
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/08 20:47:33


译者: 爱尔兰都柏林大学 赖小琪


I wish the life of everyone in our society is as beautiful as a song. However, none of us can live free from setbacks and failures. I think, therefore, that while success a an integrated whole, failure is an indispensable part of it.

当今失败并不是真正意义的完结,而是新的探索的开始。失败是一种痛苦,有人因为害怕失败,所以不敢行动。这类人虽然遇不到失败,但是也遇不到成功。发觉有很多人活了大辈子都不知自我有多大的本事,都没有真正享受过他们热切盼望的幸福。因为他们从来没有行动过,没有努力过。为了追求属于自己的幸福而努力, 为了实现自己的梦想而奋斗, 即使失败了也不往此生啊!因为我毕竟试过, 努力过了. 我以前的老师也是经常这样说;人生在世,难得拼搏几回啊!

The temporary failure is not a definite end but a new beginning of the exploration. Failure is a pain, and some people balk at it and dare not move on. While these people would not suffer from success, they would never enjoy success either. We can see that many people have not truly interpreted their real potential and capabilities even after living the most of their lives. Neither have they truly enjoyed the happiness they had been yearning for. It is because they never took action and effort to realize their dreams. It is well worthy to strive arduously in pursuit of our own happiness and dream! Even though we may failure eventually, we would never regret for what we have done because at least we have tried our best. I often recall a sentence my teacher told me before: We shall cherish the very few opportunities in our lives to strive for our dreams!


There is a possibility of failure for all the things we do. Nonetheless, even failure is better than staying unchanged without any effort taken. If you do not take action, your brain will never guide you to the way of success and becomes “outdated”. I always hold dear to my heart that many geniuses are made by later education and life experiences after they were born. I love Beethoven’s remarks: Beg for failure! We should shift from pursuing success to begging for failure.


You might think those pursuing failure mad men. Actually, when failure comes to you and if you brave it instead of evading it, you will soon perceive a pronounced progress in your capabilities. As a saying goes, failure is the mother of success. Failure is the best way to grow your abilities. Failure is a disaster in the eyes of pessimists but a pleasure and romance in the eyes of optimists. Only by experiencing the misery of failure can you finally access the pleasure of success.


Failure generates twists and turns to our lives, but it also spices our lives with great pleasure. We often say that a rich family cannot maintain rich for more than three generations. There is an element of truth in it. After all, living in a completely smooth life is not definitely a good thing because it may bury your talents and capabilities. If you think you are of great capability, then you will become an elite later as long as you have confidence. Always remember: we are human, not a god. Therefore, it is quite normal for us to make mistakes and encounter failure. So we should not take the results too seriously