,使得大慧大智祖先们留给后世的守一修身方法,从主流修身和慧性教育领域退出,开始了2000多年寄宿山林泉水的流浪期。
“Shou Yi Self-cultivating Method” was one of the easiest methods of self-cultivation adopted without intention by human beings during the far ancient times, when their hearts and bodies were both kept in the “De Yi” realm, and when the society was ruled by Dao and De. Along with the humans’ departing from Dao and loss of De, their spiritual world started to lose integrity and stability of “De Yi”, which diffused into the five subsystems of De, and initiated “the decadence of the pure morals existed in ancient clans” (Marx and Engels Collected Works, Volume 4, Pg 94). This decadence unfolded in a way of gradual change. “So when Dao loses, it comes to De; when De loses, it comes to Ren (humaneness); when Ren (humaneness) loses, it comes to Yi (righteousness);when Yi (righteousness) loses, it comes to Li (courtesy). Where Li (courtesy) lies is in the thinness of faith and the beginning of chaos. (De Dao Jing , Chapter of On De) After the Han dynasty, the Chinese nation entered the times that faith is short and thin, when the four subsystems of humaneness, righteousness, courtesy and faith were continuously lost. Even worse, Confucianism was solely valued and the atmosphere of explaining Taoism under domination of Confucian theories arose. The important ladder and sequence of self-cultivation, “De Yi”, began to be wrongly explained and slowly removed. The principle of “Shou Yi” (holding to the One), which was left behind by the ancients of great wisdom, was forced to fade out from the mainstream of self-cultivation and Hui (wisdom) education field, and started the wandering period of more than 2000 years among the mountains, forests and fountains.

Analysis of the Six Periods
Periods of Society
ruled by Dao;
conform to Dao with true Faith
ruled by De;
true Faith bears much De
ruled by Humanity;
waver in Faith
ruled by Righteousness;
Thinness of Faith
ruled by Courtesy;
Faith broken
ruled by Intelligence;
decertification of Faith
Energy State of De
stay in Dao and use the Void
stay in De and use the One
depart Dao and lose De; De Yi scatters to five
lose Humanity and use Righteousness
lose Righteousness and use Courtesy
lose Courtesy and use Intelligence; Faith is thin and chaos arises.
Application in Ruling the Society
all for Dao
all for De
all for public
all for family
all for self
all for the party
Representative Figures
No record;
Human is the deity
Suiren; Fuxi; Nüwa
Shennong; Huangdi
Three kings; Xia, Shang,  Zhou Dynasty
Qin Shi Huang; after Han and Tang Dynasty
Sun Yat-sen
Cultural Periods
true Dao culture
Yi (Yi Jing) Dao culture
Fa (law) Dao culture
De Dao culture
Confucian and Neo-Confucian culture
Western culture
Transference of the nature and heart
purely use the original nature
origin of heart and mind
heart grows and original nature fades
purely use heart and mind
Development of Zhi and Hui
great Hui (wisdom)
without Zhi (intelligence)
great Hui and junior Zhi
Zhi grows and Hui fades
Zhi is enhanced
Zhi is highly developed and the spirit forms
Compare to the West
purely use the original nature (no record)
mainly use Hui, assisted by Zhi (no record)
Hui fades and Zhi grows; Socrates
Deduction method (Zhi);
Induction method (Zhi);
Francis Bacon
Intuition method;
Albert Einstein
Change of six Shi
the original nature commands the six roots
the original nature and mind command the six roots together
Zhi grows and enlarges the power of commanding the six roots
Zhi commands the six roots
the six roots’ activities are not under good control
the six roots gradually mature
Qualitative Change of the spirits
spirit of pure yang
the heart-spirit generates
three Hun and seven Po generate; the yin spirits of five organs form
five yin are active
yin is prosperous
yin disorganizes the inner environment of the body

I. To know the “One”
If we want to correctly decipher the “Shou Yi Method”, first of all the original meaning and features of Yi (the One) should be restored according to the texts of the Huang-Lao-ideology before the Han dynasty, combined with the features (qualities) of the Chinese traditional culture-genes in the times when the “Shou Yi Method” was born.
Fundamentally speaking, the Chinese traditional culture derived from the same Dao- De-root-culture-system as presented by Fuxi, Huangdi and Laozi. Fuxi’s Yi-Dao culture explains Dao with Yi (Yi Jing, Book of Change); Huangdi’s Law-Dao culture comments Dao through the law; Laozi's De-Dao culture experiences Dao through De. “Dao” and “De” are the highest command and final result of all schools of Chinese culture.
The System of Chinese Dao De Root Culture
Originated in Fuxi’s “Yi-Dao culture” (Compile Yi Jing according to the River Map)
Yi Dao – to explain the Dao through Yi
Formed in Huangdi’s “Law-Dao culture” (the Four Classics discusses how to rule a country)
Law Dao—to discourse upon the Dao through the law
Matured in Laozi’s “De-Dao culture” (Five thousand words of the great work)
De Dao—to witness the Dao through De cultivation
Ancient Chinese people used to reveal the universe and self through the methodology of Yi Yuan Si Su (One Prime and Four Elements), namely “De, Dao, image, number, principle, and Qi”. According to the methodology of “One Prime and Four Elements”, “Yi” (the One) is the emblem number of De. Laozi said, “Dao gives birth to the One.” Dao is the mother of the One, and the One is the son of Dao. Dao is in the state of void, and is ○(Zero). The void gives birth to all things. The beginning of all things is the “One” that neither is decomposed nor belongs to any attributes of yin or yang. When all things are generated, they all depend on the nourishment from this “One”. So Laozi also said, “Dao gives birth to it and De nurtures it.” “One” is the mathematical expression of De.
关于“一”的属性,学界有人解释其为“道”,这是不符合汉代以前黄老学说的本义的。庄子有一段话对“一”的概念,定义的极为明确:“泰初有无,无有无名;一之所起,有一而未形,物得以生,谓之德。” (《庄子·天地》)。道德根文化中,将无极大道演化的过程,分为太虚、太易、太初、太素、太始五大层次,总称为“无极”、“混沌”状态,这是自然大道的最初始、最本质的时期。道的这五太中,在进入“太初”(也作泰初)期以后,才孕育诞生出“一”。也就是“○中生一,道中生德”,名为“一之所起”。此时,“德一”虽然诞生出来,但是仍然还是“有一而未形”。“德一”具备着“有质无形”的重要特征,但是万物一旦获得她以后,就能诞生出形相,具备有质有形的特征。没有“德一”这个能量体的存在时,万物全都无法生成与生存。所以,又将这个“一”称之为德。
Regarding to the attributes of “One”, some people in the academic circles explain it as “Dao”. This does not agree with the original meaning stated in the Huang-Lao- ideology before the Han dynasty. There’s a passage in Zhuangzi which defines “One” extremely clearly: “In the very beginning there was void, which had nothing nor name; then the One rose, it had one but no form, things generated accordingly, and that was called De.” (Zhuangzi, Heaven and Earth) In the Dao De root culture the whole generative course of the Wu-ji great Dao is separated into five levels: Tai-xu, Tai-yi, Tai-chu, Tai-su, and Tai-shi, which wholly are called the state of “Wu-ji” or “Hun-dun”. This was the very beginning and very fundamental period of the great Dao in nature. Within the sequence of the five Tai of the Dao, only in the period of Tai-chu, the One was formed. Also it is said, “One is generated from ○ (Zero), and De is generated from Dao.” This phase has been called “when the One rose”. At that time, although “De Yi” was generated, it still “had One but no form”. “De Yi” just has the very important attribute of “with the substance but without form”. Nevertheless once it has been attained by all things, form and image will be generated; then, all things have the attribute of “with both, substance and form”. Without the energy body of “De Yi” nothing could be generated or formed. So this “Yi” (One) is also called De.
Laozi pointed out, “Wu (void) is called the beginning of all things. You (to be; to have) is called the mother of all things.” Dao is originally without name. “It was named Dao, and I managed to call it Da.” Dao is the original beginning point of all things, without form and name to be traced. But the One is the original state with a name. In the Form-and-Name-Ideology of Huangdi the One’s form is: “colorless and transparent energy state”, its name is “De” and the courtesy name is “Yi” (One). There are fifteen “Yi” (One) in De Dao Jing, besides numerals and demonstrative pronouns; most should be explained as De.
During the times when Dao De root culture was prosperous, the definition, form and name of “Yi” were all very clear and distinct. The “One” is the most advanced, most original, most modest, most simple and purest energy that not a second could be left by all the things as they live and develop in a right way. This energy is relatively stable and capable of dispersion. The “One” can disperse into five as into all things, but being dispersed, it is in the state of dispersion and the quality of energy tends to be lowered gradually. Then, form and name are changed as well as the quality. When the One is dispersed, the five subsystems of De come into form. The five types of light with five colors are their forms, and Humaneness, Righteousness, Courtesy, Wisdom and Faith are their names. Once the forms differ, the names are to be changed too. The applications of Humaneness, Righteousness, Courtesy, Wisdom, and Faith will be different ones. So, they are used separately. But any quality of these five subsystems represents just one part of the energy of “De Yi” and is not to equal with the quality of “De Yi” in its wholeness. This attribute of the “De Yi” energy - that it can be saturated as well as dispersed - can help us establish the right thoughts and ideas, and prevent us from taking a part for the whole.
