宁波哪个长途汽车站:一张照片看世界(NG Vol.1) - 有意思吧

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 14:29:51

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From "Megatransect," October 2000, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Michael K. Nichols


Congo Family, Republic of the Congo, 2000

"Thoughnot a true rain forest—Congo's annual rainfall totals less than ahundred inches (2.5 meters)—the forest is often flooded, allowing [aPygmy] family to set out on a fishing trip. In her hands the mothercradles a coal —the makings of a fire."


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From "China's Gold Coast," March 1997, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Michael S. Yamashita


Shenzhen Theme Park, China, 1997


"Placesto go, things to buy: Nowadays the Chinese have money to flaunt. Theypay to visit Window of the World, a theme park in Shenzhen thatfeatures miniaturized tourist sights, like Moscow's St. Basil'sCathedral."


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From "A New Light in the Sea," August 1997, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:David Doubilet


Knob Coral, Red Sea, 1997


"Illuminatedby ultraviolet light, a knob coral pulsates with color as if lit fromwithin. The coral absorbs the invisible ultraviolet light, then emitswild orange visible light. This is called fluorescence, a phenomenon ofphysics and biology that borders on pure magic."


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From "Megatransect," October 2000, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Michael K. Nichols


Pygmy Family, Republic of the Congo, 2000


"Wise in the ways of the forest, a Bambendjellé [Pygmy] family takes refuge from the rain under a shelter of sticks and leaves."


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From "A World Together," August 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Joe McNally


Michelle Yeoh, California, 1999


"Sublimelyat ease in midair, Malaysian-born 'action goddess' Michelle Yeoh isjust as comfortable with an acting career that routinely hopscontinents."


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From "Megatransect," October 2000, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Michael K. Nichols


Congo Chimps, Republic of the Congo, 2000


"Perhapsthe last on Earth to have never seen a human, the chimpanzees ofGoualougo Triangle showed no fear of Fay's team. 'If we let this areabe logged, we'll destroy our chance to know this animal in its naturalstate,' says Fay."


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From "Cheetahs: Ghosts of the Grasslands," December 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Chris Johns


Hungry Cheetah Cub, Botswana, 1999


"Bloodstainedfrom its last meal, a cub shows features of a hunter built for speed.During sprints, a membrane shields eyes while large nostrils allow forrapid oxygen intake. Dark 'tearstains' may block glare."


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From "Tale of Three Cities," August 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Stuart Franklin


Train Station Prayer, Alexandria, Egypt, 1999


"Kneelingin reverent prayer at Alexandria's train station, Muslims display afervor reminiscent of the ancient city—but a uniformity that would havebeen rare. Though ruled by Rome, first-century Alexandrians worshippeda blend of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman deities, the composite godSerapis chief among them."


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From "Vanishing Cultures," August 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Maria Stenzel


Ariaal Wedding March, Kenya, 1999


"Voicesring out across rain-washed hills as Ariaal women make their way to awedding: 'Meirita ngai nkeera ang!' they sing. 'God bless ourchildren!' All of Marsabit District revels at the end of the rainyseason."
當阿里爾族婦女們前往一個婚禮的時候,歌聲在雨水沖刷過的山間響起來。她們唱道:“Meirita ngai nkeera ang!上帝保佑我們的孩子!”整個馬薩比特地區在雨季結束的時候狂歡起來。


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From "Timeless Valleys of the Antarctic Desert," October 1998, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Maria Stenzel


Beacon Valley Frost, Antarctica, 1998


"Agiant jigsaw puzzle of stone and soil shaped by frost paves BeaconValley. The age of volcanic ash here shows little has changed inmillions of years. 'Antarctica holds the answers,' says geologist DaveMarchant, who seeks clue to Earth's past. 'They're just hidden.'"


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From "Iran: Testing the Waters of Reform," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Alexandra Avakian


Yazd Mosque, Yazd, Iran, 1999


"MarcoPolo called it the 'good and noble' city of Yazd, an ancient town wheredesert architects learned to cool buildings and even make ice byharnessing the wind. A 14th-century mosque still dominates Yazd'soldest quarter."


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From "Making Room for Wild Tigers," December 1997, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Michael K. Nichols


Tiger Carrying Cub, India, 1997


"Jawsthat can crush a backbone become a tender conveyance as Sita totes acub to a new den, a constant chore to safeguard her young fromleopards, wild dogs, and other tigers. Hiding cubs well is critical,since she may be away hunting for 24 hours or more. Sita is livingproof that this endangered species can flourish if only given enoughroom and enough prey."


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From "Route 66," September 1997, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Vincent J. Musi


Route 66 Straightaway, Arizona, 1997


"Those who love wind in their hair relish the straightaway west of Seligman."


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From "Cheetahs: Ghosts of the Grasslands," December 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Chris Johns


Okavango Cheetah Brothers, Botswana, 1999


"A termite mound doubles as a watchtower for two brothers—a 'coalition'—that scout for predators and prey in their territory."


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Photo by:Chris Johns


Okavango Cheetah and Cubs, Botswana, 1999


A female cheetah and her three cubs.


