
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/03 08:07:28

句型1 主系表结构(连系动词be, turn, get, become, go, remain, stay, keep, smell, taste, look, sound, appear, seem等)

Examples: 1.Iron feels cold in winter.

2. This idea sounds good.

3. He looks young.

1 这些天天气凉快。

2 房前的花很香。

3 这种苹果味道好。

答案:1.The weather remains cool these days.

2.The flowers in front of the house smell nice.

3. This kind of apple tastes good.


句型2 主谓结构和主谓宾结构

Examples: 1. My father worked in Beijing last year.

         2 They will plant 3000 trees next year.

3 The teacher gave me an interesting book yesterday.

1 太阳从东方升起从西方落下。

2 十年前他生活在美国。

3 年轻人喜欢听流行音乐。

4 下个月我们将去看望那些老人。

5 上周那个著名歌手给我们唱了许多歌曲。

6 他说他不能把照片给我看。

7 我妈妈上个月给我买了台电脑。


1. the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

2. he lived in America ten years ago.

3. Young people enjoy listening to pop music.

4. we will visit the old people next month.

5. This famous singer sang us a lot of songs last weekend.

6.He said he couldn’t show the photo to me/show me the picture.

7.My mother bought me a computer last month.


句型3 There be /there lives/stands/must be


There stood a tree in front of our house.


There happened an unhappy incident.


There seems to be a tall building ahead of us.

4.There are several guests in the meeting—room.

5There are some guests talking in the meeting-room.


There was no school in our village ten years ago.


There will be a sports meet next week./There is going to be a sports meet.

We will have a meeting next week.


The light is still on. There must be someone in the office.

The lights are still burning. There must be someone in the office.


There happened a serious accident in the street yesterday.


There are many people who think we should be strict with ourselves.

There are many people holding the opinion that we should be strict with ourselves.

句型4 动词+宾语+宾补(n./adj./adv./-ing/-ed/to do)   Examples:

1. We wished the pop singer to succeed.我们希望这位歌手成功。

2. He asked me not to telephone him after 10 o’clock.他叫我十点后别给他打电话。

3. Her father made her learn drawing after school.他父亲让他放学后学画画。

4. When I came in, I found him writing a letter.我进来时,发现他正在写信。

5. He spoke simple English in order to make himself understood.为了让他自己被理解他说简单的英语。

6. My bike is broken, I’ll have it repaired tomorrow.我的自行车坏了,我明天去修。

7. We work hard to make our country stronger.我们努力工作是为了使我们国家更强。

1。这个消息使她高兴。The news made her happy.

2。她叫我把窗户打开。She asked me to open the window.

3。我们选这位年轻人当我们经理。We made the young man our manager.

4。我们认为语言不容易学。We don’t think it easy to learn languages.


I think it hard to finish the work in this month.


He had his watch stolen yesterday evening.


My bike is broken. I’ll have it repaired./ I’ll get it repaired.


I found many people standing at the school gate.


My friends encourage me to learn English well.

10.老板让工人们一天工作12 小时。(make or force)

The boss forced the workers to work 12 hours a day.


When we went in, we found him tied to the chair.

12.我们选刘雷当主席。(make or elect)  We elected Liu Lei chairman.

13.他昨天理了发。(have)   He had his hair cut yesterday.

14.          做游戏时,有些孩子闭上眼睛。(keep)

The children kept their eyes closed when they were  playing the game.




1.              我们学校将举行为期四天的运动会。

2.              我的朋友打算下个月去美国练英语口语。

3 今年暑假我要参加各种社会活动。

4 我准备通过给外国朋友写信来提高我的英语。

答案:1. our school will hold a four-day sports meet.

       A four-day sports meet will be held in our school.

2. my friend is going to America to practice his spoken English.

3. I will take part in different kinds of social activities this summer.

4. I will improve my English by writing to foreign friends.

  I will write to foreign friends to improve my English.



