
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 22:56:38

Dialogue 1

A:I am looking for a cream –colored suit.   我想买一件米色套装

B:I’m sorry .they are completely sold out .Why  not  give a  fitting on this light one?


A:It’s a perfect match for my bag. But I  prefer bring to light,because bright can make me look younger.


B:Makes sense.             有道理。


Dialogue 2

A:Do you have any in a medium?     你有中号的吗?

B:Wait a minute and I’ll check. Here we go .      稍等,我看看,给你。

A:Is that too baggy for me ?    我穿着是不是很大?

B:Not at all.     一点也不。


Dialogue 3

A:Good morning ,sir/madam, Can I help you in any way?    早上好,先生、女士,您想买什么东西吗?     Can I be any assistance to you ?     您要买什么东西吗?

B:Thank you ,just a see./I’m just looking.      谢谢,我只是随便看看。

A;We have a lot more upstairs.          我们楼上还有很多。

B:Oh,you do ? You certainly have a large selection. Just show me around here,please!  是吗?你们货色真多。请带我四处看看。

不能说: How much will you spend?    你想花多少钱、你想买什么价位的?


Dialogue 4

A:How old are you ?   你多大了?

B;I’m forty.       我四十岁了。

A:Go on with you,You don’t look a day over thirty.    别骗人了,你看起来绝对不超过30岁。


Dialogue 5

A:By the way,could you piease tell us the best way to care for this skirt?  顺便问一下,这件裙子怎样保养最好?

B:Sure.It can only be washed by hand and hung dry.  这件衣服只能手洗,然后吊挂晾干。

A:What water tenoerature should I use?      什么样的水温最合适?

B:Make sure you use cold water.            冷水。


Dialogue 6

A:May I help you ?       您有什么需要帮忙吗?

B:I want the boot cut jeans.   我想买调靴型牛仔裤。

A:You have a sharp insight. This model is hot welcomed by young people. Would you like me to take you measurements?    您眼光真好,这款深受年轻人的欢迎,给您量一下尺寸好吗?

B:thank you.           谢谢。


Dialogue 7

A:I am a kind of big boned girl.What can you suggest?   我是那种大骨架的女孩,你有什么建议吗?

B:Maybe you can try the baggy shorts.    你可以试试这条宽松的短裤。

A:Does it my hips look big?           那会使我的屁股看起来很大吗?

B:Why do you think that way ?        你怎么会那样想呢?


Dialogue 8

A:It is hot out with sweat shorts. Do you have something lighter? 


B:We have stretch cropped pants that are very light and comfortable.


A:I’ll pay for this      我就要这条。

B:Wait a moment, please.   请稍等。 


Dialogue 9

A:I only want natural fibrous clothes, nothing synthetic.   我只要天然纤维的衣服,不要合成纤维的。

B:These jogging pants are all natural materials.    这条慢跑裤是天然的。

A:Do they have ventilation performance?         它透气吗?

B:Yes, they fell very cool and lightweight.     是的,非常凉爽,而且轻巧。


Dialogue 10

A:I’m trying to find a green sweater in extra large. 我想买一件特大号的绿色毛衣。

B:We have your size, but not in that color.          我们有你要的尺寸,但没有你要的颜色。

A:Can you order one for me?                          能为我订购一件么?

B:Certainly. Just give me your name and address.     当然可以。 请留下你的姓名和地址。


Dialogue 11

A:Why do I need to return three times for this checked pajamas?  


B:We want to give you an outfit that fits you perfectly.  我们希望为您做出最合身的行头。

A:When can I take it?                             什么时候可以来取?

B:Tomorrow.                                       明天。


Dialogue 12

A:I want a small size on a Morgan logo trousers set.   我想要一身小号的裤子睡衣。

B:Here you are.                                        给您。

A:May I return it if it doesn’t fit my girlfriend?


B:Yes, just keep the receipt and return it within two weeks.




1. How much, please?                          请问,多少钱?

2. What does it sell for?                     这个卖多少钱?

3. How much does it cost?                     这个要多少钱?

4. What’s it worth?                          这值多少钱?

5. How much do you sell it?                   这个你卖多少钱?

6. How much do you want/ask for it?           这个卖多少钱?

7. How much would a suit made of this material cost?   用这种料子做的一套衣服要多少钱?



The price depends on the quality of leather.     价格根据皮的质量而定。

It’s priced at 120 dollars.                     这个定价120美元。

They are very good for the price.                论价格,这些是很不错的。

The size makes no difference in price.           统一价格。

It comes to $200.                                一共200美元。

They are sold by the set.                        它们按套出售。

They are five yuan each.                         每个5元。



1.It’s real bargain.                         这是真正的便宜货。

2.The  price is moderate enough.              价格够便宜了。

3.We don’t give discounts.                   我们不打折 。

4.It’s  our standard price.                  这是我们的标准价 。

5.It’s the preferential price.               这是优惠价。

6.It’s the preferential price.               这是平价。

7.It’s market/selling price.                 这是市场/零售价 .