II. Three-Yuan transformation of the One
Although the “Yi” (One) is the simplest Chinese character, commonly one only notices its numerous meanings and never tries to realize its philosophical and self-cultivating significance, not to mention to master the historical transformation of the “One” by systematical analysis, and to wholly evaluate the important effects on the circle of self-cultivation which the original meaning of the “One” brought about.
Rooted in Dao De the Gene of Wisdom of the Original Nature, the Gene of Image and Pictography and the Gene of Chinese Character established a template of how to analyse the root-cultural-system. Using this template to analyse the “One”, we easily find out that this One has experienced the whole process: being generated in the Gene of Wisdom of Original Nature, applied in the Gene of Drawing and Pictography and transformed in the gene of Chinese Character. Following this whole process, we should analyse the transformation of substance (Zhi-Yuan), structure (Wu-Yuan) and body element (Ti-Yuan) of the “One”, applying the San Yuan (three elements) ideology. Only in this way we can correctly decipher the philosophical and self-cultivating meaning of the “One”.

The three systems of Chinese Dao De root-culture-gene
Wisdom of original nature
Turning point
Image and Pictograph
Turning point
Chinese Characters
True I with Dao’s nature
depart Dao and lose De; De Yi scatters to five
imitate what is outside of the body and imitate what is inside of the body
Taoist inner-seeking methods fading out; other schools’ external-seeking methods prosperous
imitate things far away; imitate what is near or on the body
Stay in the void and use the One with few selfishness and desires
Selfishness arises; Zhi grows and Hui fades
Fuxi drew the trigram; Cangxie created characters
Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors; Spring-Autumn Warring period
unified in Qin Dynasty; fixed in Han dynasty
Humans conform to the heaven and follow Dao’s nature
Hui is covered with dust; Zhi that leaves De becomes hindrance
express by image and pictograph
start to express by characters other than pictograph
characters of logical aggregates, ideograph and phonetic complexes
Do without intent or selfish desires; comply with the nature and environment
Hui fades and characters form
bronze script;
large seal script
small seal script, clerical script, regular script and familiar style
keep few selfishness and desires; take diminution as reward
cultivate spirit and body using Hui; hold the One to herd the world
Directly: nurture the void in fetus and infant periods; nurture the original nature in early childhood
Reversely: the aged, adults, youth and teenager
all kinds of Chinese characters
regular learning;
learn more everyday
II. 1. The transformation of the One’s Wu-Yuan (structure element)
The character “One” was originally born in the Gene of Wisdom of the Original Nature, which could be traced back to the times when Fuxi drew the trigram. The people of that time were in the condition of “Great Wisdom and Junior Intelligence”. The One is a yang line, representing pure yang without any break (or interruption). This yang line is the Wu-Yuan state of the “One”, which could be verified during inner perception in the self-cultivation. The internally altered recombination of the whole or so called broken “One” refers to the different combinations of the yang line and the yin line. Not only does it present the ever-changing mechanic in the human body, but also origins, successions and results in the changing course of everything.
When human’s acquired intelligence entered the time of “Intelligence Growing and Wisdom Fading”, especially when humans’ culture-gene started to be transformed from the gene of image and pictograph to the gene of Chinese character, this original Wu-Yuan meaning of “one” gradually faded. At the same time people barely named the yang line as “De” and installed “One” as the courtesy name of “De”. Since then the “one” has been used as the courtesy name of De until the times of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.
When there came the time of the gene of the Chinese Character, the numerous meanings of the “One” gradually formed and were added on.
The transformation of the Wu-Yuan-meaning of the “One” originated in Confucianism. Gao You, a Confucian scholar of the Eastern Han dynasty, wrote Commentaries on Mencius, Commentaries on Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals, Commentaries on Huainanzi, Commentaries on Strategies of the Warring States and etc. His works had much impact on the posterity. When he commented on Huainanzi,    a famous work of the Western Han, he remarked on “one gives birth to two; two gives birth to three; three gives birth to all things” - abandoning completely what Laozi had said in his word, “Dao gives birth to one”. Gao You misinterpreted likewise: “One is what called Dao; two is what called deities; three is what called harmony Qi. Or it can be stated thus: one is the prime Qi, which gives birth to two, the heaven and earth. Two gives birth to three; three gives birth to all things. When the heaven and earth take their places, yin and yang circulate freely, all things are generated.” The Confucian scholar replaced the definition by “One is what called Dao” and apparently misguided the following generations' understanding of the true definition of the One. People mixed the “One” with Dao, disclaimed and faded out the definition of De. The confusion of the definition and replacement of the Wu-Yuan made people lose the sequence of going back to Dao according to De, and let their interpretations sink into the mistaken area of speaking on the great Dao without real content.
The atmosphere of “explaining Dao with Confucian theories”, formed in Han dynasty, seriously hurt the original feature of the traditional Dao De root culture. The erasure of the definition of “De one” by Confucian scholars totally originated in the despotic desire of “solely worship of Confucianism”: only in case the real definition of De and the One would vanish, the five concepts of “humanity, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith” could dominate exclusively the academic circle, to let people know only about the five concepts and to obscure the Knowledge of their origination in “De Yi”. A similar policy set up when scholars willfully exchanged the order of the texts of De Dao Jing. So, by leaving the order of the original texts of De Dao Jing,
chapters of De forcedly had to change position with chapters of Dao.
In Order to “explain Dao with Confucian theories” and “to modify Dao with Confucianism” the Han Confucian scholars not only cut off the mainstream culture of the society from the Dao De root culture - they also produced negative effects on the inheritance of Daoism itself. The explanations of “One” in the Taoist scriptures after the Han dynasty were much less accurate and clear than those of the Qin and Han dynasty, and became blurring. Common people thought its definition was equal to that of Dao, and many people directly took the One as identical with the Dao. To give an example, the classic work of early Taoism, The Classic of Great Peace, Wu Shi Jie Cheng Fu Fa,concludes as follows: “One, is the beginning of numbers; One, is the principle of lives; One, is where the prime Qi generates; One, is the law of the heaven.” From this passage, we can easily tell how Taoism itself had fallen into confusion when it came to define the “One”. They abandoned the accurate definition in the Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor, Laozi’s De Dao Jing and Zhuangzi, and initiatively gave up the succession of Laozi’s way of thinking in his “Dao gives birth to the one” and “Dao gives birth to all things and De nurtures them”. “De Yi”, the stairs leading to the great Dao, was almost completely removed. The methodology of worshiping De and the cultivation of the One gradually lost their succession and got undermined by the mighty effects of Confucianism. Until today, the common knowledge of our society still falls into the trap designed by Han Confucian scholars.
II. 2. The transformation of the One’s Zhi-Yuan (substance element)
The Zhi-Yuan of the “De Yi” appears directly in the status of the light when it is observed by Hui (in the black of Taiji). In its highest stage, this light is colorless, able to make everything transparent and without the feeling of heat. As this light is most close to Dao, it is also called the light of Dao. In its early stage, when “De Yi” appears its nature of Zhi-Yuan in human bodies, it is golden yellow. It is undertaken by the Faith De, “the Central Yellow” to congregate the four systems of De, “Humanity, Righteousness, Courtesy and Wisdom”, to concentrate the substance of the four colors of green, white, red, and black, and then transfer it and sublime. Then it completes the function of “combining the five to the one”.
After the times of the Qin and Han Dynasty, the Zhi-Yuan of the “One” also gradually transformed. The aspects of Zhi-Yuan and Wu-Yuan as attributes of the “One” were gone by the board; the original definition of the “One”, namely De, has been replaced by the numerous meanings, and the “One” was purely used as a numeral, regardless of its dimension as De. For example, the phrase “Yi qi” by the mainstream of the society was understood as the numerous one qi, in neglection of its original meaning, which is De Qi.
《黄帝内经·本神》中指出:“天之在我者德也,地之在我者气也,德流气薄而生者也。” 从这一段话中,我们就可以看出,“德”具有质元性,同“气”的质性相似,但是并不完全相同。人的生气与活力在本质上源自于“德”与“气”,“德”源于天,“气”源于地。天德养神,地气养形,二者不可缺一。在秦汉以前由于对“德就是一”,是一种社会的共识。因此,在道学经典中“德气”通行地又被写成为“一气”。
It was pointed out in Huangdineijing, The Original Deity that, “The heaven nourishes human beings with De. The earth nourishes human beings with Qi. The flow of De and the circulation of Qi make everything vital.” From this passage we can see, “De” has the nature of Zhi-Yuan, which is like that of Qi but not all the same. Vitality and energy of human beings originate from the “De” and “Qi”. De is from the heaven, and Qi is from the earth. The heavenly De nourishes the spirit and the earthly Qi nourishes the body structure, neither of them could be lacked. Before the Qin and Han Dynasty, it has been common knowledge that “De is the one”. So, in the Taoist scriptures, “De Qi” was commonly written as “Yi Qi”.
