
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/11 08:24:38



"It is incredible that we are finding such basic things out only now," says immunologist Sarah Fortune of at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, the paper's lead author. "But it reflects the fact that mycobacteria are relatively understudied." 


More than a third of the world's population is estimated to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Most people's immune system can keep the bacteria in check, but there is a lifetime chance of 1 in 10 that the dormant infection will progress to TB; the disease still kills 4000 people every day. Tuberculosis treatment is a combination of antibiotics taken for half a year or more—a major drawback, because patients often quit therapy prematurely, increasing the risk of drug-resistant strains emerging. Scientists have assumed that mycobacteria are so hard to kill because dormant cells exist even in patients with active disease and these cells are far less susceptible to antibiotics than metabolically active bacteria. 



But Fortune and her colleagues found a second, more surprising mechanism. They cultured M. smegmatis, which is closely related to M. tuberculosis but faster growing, in a tiny chamber with a constant flow of nutrients, allowing them to watch single live cells growing and replicating. Unlike other rod-shaped bacteria, such as E. coli, mycobacterial cells divided asymmetrically, creating a tapestry of cell types with widely different sizes and growth rates, the team reports online today in Science. 

但是佛茜和她的同事发现了第二种更为惊人的机制。他们在小室中培育了一种齿垢分枝杆菌,并不停地给它提供营养液,以便观察单个细胞群的生长和复制;这种细菌与分枝杆菌联系极密切,但它的生长速度更快。今天,此研究组在《科学》杂志网络期刊上报道说,与其他杆状细菌(像是E. coli细菌)不同,分枝杆菌的细胞分裂是不平衡的,它产生一系列不同的细胞类型,具有差别巨大的大小尺寸和生长速度。


By labeling the cell wall of the mycobacteria with a fluorescent dye and observing the new, unstained cell wall growing at the poles, the researchers found that daughter cells mainly grow at their "old" pole. As the new end, created by the cell division, grows older, it matures and the cell elongates faster. And as the cells go through numerous divisions, cells with poles of many different "ages" emerge, leading to the wide variety in growth rates. 



Importantly, the cells also differed in their susceptibility to antibiotics: While "older," fast-growing cells were more susceptible to the drugs isoniazid and cycloserine; younger, slower-growing cells were more susceptible to rifampicin. "When I started working on mycobacteria, the assumption was that all the bacteria are indistinguishable. This is the first mechanistic insight into why the cells are phenotypically different," says Fortune. The asymmetry is a way for mycobacteria to keep their population diverse, she says, just like viruses create diversity by mutating frenetically. 



"This is an important study, because it shows that our way of thinking that populations are the sum of equal organisms is incorrect," says immunologist Stefan Kaufmann of the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin. "As we look at individual microbes, we find diversity." Kaufmann cautions, however, that most of the experiments were done with M. smegmatis and need to be verified with M. tuberculosis. "But this could explain, at least in part, why tuberculosis is so hard to treat," he says. "And it could pave the way for a rational search for new combination therapies composed of drugs that attack the different types of bacteria."

斯蒂芬·考夫曼, 一位来自柏林的马克思·普朗克学院传染生物系的免疫学家说:“这项研究具有重大意义,因为它证明‘生物群体都是完全相同的有机体’这种思维的错误性。当我们仔细观察微生物时,我们发现它们是丰富多样的。” 当然,考夫曼提醒道,大部分实验都是以齿垢分枝杆菌为对象开展的,这需要通过结核分枝杆菌的实验来验证。他补充道:“这至少部分解释了为何结核病难以治愈,而且对于探索出一种消灭不同类型病菌的药物联合疗法奠定了理性的基础。”