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来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/03 18:01:29


The83rd Academy Awards kicked off with an opening monologue – widelyconsidered slightly substandard – from James Franco and Anne Hathaway

第83届奥斯卡金像奖以一段来自詹姆斯·弗兰科(James Franco)和安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)的独白拉开了帷幕,大众普遍认为这段独白稍欠火候

Photograph: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

摄影:Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Early on Wally Pfister picked up the cinematography gong for Inception

瓦雷·费斯特(Wally Pfister)凭借《盗梦空间》早早拿下了最佳摄影奖

Photograph: Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images

摄影:Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images

FriendsWith Benefits stars Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis introduced theaward for best animated short with a flopping bit of business about aShrek app

电影《朋友也上床》(Friends With Benefits)的主演贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)和米拉·库妮丝(Mila Kunis)宣布最佳动画短片奖

Photograph: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

摄影:Kevin Winter/Getty Images

While Lee Unkrich picked up the full-length animation award for Toy Story 3

李·昂克里奇(Lee Unkrich)凭借《玩具总动员3》摘取了最佳动画长片奖

Photograph: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

摄影:Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Franco and Hathaway returned, but consensus was the ceremony hadn't quite taken off yet …


Photograph: Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images

摄影:Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images

EnterKirk Douglas, 96, whose near-unintelligible, almost endless chat-up ofAnne Hathaway provided some much-needed unexpectedness

96岁高龄的柯克·道格拉斯(Kirk Douglas)近乎有些无厘头,他没完没了的和安妮·海瑟薇搭讪,为庆典增添了几分急需的意外之喜

Photograph: Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images

摄影:Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images

He presented the award to Melissa Leo, who beat out her Fighter co-star Amy Adams

道格拉斯将最佳女配角的奖项颁给了梅丽莎·里奥(Melissa Leo),后者击败了电影《斗士》中的另一位女配角艾米·亚当斯(Amy Adams)

Photograph: Gary Hershorn/Reuters

摄影:Gary Hershorn/Reuters

Leo made an emotional speech in she which professed she was "lost for words up here"


Photograph: Michael Caulfield/WireImage

摄影:Michael Caulfield/WireImage

Then she found them again: "I saw Cate do this a few years ago and it looked so fucking easy!"


Photograph: Michael Caulfield/WireImage

摄影:Michael Caulfield/WireImage

Still, she stood her ground on stage, despite the best efforts of the elderly presenter


Photograph: Michael Caulfield/WireImage

摄影:Michael Caulfield/WireImage

Leo was joyfully unrepentant in the press room afterwards


Photograph: Steve Granitz/WireImage

摄影:Steve Granitz/WireImage

ChristianBale picked up his first ever Oscar for best supporting actor in TheFighter. In his speech he promised not to follow in Leo's footsteps("I've already done that in private"). Still, he did let rip with a bigcockney "Bloody hell!" like the LA-dwelling Welshman he is

克里斯蒂安·贝尔(Christian Bale)凭借自己在《斗士》中的表现第一次拿到了最佳男配角。他表示自己绝不会步里奥的“后尘”(“我私底下已经练过了”)。这位久居洛杉矶的威尔士人终于找到机会可以尽情卖弄自己的伦敦腔了

Photograph: Michael Caulfield/WireImage

摄影:Michael Caulfield/WireImage

Sorry, Christian, sorry – we take it all back


Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

Not a highlight … Hathaway's tux-clad Hugh Jackman spoof did not go down well


Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

Likewise Franco's Monroe impression. Though his Charlie Sheen gag fared better

弗兰科的梦露造型同样恐怖无比,相比之下他的查理·希恩(Charlie Sheen)式插科打诨更为出彩

Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

Tempest co-stars Russell Brand and Helen Mirren did a bilingual presentation of the best foreign language film

电影《暴风雨》的主演罗素·布兰德(Russell Brand)与海伦·米伦(Helen Mirren)为最佳外语片进行了双语介绍

Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

And here they are with the winner, Susanne Bier, director of In a Better World

他们和获奖者——影片《更好的世界》的导演苏珊娜·比尔(Susanne Bier)在一起

Photograph: Jason Merritt/Getty Images

摄影:Jason Merritt/Getty Images

The one you've all been waiting for … Tom Hanks, set decorator Karen O'Hara and production designer Robert Stromberg

