重庆市公安局局长张:When was it invented?短语及句型

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/02 18:41:05

When was it invented?短语
mistake, nearby, island, thousand, legend, smell, century, invent, adjustable, operate, electric, sweet, salty, crispy, sprinkle, according, ancient, boil, remain, produce, special
be used for, by mistake, according to, fall into, in the end, by accident

When was it invented?
Who was it invented by?
It was invented by…
What are they used for?
1. -When was the car invented?  -I t was invented in 1995.
2.- Who were they invented by? -They were invented by Julie Thompson.
3. -What are they used for? -They are used for seeing in the dark.
1 be invented in 被发明于某年某地        be invented by sb由某人发明的
2 shoes with adjustable heels可调跟的鞋     shoes with high heels  高跟鞋
3 change the style of sth   改变。。。的风格   5 see in the dark在黑暗中看路
4 battery-operated slippers电池供电的拖鞋    electric shoes电子鞋
6 operate on sb  给某人动手术     need an operation  需要手术
7 heated ice cream scoop 加热的冰淇淋勺   8 scoop really cold ice cream舀很冷冰淇淋
9 helpful inventions       有帮助的发明    annoying inventions   使人烦恼的发明
10 an alarm clock闹钟     light bulb电灯泡     microwave oven  微波炉
11 potato chips  薯条       12 by accident意外地,偶然地
13 by mistake错误地    make mistakes in sth在某事上犯错
mistake A for B错吧……当成。。。
14 in the end=finally=at last   最后,终于   at the end of…在……末,尽头
15 salty enough足够咸     enough salt  足够的盐
16 a chef called…一个叫……的厨师    a doctor named  … 一个叫……的医生
17 for a long time   好长时间
18  sprinkle A on B    把……撒在……上   sprinkle B with A    用……撒在……上
19 not…..until   直到……才      20 be brought to the Western world被传到西方世界
21 over….=more than ….多于       22 according to   根据
23 an ancient Chinese legend一个古老的中国传说     ancient culture   古文化
24 the emperor Shen Nong   神农帝           25 boil drinking water  烧开水
26 in an open fire  在户外篝火上     in the open air   在户外
27 fall into the water  落入水里     fall off the tree从树上摔下来
fall down  摔倒    fall—fell—fallen
28 remain there  留在那里    remain in one’s memory 留在某人记忆里
29 produce a pleasant smell发出一种令人愉悦的味道   30 decide to do   决定作某事
31 taste the hot mixture  品尝这种热混合物     32 in this/that way  这/那样
33 college students  大学生      34 metal pie plates  金属的馅饼碟子
35 flying disk飞碟,飞盘       36 throw flying disk  扔飞盘
throw sth away  把。。。扔掉  throw sth to sb  把某物扔给某人
37 in the1950s   在二十世纪五十年代     in the sixth century在六世纪
38 prefer ….to…..  更喜欢      39 easily-broken  易碎的
40 a pair of binoculars   一副望远镜
41 travel around the would  周游世界     travel around China  环游中国
42 notice sb do/doing   注意某人做/正在做       notice sb that….注意到。。。
43  much-loved  深受喜爱的        44 for fun and exercise  为了娱乐和锻炼
45 including China  包括中国        46 be born in / on  出生于
47 play indoors  在室内玩          48 during the long winters  在漫长的冬季
49 on a hard wooden floor在一块坚硬的木质地板上
50 the safety of the players 运动员们的安全
51 knock into sb    撞到某人         knock at the door   敲门
52 divide….into…. 把……划分成      53 the aim of ….……的目的
54 try to do  尽力做某事     try doing尝试做某事
55 get a ball into the basket   把球弄进篮子
56 move towards one end of the court  向场地的一端移动
move / run towards  朝……移动,向……跑
57 a developing country  发展中国家        a developed country  发达国家
58 It is believed that   据信     It is said that  据说