《庄子》这部经典中曾经两次用到“一气”这个词。《庄子·大宗师》称:“彼方且与造物者为人,而游乎天地之一气”。《知北游》也称:“通天下一气耳。圣人故贵一。”这两处都是基于《庄子·天地》篇中 对“一”就是指的“德”的定性。
In the classic of Zhuangzi, “Yi Qi” appears twice. In the chapter of Great Master it says, “They are going to be with the Creator, and travel with the Yi Qi in the heaven and earth.” In the chapter of Travel to Zhibei it also says, “Connect to Yi Qi beneath the heaven. So the saints worship the One.” Both statements are based on the definition of the “One” as De in Zhuangzi, Heaven and Earth.
However, after Han Dynasty, under the mighty effects of solely worshiping  Confucianism, people commonly mixed the “One” with “Qi”, explained the “One” as the prime Qi, or took the “One” as a word with purely numeral functions. Even if in some commentaries of Taoist scriptures they also didn’t emphasize the principle that “One” is De, so the “One” was commonly regarded as a numerous word.
The transformation of the “One” from a defined principle to a numerous word led to the transformation of the definition of De to Qi. This kind of transformation fundamentally shakes the systematic approach, wholeness and sequence of the Dao De root culture. That people abandon the cultivation of De and concentrate in Qi has been a seriously mistaken idea for almost two thousand years. This mistaken idea misleads the people in their search for self-cultivation to focus on Qi and to forget about cultivating De. So, people who investigate in self-cultivation there exist as many as stars, but among those the successful ones are extremely rare. Most of the practitioners, who hold to Qi instead of “One” (De), die in the prime Qi and always will have difficulties to reach greater achievements. This is expressed in the word, “One who cultivates Qi instead of De, always stays in the yin spirit level and never achieves the holy realm.”
那么“气”与“德”的本质区别是什么呢?依据 “天之在我者德也,地之在我者气也”的揭示,我们可以看出:气是“德一”注入一切有相物质以后,经过转换以后形成的一种能量形态。天德地气一词之中,唯有“天”可以直接传输“德一”能量,但是地球所释放的只能是地气,气属于德,具备德的属性,却并不是全德。人在接收天德以后产生元气能量。在《德道经》五千言中,老子只是三次用到“气”字,“万物负阴而抱阳,中气以为和”。“益生曰祥,心使气曰强”。“抟气至柔,能婴儿乎?”这三次对“气”字的运用,全都没有离开有形有相的物体和人的命体进行论述。这也就完全界定了“气”是“德”在有形有相物命中转化的物质,并不能轻率地以气代德,更不能以气取代“一”的本义。
Then, what makes the essential difference between “Qi” and “De”? According to the revelation that “The heaven nourishes human beings with De; the earth nourishes human beings with Qi”, we can see: after “De Yi” was instilled in the visible substance, it is transformed to a state of energy, which is called Qi. In the phrase of “heavenly De and earthly Qi” only the “heaven” can directly transport the energy of “De Yi”, while what earth releases only can be the earthly Qi. Qi belongs to De and it possesses some attributes of De, but it is not the whole De. After human beings accept the heavenly De, the prime energy is produced. In the five thousand words of De Dao Jing, Laozi only used Qi for three times. “All things carry the yin and embrace the yang; harmony is achieved through interaction of these prime energies.” “That which is beneficial to life is auspicious. To direct Qi by heart is steadfastness.” “In concentrating the Qi to attain resiliency, can you be like an infant?” All applications of Qi in these three words never leave the objects or human bodies with forms or images. That is saying, “Qi” can be defined as matter transformed by “De” in the objects with forms and images, and the text gives no permission to imprudently replace De with Qi, not to mention to replace the original definition of the “One” with the Qi.
Zhuangzi ever said, “Unify his nature as one, nourish his Qi, unite his virtue, and thereby communicate with that which creates all things. A man like this keeps his the heavenly De whole. His spirit has no flaw, so how can things enter in and get at him?” (Zhuangzi, Mastering Life) We can see from this passage of Zhuangzi that in the Dao De root culture, the use of “One” was very strict. When it refers to numerous words, “ ”was used instead of “ ”. “Unify his nature as one” means to have the spiritual bodies unify to one (numerous meanings), return to the one and do not separate as yin and yang. Only when we grasp nourishing Qi and cultivating virtues, we can understand the origin of all things’ generation and the realm of the great Dao. “ ” appears many times in The Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor, and its use is different from that of “ ”.
II. 3. The transformation of the One’s Ti-Yuan (body element)
In the world without images, the substance in all things “with quality and without form” has the common attributes that “they form structure when they get together, and become Qi when they scatter.” The substance with quality and without forms differs much in the quality. “De Yi” is a special substance with quality and without forms. It has the important individual attributes of “when condensed, it becomes spirits; when scattered, it becomes light”. This “condensed” means “to compose the five to return to the one”. It means to combine the five subsystems of De to the one. To “become spirits” means possessing spirituality and vitality. “Scatter” means, when De Yi leaves things or lives, it will be in a Zhi-Yuan state of light, instead of Qi. As it stays in all things, De Yi can exist in the state of Qi or in the state of light, as well as in the state of Ti-Yuan.
Before the Dao De root culture was completely replaced by the Confucianism, among the Taoist self-cultivating methods there was a method of Yun-Shen-Kai-Hui (applying the spirit to open up the wisdom). This method existed in the period where people could attain the One through the practice of Shou Yi (hold to the One). To attain the One through holding to the One, the most important thing is to compose five to the One, condense the One to a spirit, and form the Ti-Yuan of De Yi.
III. The birth and transformation of Shou Yi Method
The method of attaining the One through holding to the One for the first time was seen in The Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor. “Long ago, when heaven and earth were formed, the De Yi that was not scattered yet has both forms and names. It is called Shou Yi. It fills everywhere in between the heaven and earth and nourishes the world. I know the way leading to great achievements. It can be summarized in one sentence. Follow the name (of the One’s Ti-Yuan) and return to De Yi, then the common people will be able to live in peace.” In this passage, we can find a simplest method of self-cultivation from the far ancient times, which is to hold to the One according to the principle of names-and-forms, and to follow the name of the One’s “Ti-Yuan”, to go back to the un-scattered state of the One.
But this simplest method of self-cultivation calls for a very high quality of virtue. “Energy of De Yi” matches with the demand of the virtues, which is the premise and guarantee of virtually obtaining the energy of “De Yi”. The energy nature of the “One” is in accordance with the virtue nature of the “One”. Only a person in possession of the virtue nature of the “One” can attain the energy of the “One”. When the five yin movements have not been totally transferred to yang, and the emotions cannot be kept under the threshold value, our heart and body is like a teacup with five leaks, which is unable to hold the energy-“water” of De Yi. Only when all of his five subsystems of De are qualified, one can virtually obtain the energy of “De Yi”, and the energy from the quality of “De Yi” can completely become present. Throughout a whole life, it seems very hard to the individual, to attain the qualified virtue of De Yi, unless in the life-period before reaching seven years of age, meanwhile he naturally can obtain some energy of De Yi through resonance vibration. During the years of 7 to 14 (for male to 16), this ability reduces each year until it will be completely lost. It is in virtue of the heart with qualified virtue of De Yi in the early ages that the human being builds up all the necessary reserve of Xiantian energy (which is not obtained intentionally) throughout the first 14 to 16 years after birth, in virtue of the Xiantian physiological mechanism.
“All that could be lost are because they cannot hold to the One. The discipline of the One can be observed throughout the heaven and earth; the principle of the One is carried out all over the world. How can we understand the most profound meanings of the One? Shall we go everywhere to find it out? Only the One does not lose anything. Upholding the One, we have all things in our control. We can know much from the few.” “Embrace the simplest and hold to the One, keep yourself as selfless as heaven and earth, then you can tell the fortune and misfortune of the heaven and earth.” (Four Classics of Huangdi, Chengfa) Mistakes and losses are all because of not “attaining the One” and holding to the one. If one can hold to De Yi in the normal human body with forms and images, he could live as long as heaven and earth. It is just like what Guangchengzi said, “I hold to the One and abide in the harmony, and therefore I have kept myself alive for twelve hundred years, and never has my body suffered any decay.” (Zhuangzi, Zaiyou)
In his five-thousand-word work Laozi didn’t directly discourse the method of “Shou Yi”, which appeared in the times of Huangdi, however, he said in the Chapter Attaining the One:
Of ancient times, these attained the One:
Heaven attaining the One became clear. Earth attaining the One became stable. Spirits attaining the One became sacred. Valleys attaining the One became bountiful. Lords and kings attaining the One purified the world.
If Heaven were not clear, it might split. If Earth were not stable, it might erupt. If spirits were not sacred, they might fade. If valleys were not bountiful, they might wither. If lords and kings were not noble, they might stumble.
Therefore, noble has humble as its root, high has low as its foundation.
Lords and kings call themselves poor and lonely orphans. Is this using humility as a root? Absolutely not!
So when people pursue the many, they lose the One;
So they do not desire to glisten like jade but drop like a stone.