1.              马克思50 岁时开始学英语。

2.              他告诉我他并不喜欢那些礼物。

3.              昨晚我们去看你但你不在家。

4.              我在作文中出了几个错。

5.              去年我们的教授病了,我们去看了他五次。

6.              王琴在这儿时常来帮助我们。

7.              我做完作业后才去睡觉。


1.     Marx began to learn English at the age of 50.

2.     he told me that he didn’t like those presents.

3.     we went to see you but you were not in.

4.     I made a few mistakes in the composition.

5.     our professor was ill last year and we went to see him five times.

6.     wang qin often came to help us when she was here.

7.     I went to bed after I finished my homework.


句型7:主句(一般将来时)+ 从句(一般现在时)

(从句指状语从句:when, before, after, until, if等)

1.如果明天不下雨,我就去那儿。If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I’ll go there.

2.我们将在天黑之前完成这工作。We’ll finish the work before  it is dark.

3.我们将在完成工作后才离开。We won’t leave until we finish the work.


I’ll call you as soon as I reach/arrive in/get to Beijing.


If it rains next Sunday, they won’t come to see us.


I’ll tell you about it when the teacher comes in.


If you work hard, you will pass the exam.


He will go to the ball unless he is ill.       


句型8:现在进行时态和过去进行时态(am, is, are, was, were+doing)

1.              请等等,布来克先生在会上发言呢。

2.              昨天你去看他的时候他在做什么?

3.              发生火灾时他们正在开会。

4.              当时我正在读一本有趣的书,所以我不知道外面在发生什么事。

答案:1. Please wait a moment. Mr.Black is speaking at the meeting.

      2. What was he doing when you went to see him?

     3.They were having a meeting when the fire broke out.

     4. At that time I was reading an interesting book, so I didn’t know what was happening outside.


句型9:现在完成时态(have/has +done)

1.              我们已经学了六年英语。

2.              我们的英语老师刚从美国回来。

3.              自从他到这座城市以来,就一直住在这里。

4.              他毕业以后就一直在这家公司工作。

5.              那位老人去世已经10年了。

6.              他和她结婚有两年了。

7.              香港回归祖国以来发生了巨大变化。

答案:1. We have studied English for six years.

      2. Our English teacher has just come back from America.

      3. He has lived here since he came to the city.

      4. He has worked in this company since he graduated.

      5. The old man has been dead for ten years.

      6. He and she have been married for two rears.

      7. Hong Kong has changed greatly since its return to the mainland.


句型10:过去完成时态(had done)

1.              到上周末为止我已经看过三部英语电影了。

2.              他匆匆赶到火车站时,火车已经开走了。

3.              他说他以前从没出国旅游过。

4.              他上大学之前就自学了两门外语。

答案:1. I had seen three English films by the end of last weekend.

 2. When he hurried to the railway station, the train had left.

      3. He said he had never traveled abroad before.

      4.He had learned two foreign languages before he went to college.



1.              He is always get up early.

2.              The boy don’t believe that he is unable to solve the problem.

3.              I by bike to school every day.

4.              He isn’t like music. Instead, he is prefer sports.

5.              If it won’t rain, we will go climbing.

6.              When you are arrive at your school, you’d better give me a call.

7.              He will see his uncle as soon as he got to Beijing.

8.              I was spent my holiday in the country.

9.              He didn’t spent his holiday in the city.

10.          When I went to the playground, the children playing there.

11.          He not studied English , he studied French.

12.          He has just finish his work.

13.          He has worked here since he comes here.

14.          They have completed the plan five months ago.

15.          The poor man refused to tell us what has happened to him.


1.     He always gets up early.

2.     The boy doesn’t believe that he is unable to solve the problem.

3.     I go to school by bike every day./ I take a bike to school.

4.     He doesn’t like music. Instead, he prefers sports.

5.     If it doesn’t rain, we will go climbing.

6.     When you arrive at your school, you’d better give me a call.

7.     He will see his uncle as soon as he gets to Beijing.

2.              I spent my holiday in the country.

3.              He didn’t spend his holiday in the city.

4.              When I went to the playground, the children were playing there.

5.              He did not study English , he studied French.

6.              He has just finished his work.

7.              He has worked here since he came here.

8.              They completed the plan five months ago.

9.              The poor man refused to tell us what had happened to him.



1.              世界上许多国家都讲英语。

2.              我们这所学校是十年前建的。

3.              昨天开了一次会。几位老师由于工作努力受到表扬。

4.              我们学校禁止使用手机。

答案:1. English is spoken in many countries in the world.

