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The week in science: China's first docking in space; six men complete 520-day virtual mission to Mars; and GSK pays US$3billion to settle investigations.


09 November 2011





Fracking tremors A British energy company says that its hydraulic fracturing ('fracking') project probably caused the cluster of small earthquakes that struck Lancashire, UK, this spring. Cuadrilla Resources, based in Lichfield, had commissioned independent studies to investigate the quakes, the largest of which was of magnitude 2.3. The 2 November synthesis report says that it should be safe to continue operations, although protest groups disagree. Concerns have been raised in many countries about the safety of fracking, a technique in which high-pressure fluids are pumped into shale to fracture the rock and force out natural gas. See go.nature.com/p5fj1q for more. 

水力压裂法引起轻微地震 一家英国能源公司说,可能是它的水力压裂工程导致了今年春天英国兰开夏州一连串轻微的地面震动。位于利奇菲尔 德的夸椎拉(Cuadrilla)能源公司此前独立承担对这次地震的调查工作,当时地震的最大强度是2.3级。2011-11-2的总结报告说继续开采岩气不会有危险,而反对者不同意这一说法。许多国家都对水力破裂法的安全性表示担心,这种技术是把高压液体注入页岩致岩石破裂从而挤出其中存储的天然气。更多详细信息请访问go.nature.com/p5fj1q。




How icebergs begin A seasonal ice-survey flight has spotted the birth signs of a large iceberg in West Antarctica: a crack at least 18 miles long in Pine Island Glacier, which sticks out from the Amundsen Sea coast on the west of the continent. The rift (pictured, around 80 metres wide and 50 metres deep) was first seen in mid-October by NASA's Operation IceBridge project, which released images last week. The iceberg that eventually calves from the breaking ice shelf will cover around 880 square kilometres, project scientists said. Pine Island Glacier is rapidly retreating, accounting for a large part of West Antarctica's ice loss.

冰山如何产生 一架做周期性冰山调查的飞机在南极洲西部发现了一个巨大冰山产生的迹象:流入大陆西面阿蒙森海的松岛冰川出现一条超过18英里(29公里)长的裂纹。这条裂纹最初由NASA的“冰桥行动”组在10月中发现,照片在上周发布。负责该项目的科学家说,最终从破裂的冰架上分离出来的冰山会有约880平方公里。由于南极洲西面失去大块的冰,松岛冰正在快速地退缩。

Heavenly kiss China's unmanned Shenzhou 8 spacecraft docked with its Tiangong 1 module on 2 November, marking the country's first success at the delicate procedure, which was broadcast live on state television. After completing what state media referred to as a 'kiss' in space, both craft are now orbiting Earth together. Two more missions, perhaps carrying astronauts, will follow in 2012. If the next stages of testing go to plan, China will launch further modules to be assembled into a space station by 2020.

重大的空中之吻 11月2日中国的无人驾驶飞船神州8号与天宫1号指令舱对接,标志着中国第一次掌握这种精密的程序,整个过程在国家电视台直播。在完成媒体所谓的太空之“吻”后,两个飞行器现在一起绕地球转动。2012年会有另外的两项太空任务,到时可能会搭载宇航员。 如果下一阶段测试顺利,到2020年中国会发射其它的目标飞行器组成太空工作站。

Back from 'Mars' Six men have survived 520 days cooped up in 3 small rooms at the Institute of Biomedical Problems in Moscow, where they were simulating the isolation of a journey to Mars and back. On 4 November, the crewmen — three of whom were Russian, one Chinese, one French and one Italian — emerged pale but smiling from the capsule they had entered in June 2010. Many observers found fault with the exercise's lack of realism, saying that the mission could not simulate weightlessness, true danger or the pressure and motivation of a real journey to Mars. See go.nature.com/1zquiu for more.

“火星”归来 在莫斯科的生物医学问题研究所6名人员工在经历520天的禁闭,他们被关在3个小房间里模拟拜访火星又返回与世隔绝的旅程。11月4日,队员们——3个俄罗斯人,1个中国人,1个法国人和1个意大利人——面色苍白但带着微笑从太空舱中出来,他们是在2011年6月进去的。许多观察者发现这次模拟试验缺乏现实性,说没有模拟失重,真实的危险或压力以及真正火星之旅应有的动机。更多详细信息请访问go.nature.com/1zquiu。

Nuclear restart For the first time since the Fukushima disaster, a Japanese nuclear reactor that had gone into shutdown has been brought back online. The Genkai Nuclear Power Plant in southwestern Japan was shut down briefly in October because of a technical fault, and its restart last week would normally be unremarkable. But concerns over nuclear safety mean that no other plants closed since the earthquake and tsunami on 11 March have been allowed to restart. Of Japan's 54 nuclear reactors, 43 are currently offline.