In this passage of the text, Laozi hides the method of attaining the One through holding to the One in the cover of metaphorical language and hints at a hidden secret behind the characters. In this chapter, six “One” are used “by coincidence”. If they are stacked up, the hexagram of Qian is formed, which means pure yang returning to the One. In this passage, the Wu-Yuan-transformation is also included. As long as those who practice chanting the scripture have good virtues and seriously follow the “double-chanting education” and the method of “human beings follow the earth”, and pay attention to the attributes of the gene of Image and Pictograph, they will naturally come across some changes of Zhi-Yuan and Wu-Yuan. And after being told the name of the One’s Ti-Yuan, they will naturally enter into the practice of the method of holding to the One.
As Confucian scholars of the Han dynasty denied the actual meaning of the “One”, which should be the courtesy name of De, the right Taoist explanation of “De Yi” was obviously affected. Resultingly the right method faded, and diverged ideas generated. Also the practice method of Shou Yi started to change. Although we cannot research into the method of Shou Yi, which has been popular in the society of Han Dynasty, it is rather easy for us to find its transformation in Xiang’er Commentaries on Laozi.
东汉产生的五斗米道对于当时流传的并非完全正确的“守一”之法持保留态度。《老子想尔注》中就批评守身中之神是“伪伎”。并且说:“守之云何?一不在人身也,诸附身者悉世间常伪伎,非真道也;一在天地外,入在天地间,但往来人身中耳,都皮里悉是,非独一处。” “今布道诫教人,守诫不违,即为守一矣;不行其诫,即为失一也”。由此可见五斗米道当时并没有将黄老庄真正的守一之法承传下来,对“一”中三元的解析,也只是抓住了其中的质元,几乎将“一”的质元解释为“气”而言“都皮里悉是,非独一处。”
The Five Pecks of Rice, a Taoist school originated in Eastern Han Dynasty, kept an attitude of reservation towards the method of “holding to the One”, which was popular at that time but not practiced in the right way. In Xiang’er’s Commentary on Laozi, the method of holding to the spirit in the body was criticized as “false technique”. It said, “What is there to hold to? The One is not inside the human body. All those sticking to the body are false techniques missing the true Dao. The One is beyond heaven and earth, and it comes in between heaven and earth. It only moves into and out of the human bodies, scatters in both the skin and inner of the body instead of remaining in one place.” “Now we teach people the commandments of Dao. To follow the commandments is to hold to the One. A violation of the commandments means loss of the One.” We can recognize in these texts that the school of Five Pecks of Rice didn’t succeed relating to the real Huang-Lao-Zhuang’s method of Shou Yi at that time. Their explanation of the One only grasped the Zhi-Yuan (substance element) of the One, which is only one of the three-Yuan. They almost explained the Zhi-Yuan of the One as Qi by using the characterization of “scatters in both the skin and inner of the body instead of remaining in one place”.
Although the method of holding to the one gradually faded from the mainstream of the self-cultivating methods due to the doubts coming from the school of Five Pecks of Rice, it still has been handed down within the Taoism. Ge Hong, a Taoist master of Jin Dynasty, ever put forward the method of “thinking of the deity and holding to the One” in Baopuzi Inner Writings, which said that by using this method, one could “keep the evils away and guard the body, just like how the kings rule the country, the generals treat the enemy, and then he can try to attain long life.”
Yun Ji Qi Qian, Method of Three-One-Swallow-Qi also points out, “If you want to live long, you should know what the three Ones are. The upper One is in Niwan; the middle One is in the Red Palace; and the lower One is in Dantian. Human life is totally in the Ones.”
After Tang and Song Dynasty, the Taoist self-cultivating methods have been gone far and far along with the human beings’ departing from Dao and De, explaining Dao De root culture with Houtian intelligence, and under the force of the natural adjustment and control by the heavenly Dao. Three big systems or schools of Human-Yuan, Earth-Yuan and Heaven-Yuan were gradually formed. The final targets of the three big systems are the same; they all demand to attain the One. But they lay different stresses on the Zhi-Yuan, Wu-Yuan and Ti-Yuan, or they gather them into a different order. Among the schools, there is one that overall succeeds relating to Huang-Lao-Zhuang ideology. It grasps the essence of the three-Yuan of the One integrally, and makes use of the methods of “double-chanting” and the sequence of: “human beings follow the earth, the earth follows the heaven, the heaven follows the Dao, and the Dao follows its own nature.” The method formed is called “Shenxiu Tianyuan Danfa”, and it pays attention to the systematical frame of the “holding to the One” principle. Moreover, this way to practice arranges better with the lines of human intelligence, such as generalization, reasoning and deduction, which means, this way to practice is a suitable one also for modern people. It is rather like to climb up the stairs from the first floor to the ninth floor; however it is a necessary training course for the modern people’s Houtian intelligence in order to really understand the whole thing.
IV. Comparison of the two self-cultivating methods: Shou Yi and Jindan
The five stages of human thinking mode
Wisdom of the original nature
Deduction method
Induction method
Intuition method
Zhi Yi (upholding-
the-One) method
Representative figures
Fuxi, Huangdi, Laozi, Socrates, Plato
Francis Bacon
Albert Einstein
Before 2500 years ago
Ancient times; 384BC—322 BC
Modern times
Great Hui without Zhi or with junior Zhi
Hui fades and Zhi grows
Zhi was enhanced
Zhi is highly developed and its spirit forms
Great Zhi and Great Hui; Zhi and Hui develop in harmony
Energy of De
Stay in Dao and use De; depart from Dao De
De Yi scatters to five;           Thinness of Faith
Revival of Dao De; hold to the One to herd the world
In an early stage where intelligence was growing and wisdom was fading, human beings attained the Zhi-Yuan of “De Yi” through the Shou Yi method, which needed to “Yun-Shen-Kai-Hui” (apply the spirit to open up the wisdom). This method had been used until the Spring-autumn Warring period. After the Qin and Han Dynasty, human beings entered the period of intelligence enhancement and re-attained the Zhi-Yuan of “De Yi” by using the Jindan method, which needs to “Lian-Jing-Hua-Qi” (refine Jing and transfer to Qi).
The Jindan School, originated after Qin and Han Dynasty, formed a perfect theory and inner-seeking method based on “merits and virtues as body and Jindan as application”. Its soul lived in the adherence to practice and cultivation of the Zhi-Yuan of “De Yi”. In this period, “De Yi” was transformed to “Zhen Yi” (True One), also explained as “True Water”. This explanation in Dan-Dao ideology complies with the principles of starting from “refining the Jing and transferring to Qi”, and grasps this golden energy body. First they start from the Zhi-Yuan of “True One”, then move on to prove the Wu-Yuan through “Yu-Ye-Huan-Dan” and “Jin-Ye-Huan-Dan”. When the convergence of the big golden Dan is completed, the complete Zhi-Yuan of “De Yi” is presented. The accomplishment of Jin Dan actually is the transformation of “De Yi” from Zhi-Yuan to Wu-Yuan. Eventually it will end in the Ti-Yuan of the One, which is also called “Lian-Qi-Hua-Shen” (refine Qi and transform it to Shen), “Lian-Shen-Huan-Xu”(refine Shen and return to the void) and “Huan-Xu-He-Dao”(refine the void and conform with Dao). Finally it still conforms to Laozi’s theory of “attaining the One”. All these transformations were to meet the demands of human’s Houtian intelligence of the society in that time.
Yun Ji Qi Qian ever pointed out: “In ancient times, when Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor) went to Ermei Moutain, he saw Huangren at the Jade Hall. Huangdi asked him for the theory of the True One. Huangren said, nothing other than Jin Dan could enable human to achieve long and immortal life; nothing other than the True One could keep human’s body away from aging. So the immortals value it. The methods that need contemplation vary a lot. People who use them put much emphasis on guarding themselves, which is complicated and troublesome. If they know the method of Shou Yi, nothing is needed.” “People taking the medicine of Jin Dan still live in the world, but no evil could be close to them. People who take normal medicine, no matter how much they take, they can only prolong their lives, but cannot avoid all kinds of disasters. Only if he possesses the True One, can he fear nothing.” By textual evidence there is no difficulty to tell about the obvious differences between the methods Shou Yi and Jin Dan, referring to the aspects of rebuilding the body, removing the ill-causes, and self-guarding.
When human beings live in Dao and De, the Xiantian wisdom of original nature commands the Houtian intelligence - people do not grow desires and selfish mind, so they could “attain the One” and keep it. If modern humans can practice diminution of desires and selfish mind, resuming the Xiantian wisdom of original nature as commander of Houtian intelligence, and maintain this condition, they also could be able to “attain the One”.
Now, human beings have reached the turning point at the fifth stage of intelligence development. The attributes of this stage relate to the reunion of wisdom and intelligence together and in harmony. Solely by taking up the self-cultivating method of “Shou Yi” adopted in the “great wisdom and junior intelligence” period and the “Jin Dan” method originated in the “intelligence growing and wisdom fading” period, we will induce a lot of Zhen Ren in this specific space and time, which never appeared for thousands of years, and lay a solid foundation for the application of the “upholding-the-One” theory of Laozi and for the revival of Dao De.