      2. Our school was built ten years ago.

      3. A meeting was held yesterday. Some teachers were praised for their hardwork.

      4. We are not allowed to use cellphones in our school.

        Cellphones are not allowed to be used in our school.


句型12:被动语态2(will/shall/is going to be+done)

1.              将为北京奥运会修建许多体育场馆。

2.              这个实验将在两周内完成。

3.              会议将在下周一九点举行。

4.              北京将要种植更多树修建更多公路。

答案:1. Many sport venues will be built for the Beijing Olympic Games.

      2. This experiment will be completed in two weeks.

      3. The meeting is going to be held at 9 next Monday.

4. More trees will be planted and more roads will be built in Beijing.


句型13:被动语态3(am/is/are/was/were+being done)

1.              我的自行车正在被修。

2.              你打电话时,客人正被领着参观我们学校。

3.              这些问题正被一些专家讨论着。

4.              北京的环境正在改善。

答案:1. My bike is being repaired.

      2. When you called, the guests were being shown around our school.

      3. These questions are being discussed by some experts.

      4. The environment in Beijng is being improved.


句型14:被动语态4(have/has/had+been done)

1.              所有脏衣服都已经洗过了。

2.              那位官员说,空气和水都被污染了。

3.       长江上已经修了很多桥。

4.       我们的寝室还没打扫过。

答案:1. All the dirty clothes have been washed.

      2. The official said the air and water had been polluted.

      3. Many bridges has been built over the Changjiang River.

      4. Our dormitory hasn’t cleaned.


句型15:被动语态5(must/should/may/can/have to +be done)

1.              这把锁可以立刻修好。

2.              必须采取措施来制止河流污染。

3.              作业应该在本周上交。

答案:1. This lock can be repaired at once.

      2. Something must be done to prevent the rivers from being polluted.

      3. The homework should be handed in this week.



1.              多好的消息啊!

2.              多漂亮的衣服啊!

3.     瞧!那辆车开得多快!

答案:1. What good news it is!/how wonderful the news is!

      2. What a beautiful dress it is!/how beautiful the dress is!

      3. Look! How fast the car is running!


句型17:祈使句+ and/or/otherwise + 简单句

1.              再试一下,你就会成功的。

2.              抓住这次机会,否则你会后悔的。

3.              保持安静,你就不会被人发现。

4.              努力找到好点的方法,你就会取得更大进步。

答案:1. Try again and you’ll succeed.

      2. Take the chance ,otherwise/or you will regret.

      3. Be quiet and you won’t be found.

      4. Try to find a better way and you will make greater progress.


句型18:简单句+and/but/so/for/while +简单句

1.              他病了,但还是去上学了。

2.              汤姆很穷,而他的弟弟很富。

3.              他丢了工作,因此心情不好。

4.              我们花了好久才到那儿,因为路程太远了。(for)

答案:1. He was ill, but he went to school as usual.

      2. Tom was poor while his brother was rather rich.

 3. He lost his job, so he was depressed.

      4. It took us long to get there, for it was too far.



It作形式主语的句型(1)It is/was +adj./n.+to do/doing/that-clause

1.              帮助学生是老师的责任。(duty)

2.              我们很难说服他戒烟。(difficult)

3.              把这件事告诉他没用。(no use)

4.              他竟然拒绝了邀请,真让人惊讶。(astonishing)

5.              同他谈那件事是浪费时间。(a waste of time)

6.              我们有必要采取措施。(necessary)

7.              我们乘火车很方便。(convenient)

答案:1. It is teachers’ duty to help students.

      2. It is difficult for us to persuade him to give up smoking.

      3. It is no use telling him about it.

      4. It was astonishing that he should refuse the invitation.

      5. It is a waste of time to talk with him about it.

      6.It is necessary that we should take measures.

