
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 04:48:41


1.There        sheep in the field.

A .are much  B. is a few  C. is a little  D .is small

2. When      theaccident       ?

A was happened   B. didhappen  C. has happened   D. was happening

3.         books must be produced for thechildren.

A. Many thousands  B.Many thousand of

C. Many thousand   D.Many thousands of

4. We will go to climb the hill if it     tomorrow.

A. rains  B. didn’t rain  C. doesn’t rain  D. raining

5. Taiwanis      the southeast of China.

A.  on   B. in   C. of   D. at

6.Hunan is       the south of Hubei.

A. on      B. in  C. of   D. at

7. ­­­­------Do youknow    the population of China    in 1949.

------ I’m sorry. Idon’t know.

A.what’s , \ B. what , is C. what , was D. what was , \

8.My fatherreturned at 10 O’clock      the night of June 16, 2001.

A. at     B. in   C. on    D. of

9.It’s a fine daytoday. You     take a raincoatwith you

A. mustn’t  B. don’t need C.needn’t to  D. needn’t

10.She has no paper              .

A.to write  B. to write in  C. to write on  D. write on

11. Work hard,        you’ll make a greater progress.

A.but  B. or  C. and D. so

12. Get up early,        you won’t catch up the bus.

A.   but  B. and  C. so D. or

13.        useful book it is!

A.what a  B. What a  C. how a  D. How a

14.         interesting news itis!

A. What  B. What a C. How   D. What an

15.” She didn’tcome to school yesterday, did she?”

           ,though she was not feeling verywell.”

A .No , shedidn’t  B. Yes , she does.  C. Yes, she did.   D. No, she did

16.-----When shallwe meet again next week?

-------        day is possible, it’s no problemwith me.

A. Any  B. either  C. Every   D. Neither

17.There is notenough      in the corner to put the table.

A, place  B. room C. floor D. ground

18.Your room looksdirty. Will you      it clean?

A. let  B. tidy  C. make D. have

19.The medicine        cool, clean and dry.

A. must keep B. must be keep C. must be kept D. keep

20..He’s given animportant report on the work of the government,              ?

A. isn’t he B. is he C. has he D. hasn’t he


21.. What did themanager       you to      at the meeting?

A.tell, say B. ask, speak C. tell, speak D. ask, talk

22.The populationof Canadais      than that of the USA.

A. more  B. less C. larger  D. smaller

23.There       a table and two chairs in the room.

A. is    B. have    C. are    D. has

24.He doesn’t tellme when he         .I’ll telephone you as soon as he          .

A. comes, willcome      B. will come, comes

C. will come, willcome   D. comes,  come

25.The young manwas often seen       by the lake.

A. draw    B. drew C. to drawing  D. to draw

26.This kind ofskirt looks     and sells       .

A. nice , good B.well, good C. nice, well D. fine, well

27.Who was thefirst one            ?

A.to reach  B. to arrive  C. to get to  D. to arrive at

28. English       in many countries, but Chinese     their own language.

A. is spoken, isspoken        B. speaks , is spoken

C. is spoken,speak           D. is spoken, speaks

29. You’d bettertake this book. It’s very good     it’sa bit expensive.

A. though   B. and   C. but   D. so

30.----- Do youoften hear John        in his room?

------Listen! Nowwe can hear him      in his room.

A. sing ,tosing  B. singing, sing  C. sing, singing   D. sing, sing

31 ----Your sisterisn't  nurse, isn’t she?

----        , she teaches Chinese in a middleschool.

A. No, she isn’t B.Yes, she is C. No , she is D. Yes , she isn’t

32.On     side of the road, there are many treesand flowers.

A. all  B. both C. each  D. some

33. Shanghai is larger than        inAustralia.

A. any othercity   B. any city  C. the other city   D. other city

34.He plays pianovery        , he is only    8—year—old boy.

A. fine, a  B. good,the  C. well, an  D. well, a

35.She has fewinteresting story—book,        ?

A. hasn’t she  B. doesn’tshe C. did she D. does she

36.Look! He       in the garden.

A. is   B. is being C. was   D. be

37.Father issleeping, would you please   theTV a little.