In The Classic of Peace, Method of Keeping Evils Away through Cultivation of the One, it is said: “The One is the root of Dao and the beginning of Qi. It is where the life belongs to, and the master of all hearts. If you want to learn it, it roots in the central, and it is the house of the life. So you should learn it well and be virtuous to let it work.” And it also says: “If the best virtuous people use it well, they can save the world; if the better virtuous people use it well, they can be the good helpers of emperors and kings; if normal people use it well, they won’t have keen emotions, so there will be no complains or blames in the world.” It shows the method of “Shou Yi” is not only a way of self-cultivation, but also a method to be used in saving the world, assisting the rulers and curing the body. It can be regarded as the “principle of the heaven”, or the law of nature. Highly it conforms to Laozi’s way of thinking: “If one practices it in one's person, his De will be genuineness. If one practices it in his family, his De will be abundance. If one practices it in his village, his De will be durability. If one practices it in his state, his De will be prosperity. If one practices it in the whole world, his De will be universality. To “achieve long and immortal life” or to “keep one’s body away from aging.” cannot be the true goals - as for us, who “practice it in person, De will be genuineness”. The reality of the pure land in our hearts and in the human world, the harmony among the human beings, and the true harmony between human being and nature is the sole goal of our self-cultivation. To embrace a heart that always feels the feeling of the common people, is the devoir of Zhen Ren.

[1] “Shou Yi”, in Chinese character“守一”,“守”has various meanings including “guard, keep, watch, defend, hold to, preserve, abide by, etc.”
[2] “Shou Yi” (hold to the One) emphasizes the methods one uses before attaining the One, including to abide by the virtues of De, to believe in the One, to call the name of its Ti-Yuan, to watch the One with the mind, etc.; “Zhi Yi” (uphold the One) emphasizes to have a comprehensive master and use of the three-Yuan of the One after attaining the One.
双击自动滚屏 发布者:一辰 发布时间:2010-8-27 阅读:43次 【字体:大中小】
The self-cultivation method of “Shou Yi” (hold to the One) is one of the easiest methods of self-cultivation during the far ancient times, which were still in the society ruled by Dao and De. Yun Ji Qi Qian ever said, “Nothing other than Jin Dan could enable human achieve long and immortal life; nothing other than the true One could keep human’s body away from aging.” It highly summarizes the different self-cultivation realms that the two methods could reach, one is Jin Dan doctrine of Han Dynasty and the other is “Shou Yi Method” (method of holding to the One) before Han Dynasty.
The Shou Yi doctrine was first introduced in The Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor, and was discoursed in De Dao Jing, Zhuangzi and Huainanzi.
Due to that the human gradually departed from Dao and De, the Zhi (intelligence) increased and Hui (wisdom) faded, and in Han Dynasty people solely worshiped Confucianism and the atmosphere of explaining Taoism with Confucian theories rose up, the real meaning of “De Yi” was lost and confused, and this followed by the lost of the systematical methodology of cultivating De, holding to the One, attaining the One, and keeping the One in traditional Taoism.
This article elaborates on historical transformation course of “De Yi” using the three Yuan theory according to the attributes of the times of the three great culture genes of the Dao De root culture. It compares and comments on the two self-cultivating theories of “Jin Dan Doctrine” and “Shou Yi Method”. It takes up the Shou Yi self-cultivating method that was lost after Han Dynasty.
“守一修身法”是上古时代道治社会和德治社会时期,人类的心身处于淳德合道的“德一”状态时,无为而为采用的一种至简至易的修身方法,随着人类的离道失德,人类的精神世界失去了“德一”的完整性与稳定性,“德一”朴散为五个德性子系统,开始了“一种离开古代氏族社会的纯朴道德高峰的堕落” (《马克斯恩格斯选集》第4卷第94页)。这种堕落是以一种渐变的方式展开的。“故失道而后德,失德而后仁,失仁而后义,失义而后礼。夫礼者,忠信之泊也,而乱之首也” (德道经·论德章)。汉代以后,中华民族进入相继丢失仁义礼信四个德的子系统之后的忠信菲薄的时期,加之独尊儒术,以儒解道之风的兴起,“德一”这一修身学中重要的阶梯和次第,开始被人类愚智的错误解读而逐渐拆除,使得大慧大智祖先们留给后世的守一修身方法,从主流修身和慧性教育领域退出,开始了2000多年寄宿山林泉水的流浪期。
“Shou Yi Self-cultivating Method” was one of the easiest methods of self-cultivation adopted without intention by human beings during the far ancient times, when their hearts and bodies were both kept in the “De Yi” realm, and when the society was ruled by Dao and De. Along with the human’s departing from Dao and loss of De, the spirit world of human started to lose the integrity and stability of “De Yi”, which diffused into five subsystems of De, and started “the decadence from the pure moral peak existed in the ancient clan society” (Marx and Engels Collected Works, Volume 4, Pg 94). This decadence was unfolded in a way of gradual change. “So when Dao loses, it comes to De; when De loses, it comes to Ren (humaneness); when Ren (humaneness) loses, it comes to Yi (righteousness);when Yi (righteousness) loses, it comes to Li (courtesy). Where Li (courtesy) lies is in the thinness of faith, and the beginning of chaos. (De Dao Jing , Chapter of On De) After the Han dynasty, the Chinese nation entered the times that faith is short and thin, when the four subsystems of humaneness, righteousness, courtesy and faith were continuously lost. What is even worse, the Confucianism was solely valued, and the atmosphere of explaining Taoism with Confucian theories was formed, so the important ladder and sequence of self-cultivation, “De Yi”, began to be wrongly explained and slowly removed. The principle of “Shou Yi” (holding to the One), which was left behind by the ancients of great wisdom, was forced to fade out from the main stream of self-cultivation and Hui (wisdom) education field, and started the wandering period of more than 2000 years among the mountain, forest and fountain.

One. To know the “One”
If we want to correctly decipher the “Shou Yi Method”, first of all, we have to restore Yi (One) to its original meaning and features according to the texts of Huang-Lao ideology before Han dynasty, combined with the features of the Chinese traditional culture genes in the times when “Shou Yi Method” was born.
Fundamentally speaking, the Chinese traditional culture is derived from the same Dao De root culture system presented by Fuxi, Huangdi, and Laozi. Fuxi’s Yi-Dao culture explains Dao with Yi (Yi Jing, Book of Change); Huangdi’s Law-Dao culture comments Dao through the law; Laozi De-Dao culture experiences Dao through De. “Dao” and “De” are the highest command and final end-result of all schools of Chinese culture.

Ancient Chinese people used to reveal the universe and self through the methodology of Yi Yuan Si Su (One Prime and Four Elements), namely, “De, Dao, image, number, principle, and Qi”. According to the methodology of “One Prime and Four Elements”, “Yi” (the One) is the emblem number of De. Laozi said, “Dao gives birth to the One.” Dao is the mother of the One, and the One is the son of Dao. Dao is in the state of void, and is ○(Zero). The void gives birth to all things. The beginning of all things is the “One” that neither is decomposed nor belongs to any attributes of Yin or Yang. When all things are generated, they all depend on the nourishment from this “One”. So Laozi also said, “Dao gives birth to it and De nurtures it.” “One” is the mathematical expression of De.
关于“一”的属性,学界有人解释其为“道”,这是不符合汉代以前黄老学说的本义的。庄子有一段话对“一”的概念,定义的极为明确:“泰初有无,无有无名;一之所起,有一而未形,物得以生,谓之德。” (《庄子·天地》)。道德根文化中,将无极大道演化的过程,分为太虚、太易、太初、太素、太始五大层次,总称为“无极”、“混沌”状态,这是自然大道的最初始、最本质的时期。道的这五太中,在进入“太初”(也作泰初)期以后,才孕育诞生出“一”。也就是“○中生一,道中生德”,名为“一之所起”。此时,“德一”虽然诞生出来,但是仍然还是“有一而未形”。“德一”具备着“有质无形”的重要特征,但是万物一旦获得她以后,就能诞生出形相,具备有质有形的特征。没有“德一”这个能量体的存在时,万物全都无法生成与生存。所以,又将这个“一”称之为德。
Regarding to the attributes of “One”, some people in the academic circles explain it as “Dao”. This does not agree with the original meaning stated in the Huang-Lao ideology before the Han dynasty. There’s a passage in Zhuangzi that defined “One” extremely clearly, “In the very beginning there was void, which had nothing nor name; then the One rose, it had one but no form, things generated accordingly, and that was called De.” (Zhuangzi, Heaven and Earth) In Dao De root culture, the whole generation course of the Wu-ji great Dao is separated into five levels: Tai-xu, Tai-yi, Tai-chu, Tai-su, and Tai-shi, which are wholly called the state of “Wu-ji” or “Hun-dun”. This was the very beginning and very fundamental period of the great Dao in the nature. In the five-Tai of the Dao, only when it came to Tai-chu period, the One was formed. It was also said, “One is generated from ○ (Zero), and De is generated from Dao.” This was called when “the One rose”. At that time, although “De Yi” was generated, it still “had One but no form”. “De Yi” has the very important attribute of “with the substance but without form”. But once it was attained by all things, the form and image can be generated, then all things have the attribute of “with both substance and form”. Without the energy body of “De Yi”, nothing could be generated and formed. So this “Yi” (One) is also called De.
