小沟背风景区好玩吗:新课标英语 七年级 下 Units 1~4检测题

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 21:42:02

七年级Units 1~4检测      


Ⅰ. Find out the word underlined part different from the others.


1. A. room     B. zoo    C. food     D. neighborhood

2. A. bank     B. thank    C. pass     D.apple

3. A.likes      B. stops    C. parks    D. dogs

4. A. bridge    B. library   C. with     D. give

5. A. where    B. chair     C. here     D. there


6. there  three 7.bus  ugly 8.afternoon  look

9.great  straight 10.daughter  doctor

Ⅱ. Multiple Choice. 选择填空。(共20分,每小题1.分)

11. A: Excuse me. Where's the nearest (最近的)bookshop?B: Sorry, I don't know.

A: ______ A. Thanks a lot. B. All right. C. Not at all. D. Thank you all the same.

12. He likes____and___.A. to sing;to dance B.singing;danceC. to sing;dance D.sing;to dance

13. Does your brother enjoy__ ?A. sing  B. to sing C. sings    D. singing

14. My parents often take a walk____the park__Center Avenue after supper..

A. through;in  B. on;through   C. through;on     D. to;on

15. She’s very shy,so please ______ ?A.to be quiet B.be quiet C. be quiets  D.being quiet

16. We have a job___him __ a reporter.A.as;for B. to ;asC. for;as   D.by;for

17. The restaurant is ______ the market and the library. A. between B. at  C. from  D. of

18. Do you usually go to work _____foot or ___ bike?A. by;by B. on;on C. by;on D. on;by

19. Isn’t she a nurse?_____,she____.She works in a hospital.

A. Yes;is B. Yes;doesC. No;isn’tD. No;doesn’t

20.Her sister wants ____an actress. A. be  B. to do  C. to be  D. to be do 

21. The railway station is ______ the supermarket. A. before B. atC. in front of   D. in

22. ______ do you sit next to in class?A. Where  B. How C. Who  D. When

23. I can see the words on the blackboard very ______. A. good B. wellC. nice  D. fine

24. We want her ___us about ___.A. to tell;she B.tell;her C. to tell;herself D.to tell;sheself

25. “Who sits in front of you in class?”“No one ______. ”A. is  B. has C. does D. sits

26. We want a music teacher ___piano. A. teach B. to teachC. teaching  D. teaches

27. —How do you go to the supermarket from here?

—______. A. With my mother B. Fine, thank youC. That's all right D. By car

28. I come to school with ______ sister every morning.

A. her and her B. she and she'sC. she and her D. her and she 

29. Qingdao is a very beautiful city__many intesesting places. A.on  B. in C. at D. with

30. Why not____a taxi to go home?    

A. taking B. take C.takes  D.to take 



Ⅲ. Reading comprehension 阅读理解。 (共10小题,  每题1分)


The car stopped停了 in the street. “Oh dear, ” the man said(说). 

“What’s wrong?” his wife asked. 

“There’s no petrol(汽油) left(剩下), ” the man said. 

Then a woman passed in the street.

“Excuse me, ” the man said. “Where's the nearest garage加油站, please?

“In West Street, ” the woman said. “First left, second right, third left, fourth right, fifth left and then you'll see the garage. ”

The man walked and walked. Then he saw(see的过去式) the garage—it was CLOSED. 

Complete the sentences according to the passage. 根据文章选择答案。

31. The car stopped because there was no___left . A,water B,coal C,petrol D,gas

32. The man asked ______ for the way to the garage. A,a man B,a girl C,an actorD,a woman

33. The nearest garage is in ______. A,West Street B,East StreetC,South streetD,No Street

34. The man ___  the garage at last. A,got B,got to C,get D,get to

35. The man saw the garage_____. A,open B,not open C,interesting D,relaxing



Sam: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the People's Park?

Jack: I'm sorry, I am new in the city.

Sam: Thank you all the same. Are you American?

Jack: No, I come from Canada. What about you?

Sam: I'm from America. I come here with my parents. But now I can't find them.

Jack: Do you know where they're going?

Sam: Yes. We're going to the People's Park.

Jack: Oh, it's about thirty minutes' walk from here. Do you have a travel旅行 map?

Sam: Yes. But I am not good at reading a map.

Jack: Don't worry. I'll help you. I think it's easy to read a map. Look. We're standing here, in front of the shopping center. You'd better go along this street, take the first turning on the right, then take the fourth turning on your left, walk on until you see a lot of tall trees, the park is behind the trees.  

Sam: Oh, dear!I can't remember so much.

Jack: Why not take a taxi?It can take you right there.

Sam: A good idea!Thank you very much.

Jack: You're welcome.

36. Where's Jack from?A.America B.Japan C.Australia D.Canada

37. Who's Sam looking for? A.his parent B.his aunts C.his parents D.his uncles

38. Where's Sam going?

A.the People’s library B.the People’s bank C.the People’s park D.the People’s restaurant

39. Who is better at reading a map, Sam or Jack? A.Sam B.Jack C.Jack and Sam D.only Jack

40. How do you think Sam is going to the park? A.by taxi B.by bus C.by plane D.on foot


















Ⅳ.Write out the words according to the  phonetical symbols


41./         /42./         /43./           /44./          / 45./         /


46./        /47. /         / 48./         /  49./         / 50./          /


51./       / 52./         /  53./        / 54./           /  55./         /


Ⅴ. Do as required to write out the correct forms of the words


56. thief(复数)______ 57.teach(三单)______58. child(复数)______  59.danger(adj)______

60.zoo(复数) ______ 61. leaves(单数) ______62.give(-ing)______63.Canada(adj) ______

64. easy(反义)______  65. street(读音相似的词)______

Ⅵ. Do as required按要求做  (共40分,)

 A. 根据音标写出两个同音异形的单词  10分 每个单词1分

 66. /        /  67./       /  68./         /  69./          /  70./       /


B.Patterns changes句型转换   10每句2分

71.What does she do?其同义句-------------------------------------。

72.There is some milk in the glass.对划线部分提问---------------------------------------。

73.I like going to the movies with my friends.用He改写句子---------------------------------------。

74.Mr Brown wants a music teacher to teach violin. 对划线部分提问-----------------------------.

75.Nancy usually does her homework after dinner.变一般疑问句并作否定回答


C.English-Chinese translation英汉互译   10分  每句2分





79.What other languages can your new pen pal speak?

80.Why does Andrew want to be a cook?Because he thinks it’s an exciting job.





D.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given verbs

用所给的动词的适当形式填空   10分  每空题1分 

  play   be  tell  have  begin  do  enjoy   arrive  talk  sleep  

81.My brother likes ____to people.

82.September 1 is the____ of a new term,

83.The baby_____.Please be quiet! 

84.An elephant from South Africa____eating leaves.

85.Julie with her Australian friend______sports now.

86.Zhongshan Park is a good place____fun every day.

87.Sarah often______her homework after school in her room.

88.I know my father_______next Saturday from Australia.

89.Let the policeman_____you the way to the hotel.

90.Across from the restaurant___an old house with a small garden.

81.___________­­­­­­­­  82.___________  83.__________  84.__________  85.____________

86.____________ 87.___________  88.____________ 89.­­__________  90._____________

Ⅶ.Writing 写作  15分

请以My New Pen Pal为题写一篇70字作文,介绍你的新笔友国籍,年龄,姓名,所讲的语言,爱好,和他/她为什么想学中文等。               

My New Pen Pal