A.turn off  B turn down C.turn on  D. turn to

38.Old people mustbe taken good care of and        .

A.spoken to polite   B. spoken to politely

C. speakpolitely     D. speaks polite

39.Tom runs fasterthan         in his class.

A. any student  B. any other students  C. any other student D. another students

40. I       ten minutes reading the story yesterday.

A. spend   B. cost C. spent  D. take


41.There      great changes in China since1949.

A. is   B. was C. has been  D. have been

42.Please       if you don’t need the stamps.

A. put it away   B. put them on  C. put them away  D. put away them

43.----How was theweather like yesterday?

----It wasterrible. It rained        .Peoplecould     go out.

A hardly ,hard  B. heavy,  hard C. hard, hardly  D. hard, hard

44.-----       I watch TV now, Mum?

-----No, you          finish your homework first.

A. Must,needn’t  B. Can, may C. May , mustn’t D .May, must

45. The populationof Australiais smaller than     of Canada.

A. that   B. it    C. this    D. one

46.The story isless      than that one.

A. moreinteresting  B. interesting  C. hard  D. good

47.------Must Ifinish homework before I leave?

-------          ,you can do it tomorrow.

A. yes, youmust   B. No , you needn’t C. Yes , youmustn’t   D. No, you must

48.We are not sureif it     tomorrow. If it     , we’ll go to the park.

A. rains , wont  B. will rain, isn’t  C. will rain, doesn’t  D. rains, rains

49.There is no seat           in the room.

A.to sit on  B. sit  C. to sit  D. sitting

50.This exercise is    difficult for us           .

A. so, to work outit      B. too difficult, to work it out

C. too , to workout      D. so, that work out

51.I can see some orange inthe glass. Please give me          .

A. a few  B. little C. alittle D. few

52.There       a meeting this afternoon.

A.will have  B.has  C.is going to be  D.is

53.There are a lot        people today than yesterday.

A.of  B.most  C./ D.more

54These coats aredifferent         size.

A.from B.of C.to D.in

55.“Help        to some fish,”Mrs Green said to the guests.

A.yourself B.you C.your D.yourselves

56.Who taught       English last term?

A.you  B.your  C.yours  D.yourself

57.They stopped        ,but there was nomore sound.

A.to listen  B.to hear  C.listening  D.to listen to

58.Do you know if he       to the park this Sunday if it       

A.will go;isfine           B.goes;will be fine

C.will go;isgoing to be fine  D.goes;is going to be fine

59.There are few _____ in the fridge. Let's go and buy somepeas, carrots

 and cabbages.

A.vegetables     B. fruit        C. meat         D. eggs

60. There are many newhighrises on ______ side of Huaihai Road. What a magnificent view!

A.either       B.neither       C.both        D. all


61. ----Mum, Bill is comingto dinner this evening.

----OK. Let's give him ______to eat.

A. somethingdifferent             B. different anything

C.anything different              D. different something

62. They're going to have ______holiday next month.

A. a twoweeks    . two-week  C.a two-week       D. two weeks

63. Chongqing is bigger than ______ in Japan.

A. any othercity          B. all theother cities

C. anycity               D.the other cities

64. We love to go to thecountry in spring ad the flowers smell so ________.

A.well       B.nice         C.wonderfully        D.nicely

65. He was riding to school_______ he was hit by a car this morning.

A.while       B.when        C.as          D. so

66. The story happened _______the evening of August 2.

A.on           B.in           C.to          D. at

66. Mike is ______American boy. He studies in _____ university in Lanzhou.

A. the,a        B. a,a         C. an,a          D. an, an

67. Hurry up! The play ______for ten minutes.

A. hasbegun     B. had begun  C. has been on       D. began

68. She _______ know theanswer, but I'm not sure.

A.maybe        B. maybe        C.may        D. must

69. Do you know if ____back next week? If he ____ back, please let me know.

A. he comes, willcome    B. will he come, comes

C. he will come,comes    D. will he come, will come

70.The teacher told thestudents ______ in class.

A. nottalk        B. don't talk   C. didn'ttalk       D. not to talk

71. ----James, these areyour socks. Please ________.

----Ok, Mum.