Laozi pointed out, “Wu (void) is called the beginning of all things. You (to be; to have) is called the mother of all things.” Dao is originally without name. “It was named Dao, and I managed to call it Da.” Dao is the original beginning point of all things, without form and name to be traced. But One is the original state with a name. In the Form and Name Ideology of Huangdi, its form is “colorless and transparent energy state”, the name is “De”, and the courtesy name is “Yi” (One). There are fifteen “Yi” (One) in De Dao Jing, besides numeral words and demonstrative pronoun; most should be explained as De.
During the times when Dao De root culture was prosperous, the definition, form and name of “Yi” were all very clear and distinct. The “One” is the most advanced, most honest, most original and most modest energy that not a second could be left by all the things as they live and develop in a right way. This energy is relatively stable and capable of dispersion. The “One” can disperse into five and into all things, but when it is dispersed, it is in the state of dispersion and the quality of energy tends to be lowered gradually. Then the form and name has changed, as well as the quality. When the One is dispersed, the five subsystems of De come into form. The five types of light with five colors are their forms, and Humaneness, Righteous, Courtesy, Wisdom, and Faith are their names. Once the forms differ, the names are different. The applications of Humaneness, Righteous, Courtesy, Wisdom, and Faith are different, and they are used separately, but the quality of any of these five subsystems is just one part of the energy of “De Yi”, not equal with the quality of “De Yi” in its wholeness. This attribute of the “De Yi” energy that it could be saturated as well as dispersed, can help us establish the right thoughts and ideas, and prevent us from taking a part for the whole.
Two. The transformation of the the One’s San Yuan
Although the “Yi” (One) is the simplest Chinese character, normal people only notice its numerous meaning and never try to master its philosophical and self-cultivation meaning, not mention to systematically analysis and master the historical transformation of the “One”, and to wholly master the important effects that the original meaning of the “One” produced on the circle of self-cultivation.
In Dao De root culture, the Gene of Wisdom of the Original Nature, the Gene of Image and Pictograph and the Gene of Chinese Character established a template of how to analysis the root culture system. When we use this template to analysis this “One”, we can easily find that this One has experienced the whole process: being generated in the Gene of Wisdom of Original Nature, applied in the Gene of Drawing and Pictograph and transformed in the gene of Chinese Character. In this whole process, we should analysis the transforming process of substance (Zhi Yuan), structure (Wu Yuan) and body element (Ti Yuan) of the “One” using the San Yuan (three elements) ideology. Only in this way can we correctly decipher the philosophical and self-cultivation meaning of the “One”.
1. The transformation of the One’s Wu Yuan (structure element)

The character “One” was originally born in the Gene of Wisdom of the Original Nature, which could be traced back to the times when Fuxi drew the trigram. That was a time that people are in the state of “Great Wisdom and Junior Intelligence”. The One is a yang line, representing pure yang without break. This yang line is the Wu Yuan state of the “One”, which could be verified during inner perception in the self-cultivation. The different combination of the whole or broken “One” is the different combination of yang line and yin line. Not only can it present the ever-changing mechanic in the human body, but also it can present the origins, course and results in the changing course of everything.
When human’s acquired intelligence entered the time of “Intelligence Growing and Wisdom Fading”, especially when human beings started to transform from the gene of image and pictograph, this original Wu Yuan meaning of “one” was gradually faded. At the same time, people barely named the yang line as “De”, and put “One” as the courtesy name of “De”. The “one” had been used as the courtesy name of De till the times of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.
When it came to the time of the gene of Chinese Character, the numerous meaning of the “One” gradually formed and was added in.
The transformation of the Wu Yuan meaning of the “One” originated in the Confucianism. Gao You, a Confucian scholar of the Eastern Han dynasty, wrote Commentaries on Mencius, Commentaries on Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals, Commentaries on Huainanzi, Commentaries on Strategies of the Warring States and etc. His works had much impact on the afterworld. When he commented on Huainanzi, which is a famous work of the Western Han, he commented on “one gives birth to two; two give birth to three; three gives birth to all things” totally abandoning what Laozi had said “Dao gives birth to one”. He misinterpreted as such, “One is what called Dao; two is what called deities; three is what called harmony Qi. Or it can be stated thus: one is the prime qi, which gives birth to two, the heaven and earth. Two gives birth to three; three gives birth to all things. When the heaven and earth take their places, yin and yang circulate freely, all things are generated.” The Confucian scholar Gao You replaced the definition as “One is what called Dao” and apparently misled the afterworld’s understanding of the definition of the One. People mixed the “One” with Dao, abandoned and faded the definition of De. The confusion of the definition and replacement of the Wu Yuan made people lose the sequence of going back to Dao according De, and made people sink in the mistaken area of speaking on the great Dao without real content.
The atmosphere of “explaining Dao with Confucian theories” formed in Han dynasty seriously hurt the original feature of the traditional Dao De root culture. The erasion of the definition of “De one” by Confucian scholars totally originated in the despotic desire of “solely worship of Confucianism”. The reason is that, only when the real definition of De and the One is erased, the five concepts of “humanity, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith” could dominate exclusively in the academic circle, and make people know only the five concepts and not know they are originated in “De Yi”. The same thing happened when they handled De Dao Jing texts. Chapters of De were before chapters of Dao in the original texts of De Dao Jing, but they intently exchanged the order.
“To explain Dao with Confucian theories” and “to modify Dao with Confucianism” by the Han Confucian scholars not only cut the main stream culture of the society from the Dao De root culture, but also produced much negative effects on the inheritance of Daoism. The explanations of “One” in the Taoist scriptures after Han dynasty were much less accurate and clear than that in Qin and Han dynasty, and became blurring. Common people all thought its definition was equal to that of Dao, and many people directly took the One as Dao. For example, in the classic of the early Taoism, The Classic of Great Peace, Wu Shi Jie Cheng Fu Fa, it concluded as such, “One, is the beginning of numbers; One, is the principle of lives; One, is where the prime Qi generates; One, is the law of the heaven.” From this passage, we can easily find that Taoism itself had fallen into confusion when it came to define the “One”. They abandoned the accurate definition in the Four Classics of Yellow Emperor, Laozi’s De Dao Jing and Zhuangzi, and initiatively gave up the succession of Laozi’s thoughts of “Dao gives birth to the one”, “Dao gives birth to all things and De nurtures them”. “De Yi”, the stairs leading to the great Dao, has almost been totally removed artificially. The methodology of worshiping De and cultivation of the one has gradually lost its succession and been abandoned in the mighty effects of Confucianism. Until today, the common knowledge in our society still sinks in the trap that designed by the Han Confucian scholars.
2. The transformation of the One’s Zhi Yuan (substance element)
The Zhi Yuan of the “De Yi” appears directly in the status of the light when it is observed by Hui (in the black of Taiji). In its highest stage, this light is colorless, able to make everything transparent and without the feeling of heat. As this light is most close to Dao, it is also called the light of Dao. In its early stage, when “De Yi” appears its Zhi Yuan in human bodies, it is golden yellow. It is undertaken by the Faith De, “the Central Yellow” to congregate the four systems of De, “Humanity, Righteousness, Courtesy and Wisdom”, to concentrate the substance of the four colors of green, white, red, and black, and then transfer it and sublime. Then it completes the function of “combining the five to the one”.
After Qin and Han Dynasty, the Zhi Yuan of the “One” also gradually transformed. It manifests itself in these aspects: the attributes of Zhi Yuan and Wu Yuan of the “One” were replaced under the table; the original definition of the “One”, namely De, was replaced by the numerous meaning, and the “One” was purely used as a numerous word, regardless of its meaning of De. For example, for the phrase “Yi Qi”, almost the whole main stream of the society explained “Yi Qi” as the numerous one Qi, abandoning its original meaning, De Qi.
《黄帝内经·本神》中指出:“天之在我者德也,地之在我者气也,德流气薄而生者也。” 从这一段话中,我们就可以看出,“德”具有质元性,同“气”的质性相似,但是并不完全相同。人的生气与活力在本质上源自于“德”与“气”,“德”源于天,“气”源于地。天德养神,地气养形,二者不可缺一。在秦汉以前由于对“德就是一”,是一种社会的共识。因此,在道学经典中“德气”通行地又被写成为“一气”。
It was pointed out in Huangdineijing. The Original Deity that, “The heaven nourishes human beings with De. The earth nourishes human beings with Qi. The flow of De and the circulation of Qi make everything vital.” From this passage, we can see, “De” has the nature of Zhi Yuan, which is like that of Qi but not all the same. The vital and energy of human beings originate from the “De” and “Qi”. De is from the heaven, and Qi is from the earth. The heavenly De nourishes the spirit and the earthly Qi nourishes the body structure, neither of them could be lacked. Before the Qin and Han Dynasty, it was a common knowledge that “De is the one”. So in the Taoist scriptures, “De Qi” was commonly written as “Yi Qi”.
《庄子》这部经典中曾经两次用到“一气”这个词。《庄子·大宗师》称:“彼方且与造物者为人,而游乎天地之一气”。《知北游》也称:“通天下一气耳。圣人故贵一。”这两处都是基于《庄子·天地》篇中 对“一”就是指的“德”的定性。
In the classic of Zhuangzi, “Yi Qi” appears twice. Zhuangzi.Great Master said, “They are going to be with the Creator, and travel with the Yi Qi in the heaven and earth.” Travel to Zhibei also said, “Connect to Yi Qi beneath the heaven. So the saints worship the One.” Both the statements are based on the definition that the “One” is De in Zhuangzi,Heaven and Earth.
