东风风神dfm6470d5b:解密:毛泽东何时 因何事正式进入中共中央领导层

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2011年11月18日13:58   来源:中国共产党新闻网
解密:毛泽东何时 因何事正式进入中共中央领导层--中国共产党新闻
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Enter serial "MAO zedong's magnificent life and unfulfilled desire" MengQingChun the contemporary Chinese press
The communist party of China on November 18-Beijing news recently, the communist party of China news channel launched by history · contemporary Chinese press, MengQingChun compiled"MAO zedong's magnificent life and unfulfilled desire"A book.The objective of the accurate materials, achieve the life of MAO zedong's brilliant key nodes and how he has the outstanding wish, as vivid accounts and analysis.His life is brilliant, changed the historical destiny of the Chinese nation;His unfulfilled desire, rich his life color, also has left us intriguing thoughts.The following is a excerpts from the book.(have)
Enter the central committee of the communist party leadership
For unity the whole party thought, formulate united front policy, June 12, 1923 to 20,, the Chinese communist party in the guangzhou held the third congress.MAO zedong attend the meeting and was elected to the central committee, the first time the leadership of the party central committee into.
As is known to all, MAO zedong has represented hunan communist party at a large group of the communist party of China, become a founder of the Chinese communist party.The communist party of China on a big, he served as the minutes of the meeting, but only a speech, the impression is "to be pragmatic, silent".The meeting of the communist party of China, MAO zedong is Shanghai groups oppose the movement of ZhaoHeng reported.He wanted to attend the meeting, but forget the location of the meeting, and can't find his comrade (at that time the party's activities in the secret state), the results and the meeting firing over.
In the party's three big held before in the central executive committee of MAO zedong's chairman of the covenant of Chen, the central committee of the communist party organs to Shanghai.And then, he and the communist international representative marin, arrived in guangzhou first, preparations for the conference.
Guangdong district party committee in guangzhou dongshan residential leasing a snugger than-spring park (in guangzhou new river pu road no. 24), find a place for the marin, li dazhao, MAO zedong, qu qiubai, zhang tailei and other party for the big three.More than one hundred meters north spring park has a quiet streets, and the name of the T-shirt isolated group, the street 31 residential (now the T-shirt solitary hospital road no. 3), is a house of two two layers of bricky timberwork ordinary house, sit west to east, the door LinJieMian, downstairs to the meeting between the south, the center of the indoor set a faded red paint long tables, both sides each put a list of long benches, chairs at both ends small square stool.Because the house years neglect, so is very old.The historic three of the communist party of China, it is in the narrow and humble house held.Present at the meeting of representatives of the 30 people, all is the history of the party of the all-powerful on figures: Chen, li dazhao, CAI he-sen bases his, zhang guotao, MAO zedong, qu qiubai, zhang tailei, LuoZhang dragon, ChenTanQiu, tan PingShan, HeMengXiong, XiangYing, LinYuNa, LiuRenJing, etc.They represent only when the 432 communist party member, to talk about a very important strategic decision, namely implement kuomintang-communist co-operation.The communist international representative marin is three of the communist party of China to attend the only foreigner, while the first kuomintang-chinese communist cooperation on major issues is put forward his first.
In this meeting, not only by MAO zedong was elected for the central high executive committee member of the formal, and is in the five members by Chen tu-hsiu's c.o. (equivalent to the politburo later).Three ends, the central committee held in spring park first meeting, MAO zedong and pushed for c.o. secretary.MAO zedong bear the position, means that he began to enter the central party committee supreme leadership, began to participate in the party's core decision-making work.According to the executive committee of the central committee of the communist party of organic law "regulation," secretary negative their party inside and outside documents and communication and the responsibilities of the meeting, and his management files. Their party by the chairman's committee shall all correspondence and the secretary signature ", "the executive council meeting by the chairman's committee shall be all, and called for secretary."Visible, when secretary MAO zedong, with great power.Later, in the publicity, organization set up under the c.o., workers and peasants, all women, MAO zedong and concurrently organization minister, who has the real power.
A "for" to have "a".MAO zedong in this meeting into the central leadership, is and Chen du-xiu and delegates of the communist international marin the two party authority figures to his "appreciation" relevant, but, ultimately, he in previous work performance and treat kuomintang-chinese communist cooperation on the question of the positive attitude, is the key to the election, his success is his successful elected "capital".
