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这是我( Stuart J. Ritchie )于2011年8月13日在爱丁堡文化艺术节危机怀疑者上的演讲稿。
‘Porn’, to quote journalism professor and anti-pornography activist Robert Jensen, ‘is what the end of the world looks like’. I must admit that, until I read this statement (from this book), I rather thought that the apocalypse would be more of the meteor-striking, sun-exploding, fiery-death kind. Instead, Jensen seems to think armageddon will come in an avalanche of breast enhancements, fake grunting, and peroxide.
  “AV”,引用一位新闻学教授同时也是反色情产业者 Robert Jensen的话说,“AV里的画面对我来说就像世界末日。”我承认在看到这句话(出处)之前,我以为世界末日更像是气候剧变,太阳爆炸,大量伤亡之类的。不过在Jensen看来,我们的末世大决战面对的是蜂拥而来的大而假的咪咪,装出来的叫床声和迷幻药。

To be fair to Jensen, what I think he meant was that porn is the end of the world because it epitomises uncaring, unfeeling interactions between men and women, and will eventually erase loving relationships from our society. Or something like that. He’s certainly not alone in this viewpoint – I recently read Pornland, by sociology professor Gail Dines, an attempt at an excoriating critique of the porn industry, replete with descriptions of some of the more insalubrious websites Dines has discovered on late-night Google sessions, and tragic anecdotes of people’s lives wrecked by their involvement with, and consumption of, pornography.

  公平的说,我认为Jensen的本意是,AV体现了男女间对感情的冷漠无视,并且最终会导致爱情在人类社会里消失等等。也并不是只有他有这种观点,最近我看了一本由社会学教授Gail Dines所著的书《AV之地》,书里严厉谴责了色情工业,描述了许多她google到的不健康网站,和很多人们由于沉迷AV给生活带来悲剧的奇闻异事。

I don’t doubt for a second that these anecdotes are mostly true, though one has to wonder if the ‘people who came up to me after one of my lectures’ really worded their stories in quite the perfect, argument-supporting way Dines describes. There are, of course, disgusting and degrading pornographic websites out there, and I’m certain that a significant number of women  - and men –  are exploited and abused by pornographers each year (it would be nice to see some proper studies into this, however). These aren’t really arguments against pornography, though, any more than saying ‘some prostitutes are abused by clients’ is an argument against prostitution. They’re arguments against the way we currently police and regulate the pornography industry (if there is indeed such a thing), and they’re more of legal than scientific interest. As for people who just use porn, the stories Dines provides are next-to-useless, as they aren’t from a large, representative sample, or properly recorded, or linked to any demographic information. There’s a devastating review here in the journal Violence Against Women, which shows Pornland for the unscholarly hatchet job it is.


While Dines isn’t afraid to compare the porn industry to Nazi Germany (p. 65), or claim – without evidence – that porn users are slowly turning, werewolf-like, into pedophiles (the penultimate chapter in the book, and a lecture you can see here), she does make a big deal of rejecting the simplistic argument that ‘porn causes rape’. This claim has been around for a long time (radical feminist Robin Morgan once famously stated that ‘pornography is the theory and rape is the practice’), and actually, though she distances herself from it, it’s near-impossible to know what Dines is talking about other than ‘porn causes rape’. For instance, in the video I linked above, she can be seen stating that ‘porn gives men a sense of entitlement to women’s bodies. What is rape, if not a sense of entitlement to women’s bodies?’ Thus, her opinions don’t seem to have moved on from the old Morgan dictum. We’ll see below how well that argument holds up when one looks at the evidence.

  Dines非常大胆的用纳粹和AV类比,而且她没有证据的声称-AV爱好者会像狼人似地慢慢转变,成为恋童癖(书中的倒数第二章,您还可以在此看到课程视频)。她也强力反对“AV导致强奸”这个简单观点,该观点已经存在很长一段时间(激进的女权主义者 Robin Morgan说过一句著名的话:“AV是理论,强奸是实践”),虽然她不支持该观点,但我们几乎了解不到她所说的其他不同于“AV导致强奸”的观点。譬如说,在上面的课程视频中,我们可以看到她陈述“AV让男人产生占有妇女身体的欲望,强奸难道不是这种欲望吗?”。看来,她的观点并没有比老Morgan的名言进步多少。后面我们将看到在面对证据时这观点还能坚持多久。