However, after Han Dynasty, under the mighty effects of solely worshiping the Confucianism, people commonly mixed the “One” with “Qi”, explained the “One” as the prime Qi, or took the “One” as a pure numerous word. Even if in some commentaries of Taoist scriptures, they also didn’t emphasis the principle that “one” is De, and leave it that the “one” transform to numerous words as finality.
The transformation of the definition of the “One” to numerous words led to the transformation of the definition of De to Qi. This kind of transformation fundamentally shakes the systematicness, wholeness and sequence of the Dao De root culture. It has been a seriously mistaken idea that people abandon the cultivation of De and concentrate in Qi for almost two thousand years. This mistaken idea misleads the people of self-cultivation to focus on the cultivation of Qi and forget to cultivate De. So the people of self-cultivation are as many as stars, but the success ones are extremely rare. Most of the practitioners who hold to Qi instead of “One” (De) die in the prime Qi, and are always difficult to get great achievement. This is what called “One who cultivates Qi instead De, always stays in the yin spirit level and never achieve the holy realm.”
那么“气”与“德”的本质区别是什么呢?依据 “天之在我者德也,地之在我者气也”的揭示,我们可以看出:气是“德一”注入一切有相物质以后,经过转换以后形成的一种能量形态。天德地气一词之中,唯有“天”可以直接传输“德一”能量,但是地球所释放的只能是地气,气属于德,具备德的属性,却并不是全德。人在接收天德以后产生元气能量。在《德道经》五千言中,老子只是三次用到“气”字,“万物负阴而抱阳,中气以为和”。“益生曰祥,心使气曰强”。“抟气至柔,能婴儿乎?”这三次对“气”字的运用,全都没有离开有形有相的物体和人的命体进行论述。这也就完全界定了“气”是“德”在有形有相物命中转化的物质,并不能轻率地以气代德,更不能以气取代“一”的本义。
Then what is the essential difference between “Qi” and “De”? According to the revelation that “The heaven nourishes human beings with De; the earth nourishes human beings with Qi”, we can see: after “De Yi” was instilled in the visible substance, it is transformed to a state of energy, which is called Qi. In the phrase “the heavenly De and earthly Qi”, only the “heaven” can directly transport the energy of “De Yi”, whilst what the earth releases only can be the earthly Qi. Qi belongs to De, and it possesses some attributes of De, but it is not the whole De. After human beings accept the heavenly De, the prime energy is produced. In the five thousand words of De Dao Jing, Laozi only used Qi for three times. “All things carry the Yin and embrace the Yang; harmony is achieved through interaction of these prime energies.” “That which is beneficial to life is auspicious. To direct Qi by heart is steadfastness.” “In concentrating the chi to attain resiliency, can you be like an infant?” All the applications of Qi in these three places never leave the objects or human bodies with forms or images. That means, it defined “Qi” as the matter transformed by “De” in the objects with forms and images, and we cannot imprudently replace De with Qi, not mention to replace the original definition of the “One” with Qi.
《庄子》中曾经说“壹其性,养其气,合其德,以通乎物之所造。夫若是者,其天守全,其神无卻,物奚自入焉!”(《庄子·达生》)在《庄子》中的这段话中,我们可以看出,道德根文化中使用“一”,非常严格,当作数词使用时,是大写的“壹”而不是用小写的“一”。“壹其性”就是使性体归于数词意义的壹中,复归于壹而不再分阴分阳。将养气与合德同时抓住,才能通达万物的造化之源,自然大道之境。《黄帝四经》中也多次出现大写的“壹”,与德之“一”区别使用。例如:“天明三以定二,则壹晦壹明,壹阴壹阳,壹短壹长。”“壹朵壹禾,此天地之奇也。” “壹言而利之者,士也;壹言而利国者,国士也。” “壹道同心,上下不分”
Zhuangzi ever said, “Purify his nature to the one, nourish his Qi, unite his virtue, and thereby communicate with that which creates all things. A man like this keeps his the heavenly De whole. His spirit has no flaw, so how can things enter in and get at him?” (Zhuangzi, Mastering Life) We can see from this passage of Zhuangzi that in the Dao De root culture, the use of “One” was very strict. When it refers to numerous words, “壹”was used instead of “一”. “Purify his nature to the one” means to make the spirit bodies return to the one (numerous meaning), return to the one and do not separate as yin and yang. Only when we grasp nourishing Qi and cultivating virtues, we can understand the origin of all things’ generation and the realm of the great Dao. “壹” appears many times in The Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor, and its use is different with that of “一”. For Example, “天明三以定二,则壹晦壹明,壹阴壹阳,壹短壹长。”“壹朵壹禾,此天地之奇也。” “壹言而利之者,士也;壹言而利国者,国士也。” “壹道同心,上下不分”
3. The transformation of the One’s Ti Yuan (body element)
In all things, the substance with quality and without form has the common attributes in the world without forms that “they form structure when they get together, and become Qi when they scatter.” The substance with quality and without forms differs much in the quality. “De Yi” is a special substance with quality and without forms, it has the important individual attributes of “when condensed, it becomes spirits; when scattered, it becomes light”. This “condensed” means “to compose the five to return to the one”. It means to gather the five subsystems of De to the one. To “become spirits” means possessing spirituality and vitality. “Scatter” means when De Yi leaves things or lives, it will be in a Zhi Yuan state of light, instead of Qi. When it stays in all things, De Yi can exist in the state of Qi, or in the state of light, as well as in the state of Ti Yuan.
Before the Dao De root culture was completely replaced by the Confucianism, among the Taoist self-cultivating methods, there was a method of Yun Shen Kai Hui (applying the spirit to open up the wisdom). This method existed in the period that people can attain the One through practice the method of Shou Yi (hold to the One). To attain the One through holing to the One, the most important thing is to compose five to the One, condense the One to a spirit, and form the Ti Yuan of De Yi.
Three. The birth and transformation of Shou Yi Method
The method of attaining the One through holding to the One was first seen in The Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor. “Long ago, when heaven and earth were formed,……” In this passage, we can find a simplest method of self-cultivation in the far ancient times, which is to hold to the One according to the principle of names and forms, and follow the name of the Ti Yuan of “One” to go back to the un-scattered state of the One.
But this simplest method of self-cultivation calls for a very high quality of virtue in the practioners. “Energy of De Yi” matches with the demand of the virtues, which is the premise and guarantee of virtually obtaining the energy of “De Yi”. The energy nature of the “One” is in accordance with the virtue nature of the “One”. Only when a person possesses the virtue nature of the “One”, can he attain the energy of the “One”. When the five yin movements have not been totally transferred to yang, and the emotions cannot be kept under the threshold value, our heart and body is like a teacup with five leaks, which is unable to hold the energy “water” of De Yi. Only when all of his five subsystems of De are qualified, one can virtually obtain the energy of “De Yi”, and the energy from the quality of “De Yi” can completely presents. Throughout the whole life, a person is very hard to have the qualified virtue of De Yi unless in the period before seven years old, when he can naturally obtain some energy of De Yi through resonance vibration. During the years of 7 to 14 (for male to 16), this ability is reduced each year until completely lost. It is in virtue of the heart with qualified virtue of De Yi in the early ages that the human being builds up all the necessary reserve of Xiantian (which is not obtained intently) energy throughout the first 14 to 16 years after birth, in virtue of the Xiantian physiological mechanism.
“All that could be lost are because they cannot hold to the one. The solution of the one, can be observed throughout the heaven and earth; the principle of the one, can be carried out all over the four seas. …… We can know much from the few.” “To embrace the all and hold to the one, keep yourself as selfless as heaven and earth, then you can learn the fortune and misfortune of the heaven and earth.” (Four Classics of Huangdi, Chengfa) Mistakes and loses are all because of not “attaining the one” and holding to the one. If one can hold to De Yi in the normal human body with forms and images, he could live as long as heaven and earth. It is just like what Guangchengzi said, “I hold to the one and abide in the harmony, and therefore I have kept myself alive for twelve hundred years, and never has my body suffered any decay.” (Zhuangzi, Zaiyou)
In his five-thousand-word work, Laozi didn’t directly discourse the method of “shou yi” that appeared in the times of Huangdi, however, he said in the Chapter Attaining the One:
Of ancient times, these attained the One:
Heaven attaining the One became clear. Earth attaining the One became stable. Spirits attaining the One became sacred. Valleys attaining the One became bountiful. Lords and kings attaining the One purified the world.If Heaven were not clear, it might split. If Earth were not stable, it might erupt. If spirits were not sacred, they might fade. If valleys were not bountiful, they might wither. If lords and kings were not noble, they might stumble.Therefore, noble has humble as its root, high has low as its foundation.Lords and kings call themselves poor and lonely orphans. Is this using humility as a root? Absolutely not.So they use many carriages but have no carriage;So they do not desire to glisten like jade but drop like a stone.
