
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 21:58:58
新华网荣誉出品总策划:周锡生 本期策划:张立佳 编辑:邱小敏



人民币贬值预期抬头 出口行业或受益
“没有任何一国的货币汇率可以一直单边升值,如果因为人民币升值或贬值而恐慌,是很不理性的行为。 ”

The total planning: ZhouXiSheng this planning: ZhangLiJia editor: QiuXiaoMin

December 9,, in China's foreign exchange market at sight, the yuan to the dollar exchange rate eighth straight trading day touch the lower trading range, is also hit the "drop stop".Since July 21, 2005, China began to implement a system of floating exchange rates since, in addition to the financial crisis again during the peg to the dollar, and the dollar exchange rate more than the value of the trading day keep continuous phenomenon does not see more.One time, "capital outflow" "exchange rate arbitrage" "see empty China" views arise.People not only ask, yuan appreciation way really exhausted?...[detailed]
The spot exchange rate of RMB $for eight days touch drop stop
Since the central bank announced on November 30, reduce the legal deposit reserve rate. Since then, the yuan at the spot exchange rate against the dollar has eight straight days touch the lower trading range.However, the period of RMB exchange rate movements does not mean that the exchange rate of the yuan into a rapid devaluation of the channel.In fact, in the domestic market on the movements of the rare, according to the RMB exchange rate after the rapid appreciation has entered into the phase platform.In this platform, the yuan appreciation will gradually the phenomenon of unilateral disappear, appreciation also would narrow, the exchange rate of the yuan will be more reflected the domestic and international economic situation change up and down concussion.This round of consecutive days to the dollar trend, perhaps it is precisely the RMB appreciation regression neutral a performance....[detailed]
People in the industry say, because the daily the middle price, the dollar continuous "drop stop" range is not should be simple to attack."Actually, from the start to the end of November, the yuan against the us dollar in the middle price keep the basic stability."A Chinese bank traders said, "so although at present the yuan depreciation rendering more, but the RMB exchange rate drop. The actual limited"...[detailed]
The RMB exchange rate down there and why?Uncover capital outflows fan innings
The yuan is not the sole weaker prices, the Indian rupee, Russian rubles, Thai baht, rupiah, etc are emerging economies monetary reverse the upward trend.Four months Indian rupee, 15% in the Russian ruble fell by more than 15%, the rupiah also fell to about two months since the nineteen seventies, Singapore and Malaysia ringgit dollar both also touch six weeks low.Analytic personage points out, with emerging countries economic growth is slowing, the debt crisis and the European and American countries need a large amount of fund backflow ease, plus $at this time of the present value of a hedge again, the fund size board bought dollars backflow, and on the emerging countries exchange rate down....[detailed]
2008 years after the start of the financial crisis, the dollar will be the first choice of the hedge, the European debt crisis is the same reason.So far, the dollar is still the hedge funds of first choice.Choose a hedge funds of factors is $short-term factors, the European debt crisis recently there will be the solution, once scheme clear, the financial market is becoming stable, hedge mood will further easing.For the domestic character, along with the macro policy under attack, trimming, domestic economic prospects will further clear. After all, China's economic growth in the long run will also higher than any other country, and therefore won't be long-term trend capital outflows....[detailed]
The RMB exchange rate reform in further time window
Recently the fluctuations can show that appear, two-way fluctuation will become future trend, may even have appeared more substantial fluctuations.Singapore overseas Chinese bank economic analysts XieDongMing said, the yuan from one-way wave to two-way fluctuations, means that the beginning of a new era the deal.The market will strengthen future RMB two-way volatility expectations, the yuan trading model the future will be and has new change.In the long run, the Chinese market is still very strong, very attractive, and in the long run the yuan will also remain relatively smooth level.And analysis, it's the fluctuation RMB, may make cross-border capital flows reversed, reduce speculative capital pouring into China's enthusiasm, slowed substantially international hot money inflows of pressure, reduce the gap of foreign exchange, to control inflation....[detailed]
The market for recent yuan depreciation should hold rational attitude, can need not make a fuss over it.Exchange rate is high and low between different economies economic strength to reflect, in the long run, China's economy will continue to grow at a high speed the situation, in the next few years with other developed economies will slump growth form apparent contrast to determine the long-term still has a rising yuan space.Should say, recent weakness of the yuan is also beneficial.In the short term, the yuan lower on China's export the production and operation of enterprises not do more harm than good, stability for export, and stable economic growth in China.In addition, the devaluation of the expected there will also reduce international hot money inflows of pressure, reduce the central bank of the base currency data, to curb domestic capital price bubbles, and eventually to control rising prices....[detailed]
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Extended reading
·The United States through the yuan "repair old two"
·Don't blindly use of RMB exchange rate "drop stop" concept

Foreign investment Banks: the appreciation of the renminbi not reverse the trend

The depreciation of RMB expected export industry or benefit looking up
Words about
"This is a very good phenomenon, just prove that the exchange rate of the yuan is not under the control of the government and the market regulation."
-the ministry of commerce international trade negotiations deputy representatives chong
"No one country's currency can have been unilateral appreciation, if because the appreciation of the renminbi or depreciation and panic, is not rational behavior. "
-National People's Congress vice director of CaiJingWei WuXiaoLing
"Because of China's economic structure adjustment, Chinese foreign trade balance has gradually to balance, the trade surplus also continue to drop.Along with the yuan reform process further, the expected appreciation over the overseas market weakening.At present, the RMB exchange rate has come close to the equilibrium."

From a deeper look, at the end of the us dollar to RMB appreciation of the suddenly "breakout", on the one hand, was overseas, do see empty empty China's economy and even the effect of the emerging economies, but also with China's foreign trade towards balance, the exchange rate of the yuan in the more market conditions slow appreciation is concerned, the RMB exchange rate of the market, the result shows that the RMB exchange rate mechanism is further improved.