And so, skipping daintily over three aspects that have bedevilled previous discussions – a rigorous definition of pornography, boring debates about the difference between ‘pornography’ and ‘erotica’, and the impossible task of working out how much pornography is worth – I’ll make one important point before getting into the science: I’m not going to discuss moral arguments. If you think that porn is by definition degrading, that it’s never okay to have sex on camera, or that getting sex involved with money is always exploitative, that’s fine. There’s nothing I can do for you here. Of course, we should use the data to inform our morals, but there will always be those who are too disgusted (and it’s very clear from recent psychology experiments that disgust influences morals) by the whole idea of pornography to have a science-based argument about it.
There are, broadly speaking, four different kinds of studies which have looked into the effects of pornography. Here’s a mini-summary of each:
1) Experimental studies


In this type of study, researchers show willing participants porn, and quiz them on their attitudes afterwards. These appear to be quite contradictory, and sometimes strangely reported. For instance, Malamuth and Ceniti claim in the abstract to their 1986 study that watching violent and nonviolent pornography increased aggression in their sample of college students. However, no such result is to be found in the actual paper itself. How odd! Other studies have found a wide variety of effects, and are reviewed by Christopher Ferguson here.
  研究者先让志愿者观看AV,再调查他们的观后感。研究结果出现了很多矛盾,而且有时候还会出现一些奇怪的结果。譬如, Malamuth 和Ceniti 在他们1986年的研究中声称,理论上,大学生会在观看暴力或非暴力的AV之后增长他们的侵略性。但是却没有在他们实际的论文里找到相关证据。这多奇怪!也有其他研究显示了AV影响的多样性,Christopher Ferguson对此做了总结。
There is, of course, a huge flaw in experimental research of this kind. Think about it: when was the last time you used pornography that was forced on you by a psychologist (by which I mean it wasn’t your choice of movie), all the while in the knowledge that you’d be quizzed afterwards? These problems of ecological validity are pretty devastating when it comes to studies of an everyday activity like using porn. In addition, it’s not at all clear that the ‘aggression’ and ‘likelihood to rape’ measures in these studies actually relate to real-world aggression or likelihood of rape (this is compounded by the fact that a wide variety of measures were used, reducing our ability to compare apples to apples).


Ferguson concludes that porn’s ‘…effects appear negligible, temporary, and difficult to generalise to the real world’. (p. 4). From a good look at the literature, it’s hard to disagree.

  Ferguson 总结道“AV的影响是轻微的,暂时性的,而且很难概括于现实世界。”(第4页)。好好的看一下他的文章,你会同意他的观点。

2) Survey studies
‘Aha!’ Thought I, as I started looking for non-experimental survey-type studies into pornography. ‘Here’s a recent meta-analysis, where some authors have collected all the relevant studies, and done my job for me!’. And indeed, there is a recent meta-analysis on this topic by Hald, Malamuth, and Yuen. Looking at nine studies which asked people ‘how much porn do you watch?’ and then ‘what are your attitudes to women?’, these authors found that there was a correlation between porn use and attitudes supporting violence against women. The correlation is pretty small for non-violent pornography (r = .13) and somewhat larger for violent pornography (r = .24). Solid, right? Wrong. First off, as noted above, only nine studies were included. Surely more survey studies have been done? Well, turns out they have, and there are at least two glaring omissions from this meta-analysis.
  当在寻找非实验性有关色情产业的问卷调查资料时,我想“哈,最近有份综合分析,研究者已经收集了相关的资料,完成我本该做的事。”实际上,Hald, Malamuth和Yuen确实出了这样一份报告。他们收集了九份资料,问的问题如“您看过多少AV?”,“您对妇女的态度如何?”。研究者发现AV爱好者和对妇女有暴力倾向者存在关联。无暴力AV的相关度比较小(r=0.13)而暴力AV的相关度较高(r=0.24)。结论可靠吗?错。首先,他们只收集了九份资料,难道不存在更多的资料吗。也罢,现在看来他们至少漏掉了两份重量级的资料。
The first one I found was by Garos and colleagues from 2004 (this was mentioned in a recent Scientific American article). In their study, they asked a couple of hundred students about which kinds of porn they used, and measured their attitudes on a wide variety of sexism scales. As far as negative sexism goes (e.g. ‘I hate women’), they found that the more porn people used, the less sexist they were. There was, however, an association with positive (or ‘benevolent’) sexism (e.g. ‘women need to be protected’) and porn use. This type of sexism can, of course, be very damaging (imagine failing to get a job because the interviewer thinks you aren’t up to it as you’re a woman), but it’s not the same kind of hatred that activists like Dines predict porn would engender.
Secondly, McKee managed to contact 1023 users of pornography in his large-scale study (much larger than any of the studies in the Hald et al. meta-analysis), by post and online. He failed to find any association between the amount or type of porn people watched and their attitudes towards women (the negative attitudes to women were associated with more predictable things – being old, voting for a right-wing political party, etc). A big advantage of this study is it breaks out of the usual ‘convenience sampling’ problem in social science research, and doesn’t just focus on students (the studies in the meta-analysis tend to).


