淮安魅力金座小姐:必修1Unit1-5 单词拼写

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 12:31:26

Module 1  Words and expressions

Unit 1
1、She was really u_____ about the way her father treated her.
2、It was very stupid of you to i_____ your mother’s advice.
3、He made a good s_____ in last exam.
4、All the people are c_____ about the growth of the younger generation.
5、She’s h_____ my book away somewhere.
6、My summer vocation was completely spoiled by a_____ of wet days .
7、The boy is c____ about skating.
8、It’s against n_____ for a mother to hurt her child.
9、He came here on p____ to discuss it with you.
10、How d______ you say so?
11、Design a_____ to find out what kind of friends your classmates are.
12、I live all a____ but I don’t feel lonely.
13、I want your a_____ on this work.
14、It is a little difficult to c____ someone down when he or she is excited.
15、He was caught c_____ in the exam.
16、No matter what he says, don’t ____ him.
17、C_________ with other countries was difficult during the war.
18、He formed the h______ of getting up early.
19、Both of them are e_____ of China Daily.
20、List what a good friend should do and ____ the list with your partners.(分享)
21、They are _____ .(骗子).
22、He paid no attention to their_______(自尊心)
23、Arrange the exhibits_______ to size.(根据)
24、He’s_____ from loss of memory.(患有)
25、The politician is really in a dangerous______.(境遇).
26、Why don’t you ____your idea ____on paper?(写下)
27、He _________________his English study(有困难)
28、She ___________________a foreigner.(爱上)
29、____________to change the situation.(努力)
30、____________snow can cause trouble.(过多)

Unit 2
1. The price i______ dinner,  beds and breakfast.
2. Monitors play an important r________ in managing a class.
3. He n_____ knocked me down before he saw me.
4.You should look clearly the p______ situation
5. The mountains are not high on world s_________.
6. Geography also play a part in making d_________.
7. He changed so much that I didn’t r________ him at first .
8. Nobody dared to go against his c_______ that everyone should leave until 8 o’clock.
9. The professor can speak as many as five foreign l_______.
10. A_________ and vocabulary are important for people to understand or to be understood.
11. The hospital is three b_______ from here .You may go there by bike or on foot.
12. As you know, the UN plays an important role in i________ relations.
13. In America a flat is called an a_______ .
14. Banana is n_______ to Taiwan.
15. Do you know the u______ of this word?
16. Do you know what time the violent storm with thunder an l_______ happened.
17. It became ________(接近) to the language you are learning now.
18. Our garden is beautiful ,____________(尤其)in autumn.
19. He did the work under my ____________(指导).
20. She lives in ____________(东南部)Italy.
21. The ____________(身份) of the murdered woman has not yet been established.
22. In my home town, you can see ancient and__________(现代的) building next to each other.
23. Believe it or not ,but he __________(实际上)  won.
24. He _______ ( 统治 )the country for 4 years in the past.
25. The _______ (政府) should take measures to stop air pollution.
26. We should know more about Chinese ________ (文化)  and history.
27. She made a ______ (请求) for some water.
28. ________  (短语) are important in English study.
29. Please be ________  (礼貌) to our guests.
30. Can you ________ (复述) the text in your own words?

Unit 3
1、The Australians like to ______(露营) in the countryside at the weekends.
2、We all know that he is too __________(顽固) to apologize.
3、Do you remember every d_____ of the story you have just read?
4、Most students keep a _____ (日记) of their everyday life.
5. Excuse me, what is the f_____ to Paris? Is $ 10 enough?
6. The music sounds so good that I want to r_____ it from the radio.
7. In the past, the villagers t__________ their goods by goat not by truck.
8. The little boy said nothing because he was not b____ enough to be against his father.
9. He is a d__________ person. If he d__________ to do something, he will do it well.
10. I am not ________ _______(熟悉) the city, for this is my first visit here.
11. Finally they were __________(说服) to cycle around China.
12. We ___________  ________ (将要去)for Beijing tomorrow.
13. The scientists are searching for the s______ of the river.
14. I d_______ about flying last night.
15. He was c_______ along the street when he was knocked off his bike.
16. You can’t ______ (期望)to learn a foreign language in a week.
17. She swan ______ (游过) the river.
18. The plane is flying at an a________ of 10,000 feet.
19. Seeing that he could not persuade me, he had to _____ ___ ___(让步)my view.
20. He _______ (坚持说) that he hadn’t stolen the girl’s handbag.
21. Milu often says “_______(态度) is everything.” to encourage the players to devote more.
22. Whenever we see a film,the Chinese teacher will ask us to write about our  a___________.
23. They discussed his position in the company and other _____(主题).
24. We f________ got home at eleven o’clock.
25. First we ____ ___(支起) our tents and then we ate.
26. Peter soon _____ them _________(使…感兴趣)in playing basketball.
27. After supper, Tom went to sleep but I ______ ______ (仍然清醒).
28. ____ ____ _____ (其一),a journey isn’t as personal as a diary. For another, a travel journey has a different purpose.
29. If you ____ ____ ____(改变主意) about the job, just give me a call.
30. She ______ ______(毕业于) Harvard with a degree in law.

