黑龙江 病毒性荨麻疹:中考英语复习必看词汇四

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 09:56:17

1.pull sth back to land                    把……拉回陆地上
2.* go on doing sth.                       继续做(同样的)事
3.go on to do sth.                         继续做(另外的)事
4.speak to sb.                            跟……说话
5.say to sb. ……
6.sit up                                 坐起来
7.at the edge of …                        在……的边沿上
8.try hard to do sth.                      努力做……
9.go down to the bottom of …             掉到……的底部
10.break into pieces                       摔成碎片

A: 医生询问病人病情及诊断常用语:
1.What's the trouble with sb. ?            你哪儿不舒服?
2.What's wrong with sb. ?                 你哪儿不舒服?
3.What's the matter with sb. ?            你哪儿不舒服?
4.Are you feeling better today / now ?      你现在/今天感到好一些吗 ?
5.How are you feeling today / now ?        你现在/今天感觉怎么样?
6.How long have you been like this ?       象这种情况已经有多久了?
7.Let me take your temperature.           我来量一下你的体温。
8.Your temperature is OK / all right.       你的体温正常。
9.There is nothing serious ( with you ).     没什么严重的。
Nothing serious.                    没什么严重的。
10. There is nothing much wrong ( with you ). (你)没什么大的问题。
11. When did you fall ill ?                  你什么时候开始病的?
12. How long have you been in bed / in hospital / like this ?
                                    卧床 / 住院 / 象这样 有多久了?
B: 病人反映病情及应答常用语:
1.I don't feel ( very ) well.                  我感到不舒服。
2.I feel sick / bad / terrible.                 我感到很难受。
3.I feel terribly ill.                         我感到病得很严重。
4.I've ( got ) a pain here / in one's …         我 这儿/……痛。
5.I've ( got ) a ( great ) pain in my head      我头痛(得厉害 )。
= I've a ( bad ) headache.                 我头痛(得厉害 )。
= My head hurts ( badly ).                我头痛(得厉害 )。
= There's something ( much ) wrong with my head. 我头痛(得厉害)。
= Something is ( much ) wrong with my head.      我头痛(得厉害 )。
6.I've got a ( bad ) cough                   我咳嗽(咳得厉害)。
7.I've got a ( bad ) cold.                    我得了(重)感冒。
8.I'm feeling even worse.                   我感到更加不舒服。
9.I don't feel like eating anything.          我不想吃东西。
10.I don't feel any better now.               我感觉没什么好转。
11.I feel no better now.                     我感觉没什么好转。
12.I had noodles/fish for lunch today.        今天中饭我吃的是面条/鱼。
13.What a terrible cough.                   咳嗽多严重啊!
C: 医生的嘱咐语:
1.Take this medicine three times a day.     这药一天吃三次。
2.get the medicine                         拿/取药
3.Drink more water and have/take a good rest. 要多喝水,好好休息。
4.Try to relax before you go to sleep.         睡觉前尽量放松一下。
5.Do some out-of-door exercise every morning.
6.Do some running in the morning.         早上练练跑步。
7.It's nothing serious.                     不要紧,不严重。
8.You'll be all right/well again soon.        你很快就会好的。
9.You'll be a little/much better tomorrow.   你明天就会好一些/好多的。
10. have a ( good ) rest                     (好好的)休息一下
= take a ( good ) rest  rest (well)
11. once / twice / three times / …            一次/两次/三次/……
12. get well                                康复
13. feel like doing sth.                      感到/觉得 想要做某事

1.feel / be tired                            感到/是 疲劳
2.go to bed / sleep                         去睡觉
fall asleep                               入睡了
be sleeping = be asleep                   在睡觉
be fast asleep                            在深睡
wake up                                 醒来
be awake                                醒着
wake sb. up                              把某人叫醒
   lie awake                                躺着没睡
   get enough sleep                          获得足够的睡眠
3.in one's dream                            在某人的梦中
4.have the dream of ……                    做……的梦
5.dream much / a lot = dream many dreams  做了许多梦
6.dream a good / terrible dream              做了一个好/恶梦
7.dream about ……                         梦见……
8.dream of ( doing ) sth.                     梦想做……
9.hard work                                艰苦的工作
10. as soon as ……                          一……就……
11. be busy with sth.                         忙于做某事
12. be busy doing sth.                        忙于做某事
13. all night long                            整夜以来
14. all night                                整夜
15. for hours = for many hours               好几个小时
for minutes / weeks / months / years days 好几分钟/星期/月份/年/天
16. stop sb. / sth. ( from ) doing sth.           阻止某人做某事
= keep sb. / sth. from doing sth.
17. a sleeping pill                           一片安眠药片
18. sleeping medicine                       安眠药
19. play light music                         播放轻音乐
20. a piece of quiet music                    一首轻音乐
21. again and again                         再三
22.* have a problem                         有问题
23. the best time to do sth.                   做某事的最佳时候
1.a little too heavy                          有点过重
2.smell good                                闻起来味道好
3.* have news from sb.                      从某人得到消息
1.look / feel tired                          看上去/觉得 累了
2.sth. look nice on sb.                      某衣物穿在某人身上很好看。
3.make ( much ) trouble                    制造(大)麻烦
4.in the garden                            在花园里
5.every five minutes                       每5分钟 / 没隔4分钟
every other minute                       每隔一分钟/ 每两分钟
6.look over sb.                             检查某人(身体)
look at … / look for …/ look after…/ look out / look like … / look fine / look the same / look around/round ( the …)
7.rich food                                油腻的食品
8.take exercise = do exercise = have sports = do sports = play sports
9.have some problems doing sth.            有一些困难做某事
10. No problem.                            没问题。
11. instead of ( doing ) sth.                  代替……;而不是……
12. before / after meals                      饭前/后
13. stay happy                             保持快乐
14.* have one's trip to s.p.                   去某地旅行
15. feel weak                               感觉虚弱
16. keep thin                               保持苗条
17.* tell the truth                           讲真话
18. tell a lie                                说谎话