Hald and colleagues may have not included these studies in their meta-analysis because they included information from women. They note that most of the problem with sexism comes from men, so studies which asked women about their attitudes towards their own sex would be muddying the waters. I’m really not sure this is a great reason for not including these studies, especially considering that the results for males are easily separable from the results for females (and even if they aren’t, you’re doing a meta-analysis! Email the study authors and ask for just the male data!).
Now, the inclusion of these two studies might not wipe out the correlation between porn and negative attitudes from the meta-analysis entirely, but it would certainly weaken it. In all, we don’t appear to have found much of an effect of porn here, either.


3) Criminal studies
Ted Bundy had a nasty little secret. Well, quite a few; he was a serial killer, rapist, and necrophiliac who murdered over 30 people. But he was also addicted to porn. You can find unpleasant, homophobic, sterile little Christian websites such as this one who quote interviews with Bundy, and more or less claim ‘if you don’t stop masturbating to porn, you’ll end up just like him!’. Since we all (well, maybe not Gail Dines) know that anecdotes aren’t data, it’s better to take a look at the empirical research into sex offenders and their use of sexually explicit materials.

  Ted Bundy曾经有个肮脏的秘密,好吧,他有很多。他是一个连环杀手-谋杀了超过30人,强奸犯,奸尸者。同时,他也极度沉迷于AV。你可以找到一些令人讨厌,反同性恋,无聊的小基督徒网站例如这个引用对Ted Bundy的采访。这些网站或多或少都声称,如果不停止对着AV手淫的话,你迟早也会变成Ted Bundy。虽然我们(嗯,不包括Gail Dines)都知道奇闻不是数据,但是我们还是看下有关性侵犯的经验研究和罪犯具体使用的色情材料。

As discussed here (p. 4), the majority of studies into sex offenders and porn use are counter-intuitive in their results. In general, they find that sex offenders use just as much, or sometimes less, porn than the average person. This review briefly discusses evidence that sex offenders may be more likely to have had a repressive religious upbringing than non-sex-offenders.


Perhaps, then, it’s time to move beyond unsupported situational explanations of sex crimes. If sex offenders and the average citizen use the same amount of pornography, but only one sexually assaults someone, there must be something else going on – either innate to that person, or in their background. The lack of effect of pornography on offending does fit into the general trend of evidence of negligible media effects on violence – see Ferguson’s publications for loads of really great reviews in this area. There are definite echoes in the porn debate of the purported videogame-violence link (which as far as I can see, either doesn’t exist or is teeny-tiny).
4) Aggregate studies


These are, I think, the most interesting – and the most consistent – studies in the area. Starting with Berl Kutchinsky’s investigations of what happened in countries like Denmark when porn was legalised, we have a raft of studies which look at country- or state-level data, and try to discern the relationship between pornography consumption (by the way, don’t you just love the idea of someone consuming pornography? Delicious!) and the rate of sexual assaults and rapes. The most recent studies have been carried out by Milton Diamond at the University of Hawaii, who started off by looking at Japan in 1999. We all know that Japanese pornography is particularly fetishistic, and much of it could clearly be seen as degrading to women. So what happened as the availability of pornography rocketed in the latter half of the 20th Century? Take a look at the paper: rape and sexual assault rates plummeted in the same time period.
  我认为这是在此领域最有趣也最一致的研究方法。开始于Berl Kutchinsky的调查:当一个国家例如荷兰的色情行业合法化后会有什么结果。我们对国家和洲省级别的数据做了大量的研究,想能分辨出色情消费(可以光明正大买AV,多爽啊!)和性侵犯,强奸之间的关系。

Hardcore porn availability and the US rape rate, from Ferguson (2009), Journal of Aggressive Behaviour.