8.That’s almost cost price.                  这几乎是成本价。

9.No discount.                                不打折

10.Why not buy it ,with the 50% discount.     打五折啊,为什么还不买呢?

11.That’s the best we can do.                我们不能再让了 。

12.I’ll meet you half way.                   我让一半。

13.It’s worth the price.                     值这个价。



1.Can you cut the price a bit?               你可以便宜点吗?

2.Can you come down a bit?                   能便宜点吗?

3.This  is nice, but I suppose it’s quite expensive.   东西不错,但是我觉得贵了。

4.That is shocking!                         贵的惊人!

5.That is too dear/expensive.               太贵了。

6.It’s more than the usual price.          这比一般价格贵!

7.The price is not reasonable.              这价格不公道 。

8.Can you sell it for 3 yuan?               3元你卖吗?

9.I can give you no more than 20 yuan.      我最多只能给20元。

10.He offered me 20 percent discount, but I refused.     他给我打八折,可我拒绝了。



1.  What size (would you like /want ) ?    你要多大尺寸?

2.  What size do you take /want /wear?       你要什么尺寸?

3.  What’s your size?                       请问你要多大尺寸?

4.  May I ask what the size is ?             请问你要多大尺寸?

5.  What size shoes do you wear?             你穿多大尺寸的鞋子?

6.  I’m afraid we don’t have anything in you size.   恐怕我们没有合适你的尺码。

7.  Here is a pair in your size.             这双是你穿的尺码。



1.I want a medium-size one .                我要中号的。

2.I’m looking for a size 39 T-shirt.       我想要一件39码的T恤。

3.Have you got a bigger size?/Have you got a size large?   大一点的尺寸你们有吗?

4.It’s my size.                            这是我的尺寸。

5.This is the right size.                   这尺寸还好!



1.  How can I wear it whose buttons flied away during the past three days?   


2.It’s little longer. Can you change one for me ?     这件有点长,你能帮我换一件吗?

3.Do you want to wash your hands of  it?It’s you who sold it to me.

你想逃避责任吗,要知道 ,是你卖给我的。

4.Ok,let me see you boss.    好吧,让我见你们老板。

5.I beg your pardon, but I really prefer the grey one to this perfect white one. I’ll pay extra money if change it for me.




1.What do you think of its quality?   你认为这个质量怎么样?

2.Which kind is the most durable?     那种最耐用?

3.Our wears are always dependable.    我们的商品是信得过的。

4.It’s of good quality.              这是优质品。

5.The quality  is excellent.          这质量很好。

6.It’s of the highest quality.       这个是高质量的 。

7.It’s very durable.                 这很耐用。

8.It’s guaranteed for three years.   这商品保用3年。

9.It wears well and keeps its shape.  这个耐穿且不走样。



1. What color do you like?           你喜欢什么颜色?

2. What color?                       你要什么颜色?

3. Which color do you prefer?        你喜欢什么颜色?

4. What’s your favorite color?      你最喜欢什么颜色?

5. How about the color?              这颜色怎么样?

6. Is  this your favorite color?     这是你最喜欢的颜色吗?

7. Do you want to see any more color?    你还想看看其他颜色吗?

8. Which color do you prefer, pink or light green?    你想要哪一种颜色?粉红还是浅绿?

9. Do you think it’s a bit too dark?    你认为颜色太暗了一些吗?

10.I’m sorry ,but navy blue is the darkest we have in stock.   对不起,海军蓝是我们现有的最深的颜色了。

11.The color is quite in fashion the year.    这是今年的流行色。



1.Please show me the blue one .           请把那件蓝的给我看看。

2.I want something in light color.        我要浅色的。

3.I prefer a different color.             我喜欢另一种颜色。

4.I’d like something plain and quiet.    我要朴素. 淡雅的

5.It’s a bit too garish.                 这个有点花哨。

6.That color suits my complexion.         那颜色适合我。

7.Yellow becomes me.                      黄色很称我。

8.Doesn’t it fade?                       这个不会褪色吧

9.Will the color in this material fade?   这料子不会褪色吧?

10.The purple blouse goes well with my skirt.      这件紫色的衬衫和我的裙子很配。



1.  Sleeveless dress looks really classy on you .   你穿上这件无袖连衣裙显的好高贵。

2.  You baby doll looks straight out of the pages of Fashion.  你的娃娃套装就像直接从《时尚》杂志里穿出来的一样。

3.  This tank top is  made for you .   这件背心超适合你。

4.  You  look amazing on that long sleeve blouse!   你穿上这件长袖女士衬衫看起来棒极了!

5.  That color doesn’t flatter many people, except you .    很多人都不合适那种颜色,可你不同。

6.  Anything looks good on you.     你真是衣服架子,穿什么都好看。

7.  You look so dazzling with that yellow sweatshirt and checked skirt. 你穿上这件黄色休闲衫和方格裙子看起来很迷人。

8.  Loose fitting clothes made with natural materials is my suggestion for you .  我建议你穿天然材质的宽松衣服。