Unit 4
1、As a result of the accident, the e_____ has to be cut off.  
2、They built s_____ for the homeless children.
3、We were s_____ when we heard of the news that they would get married soon.
4、They began the r___ work at once.
5、A s___ gas came out of the w___.
6、The mother is very upset. I noticed her hand _____. (shake)
7、It is u___ to argue with him.
8、There were dozens of people i____ in the fire.
9、The balloon r___ up slowly into the air.
10、Your hands will be d___ if you play in the d__.
11、Later, people felt another big q___.
12、A c___ is a very long water way for boats.
13、We should h___ the soldiers who died in the war.
14、This is a s___ about how to improve our listening skill.
15、The students are p____ for the mid-term exam.
16、How many j____ have been invited to the competition?
17、The city was completely d____ by the earthquake.
18、Do you know who o_____ the meeting?
19、He b___ his diary in the ground.
20、Earthquake is the most terrible d____ in the world.
21、____ ____ of the money belongs to my parents. (3/5)
22、Suddenly, he felt his world was ___ ___ ___ . (世界末日)
23、Hearing the news, his father ____ ____ crying. (burst)
24、When he noticed the danger, he called the policeman ___ ___ . (立即)
25、After the flood, ___ ___ ___ ___ people lost their homes. (大量)
26、If you get high scores in the exam, your parents will ___ ___ ___ you. (proud)
27、___ the money ___ to the poor. (分发)
28、___ ____ ____ the students in the school is more than 5,000. (数量)
29、He ___ ___ a box of money under the tree. (挖出)
30、If you disagree with the opinion, you may ___ ___ ___ . (摇头)

Unit 5
1、I’m w_____________  to admit that I have hurt her, but that’s not my real meaning.
2、What are the q ___________ you should find in a great person.
3、After a short rest, Jack c _________ to draw the picture.
4、Since I was better e ______________ , I got a job working in an office.
5、The doctor a________ him to eat more fruit and take more exercise.
6、The boy got into t____________ when he left home.
7、He has been able to tell us more about a_____________ volcanoes than any man alive.
8、Firemen had been f___________ the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control.
9、 I’ve received a gift from him, but I’m not going to a____________ it.
10、There is no f__________ of his losing his way.
11、He was s____________ to three years in prison.
12、He gave the children some candies to r_________ them for behaving well.
13、It’s not right to solve the problem in v___________________ .
14、Black people had no v____________ and could not choose who ruled them.
15、You’ve broken the law, and you’ll be put in the p________  for ten years as a punishment.
16、It was so cold inside the house that she had to wrap herself in a b_________ to keep warm.
17、He was made p___________ of the cricket club.
18、He is the member of the __________ of Nation. (国际联盟)
19、The escaped prisoner was brought back under close __________ .( 警戒)
20、It is time to stop his ___________ (残忍) to the animals.
21、Who gives you the ____________ (权力) to do that?
22、Can you show me the ____________ (位置) of your hometown on the map?
23、No matter how many times you fail, you should never _________ __________ (灰心).
24、He passed his examinations and now he has the _____________ (学位) of Master.
25、The countryside is so _____________ ( 平静的) that I don’t want to go back to the noisy city.
26、The teacher ________ _________( 勃然大怒), when I said I’d forgotten doing my homework.
27、He is a man of high ______________ (道德原则).
28、I believe that all man are born in ______________ (平等的).
29、When the actors played on the ____________ (舞台),the audiences sat in their seats and watched quietly.
30、______ ______ ________ ______ ______( 事实上), she didn’t attend the meeting yesterday.


















Unit one  keys:
1.Upset  2.ignore   3. score  4.concerned   5. hidden    6. series   7. crazy
8. nature  9. purpose   10. dare   11. questionnaire    12. alone    13. advice
14. calm   15. cheating    16. trust     17. Communicating    18. habit
19. editors    20. share     21. cheats    22. pride    23. according  
24. suffering     25. situation    26. set down    27. has trouble with   28. falls
 in love with     29. Make an effort    30. Too much
Unit 2  keys:
1. includes    2. role  3. nearly  4. present   5.standard  6. dialects
7. recognize   8.command   9.languages   10.Accent   11.blocks
12.international  13.apartment  14.native  15.usage  16.lightning  17.closer
18.especially  19.direction  20.southeastern  21.identity  22.mordern
23.actually  24.ruled  25.government  26.culture  27.request  28.Phrases
29.polite  30.retell
Unit 3  keys:
1. camp  2. stubborn  3. detail  4. diary  5. fare   6. record   7. transported
8. Brave  9. determined ; determines  10. familiar with  11. persuaded 
12. are leaving   13. source  14. dreamt/dreamed   15. cycling   16. expect
17. across  18. altitude   19. give in to   20. insisted   21. attitude
22. afterthoughts   23. topics    24. finally    25. put up   26. got; interested
27.  stayed awake   28. For one thing   29. change your mind  30. graduated from
Unit 4   keys: 
1. electricity 2. shelters 3. shocked 4. rescue 5 smelly, well 6. shaking 7. useless  8. injured  9. rose  10. dirty, dirt  11. quake  12. canal 
13. honour 14. speech 15. preparing 16. judges 17. destroyed 18. organized 19. buried 20.disaster 21. Three fifths 22. at an end 23. burst out 24. right away 25. a great number of  26. be proud of 27. Give, out 28. The number of  29. dug out 30. shake your head
Unit 5 keys:
1.willing    2. qualities   3.continued    4. educated   5. advised    6. trouble    7. active    8. fighting   9. accept   10. fear   11. sentenced  12. reward   13. violence    14. vote   15. prison  16. blanket   17. president   18. League  19. guard   20. cruelty  21. right  22. position   23. lost heart   24. degreed  25. peaceful    26 .  blew up   27. principle   28. equal   29. stage  30.  As a matter of fact