AV和强奸率的关系。来自《暴力行为》 Ferguson(2009)

More recently, Diamond studied an utterly different culture, that of the Czech Republic. Back when it was Czechoslovakia and run by those killjoy communists (the Party ruled from 1948-1989), pornography was completely prohibited. In the paper, Diamond and colleagues document how the crime rates changed after the fall of the regime, and the associated upswing in porn availability (a lovely little natural experiment, one could say). Check out the graphs: in the period of instability after the fall of communism, crime in general increased. But while non-sexual crimes such as murder continued to climb upwards, rape rates returned to similar levels as those under communism after a few years. If you split up the murder data, those murders with something to do with sex in general decreased, while those unrelated to sex increased massively. It’s worth pointing out that these sorts of results are found in a wide variety of other societies, too – see here for a review, and also the graph to the left for a summary of what happened to the rape rate in the US as porn availability increased – spoiler: it’s the same pattern again.
These studies are, of course, vulnerable to a variety of criticisms. First off, correlation doesn’t prove causation. Anybody claiming that these decreases in sexual crimes are caused by pornography is incorrect, because we don’t know that the crime rates wouldn’t have decreased faster if porn hadn’t been in the picture. But what these studies do show pretty convincingly is that there’s no linear association between porn and sex crimes. It seems we’ll have to look elsewhere to explain sex offences.
Another criticism is this: rape is notoriously under-reported, and conviction rates for it are extremely low, so how do we know these rape rates are accurate? Well, There’s a genuine debate over whether people would be more or less likely to report rape in a society with more porn availability. However, in Japan study cited above, Diamond provides evidence suggesting that, as Japanese society became more liberal (with the associated increased in porn), more rape counselling centres and public awareness campaigns were set up, raising consciousness of the problem. It stands to reason that other countries have had similar changes, though this remains an important criticism of the aggregate studies. To close, though, it’s worth remembering that this increase in porn and decrease in sex crimes has been found in pretty much every country/state ever studied; the consistency of the data is impressive, and seems to go beyond any culture-specific changes in rape victim support or attitudes towards rapists.
So that’s it for our tour of the Science of Porn. What can we conclude? Well, while there’s a wide variety of not-so-informed opinion on porn, there is rather a lot of evidence. Some of it is contradictory, but on taking a step back we realise just how difficult it has been for researchers to show a connection between porn use and, well, any negative outcomes. If effects have been found, they’re generally weak, and there are methodological issues with many of the studies. On the basis of the above evidence, then, you might think that we should go easy on porn. I’d agree with you, to some extent. But of course, this isn’t the end of the story; a wide variety of other questions remain relatively unanswered:


Perhaps pornography decreases sexual satisfaction? Well, according to the small amount of research I could find, probably not.
Perhaps it makes women view themselves differently? I couldn’t find any studies directly looking at this, but I’d caution that media effects on female self-perception aren’t necessarily as strong as one might think.
Perhaps, as suggested in Pornland, porn perpetuates racist stereotypes, encouraging us to view, say, Asian women as subservient and Black men as animalistic? I think Dines may have a point here, but there’s no hard evidence of the effects on porn consumers. Possibly, however, this reflects the ‘underground’ nature of porn. If these stereotypes were in regular films or TV, there’d be dozens of complaints to the producers. Another argument, maybe, that better regulation of the porn industry might help.


Perhaps porn actually has positive effects, such as being a kind of substitute sex education? Well, there isn’t really any direct research on this, either, but evidence so far isn’t impressive.
Perhaps newer, more rough and violent ‘gonzo’ porn might have effects that the studies discussed above didn’t pick up? Only time will tell if this is the case, but as described above, other studies of violent porn vs. non-violent porn haven’t shown a great deal of difference in effect, and it isn’t all that clear that mainstream porn is becoming more violent anyway.


Lastly, it’s worth pointing out that arguments that porn is ‘taking over the internet’ have been addressed here, and shown to be false.


But what does any of this matter? In Pornland, Dines states: ‘The studies provide some indication of effects, but what I find most compelling are the stories I hear from women who have been raped by men who use porn’ (p. 95). Clearly, Dines’s mind is made up. And yet, she must know that anecdotes are unconvincing to anyone with a bit of scientific or sociological training.
In the end, it’s a bit like the whole ‘Intelligent Design’ thing. Just like the Discovery Institute, anti-porn campaigners have money (from book sales, if nothing else), and they must know in their heart of hearts that scientific studies are the most convincing way to change people’s minds about topics like this. So why aren’t they funding any research? Why aren’t they suggesting any particular research designs? It’s deeply patronising to your audience to imagine they’ll be satisfied with anecdote after anecdote and little by way of peer-reviewed hard data.
…argh, I said it. ‘Hard’ data. I’ve been constantly fighting against adding puerile sex-and-masturbation innuendo to this post, and now I may have reached the limit of my inhibitory abilities. To sum up: it’s important to discuss the effects porn might be having on us, but it’s equally important to stick to the empirical data that’s been gathered. This has been, and remains, a serious problem for anti-porn campaigners. Until more solid evidence appears, we can only conclude that porn really isn’t the end of the world.