It is reported that据报道   It is thought that  人们认为   It is heard that听说
59 become an Olympic event成为一项奥运会项目         60 take part (in)  参加
61 use up    用光,用尽    the use of…    ……的用处
use…to do=use…for doing用……来做某事
be used to do=be used for doing被用来做某事
be/get/become used to doing习惯于做某事    used to do过去(场场)作某事
62 the first basketball game in history历史上第一场篮球赛
63 experience经验(不可数)  经历(可数)
be a great experience for sb对某人来说是一次很棒的经历
64 since then  自那以后      65 the popularity of …  。。。的流行,普及
66 rise worldwide   引起全世界广泛传播
67 NBA=National Basketball Association国家篮球协会
68 equip sth with sth    用来装备……
69 the number of   ……的数量(动词单数)   a number of = many  许多
70 dream of doing   梦想做某事
71 a professional basketball player一名职业篮球运动员
72 must have done  肯定作了某事       73 I bet   我敢打赌
74 around=about   大约        75 afford to do  承担的起做某事
76 from casual to dressy   从休闲到正式     77 a hand-held calculator  掌上计算器
78 personal computer个人电脑     79 be in a bad mood =be moody 心情糟糕
80 order thinly-sliced,crispy,salty chips点(这道)片薄,松脆,味咸的薯条
1. 被动语态
(1). 被动语态表示句子的主语是谓语动词所表示的动作承受者。
(2). 被动语态基本结构:be+及物动词的过去分词
(3). 被动语态中的be 是助动词,有人称、数和时态的变化。
一般过去时被动语态为:was/were+ 过去分词
与情态动词连用的被动语态:情态动词+ be + 过去分词
(4). 被动语态中动作的发出者或执行者做介词by的宾语,放在句
末,by 表示“由,被”的意思
主动语态: 主语+    谓语动词   +   宾语  + 其他成分
被动语态: 主语+  be +过去分词 +  by +宾语   +其他成分
如:      Many people    speak  English.
被动语态 English      is spoken   by many people.
2. 本单元要掌握的句型 见课本P69 中的Grammar Focus
3. invent v. 发明  inventor n. 发明家  invention n. 发明 可数名词
4. be used for doing用来做…(是被动语态) 如:
Pens are used for writing. 笔是用来写的。
Pens aren’t used for eating. 笔不是用来吃的。
5. 给某人某样东西
give sth. to sb.   如:I gave a pen to him. 我给他一支笔。
give sb. sth.        I gave him a pen. 我给他一支笔。
6. all day 整天
1、When was  it invented?
1. I think the telephone was invented before ( after ) the car. 我认为电话是在汽车之前(之后)发明的。
2. It’s used for scooping really cold ice cream.
be used + 介词结构的几种常见用法:
1)be used for 意为“被作为……使用”,“用来作……”,“为了……而使用”。
Bamboo can be used for carrying water.
This cup is used for watching.这个杯子是用来观赏的。
2)be used as 的意思是“作为……使用”,“用作……”。
This bag can be used as a pencil-box. 这个袋子可以当作铅笔盒来使用。
3)be used by 意为“被……使用”。
English is widely spoken by travelers and many others in the world.
4)be used to doing 意为“习惯于做某事”。
I am used to reading in the morning.
3、Who was tea invented by? 茶是由谁发明的?
4、 Although tea wasn’t brought to the western world until 1610,…
not…until… 的意思是“直到……,才……。”
We didn’t finish our work until midnight yesterday.
5、According to an ancient Chinese legend,Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling water over an open fire.
6、Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.
7、And in this way,one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.
8、Did you know that potato chips were invented by mistake?
9、. Since then, the popularity of basketball has risen worldwide.
10、Many young people dream of becoming famous basketball players.
11、   It gives people more time to work and play every day.
12、  Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor named James Naismith, who was born in 1861.
13、Knocking into players and falling down would be dangerous.
14、It’s believed that on December 21st, 1891, the first basketball game in history was played.
It’s said that…    It’s reported…