From a big three of the communist party of China to the two years, MAO zedong in hunan actively engage in creating a local party organization, the development DangTuanYuan and organization workers' movement, etc, and outstanding.
In the middle of August, 1921, MAO zedong to participate in a big back to changsha of the communist party of China soon after HeShuHeng began together with the hunan local party organization's work preparation.October 10,, the hunan communist party branch proclaimed.In fact, this is the communist party of China the first provincial organization.In may of 1922, in hunan communist party branch, and on the basis of MAO zedong and HeShuHeng and formed a committee of the communist party of China's hunan area.MAO zedong as secretary, HeShuHeng, YiLi let, such as li lisan's adventurism for members, a total of 30 members.In previous, MAO zedong and have deep into the changsha, AnYuan, hengyang and all kinds of factories and schools, the development of advanced workers and students to recruiting, and set up the party's various organizations at the grass-roots level.In the work style, he LiJie talk, undeserved reclame and deep into the workers go to the place together, make friends with them.After some hard meticulous work, 1922 to may have development party member 30 people, and the first provincial respectively in changsha normal, hengyang provincial third normal and the AnYuan coal mine, and other established party branch or group.Among them, the communist party AnYuan branch was founded in February 1922, can say up the earliest industry is the hunan workers party branch.
The committee of the communist party of China's hunan area, after the establishment of the communist party of China's hunan area with MAO zedong committee of the communist youth league of the secretary and the identity of the executive committee secretary in changsha, hunan province to develop the cyl construction work.On June 7, to July 15, more than a month time, three times in a row he wrote to the working group at that time in the ZhangQiuRen, reporting and contact group's construction work.June 17,, he chaired the member congress changsha area, according to communist party c.o. on speeding up the development of our members notice spirit, the reorganization of changsha DeWei group.June 20,, he wrote a letter group of the central ShiFuLiang, report the changsha DeWei reorganization and group HengZhou, changde, pingsiang, the place such as the construction of the cyl in liling, and the term of office of the cyl cadres and establish a local group of provinces partition executive committee put forward its own problems constructive ideas.
According to communist party a big determine priorities, MAO zedong to China labor secretary of the combination of hunan, director of the division of identity, led the hunan workers' movement.He first for the hunan labor will work, to help its leaders yellow love, le pen people makes on the labor will the reorganization.November 21, 1921, MAO zedong and yellow, le pen two workers took counsel with the restructuring efforts, and in the labor weekly published "want workers to" penny, restructuring of labor will put forward the proposal.MAO zedong's advice get adopted, labor will by original work of the group GeYiZhi, change as secretary system, will the past eight department for secretary of education, concentrated, organization three department.Yellow, le pen two people also had the MAO zedong proposed "small organization coalition" claim, according to industry or association, the principle of the labor will reshuffle grass-roots organization, has established the civil, machinery, printing and so on more than 10 trade union.Workers are since then has stepped into a new stage.In MAO zedong's education and influence, the yellow love, "people are out of work gradually makes the influence of the socialist government group, established on marxist beliefs, and in 1921 to join the winter of the communist youth league of China.
From the second half of 1922 to early 1923, MAO zedong had launched and led the leadership AnYuan LuKuang, YueHan railway, ShuiKouShan lead-zinc mine and changsha NiMu workers, and a series of big strike, starting the climax of the hunan workers' movement, and has made the strike the victory of the struggle.
MAO zedong's performance and the solid work spirit, is deep general secretary Chen du-xiu and delegates of the communist international goodwill and appreciation of marin.Chen duxiu in the party's three big summarized the party's work, have to call a spade a spade to say:
We can say, Shanghai comrade party do work for too little.Beijing comrade because do not know the party organization, which caused a lot of difficulties.Hubei comrades have no in time to prevent conflicts, and the power of the workers failed to increase.Only the hunan comrade can say that work very well.
Marin to the communist international in the report also talked about:
Shanghai gave me a pessimistic impression.To the south me to experience, likely beneficial work, and will have been very effective.In some town, I found that Chinese youth to socialist problem is very interested.I in changsha, guilin, guangzhou and the sea in the little young rally.There are young students various regional club, to study the anarchy and socialist theory.Generally speaking, the youth organization for the development of the workers' movement actually has no much effect, only in changsha, our youth organization held against Washington conference in the demonstration, and set up a textile workers association, the trade union organization of December in 1921 were on strike.