      7. It is convenient for us to take trains.




1.              It took him nine years to master English.

2.              It is suggested that a medical team be sent immediately.

3.              It seems to me that we had done something wrong.

1.              使他改掉坏习惯将花两个月。

2.              据报道美国总统将访华。

3.              据说他上个月订婚了。

4.              看来似乎要下雪了。

答案:1. It will take him two months to get him out of the bad habit.

      2. It was reported that the us president would visit china.

      3. It was said that he got engaged last month.

      4. It seems that it will snow.




1.       I find it important to learn spoken English.

2.       you may think it strange that anyone would live there.

3.       we consider it necessary that we should review our lessons every evening.

1.       他感到奇怪,每个人都盯着他看。

2.       我觉得和朋友争吵毫无益处。(it is no good doing)

3.       他们发现他们不可能按时到达。

4.       祖父觉得被孩子们邀来做报告是一种荣幸。

4.              我们认为有必要阻止污染环境。

5.              学校已经说清楚了,我们不能把饭菜带出食堂。(make …clear)

6.              我们觉得让人们了解爱滋病很重要。

7.              手机使我们更容易相互联系。

答案:1. He felt it strange that everyone was staring at him.

      2. I think it no good quarreling with friends.

      3. They found it impossible for them to arrive on time.

      4.Grandpa thought it an honor to be invited to give the talk by the children.

      5.Our school has made it clear that we can’t take food out of the canteen.

      6. We think it important to make people know about AIDS.

      7. Cellphones make it easier for us to keep in touch with each other.


Eg: 1.It was in the classroom that I found the lost watch.

2.It was not until I lost the chance to go abroad that I realized the importance of English.

1.              他是两点回家的。

2.              我被人抢了钱包是在回家的路上。

3.              因为缺钱他才辍学(drop out of school)。

4.              直到九点他才起床。

5.              直到我又一次失败了,我才相信父母的话。

答案:1. It was at two that he arrived home.

      2. It was on the way home that I was robbed of my wallet.

      3. It was because of lack of money that he dropped out of school.

      4. It was not until 9 that he got up.

      5. It was not until I failed once more that I believed my parents.



1.              信上写道,他们星期天到。

2.              我想知道他是否会来。

3.              他们对世界上发生的事情感兴趣。

4.              老师不知道爱迪生为什么有那么多问题。

答案:1. The letter says that they are arriving on Sunday.

  2. I wonder if/whether he will come.

 3. They were interested in what was going on in the world.

4. The teacher didn’t know why Edison had so many questions.



1.              我的建议是我们先采访受伤者。

2.              这就是我要帮你的原因。

3.              问题是我们什么时候能完成工作。

4.              这正是他想要的东西。

答案:1. My suggestion is that we interview the injured first.

2.This was why I would help you.

      3. The question is when we will complete the work..

      4. This is what he wants.



Examples: Where the graduates will be sent to work has not been decided.

It hasn’t been decided where the graduates will be sent to work.

1.              我要买哪座房子还没决定。

2.              我们什么时候开运动会还不知道。

3.              谁会赢这场比赛还很难说。

答案:1. Which house I will buy has not decided./It is not decided which house we will buy.

      2. When we will have the sports meet is not known./It is not known when we will hold the sports meet.

      3.It is hard to say who will win the match.



1.              昨天我叔叔来的时候,我正忙于工作。

2.              王涛在上中学前就学过英语。

3.              铃一响我们就冲出教室。

答案:1. I was busy working when my uncle came yesterday.

      2. Wang tao had learned English before he went to middle school.

      3. We rushed out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang.


句型27:not… until

1.              他一直等你到天黑。

2.              他一直到四十岁还是个单身汉。

3.              雨停了他们才出发。

4.              处理完所有问题他才打的回家。

答案:1. he waited until dark.

 2. he didn’t got married until forty.

      3. They didn’t set out until the rain stopped.

      4. he didn’t go home until he settled down all the problems.

        Not until he settled down all the problems did he go home.

        It was not until he settled down all the problems that he went home.


句型28:He has worked here for three years since he came here.

It is three years since he began to work here.

