lisa vanderpump太后:2009高考英语强化训练——完形填空18(含详细分析)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/08 09:23:00



We know the kiss as a form of expressing affection(情感,喜爱). But long   1   it became it, it was customary in many countries to use it as a(n)   2   of respect. Some native Africans   3   the ground over which a chief(首领)has walkeD. Kissing the hand and foot has been a mark of respect from the   4   times.


The early Romans kissed the mouth or eyes   5   a form of dignified(高贵的) greeting. One Roman emperor allowed his important nobles to kiss his lips, but the   6   important ones had to kiss his hands, and the   7   important ones were   8   allowed to kiss his feet!


Most likely the kiss as a form of affection can be traced back to primitive(上古的,原始的) times when a mother   9   fondle(爱抚) her child, just as a mother   10   today. It only remained for society to   11   this as a custom for expressing affection between arms.


We have evidence(根据) that this was already the   12   by the time of the sixth century, but we can only suppose it was   13   long before that. The first   14   where the kiss became accepted in courtship(求婚) was in France. From France the kiss spread rapidly all over Europe. Russia, which loved to   15   the customs of France, soon adopted it. A kiss from the Tsar(沙皇) became   16    of the highest forms of recognition from the Crown.


In time, the kiss became a part of courtship.   17   marriage customs developed, the kiss became a part of the   18   ceremony (典礼,仪式). Today we regard it as an expression of love and tenderness.   19   there are still many places in the world where the kiss is   20   of formal ceremonies and is intended to show respect.


1. A. after                B. before           C. until                 D. since


2. A. custom               B. tradition           C. expression         D. affection


3. A. watch                B. touch             C. kiss              D. greet


4. A. earliest               B. latest                C. longest            D. eldest


5. A. of                   B. as               C. for                D. in


6. A. not                  B. little              C. less               D. least


7. A. last                  B. less                C. most              D. least


8. A. too                  B. also               C. only               D. ever


9. A. would                B. could             C. should            D. will


10. A. would              B. has               C. doing              D. does


11. A. express             B. allow             C. kiss              D. accept


12. A. case                B. event             C. history            D. evidence


13. A. expressed           B. practised          C. kissed             D. discovered


14. A. city                B. tribe(部落)      C. society              D. country


15. A. allow               B. copy             C. spread              D. use


16. A. one                B. it                  C. this                D. that


17. A. Since               B. Once             C. While              D. As


18. A. meeting             B. greeting            C. marrying           D. wedding


19. A. And               B. Thus             C. But                D. When


20. A. bit               B. part               C. some              D. any




1—5 BCCAB  6—10 CDCAD  11—15 DABCB  16—20 ADDCB


1. 选B。今天,我们所了解的亲吻的功能是表示爱慕这样的情感,那么用亲吻表示尊敬,则应是很久“以前”的事了。


2. 选C。与开头expressing相呼应,故用expression。第19空前再现了类似说法。


3. 选C。前后谈论的都是“亲吻”。


4. 选A。这句话仍然是对But long before it became it …一句的例证,故发生的时间也应在很久以前。


5. 选B。类似结构还有the kiss as a form of affection,as an expression of等。


6. 选C。国王把人分成几个等级,从吻的部位不难看出一个人的地位。


7. 选D。仅让其吻身体最低部位的脚,可见其地位最低。


8. 选C。由上下文和句末感叹号推知。


9. 选A。would可用来表示过去的习惯性行为。


10. 选D。does替代前文提到的fondles her child。


11. 选D。根据上下文不难排除其他三项。


12. 选A。this is the case 情况就是这样。


13. 选B。风俗被“实践”,合乎语境。


14. 选C。这里的society指群体,city,tribe较为片面,较为武断,不能选用。


15. 选B。很快采纳了法国的做法,说明它爱“效仿”法国。


16. 选A。根据词的用法即可选定。


17. 选D。发展(develop)、变化(become)是有过程的,故选as(随着)。


18. 选D。只有“婚礼”与婚姻相关。


19. 选C。下一句所描述的亲吻功能正好与前面相反。


20. 选B。part of意为“……的一部分”。




One of the most remarkable things about the human mind is our ability to imagine the future. In our   1   we can see what has not yet happeneD. For example, while we are looking forward to   2   a new place or country, we   3    what it will be like. We predict( 预料) the   4   people will eat, dress and act. Of course, we do not always predict things   5  . Things are often very different from the way we   6   them to be.