In this passage, Laozi hid the method of attaining the One through holding to the One in the text in a way of metaphor and hidden secret behind characters. In this chapter, six “One” are used “by coincidence”. If they are stacked up, the hexagram of Qian is formed, which means pure yang returning to the One. In this passage, the Wu Yuan transformation is also included. So long as the chanting practioners have good virtues and seriously practice the “double-chanting education” and the method of “human beings follow the earth”, and pay attention to the attributes of the gene of Image and Pictograph, they will naturally come across some changes of Zhi Yuan and Wu Yuan. And after being told the name of the body element of the “one”, they will naturally enter into the practice of the method of holding to the One.
As in Han Dynasty, Confucian scholars denied the actual meaning of the “One”, which is the courtesy name of De, the right explanation of “De Yi” by Taoism was obviously affected. The right method is faded, and the diverged ideas generated. So the practice method of Shou Yi started to change. Although we cannot research into the method of Shou Yi that was popular in the society of Han Dynasty, it is not difficult for us to find its transformation from Xiang’er Commentaries on Laozi.
东汉产生的五斗米道对于当时流传的并非完全正确的“守一”之法持保留态度。《老子想尔注》中就批评守身中之神是“伪伎”。并且说:“守之云何?一不在人身也,诸附身者悉世间常伪伎,非真道也;一在天地外,入在天地间,但往来人身中耳,都皮里悉是,非独一处。” “今布道诫教人,守诫不违,即为守一矣;不行其诫,即为失一也”。由此可见五斗米道当时并没有将黄老庄真正的守一之法承传下来,对“一”中三元的解析,也只是抓住了其中的质元,几乎将“一”的质元解释为“气”而言“都皮里悉是,非独一处。”
The Five Pecks of Rice, a Taoist school originated in Eastern Han Dynasty, kept an attitude of reservation about the method of “holding to the One”, which was popular at that time but was not quite right. In Xiang’er’s Commentary on Laozi, the method of holding to the spirit in the body was criticized as “false technique”. It said, “What is to hold to? The One is not inside the human body. All those sticking to the body are the false techniques in the world instead of true Dao. The One is beyond heaven and earth, and it comes into between heaven and earth. It only goes in and out the human bodies, staying in both the skin and inner of the body instead of staying at one place.” “Now we teach people the commandments of Dao. To follow the commandments is to hold to the One. A violation of the commandments is loss of the One.” We can see from these texts that the school of Five Pecks of Rice didn’t succeed to the real Huang-Lao-Zhuang’s method of Shou Yi at that time. Their explanation of the One only grasped the Zhi Yuan (substance element) of the One, which is only one of the three Yuan. They almost explained the Zhi Yuan of the One as Qi in the words “staying in both the skin and inner of the body instead of staying at one place”.
Although the method of holding to the one gradually faded from the main stream of the self-cultivating methods due to the doubts from the school of Five Pecks of Rice, it has been still handed down within the Taoism. Ge Hong, a Taoist master of Jin Dynasty, ever put forward the method of “thinking of the deity and holding to the One” in Baopuzi Inner Writings, which said that by using this method, one could “keep the evils away and guard the body, just like how the kings rule the country, the generals treat the enemy, and then he can try to attain long life.”
Yun Ji Qi Qian, Method of Three-One-Swallow-Qi also points out, “If you want to live long, you should know what the three Ones are. The upper One is in Niwan; the middle One is in the Red Palace; and the lower One is in Dantian. The human life is totally in the Ones.”
After Tang and Song Dynasty, the Taoist self-cultivating methods have been gone far and far along with the human beings’ departing from Dao and De, explaining Dao De root culture with Houtian intelligence, and under the force of the natural adjustment and control by the heavenly Dao. Three big systems or schools of Human Yuan, Earth Yuan and Heaven Yuan are gradually formed. The final targets of the three big systems are the same, which is to attain the One. But they lay different stresses on the Zhi Yuan, Wu Yuan and Ti Yuan, or they put them in different order. Among the schools, there is one that overall succeeds to Huang-Lao-Zhuang ideology. It grasps the essence of the three Yuan of the One integrally, and makes use of the methods of “double chanting” and “human beings follow the earth, the earth follows the heaven, the heaven follows the Dao, and the Dao follows its own nature.” The method formed is called “Shenxiu Tianyuan Danfa”, and it keeps the systematicness of “holding to the One” principle. More over, the practice way is better agree with the way of human intelligence, such as generalization, reasoning and deduction, that means, this practice way is suitable for the modern people. It is rather like to go up the stairs from the first floor to the ninth floor; however it is a necessary training course for the modern people’s Houtian intelligence to really understand the whole thing.
Four. Compare of the two self-cultivating methods: Shou Yi and Jindan

In the early stage of intelligence growing and wisdom fading, human beings attained the Zhi Yuan of “De Yi” through Shou Yi method, which needs to Yun Shen Kai Hui (apply the spirit to open up the wisdom). This method had been used until the Spring-autumn Warring period. After Qin and Han Dynasty, when human beings entered into the intelligence enhancing period, people re-attain the Zhi Yuan of “De Yi” using Jindan method, which needs to Lian Jing Hua Qi (refine Jing and transfer to Qi).
The Jindan School that originated after Qin and Han Dynasty formed a perfect theory and inner-seeking method based on “merits and virtues as body and Jindan as application”. Its soul was that it had been grasped to practice and cultivate the Zhi Yuan of “De Yi”. In this period, “De Yi” was transformed to “Zhen Yi” (True One), also explained as “True Water”. This explanation in Dan-Dao ideology was to follow the principle of starting from “refining the Jing and transferring to Qi”, and holding to this golden energy body. First they start from the Zhi Yuan of “True One”, then go on to prove the Wu Yuan through “Yu Ye Huan Dan” and “Jin Ye Huan Dan”. When the convergence of the big golden Dan is completed, the complete Zhi Yuan of “De Yi” is presented. The accomplishment of Jin Dan actually is the transform of “De Yi” from Zhi Yuan to Wu Yuan. Eventually it will end in the Ti Yuan of the One, which is also called “Lian Qi Hua Shen” (refine Qi and transform it to Shen), “Lian Shen Huan Xu”(refine Shen and return to the void) and “Huan Xu He Dao”(refine the void and conform with Dao). Finally it still conforms to Laozi’s theory of “attaining the One”. All these transformations were to meet the demands of human’s Houtian intelligence of the society in that time.
Yun Ji Qi Qian ever pointed out, “In ancient times, when Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor) went to Ermei Moutain, he saw Huangren at the Jade Hall. Huangdi asked him for the theory of the True One. Huangren said, nothing other than Jin Dan can enable human achieve long and immortal life; nothing other than the True One can keep human’s body away from aging. So the immortals value it. The methods that need contemplation vary a lot. People who use them put much emphasis on guarding themselves, which is complicated and troublesome. If they know the method of Shou Yi, nothing is needed.” “People taking the medicine of Jin Dan still live in the world, but no evil could be close to them. People who take normal medicine, no matter how much they take, they can only prolong their lives, but cannot avoid all kinds of disasters. Only if he possesses the True One, can he fear nothing.” From the texts, it is not difficult to tell the obvious differences between the methods Shou Yi and Jin Dan in the aspects of rebuilding the body, removing the ill-causes, and self-guarding.
When the human beings live in Dao and De, the Xiantian wisdom of the original nature commands the Houtian intelligence, and people didn’t have desires and selfish minds, so they could “attain the One” and keep it. If people in modern time can practice diminution of desires and selfish minds, resume the Xiantian wisdom of the original nature, let it be the commander of Houtian intelligence, and keep in this state, they can also “attain the One”.
Now human beings have come to the turning point to the fifth stage of the intelligence development. The attributes of this stage is to apply wisdom and intelligence together and in harmony. Only when we take up the self-cultivating method of “Shou Yi” adopted in the “great wisdom and junior intelligence” period and the “Jin Dan” method originated in “intelligence growing and wisdom fading” period, that we can achieve a lot of Zhen Ren in this special space-time that hard to meet for thousands of years, and to lay a solid foundation for the application of the holding to the One theory of Laozi and for Dao De revival.
In The Classic of Peace, Method of Keeping Evils Away through Cultivation of the One, it said, “The One is the root of Dao and the beginning of Qi. It is where the life belongs to, and the master of all hearts. If you want to learn it, it roots in the central, and it is the house of the life. So you should learn it well, be virtuous and let it work.” And it also said, “If the best virtuous people use it well, they can save the world; if the better virtuous people use it well, they can be the good helpers of emperors and kings; if normal people use it well, they won’t have keen emotions, so there will be no complains or blames in the world.” It shows that the method of “Shou Yi” is not only a way of self-cultivation, but also a method that can be used in saving the world, assisting the rulers and curing the body. It can be regarded as the “principle of the heaven”, or the law of nature. It highly conforms to Laozi’s thoughts that “If one practices it in one's person, his De will be genuineness. If one practices it in one's family, his De will be abundance. If one practices it in one's village, his De will be durability. If one practices it in one's state, his De will be prosperity. If one practices it in the Empire, his De will be universality. To “achieve long and immortal life” or to “keep one’s body away from aging.” are not the true goals for us to “practice it in person, De will be genuineness”. The reality of the pure land in our hearts and in the human world, the harmony among the human beings, and the true harmony between the human beings and the nature is the sole goal of our self-cultivation. To embrace a heart that always feels the feeling of common people, is the devoir of Zhen Ren.