真.秘汤 在线:最后的差异与特权:按劳分配的正义性与历史局限性

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 09:38:51


(2011-08-15 08:01:51) 转载▼标签:




【关键词】   正义      人权       权利       资产阶级权利

The Final Differences and Privileges

Abstract: The justice and limitation of distribution according to work principle and its bourgeoisie right question are historical problems which have long plagued the economics circle of our country. The traditional studies ignored the dynamics of distribution according to work principle in its historical evolution, unilaterally emphasized one of its justice or limitation, so that sunk the choice for it in a dilemma. This article started from the unity and hierarchy in discrepancy justice and homogenous justice, and according to Marx's "general right" and "historical rights" category, drew a new conclusion: Justice of distribution according to work is that its respect for personal labor