王者何时归来......汤姆·汉克斯与布景师卡伦·奥哈拉(Karen O'Hara)以及制片设计师罗伯特·施特姆博格(Robert Stromberg)在一起

Photograph: Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic

摄影:Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic

Yes, it's best sound mixing … Lora Hirschberg, Ed Novick and Gary A Rizzo for Inception

现在颁发的是最佳音效奖......《盗梦空间》的劳拉·希施贝格(Lora Hirschberg)、爱德·诺维克(Ed Novick)和加里·里佐(Gary A Rizzo)

Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

Australia co-stars Hugh Jackman, left, and Nicole Kidman presented for best original score award


Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

The evening's one bonafide shoo-in: The Social Network screenwriter Aaron Sorkin

稳操胜券者:《社交网络》的编剧亚伦·索尔金(Aaron Sorkin)

Photograph: Jason Merritt/Getty Images

摄影:Jason Merritt/Getty Images

The wolf and the man … Rick Baker, left, and Dave Elsey accept the Oscar for best makeup for The Wolfman

狼与人......《狼人》的里克·贝克(Rick Baker)(左)和大卫·艾尔萨(Dave Elsey)斩获了最佳化妆奖

Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

A popular winner … Jake Gyllenhaal hands Luke Matheny his Oscar for best live action short film for God of Love

热门赢家......杰克·吉伦哈尔(Jake Gyllenhaal)给卢克·麦森尼(Luke Matheny)颁发最佳真人短片奖,后者因为《爱神》而获此殊荣

Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

Less popular … Zachary Levi and Mandy Moore sang a song from Tangled

呼声不高......扎克瑞·莱维(Zachary Levi)和曼迪·摩尔(Mandy Moore)合唱了一首来自于《长发公主》的歌曲

Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

Oprah Winfrey, whose air Anne Hathaway was pleased to breathe

奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey),她强大的气场让安妮·海瑟薇终于可以喘口气了

Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

Twopeople whose Prius's may be treated to impromptu paint jobs … CharlesFerguson and Audrey Marrs whose Inside Job beat Banksy to the bestdocumentary Oscar

查尔斯·弗格森(Charles Ferguson)和奥黛丽·马尔斯(Audrey Marrs)的《内幕工作》击败涂鸦艺术家班克斯(Banksy)的作品,赢得了最佳纪录片奖

Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

Randy Newman accepts his Oscar for best original song for We Belong Together in Toy Story 3

《玩具总动员3》中的歌曲《我们属于彼此》(We Belong Together)让兰迪·纽曼(Randy Newman)拿到了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖

Photograph: Gary Hershorn/Reuters

摄影:Gary Hershorn/Reuters

Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law presented the awards for film editing and visual effects


Photograph: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

摄影:Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Apple cart. Upset. Tom Hooper accepts the Oscar for best achievement in directing

计划打乱。汤姆·霍伯尔(Tom Hooper)获得了奥斯卡最佳导演奖

Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

Hilary Swank congratulates Tom Hooper

希拉里·斯万克(Hilary Swank)祝贺汤姆·霍伯尔

Photograph: Mark J. Terrill/AP

摄影:Mark J. Terrill/AP

Best actress winner Natalie Portman was 'in awe' of her fellow nominees

最佳女主角的获得者娜塔莉·波特曼(Natalie Portman)居高临下,底下是一干该奖项的被提名者

Photograph: Chris Carlson/AP

摄影:Chris Carlson/AP

Kirk Douglas and Hugh Jackman on stage


Photograph: Michael Caulfield/WireImage

摄影:Michael Caulfield/WireImage

Colin Firth mysteriously said he was about to give in to some 'impulses' as he picked up the best actor Oscar

科林·费斯(Colin Firth)曾神秘兮兮的表示,等拿到奥斯卡最佳男主角的奖项时,他会干点“冲动”的事来

Photograph: Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images

摄影:Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty Images

Whether those impulses included an insatiable urge to pose in front of a posse of press photographers seems debatable


Photograph: Ian West/PA

摄影:Ian West/PA

Producers Emile Sherman, Iain Canning and Gareth Unwin accepted the best picture award for The King's Speech

《国王的演讲》的制片人埃米尔·谢尔曼(Emile Sherman)、伊恩·坎宁(Iain Canning)和格莱斯·乌文(Gareth Unwin)接受最佳影片奖

Photograph: Kevin Winter/Getty Images

摄影:Kevin Winter/Getty Images