1.              自从到北京以来,他们参观了好几所大学。

2.              上次收到你的信后又是两个月了。

答案:1. They have visited several universities since they arrived in Beijing.

      2. It is two months since I received your letter.


句型29:as soon as/the minute/the moment/immediately/on doing

1.              演出一结束我们就离开了剧院。

2.              他一得到通知就开始为晚会做准备。

答案:1. We left the theatre the moment the performance was over.

      2. He began to make preparations for the party on getting the note.


句型30:地点状语1. Put the book where it was.

         2. we will have a picnic where there is no pollution.

1.              我将在第一次见到你的地方去等你。

2.              他打电话叫我留在原地。

3.              我们最好把这个珍贵的花瓶放在安全的地方。

答案:1. I will wait for you where I saw you for the first time.

      2. He called to ask me to stay where I had been.

      3. We’d better put the vase where it is safe.


句型31: 表原因

1.              因为他太严肃了没人想跟他说话。

2.              由于所有的座位都有人坐所以他就站着。(as)

3.              既然一切都准备好了,那我们就开始做实验了。(since)

1.       昨晚一定下过雨,因为地上都是湿的。(for)

答案:1. No one wanted to talk to him because he was too serious.

      2. As all the seats were taken, he had to stand.

      3.Since everything is ready, let’s begin our experiment.

      4. It must have rained, for the ground is wet.


句型32:表目的so that/in order that

1.              他大声喊叫以便别人能听到他说话。

2.              孩子们很早就去了大厅为的是找到好座位。

3.              志愿者们为了农村生活条件得到改善去了西部。

4.              马克思学俄语是想了解俄国政治形式。


1.He shouted loudly so that he could be heard by others.

He cried loudly so as to be heard by others.

2.The children went to the hall early in order that/so that they could find good seats.

3.The volunteers went to the west to improve the living conditions in the country.

The volunteers went to the west so that the living conditions in the country could be improved.

4.       Marx learned Russian to know about the political situation in Russia

Marx learned Russian so that/in order that he could know about the situation in Russia.


句型33:结果so…that/such…that/so that

1.              你的表演很精彩,给我留下深刻印象。

2.              他在办公室里干的很出色,受到了经理的表扬。

3.              我们深受感动,以致于睡不着觉。

4.              他进步这么大,大家都羡慕他。


1.       Your performance was so wonderful that I was deeply impressed.

You performed so well that it made a deep impression on me.

2.       He did so well that he was praised by the manager.

His performance in the office was so good that the manager thought highly of him.

3.       We were moved/touched so deeply that we couldn’t fall asleep.

4.       He has made such great progress that all of us envy him.


句型34:比较than/as…as/not as(so)…as

1.              我不象你那样擅长绘画。

2.              这间房几乎和我的卧室一样大。

3.              云南的冬天不如贵州的冷。

4.              这件工作必须尽快完成。

5.              在所有外籍学生中,约翰汉语说得最流利。

6.              澳大利亚是世界上最大的岛屿。

7.              这是我看过的最精彩的电视剧。


1.       I’m not as/so good at drawing as you.

2.       The room is nearly as big as my bedroom.

3.       The winter in Yunnan is not as/so cold as that in Guizhou.

4.       The work must be finished as soon as possible.

5.       John speaks the most fluent Chinese among all the foreign students.

6.       Australia is the largest island in the world.

7.       This is the most wonderful Tv play I have ever seen.

I have never seen a better Tv play than this.


句型35:方式as/as if/as though

a)         我们应按照他的指示去做。

b)        他那样喜欢这个小孩,好象他就是他的亲生儿子一样。

c)         我记得全部事情就象发生在昨天一样。

d)        看上去他好象有重要的事情告诉我。

e)         我听到外面闹声,好象有人在和邻居吵架。

f)         既然你大了,我就不象对待小孩那样对待你。


1.       We should do as he told/instructed us .

2.       He loves the baby as if/as though he was his own son.

3.       I remember the whole thing as if/as though it had happened yesterday.

4.       It seems as if/as though he has something important to tell me.

5.       I heard the noise outside as though/as if someone was quarreling with my neighbor.

6.       Since you are old enough, I’ll not treat you as a child.



1.              虽然有很多困难,我们还是决定继续。

2.              尽管天气非常冷,这些孩子仍然穿着单薄。

3.              虽然张嘎子年龄小,他勇敢机智。

4.              虽然他有缺点我们还是喜欢他。


1.       Although/though there are many difficulties, we decided to continue.

With many difficulties, we decided to go on.