核电站重启 一个在福岛灾难后被停产的日本核电站又重新启动,这种情况自灾难以来还是首次。位于日本西南部的玄海核电站在10月里因技术故障被停产,在上星期里恢复运作本来并没有不寻常,但是对核安全的担心是,自3月11日地震和海啸灾难后被关闭的其它核电站都没有获批准重启。日本共有54个核反应堆,目前43个处于关闭状态。

Asteroid fly-by Marshalling everything from major radar facilities to backyard telescopes, astronomers geared up this week for a fantastic view of an asteroid called 2005 YU55. The 400-metre-diameter rock passed Earth on 8 November just 320,000 kilometres away, or 0.85 of the distance between Earth and the Moon. It is the closest pass by an asteroid this big since 1976, and there won't be another until 2028. See go.nature.com/ohn6zt for more.

小行星飞过 从大型雷达设备到后院的望远镜,天文学家收集了所有的资源来观察这周里一颗罕见的小行星2005 YU55。 这个直径400米的石头(小行星) 在11月8日经过地球,距地球只有32万公里之遥,也就是地球与月球距离的0.85倍。自1976年以来,这是小行星经过地球距离最近的一次,下次会是2028年。更多详细信息请访问go.nature.com/ohn6zt。




Avandia fine Drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) announced on 3 November that it has agreed to pay US$3 billion to settle a bevy of US federal investigations into the way it has developed and marketed some of its biggest-selling drugs. Foremost among these is Avandia (rosiglitazone), a once-dominant diabetes drug, sales of which were banned in Europe and restricted in the United States last year after concerns that it increased risks of heart attack and stroke. The company, headquartered in London, came under fire in July 2010, when a US Senate committee concluded that GSK had known about the drug's heart risks for more than a decade without reporting them to regulators. See go.nature.com/ifphvp for more.

文迪雅遭罚款 药物巨人葛兰素史克制药公司(简称GSK)在11月3日审宣布同意支付30亿美元以平息美联邦就其如何发展和经营那些销量最大药品的调查。这些药品中首当其冲的是文迪雅(罗格列酮 ),一种曾经在市场上占优势的糖尿病药品,但在关注它增加心脏病发作和心绞痛的风险后,去年在欧洲已禁止其销售而在美国限制其销售。GSK总部位于伦敦,2010年7月一个美国议院委员会断定说GSK十年以前就知道这种药对心脏的负作用而一直没有对监管机构报告,从那时GSK开始遭到抨击。更多详细信息请访问go.nature.com/ifphvp。




SLAC head leaves Persis Drell is stepping down as the director of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park, California; the lab's operator, Stanford University, announced the decision on 1 November. Drell became SLAC's fourth director in 2007, succeeding Jonathan Dorfan. She will stay on until a replacement is found, and then return to research at Stanford.

SLAC头目离去 珀西斯·德雷尔辞去SLAC(斯坦福线性加速器中心)国家加速器实验室主管一职,实验室的经营者斯坦福大学在11月1日宣布了这一决定,该实验室位于加州门洛帕克市。德雷尔是在2007年继乔纳森·多尔凡之后成为实验室的第四任主管的。但是她会留下来直至找到合适的代替者,然后她将回到斯坦福的研究工作中。

Nobel physicist dies Atomic physicist Norman Ramsey, who shared the 1989 Nobel Prize in Physics, died on 4 November, aged 96. After working on radar and the atomic bomb in the Second World War, Ramsey (pictured) moved to Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he developed improved methods for probing atomic structure by measuring the response to electromagnetic radiation. His discoveries, which won him the Nobel prize, led to the caesium atomic clock and the hydrogen maser. Ramsey also helped to found Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York, and Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois.

诺贝尔物理学家逝世 原子物理学家诺曼·拉姆齐,1989年诺贝尔物理奖获得者之一,11月4日逝世,享年96岁。在二战中拉姆齐(见图片)曾致于雷达和原子弹的研究,之后他移到马萨诸塞州坎布里奇的哈佛大学,在那里他研发了改良的方法通过测量对电磁辐射的反应来探测原子结构。这一获得诺贝尔奖的发现产生了铯原子钟和氢微波激射器。拉姆齐还帮助建设了纽约厄普顿的布鲁克海文国家实验室和伊利诺州巴达维亚的费米实验室。




Drug approvals rise The US Food and Drug Administration approved more innovative drugs this year than in any year of the past decade, except for 2009, the agency said last week. In the US government's fiscal year 2011, which ended on 30 September, the agency approved 35 original medicines, 24 of which were authorized in the United States before anywhere else. Ten were for rare, or 'orphan', diseases and two were 'personalized' medicines: treatments for melanoma and lung cancer that were approved along with diagnostic tests to identify the patients that they are most likely to help.

