大地医药有直销牌照吗:致谢的13种简单方式(13 Simple Ways to Give Thanks)

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致谢的13种简单方式(13 Simple Ways to Give Thanks)  

2011-10-27 18:20:43|  分类: 英汉对照 |  


13 Simple Ways to Give Thanks



We asked our Facebook followers to tell us the small ways in which they show their gratitude. Here's how they say thank you.




1. Send an actual note in the mail.
-- J.S., Mason, Ohio

1. 邮递一张真实的便条。——俄亥俄州的梅森




2. Open my heart and respond with love, no matter what.
-- S.P., Tonawanda, New Jersey

2. 无论怎样,敞开心扉,用爱回报。——新泽西州的用户





3. Share what you have with others.
-- H.K., Findlay, Ohio


3. 与其他人分享你的东西。——俄亥俄州的用户芬德莱







4. Praise what the person did to everyone so he or she looks good.
-- N.A., Chesapeake, Virginia.

4. 赞美那个人为每个人做的事情, 这样他或她看上去气色很好。







5. Pay it forward with a kind deed.
-- B.M., New Braunfels, Texas


5. 用善举把爱传出去。





6. A small but thoughtful gift, or even something as simple as fresh flowers, can make a person's day.
-- E.S., Birmingham, Alabama

6. 小而周到的礼品,甚或简单到鲜花,能成为一个人的节日。








7. Convey it on Facebook!
-- A.K., New Delhi, India


7. 在脸谱网上表达谢意!



8. Actually mean it when you say it!
-- P. P., Mumbai, India


8. 当你表达谢意的时候要真心实意!









9. Let your actions speak loudly.
-- J.M., Youngstown, Ohio

9. 用行动说话。


10. Give a sincere thank-you, a genuine smile, and a heartfelt hug.
-- S.S., Key Largo, Florida


10. 给予一个诚挚的致谢,一个真诚的微笑和一个衷心的拥抱。








11. Volunteer!
-- S.G., Marshall, Michigan

11. 当志愿者!


12. Make a donation to a worthy cause in the person's name.
-- A.N., Plano, Texas

12. 以个人的名义对正义事业进行损赠。


13. Be kind to others and give a helping hand.
-- L.H., Cincinnati, Ohio

13. 善待他人,并伸出你的援助之手。



摘自美国读者文摘(Reader’s Digest201111月刊