2.       Though/although it is freezing, the children are thinly dressed.

Freezing as/though it is, the children are wearing thin clothes.

3.       Young as/though Zhang Gazi was, he was smart.

4.       Though/although he has shortcomings, we like him.



1.              如果你们不介意,我就把电视关了。

2.              如果明天误了火车,你可以乘汽车去。

3.              除非我们得到他们的支持,否则我们不可能成功。


1.       I’ll turn off the TV if you don’t mind.

2.       If you miss the train tomorrow, you can go by bus.

3.       We won’t succeed unless we gain their support.



a)                   我有一个喜欢古典音乐的朋友。

b)                  昨天他穿着我给他买的外套。

c)                   我在看一本不太难的书。

d)                  腿伤了的那个人过去是个足球运动员。

e)                   我认识文章发表了的那个学生

f)                   杭州是我去年夏天去的地方。

g)                  我将要回到我长大的那个地方。

h)                  他看过教授谈到的那本书。

i)                    那个老人记得毛主席去世的那一天。

j)                    我不能忘记我们一起度过的那些快乐的日子。

k)                  皮特高兴的原因是他通过了考试。

l)                    他不能上大学的原因是他的分数太低。

m)                王美是众多拥有手机的年轻人之一。

n)                  昨天我们去参观了那位伟大作家过去住过的房子。

o)                  我的父亲出生在第二次世界大战爆发的那年。

p)                  有几个我们不能那样做的原因。

q)                  我永远也忘不了我第一次在机场接你的那一天。

r)                   昆明是一个美丽的城市,那儿花草到处可见。

句型38 定语从句答案

1.       I have a friend who likes classical music.

2.       Yesterday he was wearing the coat (that/which) I bought for him.

3.       I am reading a book that/which is not too difficult.

4.       The man whose leg was hurt used to be a footballer.

5.       I know the student whose article has been published.

6.       Hangzhou is the place where I went last summer.

7.       I will go back to the place where I grew up.

8.       He has read the book (that/which) the professor mentioned/referred to/talked about.

9.       The old still remembers the day when chairman Mao passed away.

10.   I can’t forget the happy days (that/which) we spent together.

11.   The reason why peter was happy was that he passed the exam.

12.   The reason why he couldn’t go to college was that his grades were too low.

13.   Wang Mei is one of many teenagers who own cellphones.

14.   Yesterday we visited the house where the great writer used to live.

15.   My father was born in the year when the Second World War broke out.

16.   There are several reasons why we can’t do that.

17.   I will never forget the day on which/when I met you for the first time at the airport.

18.   Kunming is a beautiful city, where flowers and grass can be seen everywhere.


句型39:分词作定语examples:1. The little child punished by his father left home yesterday.

a)       The football game planned for tomorrow will not be held.

3.The money needed for the sick child was soon collected.

4.The flowers smelling nice attracted many visitors.

5.All those coming to the party last night are my friends.

a)       在舞台上表演的两位喜剧家来自中国。

b)      在河边走的那个女孩是谁?

c)       正在拉小提琴的那些孩子下周将表演。

d)      站在车旁的那个老人是个艺术家。

a)       和孩子们谈话的那个年轻人是个著名的歌手。

b)      我们去上个月开的那家书店吧。

c)       大部分被采访的学生说他们喜欢流行音乐。

d)      我不喜欢去位于市中心的公园。

e)       昨天讨论的那个问题已经解决了。

f)       昨天讨论问题的专家是美国人。

g)      告诉我们消息的那个老师将于下月退休。

h)      被告知消息的那个老师将于下月退休。


1.       The two comedians performing on the stage come from China.

2.       Who is the girl walking by the river?

3.       The children playing the violin will give a performance next week.

4.       The old man standing by the car is an artist.

5.       The young man talking with/to the children is a famous singer.

6.       Let’s go to the book opened last month.

7.       Most students interviewed said that they liked pop music.

8.       I don’t like the park located in the center of the city.

9.       The problem discussed yesterday has been solved.

10.   The experts discussing the problem were American.

11.   The teacher telling us the news will retire next month.

12.   The teacher told the news will retire next month.


句型40: 分词作状语

examples:1. Hearing the sound, the baby stopped crying.