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From "Iran: Testing the Waters of Reform," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Alexandra Avakian


Muharram in Iran, Iran, 1999


"Heartsturn to mourning in the Islamic month of Muharram. On the tenth day,when performers reenact the martyrdom of the Prophet Muhammad'sgrandson Husayn, people weep for the dead, including martyrs from the1980s war with Iraq."




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From "Malaysia: Rising Star," August 1997, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Stuart Franklin


Malay Plantation, Malaysia, 1997


"Fruit from one of Malaysia's largest oil-palm plantations rolls to mill over a light railway."


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From "Iran: Testing the Waters of Reform," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Alexandra Avakian


Khuzestan Salt Field, Iran, 1999


"Inthe southwestern province of Khuzestan, Nahid and Hussein Saboeecollect salt after school to sell to bakers. The good news: 85 percentof Iran's children go to school, and 80 percent of the population isliterate, versus less than half before the 1979 revolution."
在伊朗西南部胡齊斯坦省的一個鹽場,Nahid和Hussein Saboee在放學後收集鹽賣給麵包師傅。目前,伊朗85%的兒童,全國80%的人口受教育,而1979年革命以前少於一半的人口受過教育。




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From "The Shrinking World of Hornbills," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Tim Laman


Indonesia Hornbill, Indonesia, 1999


"Roomservice: A red-knobbed hornbill arrives with breakfast, which he willregurgitate for his roughly three-month-old chick safely inside a nesthole in an Alstonia tree. Though its mother has left the confines ofthe nest, the chick remains within for another few weeks, dependent onits parents until it fledges."


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From "Mars on Earth," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Peter Essick


Haughton Crater, Canada, 1999


"Lightsnow and the otherworldly glow of an Arctic summer night lend an alienaura to Haughton Crater on Canada's Devon Island. Deemed similar tocraters on Mars, Haughton has become a proving ground for futuremissions to the red planet."


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From "Vanishing Cultures," August 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Maria Stenzel


Chipaya Hair Braiding, Bolivia, 1999


"Generationsof skill flow through nimble fingers as Chipaya women plait another'shair. When finished, she'll wear a hundred ribbon-thin braids in thestyle of her ancestors, contemporaries of Peru's Inca. Despite drought,cold, and the lure of city life, some 2,000 Chipaya remain bound totheir Altiplano homeland."


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From "Listening to Humpbacks," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Flip Nicklin


Breaching Whale, Alaska, 1999
破水而出的鯨, 阿拉斯加, 1999


"Whale-watchersflock to such spectacles [as breaching] during the spring-to-fallfeeding season off Alaska, while scientists debate whether groups ofwhales hunt cooperatively."


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From "Vanishing Cultures," August 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Maria Stenzel


Anxious Bride, Kenya, 1999


"[A]newly circumcised bride (right) spends much of the [wedding]celebration in her mother's hut in the company of her best friend."


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From "Making Room for Wild Tigers," December 1997, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Michael K. Nichols


Anti-Poachers, India, 1997


"Settingforests aside for tigers is one thing, ensuring that they remainprotected is something else again. Protecting wildlife from poachersrequires strict policing, but the battered rifles the guards carry areno match for the automatic weapons wielded by intruders."


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From "Journey to China's Far West," March 1980, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Bruce Dale


Zhongwei Welcome, Zhongwei, China, 1980


"'Wewere overwhelmed,' says author Rick Gore, when thousands turned out inZhongwei to greet the first American visitors in at least thirty years.A sign reads 'Proletarians of the world unite,' but ideology is nolonger a barrier to curiosity ."


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From "Celebrating Canyon Country," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Len Jenshel


Wooly Locoweed, Utah, 1999


"A pretty poison, woolly locoweed, flowering during autumn, can make cattle that eat its toxic leaves go berserk and die."


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From "Africa's Wild Dogs," May 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Chris Johns


Wild Dog Pups, Botswana, 1999


"Tug-of-warerupts as two four-month-old pups tussle over a strip of impala skinbrought to them as a souvenir from a hunt. The pups, their belliesswollen with regurgitated meat, are on the threshold of beingphysically strong enough to keep up with their pack in the field."


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From "Venice: More Than a Dream," February 1995, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Sam Abell


Venetian Glassmaker, Italy, 1994


"'It'salchemy,' says artist Laura de Santillana of the fluid magic of glass.Working with maestros like Lino Tagliapietra, Venetian artisans keepthe city's luminous glassmaking heritage alive."
藝術家Laura de Santillana這樣談論玻璃的流暢魅力:“這是魔力”。威尼斯的玻璃藝人們和像Lino Tagliapietra一樣的大師們一起努力使這個城市輝煌燦爛的玻璃工藝技術繼續保存下來。


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From "Celebrating Canyon Country," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Len Jenshel


Utah Cattle Drive, Utah, 1999

"Whenthe dust lifts, Dell LeFevre will have ended his last cattle drive tothe Escalante River, now off-limits to cattlemen. A fifth-generationrancher, LeFevre clings to grazing rights elsewhere in the monument."