药品批准增加 美国食品和药物管理局今年里批准的创新药物比过去十年里的任何一年都多,之前更多的一年是2009年,在上周里该机构这样说。在9月30日结束的2011财政年度里,该机构一共批准了35种原药,其中24种授权仅先在美国使用。10种用于罕见疾病,另有两种是个体化用药:治疗黑素瘤和肺癌的药品与用以确定该药品对病人极可能有帮助的诊断性测试被一同批准。

Public integrity More US agency policies on scientific integrity seem likely to become public after John Holdren — director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) — encouraged officials to release the tightly guarded guidelines. In a 31 October letter, Holdren said he had set a 17 December deadline for agencies to submit revised policies that take account of OSTP feedback on earlier drafts. Nineteen agencies have policies in the works, but so far only six are publicly available. Critics say that the policies lack provisions to protect whistleblowers from retaliation.

公共诚信 在白宫的科学技术政策局(简称OSTP)主管约翰·霍尔德伦鼓励官员们发布紧密监督的指导方针后,越来越多的美国机构对科学诚信的方针政策可能公开化。在10月31日的一封信里面,霍尔德伦说他已经要求各机构的代理根据OSTP此前对他们草案的反馈修改方针政策并于12月17日上交。共有19家机构,但目前只有6家机构的方针政策公开。评论家说这些方针政策缺少保护告密者不被报复的规定。

Future medicine The US National Research Council (NRC) has called for a network that would connect patients' health records with layers of data on molecular tests, genetics, and social and physical environments. This, the NRC said in a report published on 2 November, would enable treatments to be personalized for patients, ushering in a new taxonomy of human disease based on molecular origins rather than on physical signs and symptoms. The report was requested last year by the National Institutes of Health. See go.nature.com/ayesl2 for more.

未来医药 美国国家研究委员(简称NRC)会提倡建立网络关连病人的健康记录,包括分子检测,基因分析,社会和身体环境等等。 NRC说在11月2号公布的一份报告里提到的这些能使治疗个体化,引导一种建立于分子起源的新的疾病分类方法,而不是根据身体体征和症状。这份报告是去年由国家卫生研究所要求的。更多详细信息请访问go.nature.com/ayesl2。

Carbon tax Australia will introduce a tax on carbon dioxide emissions from 1 July 2012, after the legislation passed its final barrier — approval by the Senate — on 8 November. The bill had been passed by the House of Representatives in October. The tax, of Aus$23 (US$24) per tonne for the country's top 500 emitters, will increase by 2.5% a year above inflation until an emissions-trading scheme replaces it in 2015.

烟尘排放税 11月8日立法通过最后一道关卡——议院批准,澳大利亚将在2012年7月1日增设二氧化碳排放税。该法案在10月份已通过众议院批准。该税是针对国内前500名排放者的,税率是23澳元(24美元)每吨,并且考虑通货膨胀每年增长2.5%直到2015年由一份排放权交易计划取代它。




Efforts to eradicate polio are bearing fruit in India, one of four countries (with Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan) where wild poliovirus (WPV) is endemic. India reported only one confirmed WPV case this year, in January; the absence of the virus, particularly during India's high-transmission season between June and November, is unprecedented. But India is a lone bright spot: other countries in which polio still persists have already had more cases than this time last year (see chart).





12–16 November


The Society for Neuroscience holds the world's largest annual neuroscience meeting in Washington DC. A featured panel looks at the interplay between economics and the brain. http://www.sfn.org/am2011/



16 November


The Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change — a global task force of senior scientists and government advisers — presents recommendations for avoiding future food crises. ccafs.cgiar.org/commission





$131 billion


Lifetime sales of Pfizer's cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor (atorvastatin), the world's top-selling prescription medicine. It loses patent protection from 30 November.


Source: Reuters, IMS Health

消息来源:路透社, 艾美仕市场研究公司


Nature 479, Pages: 154–155 (10 November 2011) doi:10.1038/479154a
Nature 479, Pages:154–155 (10 November 2011) doi:10.1038/479154a