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    一份科学家们在欧洲议会提出的报告称,农产品公司 Monsanto 为转基因抗草作物生产的抗农达除草剂与人类细胞早死、出生缺陷、癌症和流产有关。




    《转基因大豆:可持续?环保?》这份报告融合了阿根廷科学家 Andrés Carrasco 和其他合作科学家的最新研究证据。他们发现抗农达除草剂中的活性成分、甘草磷和其它化学物质及其分解产物对健康有重大不良影响。该份报告还提供了全球有关转基因大豆产品影响的研究论文或文件。这项最新研究发表在美国化学学会期刊《毒物的化学研究》上。


    转基因的抗农达大豆在北美和阿根廷的种植面积占大豆总量的90%,而在巴西、巴拉圭、乌干达和玻利维亚,该转基因大豆的种植量也与日俱增。来自 Monsanto 公司的数据显示,自从1996年美国种植转基因抗农达大豆以来,抗农达除草剂的销量剧增。现在,针对该大豆生产的有毒除草剂对健康的不良影响已开始日益显现。


    在提出该份报告的布鲁塞尔欧洲议会上,Carrasco 教授指出,阿根廷最近几十年来,儿童癌症发生率增长了300%,而婴儿出生缺陷率更增长了400%,而转基因抗农达大豆也同时期进行大范围种植,以提供饲料给欧洲和澳大利亚农民养殖的转基因动物。他说:“我认为甘草磷的毒性被大大低估了,在特定条件下,它可能是剧毒物。”




    澳大利亚非转基因食品促进组织基因伦理的执行理事 Bob Phelps 认为,澳大利亚对婴儿配方奶粉中的转基因成分的处理是非常不恰当的。他说:“S-26奶粉都被检出含有转基因成分,但是,澳大利亚新西兰食品标准局(FSANZ)还是不愿进行食品召回,而 Coles 和 Woolworths 超市也拒绝下架 S-26 配方奶。”




    他最后提出:“Gillard 领导的政府必须支持独立派议员 Nick Xenophon 和绿党议员 Rachel Siewert 上交的食品标签法修正案。这样,父母才能通过食品标签为自己的孩子选择非转基因食品。我们呼吁政府加强对转基因食品在内等新型食品的监管,修正1.5版标准中的法律漏洞,强制转基因和其它新型食品进行标注。”




    GM soy linked to birth defects, cancer: new study


    Josette Dunn October 6, 2010


    Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup used on genetically manipulated (GM) Roundup Ready crops is linked to human cell death, birth defects, cancer and miscarriages, says a report released at the European Parliament by an international group of scientists.


    The report comes at a crucial time for Australia, where a popular infant soy formula has tested positive to unlabelled GM soy and corn, and Roundup Ready canola and cotton are grown.


    The report, “GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?”, highlights new research by Argentine government scientist Professor Andrés Carrasco and an international coalition of scientists. They found serious health impacts from Roundup’s active ingredient, glyphosate, other chemicals in the formulated herbicide and its breakdown products. The report also provides a global overview of scientific papers and other documents on the impacts of GM soy production. The new research is published in the American Chemical Society journal ‘Chemical Research in Toxicology’.


    GM Roundup Ready (RR) soy is now more than 90% of soy grown in North American and Argentina, and is also widely spread in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia. Monsanto’s own data shows Roundup herbicide sales have skyrocketed since GM RR crops were first planted in the USA in 1996[i]. The amount of toxic herbicide now used on soy has public health implications.


    At the European Parliament in Brussels where the report was presented[ii], Prof Carrasco said childhood cancer had increased by 300% and babies with birth defects by 400% during the past decade in parts of Argentina. GM RR soy is grown there to supply European and Australian farmers with cheap GM animal feed: “I suspect the toxicity classification of glyphosate is too low… in some cases this can be a powerful poison,” he said.


    The report also refers to studies that found: the uterus and ovaries of female rats fed GM RR soy showed changes; rabbits’ kidney and heart enzyme functions were disturbed. An intergenerational study of hamsters fed GM soy found slower growth rates and higher mortality among pups, and widespread infertility in the third generation[iii].


    Bob Phelps, Executive Director of GM-free Australian advocacy group Gene Ethics, says the Australian response to genetically manipulated ingredients in baby formula is grossly inadequate. “Every test for GM contamination of S-26 formula has been positive for GM contamination. Yet our food regulator FSANZ refuses to mandate a recall, while Coles and Woolworths refuse to remove S-26 from their shelves.


    “This routine contamination requires GM labelling under the law. If FSANZ won’t act on this false and misleading failure to label GM ingredients, then the ACCC should intervene,” he says.


    “The Gillard Government must support independent Senator Nick Xenophon and Greens Senator Rachel Siewert who both want to fix up our food labelling laws. Labels must enable parents to choose baby formulas that that are not GM polluted. We call for the Government to ensure the assessment criteria of all novel foods, including GM, are amended and to remove the loopholes in Standard 1.5 that exempt most GM and other novel food products from any requirement to be labelled as such,” he concludes.