已知abc 是实数点:钻石人生的信念

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/13 22:48:28
作者:李中莹 |  文章出处:人生钻石


  1     Life provides you with time and space. It's up to you to fill it.


  2     The secret of happiness is not having more, but wanting less.


  3     Underneath attitude are your beliefs values and rules. Your attitude is only their shell.


  4     No belief can be absolutely effective in all the situations.


  5     The words of a sentence cannot depict all the meaning in that sentence.


  6     "If I may ask where the road is ? …… The road is right beneath your feet."


  7     Nothing other than your own feelings is true in this world.


  8     The plum flower is proud, because it choose to blossom in the coldest moment.


  9     Nature's law: an exception always arise when one expects things to happen a certain way.


  10    Because we are not perfect, so we have no right in asking for a perfect world.


  11    A person who does not say "I must" has no weakness. Nobody can attack a person who has no weakness.


  12    FACTS ≠ TRUTH!


  13    When you keep your eyes and mind on the problem, you will not see the many opportunities around you.  (by Bert Hellinger - the Family Constellation Master)

  当你把注意力和思想放在问题上,你将看不到身边众多的机会。注意力的焦点决定了思考的结果。  (波特·海宁格——家庭系统排列大师)

  14    Many people prefer living in pain than to have their problems solved.  (by Bert Hellinger - the Family Constellation Master)

  很多人宁愿生活在痛苦之中,也不愿解决自己的问题。   (波特·海宁格——家庭系统排列大师)

  15    The only way "Out" is "In".   (Robert Dilts -NLP Master)

  “摆脱”的唯一办法是“深入”。   (罗伯特·迪尔茨——NLP大师 )

  16    Your fear prevents you from facing it, and yet not facing it is the cause of your fear.


  17    Anything that is very clear inside your mind, may be said within 20 words. If not, it is only because you have not thought it through thoroughly.


  18    Pressure comes from feeling that one's strength is less that what the task requires.


  19    Difficulty comes from thinking the gain is less than the cost.


  20    Fear is not willing to pat the presumed price.


  21    Anger yields power to change a situation that is not acceptable.


  22    Sadness makes us value more that we still possess, including what’s in our memory.


  23    The feeling of weakness comes from focusing on things that we cannot control.


  24    The only one you can be sure to go through your life together is yourself, because apart from yourself, you can control nobody.


  25    We always operate according to our map of the world inside our mind, and not from what the world really is.


  26    Wisdom is to accept. When you can accept everything that happens in the world, you will have supreme wisdom.


  27    Every day I learn something new that makes me change something I used to believe yesterday.


  28    One who has difficulty to get into an emotion, would be difficult get out of one ales.


  29    When the mountain does not turn, the water turns.


  30    The world doesn't change, but your perception of it can.


  31    A person standing at the bottom of a valley, no matter which direction he chooses, he could only go higher.


  32    How can you know if you don't try.


  33    I can live with losing the fight, but I cannot live whit not fighting.   (A Famous Boxer)

  我可以接受输掉比赛,但决不能容许自己放弃战斗。   (某著名拳师)

  34    Courage is not without fear. Courage is , in spite of fear, one can still move on.


  35    Confusion makes you learn more, and clarity enables you to use it better.


  36    The first step of learning is always confusion, because you have moved from the know to the unknown.


  37    The sole criterion to determine heather one should do something or not: Does it bring me closer my goals in life, on the win-win-win basis?


  38    People have no direction because they have no destination.


  39    Passion alone cannot win the revolution; Passion just makes martyrs.


  40    There is no failure until one decides to stop trying.


  41    Whether you say you can or you cannot, you are both right, because you have the control of yourself in your own hands.


  42    We cannot demand a perfect world; but we can have our success and happiness in this imperfect world.


  43    The past is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift, this is why it is called the Present.


  44    "Hypocrisy" is a "for myself" behavior labeled as "for the other".


  45    Respecting a person is accepting his beliefs,valuse and rules.


  46    Don't look for God in your teacher.


  47    Similarities between two persons enable then to get along; however ,their differences enable the to grow.


  48    The only meaning for any two persons staying together is to help each other to grow. When this meaning ceases to exist, it is the time for them to part.


  49    In communication, however right you are in what you say is irrelevant, more important is whether the other person understands the message or not.


  50    Expressions and behavior review the truth, worlds are there only to confuse you.


  51    Giving other people space is accepting their differences. When we can accept people who are different from us ,we are growing.


  52    The highest form of expressing love is like the breeze and rain -the serve without saying.


  53    Parents' caring should provide the space for children to grow up; and not to prevent children from growing.


  54    Don't choose a captain who has sailed only calm water.


  55    "The Best" is an end. As long as you intend to continue ,you could always pursue "better".


  56    The only way to beat changes is : to learning more and faster than what the changes bring.


  57    Don't tell me why it cannot be done; tell me how it can be done, because that is why you are here.