A. put awayit              B.put it away

C. put awaythem           D. put themaway

72. I really don't know_____ about it.

A. what todo              B.how to do

C. to dowhat              D.how can I do

72. I don't feel very well.Mum asked me _______ this morning.

A. what the matteris        B. what is wrong

C. what was thematter      D. what wrong was

73.---- You seem to likesweets.

---- _______.

A. So doI     B. So I do      C. So amI      D. So I am

74. _________ he left here?

A. Do you think when     B. When do you think

C. Do you think how long  D. How long do you think

75. ----Lucy didn't come toschool, did she?

----_____. She was ill inbed.

A. No, shedid             B. Yes, she did

C. No, shedidn't           D. Yes, she didn't

76. ----Do you mind if I sithere?

----______. It's for Mr.Brown.

A. Not atall      B. Never mind

C. Betternot      D. Of course not

77.The meeting         now is very important.

A. being held B. to be held C. held D. is being held

78. Let’s        in English .” said the teacher.

A. say  B. talk  C. tell D. speak

79. I still remember the days        we worked together.

A. that  B. which  C. when D. where

80. Is this the school       we visited in 2oo2?

A.  the one  B. that C. where  D. whom


81. Mr. Green usually        as Father Christmas and went to the Christmasshop.

A. dresses up B. dressed in C. makes up D. dressed up

82. At the end of last month, his father       Jinanfor Hong Kong.

A. had left B. leaves C. left D. has left

83. He        several foreign countries by the end of lastyear.

A. has gone to B. had gone to C. has been to D. had been to

84. The baby is crying hard. I don’t know how to make it      .

A. to stop crying B. stop to cry C. stopped crying D. stopcrying

85. I heard him       when I walked past his room yesterday.

A. sang B. sings C. singing D. sing

86. We found him         at last.

A. was an honest man   B.kind—hearted man

C. honest man         D.an honest man

87. Mr. Yang is good       his students. They all love him.

A. to   B. for   C. at  D. of

88. It is good      her to help others.

A. of  B. for  C. at D. to

89. She’ll do all she can       her friends when they are in trouble.

A. to help  B. help  C. helps D. helped

90. All the deer        eating grass on the grassland.

A. are  B. is  C. do D. have

91. She said she often       lunch at school.

A. eats  B. has  C. take D. had

92. He tells me that he will go skating if his homework ________tomorrow .

A. will do B. will be done C. is done D. finishes

93. We must try to stop the air pollution _________ the birds.

A. to save B. save C. from saving D. save

94.-----You need something to drink, _________ ?

----- Yes, but only ________ tea.

A. needn’t you, a few     B. don’t you, little 

C. don't you, a little      D. need you, few

95. Let’s go to help ______ trees, ________?

A.plant, will you      B. to plant, shall we

C.planting, will you    D. planting, wont you

96. ______ do you know the population _____ in the world?

A. How many , is B. What , are C. What , is D. What, has

97. I haven’t decide where to spend my holiday. I’m __________.

A. think about it    B.thinking it about

C. thinking about it  D.think them about

98. My friend told me that he ______ to America thenext week.

A. will go  B. wouldgo  C. went  D. is going to

99. Li Qiang looks unhappy today. What’s wrong?

----- He _________ by his classmates just now.

A. is laughed  B. waslaughed  C. was laughed at  D. laugh at

100. When I got to the cinema, the film______ for ten minutes .

A. has been on B. had begun C. had been on D. had begun.

101. There ______ three English films next week.

A. will have B. is going to be C. are going to have D. aregoing to be

102.---- What he enjoys ________ great and interesting.

----Yes, but it’s dangerous.

A. sounds B. sounding C. sounded D. to sound

103..----Would you like some tea, please ?----Yes, I prefer tea___sugar.

A  to     B for     C  with   D  than

104. .---Mum, will you take me to the park tomorrow?

---If it_____ rainy.

A  won’t     B doesn’t    C  isn’t   D  won’t be

105. -- ---How long have you been away from your hometown?

---______two years.

A. Since    B. For    C. In    D. From

106. .He used themoney he first made _____ a used bike for himself.

A. buying   B. buy  C. to buy  D. bought