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From "Cuba—Evolution in the Revolution," June 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:David Alan Harvey


Street Baseball, Havana, Cuba, 1999


"Apassion for baseball overcomes the lack of a bat in a pickup game inHavana. 'We love US culture,' says one city resident. 'We play yoursports, study your language, and know all your Hollywood stars.'"


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From "The Missouri Breaks," May 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:William Albert Allard


Montana Rancher, Montana, 1999


"Athome in the saddle, a rancher works stock on a spread 60 miles [100kilometers] from the nearest town. 'My boys always look for an excuseto get on a vehicle, but in these parts a horse is what goeseverywhere. '"


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From "The Air-Safety Challenge," August 1977, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Bruce Dale


Jet Time Exposure, Palmdale, California, 1977


"Themagnificent jet propels air safety to new heights, yet accidents stilloccur. Records show that takeoff and landing remain the critical phasesof flight. One long-range solution is increased automation. A LockheedTriStar touches down 'hands off' at Palmdale, California; a timeexposure by a remotely operated camera attached to the aircraft'svertical tail fin blurs city and runway lights."


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From "The Rebirth of Old Havana," June 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:David Alan Harvey


Havana School Kids, Havana, Cuba, 1999


A"multiracial rainbow of children from one of Old Havana's many schoolsmake a pledge: 'Seremos como el Che—We will be like Che Guevara,' alegendary leader of the Cuban revolution."
一群來自老哈瓦那其中一所學校的多民族小學生們在宣誓:“Seremos como el Che。我們將會像切·格瓦拉一樣。”切·格瓦拉是古巴革命中的一位傳奇領導人。


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From "Cuba—Evolution in the Revolution,"June 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:David Alan Harvey


Cuban Farmers, Manicaragua, Cuba, 1999


"Thoughthey rarely have new wire to mend a fence, tobacco farmers inManicaragua live better than many city dwellers. A horse takes them onerrands, and a kitchen garden helps keep them well fed."


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From "When in Rome," June 1970, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Winfield I. Parks, Jr


Colosseum Nightscape, Rome, Italy, 1970


"Memory-hauntedarena of the ancients, Rome's 1,900-year-old Colosseum saw bloodygladiatorial duels, battles with wild beasts, and mock navalengagements on its flooded floor. Christians banned the spectacles, andin later centuries presented church dramas here. Time , earthquakes,and stone scavengers took their toll. Still, the treasured monumentsurvived and again serves Rome—as a traffic circle. Cars at eveningrush hour create streaks of light in this time exposure, which alsocaptures horse-drawn carriages waiting at curbside for tourists."


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From "The Rise and Fall of the Caspian Sea," May 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Reza


Caspian Pike Perch, Kazakhstan, 1999


"Pikeperch seem plentiful at this Kazakh processing plant, but the catchhere has fallen sharply in recent years—and that's not the worst news.The [Caspian Sea's] sturgeon, ancient fish that survived the transitionfrom dinosaur age to the mammal era, may not survive the transitionfrom communism to free market. The source of 90 percent of the world'scaviar, they are being decimated by poaching and pollution."


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Photo by:Maggie Steber


Cash Cow, Quebec, Canada, 1997


Quebecis the 'cash cow' of Canada, many Québécois think, convinced that theypay more taxes to Ottawa, the national capital, than they receive inbenefits. Yet even Quebec government studies show that the provincereceives a net cash flow of at least two billion dollars US fromOttawa, while other studies reckon it to be much higher. Quebec's dairyfarmers are themselves guaranteed a 47 percent national market sharefor processed milk. Despite such subsidies, support for independenceremains strong in the rural French-speaking area.


附註:現金牛(cash cow)指穩定可靠的資金或收入來源。


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From "Time and Again in Burma," July 1984, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:James L. Stanfield


Myanmar Temples, Bagan, Myanmar (Burma), 1984


Thederelict splendor of thousand-year-old Bagan is backdrop for localfarmers. Some 2,000 temples, remnants of Myanmar's first imperialcapital, stretch along an 8-mile (13-kilometer) curve of the Ayeyarwady(Irrawaddy) river.


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Photo by:James P. Blair


Bangladesh Cow, Bangladesh, 1993


A cow grazes on a paddy of rich three-month-old rice.


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From "The Missouri Breaks," May 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:William Albert Allard


Badlands Grain Fields, Montana, 1999


"Grainfieldsspill their color across the badlands of the Missouri Breaks, alonesome swatch of eastern Montana where the Great Plains roll to anabrupt and wild end. The Missouri River and its tributaries have cutdeep paths through underlying sandstone and shale, fracturing the opencountry. Rough and remote spaces rule the Breaks, perfect for folks whoinsist on carving their own way."


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From "The Rise and Fall of the Caspian Sea," May 1999, National Geographic magazine
Photo by:Reza


Azerbaijan Mosque, Azerbaijan, 1999


"Mosquesagain flourish in Azerbaijan, a mostly Muslim country that saw all but18 of its 2,000 mosques shut down under Soviet rule. Their traditionsmuted by years of official atheism, Azerbaijanis are gravitating towarda moderate practice of Islam—to the chagrin of Iran , which fears itspeople will look north with envy."



