
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/06 16:34:31




nature     invitation  alive      accept

greatly    worth       sick       ball

common     continue    similar    include

increase   valuable    disappear  match

equipment  recognize  period     scene

research   palace     protect    diamond

paint      thief      discription   government               

steal      belt       pretty     case                       

happiness  exactly       



  at present     目前           year by year    年复一年

  one day        有一天         after all        毕竟

  call on        拜访(某人)     day and night    日日夜夜

  pay back       归还           at the most        至多

  not…any more  不再


It is hoped…/Good luck with your trip.

used to do sth./That sounds a good idea.

would like/love to do sth.

I’m sorry I don’t think I know you.

It cost sb.100yuan.

She married a man with a lot of money.

I hope you weren’t ill.


Why are you making this journey?

Where are you travelling to?

How are you getting there?

How long will it take you to complete the trip?

What is the purpose of your new project?

We are trying to collect money for a wildlife project.

We want to …so that…

Excuse me, I’ve lost a case.I wonder if it’s been found.

Can you describe the case?

Yes, it’s.

Where have you been all these years?

What happened?

Have times been hard for you?



①increase + n.

②increase to       增加到多少

③increase by       增加了多少

④an increase in    在……方面增长

    1.increase v.& n.(使……)增长/加


  Travel can increase our knowledge of the world. 旅行能加深我们对世界的了解。

The number of students in this school has increased to 3,000.这个学校的学生人数已增加到3000人。

The population of the area increased by 5% last year.这个地区的人口去年增加了5%。

an increase in production/ number/population.生产/数量/人口增加

2.common adj.共同的;一般的;公共的

A great interest in music was common to them.他们对音乐都有共同的强列的兴趣。

The common people in those days suffered a lot.当时一般民众生活都很苦。

We work for the common good.我们为了公共利益而工作。

3.[辨析]  alive/living/live/lively



The fish is still alive/living.那条鱼还活着。

Keep him alive, please.请让他活下去吧。

He is the only man alive in the accident.他是事故中惟一活着的人。


a living plant   活的植物

The living will go on with the work of the dead.活着的人将继续死者的工作。


a live tiger  一只活老虎

a live show/broadcast/TV program



a lively child  活泼的孩子

a lively discription  生动的描述

a way of making one’s classes lively   使课堂生动的方法

4.[辨析]  year by year/year after year

year by year(=every year)强调逐步转变的过程,“逐年(变化)”。

They liked the cold wet weather there and their number increased year by year.糜鹿喜欢那里凉爽湿润的气候,因此它们的数量逐年增长。

The population increasing year by year.人口年复一年在增长。

Year after year(=for years)强调“逐年不断、重复,年年(重复)”。

Don’t plant the same crop in the same field year after year.



It is hoped that… 人们希望……

It said that …    据说……

It is believed that…人们相信

It is reported that…据报道……



It is hoped that our team will win the game.人们希望我们的队赢得比赛。

It is said that the strange old man is a great artist.据说那个怪老头是一位艺术大师。

It is believed that before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.人们认为,在出现书写以前,中国人常把石块放在一起来记事。

It is reported in the papers that the president of the U.S.A will arrive next Monday.据报纸报道美国总统下星期一抵达。

6.recognize vt.辨认出;承认


①recognize + n    ②recognize sb.to be③recognize that 从句

Do you recognize his hand writing ?你能认出他的笔迹吗?


They recognized him to be a great leader.他们承认他是一位伟大领袖。

He didn’t recognize that he had made a big mistake.他不承认自己犯下了大错。



I bought the gold necklace for 2,500 yuan.

My gold necklace cost me 2,500 yuan.

It took me 2,500 yuan to buy the gold necklace.

I paid 2,500 yuan for the gold necklace.

I spend 2,500 yuan on the gold necklace.

8.all adj .,adv.一切的,完全;n.一切



in all 总计  all over the country    遍及全国

all over 到处  above all 首先,重要的是

after all 毕竟   all along一直,始终

at all 全然,究竟,到底    not at all 一点也不

9.marry vi.vt.结婚,嫁或娶



①marry  adv. ②marry sb.  ③be/get married

④be/get married to  ⑤marry A to B

She married very early/well.她结婚很早/她嫁得很好。


Jane iis going to marry John.简就要嫁给约翰了。

—Is she married?她结婚了吗?

—Yes, she has been married for five years.是的,她已经结婚五年了。

 She was married to a doctor.她和一个医生结了婚。

He married his son to a rich lady.他为独生子娶了个有钱的女子。

10.continue  v.继续


①continue + n.  ②continue doing/to do

③continue(to be) adj.

They rain continued for three days.雨连续了3天。


They continued their game after lunch.他们午饭后继续比赛。

He continued writing /to write late into the night.他继续写作到深夜。

The weather continued cold.天气持续寒冷。


题1  Shortly after the accident, two ______ police were sent to the spot to keep order.

A. dozen of    B. dozens   C. dozen   D. dozens of

分析: two 为关键词。数词及many, several, a few 等与dozen, hundred, thousand,million等词连用时,这些词一不能用复数,二不能接of。


题2  The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four-fifths of the tickets_____.

A. was booked        B. had been booked

C. were booked       D. have been booked



题3  I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ______.

A. at last   B. in case  C. one again  D. in time

分析:A、B、C、D四个短语意义各不相同,A“最后”;C“再一次”;D“及时”;B“以防;万一”。从句意来看,应选in case, 因为句子暗示“带一些钱以防(备用)”之意,相当于:I’ll bring some in case I need money.


题4  Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise.

      ,our minds are developed by learning.(上海 2000)

    A. Probably   B. Likely   C. Similarly   D. Generally

分析:句中是将our minds与our bodies相类比。因此,应用“相似地,类似地”。


题5  A new cinema _____ here. They hope to finish it next month.

A. will be built         B. is built

C. has been built        D. is being built

分析:由后句的“They hope to finish it next month”可知“新电影院在建”,即应用进行时态。又因为build同cinema之间存在被动关系,故应用被动语态的进行时。


题6  Jack London , for______ life had once been very hard, was successful later.

A. which    B. whom    C. whose    D.that

分析:句意为:杰克·伦敦的生活曾一度非常艰难,但后来却相当成功。该句中间部分是一个非限制性定语从句,其中,介词for是由后边提前的,相当于whom life had once been very hard for,另外,life 在此作“生活”讲,为泛指的抽象名词,前边不需加什么词。

答案:    B

题7  He changed his mind for the second time, after _____I refused ever to go out again.

A. what    B. that    C. all    D. which

分析:after which引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,which指代逗号前整个句意。


题8  You look not a bit older than you did 5 years ago. How do you_____ so young?

A. change     B. grow     C. become    D. stay



题9  —Oh, it’s you! I_____ you.

—I’ve just had my hair cut,and I’m wearing new glasses.

A. didn’t recognize      B. hadn’t recognized

C. haven’t recognized    D. don’t recognize



题10  My uncle _____ until he was forty- five.(上海2000)

A. married               B. did’t marry

C. was not marrying      D. would marry

分析: marry 为终止性动作动词,故不能用行时,即不能选择选项C。当终止性动作动词同until连用时,应用其否定形式。