2. Living far from school, he is often late.

3. when taken on time, the medicine is effective.

2.       Having been told that her son got sick, she hurried to take her to the hospital.

3.       Having won the game, all of the them sang and danced all night.

4.       Dressed in red, the little girl looked pretty.

5.       Told the exciting news, we were wild with joy.

a)       (当被)问到发生什么事情时,他保持沉默。

b)      (由于)是个著名的专家,他收到很多邀请。

c)       这本书一旦被翻译成中文,很受青少年欢迎。

d)      对医学很感兴趣,他决定当医生。

e)       (如果)我们被给多一点时间的话,我们将会做的更好。

f)       受到朋友的鼓励,爱里斯写了一首诗。

g)      受到父母的影响,他也成了一名教师。

h)      建于十五世纪,这座庙有几百年的历史。

i)        看(读)着这封信,他忍不住哭了 。





句型40 分词作状语答案

1.       When asked what happened, he kept silent.

2.       Being a famous expert/known as a famous expert, he received many invitations.

3.       Once translated into Chinese, the book became popular among/with teenagers.

4.       Interested in medicine, he decided to be a doctor.

5.       (If) given a little more time, we will do better.

6.       Encouraged by his friends, Alice wrote a poem.

7.       Influenced by his parents, he also became a teacher.

8.       Built in the 15th century, the temple has a long history.

9.       Reading the letter, he couldn’t help crying/couldn’t help his tears.

10.   Not knowing what to do, I had to ask my parents for advice.

11.   Having failed in the exam, he didn’t play computer games any more.

12.   Finding his house robbed, he turned to the police for help.

13.   Looking out of the window, he was lost in thought.


1. Hearing is one thing, and believing is another.

2. There are two books. One is new and the other is old.

3. On the one hand, failure is bad. But on the other hand, it teaches you more.

4. I’ll buy the coat. For one thing, the price is reasonable; for another, I like

the style.

5. Some say yes and others say no.

1.              你有两种选择,一是去,二是留。

2.              说是一回事,做又 是一回事。

3.              我不能去,一则没钱,再则没时间。

4.    他很想出国,一方面可以结识外国朋友,另一方面可以练口语。


答案:1. You have two choices: one is to stay, the other is to leave.

      2. Saying is one thing, and doing is another.

      3. I can’t go. For one thing, I have no money; for another thing, I am busy.

      4. He wants to go abroad. On the one hand, he can make foreign friends. On the other hand, he can practice his oral English.

      5. Some are playing games under the tree, some are dancing and others are boating.



(1)Children grow older. They prefer to be more independent rather than be at the mercy of their parents.

When children grow older, they prefer to be more independent instead of being at the mercy of their parents.

(2)I was very excited . I couldn’t express myself in words.

I was so excited that I couldn’t express myself in words.

I was too excited to express myself in words.

Excited, I couldn’t express myself in words.

(3)We will have a further discussion. We draw a final conclusion.

We will have a further discussion before we draw a final conclusion

     We will draw a final conclusion after we have a further discussion.

(4)The economy in this area is developing rapidly. The qualities of some citizens are still not satisfactory.

Although/though the economy in this area is developing rapidly, the qualities of some citizens are still not satisfactory.

Despite/ in spite of the rapid development of the economy in this area, the qualities of some citizens are still not satisfactory.

(5)You are allowed to drive my car . You should drive carefully .

You are allowed to drive my car on condition that/ as long as you should drive carefully.

    You are not allowed to drive my car unless you drive carefully.

(6)The International Red Cross is an organization. Its purpose is to help the sick and the needy.

