
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 22:44:25

紅色蘇聯宣傳畫 (1932—1941)

Every Komsomol girl has to master the battle equipment. 1932    

Fifteen years of the Soviet Power. 1932

Rot Front (Red Front) ! 1932  

The 8 of March-the day of revolt of working women against the kitchen slavery. 1932


The Dneprostroy has been built. 1932

Trade unions - into the struggle for the 10 million ton of cast iron counter-plan. 1932

  Komsomol members ! Let's fulfill comrade Voroshilov's demands. 1932    

Let's consolidate industrial power of Soviet Union ! 1932

Kolkhoznik, guard your fields against the class enemies. 1933


Women in the collective farms, a great power. 1933


The capitan of Soviet Country leads us from victory to victory ! 1933

Komsomol member, young worker, pioneer ! 1934

Mastering the machinery, be in the first ranks of the builders of the communism. 1934    

The Storm. 1934


Chapaev. 1935

Got the Metro ! 1935

  Long live our native invincible Red Army ! 1936


Thanks to dear Stalin for a happy childhood ! 1936

Life became better, life became merrier ! 1936    

The Circus. 1936

All on elections to the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. 1937

Glory to Stalin's falcons-conquerors of the air element ! 1937

Fashism is hunger, fashism is terror, fashism is war ! 1937

Regards to the fighters against fascism. 1937

Root out spies and saboteurs. 1937    

Long live the emancipated woman of the U.S.S.R ! 1938

U.S.S.R. a country of what's biggest in the world. 1938

Sports parade-a mighty demonstration of vigour. 1938

He who's strong in the air. 1938

Long live to the strong aviation of the socialism country ! 1939

Long live Soviet pilots ! 1939    

Lenin in 1918. 1939

The train goes from the Socialism Station to the Communism Station. 1939


Fascism, enemy of culture. 1939

Party and Lenin - twins-brothers. 1940

Stalin cares at the Kremlin about everybody. 1940

Long live the invincible Red Army ! 1940    

Let's smite and annihilate the enemy hip and thigh ! 1941

Motherland calls ! 1941

Let's make a stand for Moscow ! 1941


Each strike of a hammer is a strike against the enemy ! 1941

Harvesting is a severe blow at the enemy ! 1941    

  Join the ranks of the front brigades, a fighter needs your hands and aid ! 1941


Keep the Lenin's city ! 1941

 For the glory of scout heroes that is destroying home front of fascists. 1941

Partisans, fight the enemy without mercy ! 1941

The black wings will not fly above the Motherland. 1941

We'll take your place ! 1941    

What is your help to the front. 1941