喂奶的妈妈可以吃蜂蛹:“世界工厂”透不过气了 Chinese factories choke on complex cocktail

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/02 20:16:59
2011年12月02日 13:13 PM

“世界工厂”透不过气了 Chinese factories choke on complex cocktail

英国《金融时报》 吉密欧 北京, 拉胡尔?雅各布 香港报道评论[50条]   

At the Winfire cigarette lighter factory in the eastern Chinese city of Wenzhou, Hannah Sun, the foreign trade manager, does not need economic data to know that manufacturing in China is struggling.

在温州兴丰烟具制造有限公司(Winfire)的打火机工厂里,身为外贸部经理的Hannah Sun不需要看经济数据也知道,中国制造业目前处境艰难。

Earlier this year, a big overseas client stopped new orders at the company because of global uncertainties, forcing the factory to sack about 40 of its 100-strong workforce.


“The situation is even worse for shoe manufacturers,” Ms Sun says. “This is normally a very busy time for them but this year lots of shoe factories have just stopped production altogether and many migrant workers have been fired and returned home.”

Hannah Sun表示:“鞋厂的处境更糟糕。往年这个时候对他们来说通常是非常繁忙的季节,但今年许多鞋厂干脆停产,许多农民工被解雇,只能回家。”

Millions of factories like Ms Sun’s are being squeezed on all sides by rising costs, labour shortages, shrinking margins and a collapse in new orders from overseas. Many small manufacturers face going out of business thanks to government policies and immutable demographic and economic forces that make low-end production in China increasingly untenable.


China’s official purchasing managers’ index for November shows this trend playing out across the country as the manufacturing sector, which officially makes up about 50 per cent of gross domestic product, contracted for the first time in almost three years. The index, released on Thursday, fell to 49.0 in November, down from 51.4 in October, dropping below the 50 reading that separates expansion from contraction. Readings for new orders and new export orders point to worse to come, with factories already laying off workers, buying fewer raw materials and cutting production.

中国官方的11月份采购经理指数(PMI)显示,这一趋势是全国性的:占到国内生产总值(GDP) 约50%的制造业出现了将近三年来的首次收缩。周四发布的11月份PMI从10月份的51.4跌至49.0,跌穿了50这一扩张与收缩的分界线。新订单和新出口订单指数预示形势还将恶化,目前工厂已经在减员、减少购买原材料和减产。

“China’s PMI tells a simple story: an across-the-board, deepening slowdown in the country’s manufacturing sector,” said Stephen Green, head of research for greater China at Standard Chartered.

按渣打银行(Standard Chartered)大中华区研究主管王志浩(Stephen Green)的话说,“中国采购经理指数清晰地传达了这样一个信息:中国制造业出现了整体的、正在加深的收缩”。

The first and most obvious reason for the slump in manufacturing is the decline in global demand, particularly from embattled economies in Europe. David Liu, president of Luca Angelo Leather Product in the southern industrial town of Dongguan, says his company’s exports to Europe have dropped by up to 40 per cent in the last two months and, although orders from the domestic market have held up, his costs are rising.

导致制造业滑坡的第一个、也是最明显的原因是全球需求下滑,尤其是身陷困境的欧洲经济体的需求下滑。东莞乐凯安吉皮具有限公司(Luca Angelo Leather Product)总经理刘道松(David Liu)表示,最近两个月里,乐凯安吉对欧洲的出口下降了40%之多,而在国内市场上,尽管订单状况保持良好,但成本却在不断上涨。

“Suppliers ask for payments without delay and that adds to our finance costs,” Mr Liu said. “Banks are strictly controlling loans to [small and medium-sized enterprises] and many of my friends are considering cutting production.”


Mr Liu’s comments highlight the longer-term challenges facing manufacturers of low-tech products in China’s coastal manufacturing belt, which until recently was better known as the workshop of the world. Falling orders come as many companies face higher prices for raw materials, restricted access to credit and greater environmental compliance and labour costs. For years, Beijing has promoted policies aimed at moving manufacturing up the value chain and actively discouraged the state-owned banking system from lending to small, low-tech producers such as Winfire. But with a huge portion of Chinese manufacturing still in low-end industries such as textiles, rising costs and inadequate access to credit mean many producers are being slowly strangled rather than climbing the technology ladder.