The International Red Cross is an organization whose purpose is to help the sick and the needy.

The International Red Cross is an organization with the purpose of helping the sick and the needy.

(7)Most of the artists who had been invited to the party were from South Africa.

Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa.

(8)The prices of the computers which are being shown here are still unknown.

The prices of the computers being shown here are still unknown.

(9)After he had been deserted by his guide, he couldn’t find his way through the jungle.

Having been deserted by his guide, he couldn’t find his way through the jungle.

(10)Nowadays the old people do morning exercises in the park in order that they can keep healthy.

Nowadays the old people do morning exercises in the park to keep healthy.

(11)The church was built in 1829. It is the oldest European structure .  

The church built in 1829 is the oldest European structure .  

Built in 1829, the church is the oldest European structure

(12)Jane was disturbed by the noise. She turned off the radio. 

Disturbed by the noise, Jane turned off the radio. 

(13)As I felt hungry, I decided to walk to the shop and buy some food.

Feeling hungry, I decided to walk to the shop and buy some food.

(14)I sent him an e-mail and hoped to get further information about SARS.

I sent him an e-mail, hoping to get further information about SARS.

I sent him an e-mail in the hope of getting further information about SARS.

I sent him an e-mail in the hope that I could get further information about SARS.

(15)As soon as I entered the classroom, I found all my classmates were busy studying

Entering the classroom, I found all my classmates were busy studying

(16). By chance I met an old friend of mine that day.

I happened to meet an old friend of mine that day.

It happened that I met an old friend of mine that day.

(17)That was because we were not careful enough.

That was because of our carelessness.

(18)The people were in deep sorrow when they heard this sad news.

The people were in deep sorrow at this sad news .

(19) We think that it is our duty to take care of these young trees.

We think  it our duty to take care of these young trees.

(20)When I was a child, I often played here.

As a boy, I used to play here.

(21) I have never seen such a beautiful suit before.

    I have never seen  so beautiful a suit before.

  This is the most beautiful suit that I have ever seen.

(22) Do you mind if I smoke here?

Do you mind my/me smoking here?

(23) Hearing the news, he hurried home.

After / When he heard the news, he went home in a hurry.

(24) He never hesitates to help others.

He always helps others without any hesitation.

(25) The young man came in, who was holding a book in his hand.

The young man came in, holding/with a book in his hand.

(26) It seemed that they were talking about something important.  

They seemed to be talking about something important.

(27) The foreign visitors were warmly welcomed at the airport.

The foreign visitors were given a warm welcome at the airport.

(28) With the help of the map, we found the place without any trouble.

With the help of the map, we had no trouble in finding the place.

    With the help of the map, it was not difficult to find the place.

(29) People said he would invite Mr. Brown to dinner

It was said that he would invite Mr. Brown to dinner.

    He was said to  invite Mr. Brown to dinner.

(30) I didn’t finish reading the novel until yesterday.

 It was  not until yesterday that I finished reading the novel.

    Not until yesterday didfinish reading the novel.

(31). Although he was quite young, he did it very well.

    Quite young  as he was , he did it very well.

(32) She had to sell her house. That was the only way out for her.

    She had no  choice but to  sell her house.

(33) He went to study at a college at the age of 18.

    When he was 18, he went to study at a college.

(34) What surprised me greatly was to find she was such a fine swimmer.

    To my great surprise, I found she was such a fine swimmer.

  It was surprising for me to find she was such a fine swimmer.

(35) My brother has been in the army for three years.

    It is three years  since my brother  joined  the army.

    My brother  joined the army three years  ago.

(36)Work hard and you will succeed.

If you  work hard, you will succeed.

(37). It is not necessary for you to worry about him.

    You need not worry about him.

    There is no need to worry about him.

(38). As he was very poor, he couldn’t go to college.

    His poverty prevented him from going to college.

(39). He has formed the habit of sleeping early and getting up early.

    He has made it a rule to sleep early and get up early.

    He has got used to sleeping early and getting up early.

(40) China has changed greatly these years.

Great changes have taken place in China these years.

There have been great changes in China these years.