Later he and in the work record record on the guide of the issuance of the weekly newspaper when it wrote:
Weekly smoothly.Seven period, hunan is the best.It has sold 3500 copies.
Three of the communist party of China is the main task of the officially decided kuomintang-chinese communist cooperation policy, therefore, the attitude of the co-operation between how, decided to the members of the central leadership "and" and meeting of representatives "choice".MAO zedong into the central leadership, no doubt, and he agreed with and support the attitude of co-operation between the relevant.But, he told the co-operation between the support, which is based on the analysis of the situation of revolution and the struggle of the strategy choice.
As stated above, as early as in 1919 founded the xiangjiang river review, MAO zedong had clearly put "people coalition" thought, that is, through the organization of the people against imperialism and feudalism strength to accomplish the task.Although he can't attend two of the communist party of China, but he to the declaration of democratic revolution outline and on the establishment of a "democratic united front of the resolution" of the spirit, is undoubtedly know, and later led the workers on strike in the actual struggle, and accumulated valuable experience in a united front.In April, 1923, MAO zedong in Chen duxiu in the central authorities about to Shanghai before work, was in hunan university of itself to the new age "foreign published on the external force, the warlords and revolution," penny, marxist class analysis method, the political situation in China and factions made a profound analysis, not only embodies the spirit of the relevant documents, and they reflect his own understanding level and basic attitude.
Arrived in guangzhou, MAO zedong and in the wizard "weekly newspaper published articles, further expounds the basic view of the Chinese revolution:
China's current political problems, not other problems, is simply a national revolution.With the national power to overthrow the warlords and down and the warlords of unsavory foreign imperialism, this is China's national historical mission.
MAO zedong thought, to complete the sacred historical mission, it is necessary to establish a "strict united front", "the revolutionary method of doing a new era, to create a new country."
In the party's three big, around the co-operation between the specific organization form problem, there was heated debate, zhang guotao claims the working class can only be under the banner of his own party for the revolution, against all the communist party member especially industry workers to join the kuomintang, against the working people in the development of the kuomintang organization.MAO zedong in zhang guotao closed-doorism wrong idea of the left-leaning, according to hunan workers' movement of the united front strategy use the experience of the struggle, and expounds the working class to join united front, the necessity of the workers and peasants and that a large join the KMT, is can replace it class composition, and asset class a joint front, is to complete the national democratic the needs of the revolution.At the same time, MAO zedong at the meeting made clear that support kuomintang-chinese communist cooperation policy.He said:
In China, the bourgeois revolution won't work.Hope in China to realize kuomintang-chinese communist cooperation, the emergence of a peace period, then the development of capitalism will very quickly, the number of Chinese proletariat will also increase a lot.Small bourgeois control the kuomintang.I believe that at present the petty bourgeoisie to lead.This is the reason we join the KMT.We should not be afraid to join the kuomintang.
Of the communist party of China's three big although had thrust of debate and end up with an absolute majority through the national sports and the kuomintang problems about the resolution ", decided to with the cooperation, the establishment of the democratic class the revolutionary united front.The meeting occurred about co-operation between the debate, which means the complexity of the problem and the delegates to the party's career in a highly responsible attitude, also reflects the party at that time is very active, style democracy thought the good condition.35 years later, MAO zedong in March 10, 1958 chengdu meeting of the party's history review was this to say: "our party from the foundation of northern expedition to this period, i.e., from 1921 to 1927, although have Chen duxiu's opportunism mistakes, but at that time the party's style of work more lively."It just shows that MAO zedong in the party's three big elected members of the central leadership on it is not by chance, but by a variety of factors at the same time results.
Confucius said: "day line, the gentleman strives constantly forself-improvement."For the development of the kuomintang, the party's revolutionary struggle against imperialism and feudalism, to realize the first kuomintang-chinese communist cooperation for preparation.And three of the communist party of China is to do the ideological, political and organizational preparation.And just in this period is MAO zedong, show sized up the situation, JiLiuYongJin, bold develop unique political vision and outstanding leadership abilities, that he first enter the leadership of the party central committee, suggesting a generation in the offing great men.(Enter serial "MAO zedong's magnificent life and unfulfilled desire" MengQingChun the contemporary Chinese press)
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