One of the   7   dreams in history is the dream of the German scientist, Kekule, who had been   8   to work out a very difficult problem in physics. He had   9   and analyzed(分析) the problem from every angle(角度) for days, but there   10   to be no way of   11   out the answer. Then one night he went to bed and dreameD. When he   12   up, he realized that he knew the answer. He had solved the problem in his   13  .


The hypnotist(催眠者)sat in the chair opposite him and spoke   14  _: I want you to concentrate on my voice. Think about   15  . You know nothing but my voice. And as you pay attention to my voice, your   16   will get heavier. Soon you’ll be asleep.


You will hear my voice and   17   my words, but your body will be asleep, your eyes are too heavy. You are   18   asleep, and when you wake up you will   19   nothing.


You will forget everything. Now I am going to   20   slowly from one to five. One, two, three, four, five.


1. A. brains                 B. senses             C. minds               D. sights


2. A. visiting                B. seeking            C. reaching            D. discovering


3. A. imagine                B. know        C. feel           D. guess


4. A. custom               B. habit        C. style          D. way


5. A. quickly                B. simply            C. correctly       D. neatly


6. A. required               B. wished       C. left          D. expected


7. A. funny                 B. dull                C. famous              D. silly


8. A. managing              B. trying       C. thinking                   D. hoping


9. A. studied                B. learned            C. discussed      D. researched


10. A. used         B. ought                     C. seemed        D. had


11. A. making               B. finding             C. turning         D. letting


12. A. gave         B. sat          C. woke         D. got


13. A. dream        B. lesson       C. research        D. exercise


14. A. softly        B. loudly                    C. slowly         D. firmly


15. A. everything    B. something    C. nothing        D. anything


16. A. eyes         B. feet         C. head          D. body


17. A. believe       B. repeat                     C. take           D. understand


18. A. really        B. extremely    C. actually        D. almost


19. A. accept        B. remember    C. hear          D. receive


20. A. count         B. say         C. add          D. speak




1—5 CAADC  6—10 DCBAC  11—15 BCAAC  16—20 ADDBA


1. 选C。brain 大脑。


2. 选A。此处强调过程,另三个词系短暂动词,不能这样用。


3. 选A。imagine表示一种心理描绘,与look forward to,predict  和expect 等词意相吻合。


4. 选D。这里强调的是行为方式。此外,第6个空格前重现了类似的表达方式。


5. 选C。情况经常与我们预计的不同,说明我们的预计不总是“正确的”。


6. 选D。四个选项中只有expect与predict 同义。


7. 选C。开普勒的梦不具有 funny,dull和silly的特征。


8. 选B。从下文来看,已成功地解决了问题,而不是“想”、“希望”去做,而是“尽力”去做。


9. 选A。“研究”与“分析”是紧密相联的。study 此处意为“研究”。research作“研究”讲时,若接宾语,须加上介词on 或into。


10. 选C。“好象没有办法”。


11. 选B。find out 意为“弄清”、“找出”。其余三个词组不合文意。


12. 选C。wake up“醒来”,符合情节发展的进程:睡觉——做梦——醒来。


13. 选A。由前文可知,他是在“梦”中解决了难题。


14. 选A。softly意为 gently and slowly,这是催眠者对催眠对象应该采用的方式。


15. 选C。从前后句来看,催眠者希望他什么也不要想。


16. 选A。从下文your eyes are too heavy一句中可得到暗示。


17. 选D。听到并且“理解”合乎逻辑。


18. 选D。almost  asleep意为迷迷糊糊地睡着了,从眼皮沉重,还有简单的思维活动来看,不能说是完全睡着了。


19. 选B。这里的remember nothing等于下一句中的forget everything


20. 选A。后面列举的一、二、三、四、五这一串数字,表明“计数”已经开始。