
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/06 17:10:19



 摩羯王 2012-1-2发帖   A rash of new clues surrounding the Sykipot computer virus having its way with the U.S. drone fleet suggests the malware originated in China, and explains how it has been used.
Mathew J. Schwartz of Information Week reports the virus appears to have been designed with the sole purpose of stealing UAV data using a “zero-day” vulnerability in Adobe Reader.
来自《信息周刊》的Mathew J. Schwartz 报道称,这类病毒被设计出来的唯一目的,就是用“零日漏洞”的攻击方式,通过Adobe Reader软件上的漏洞来窃取无人机上的数据。
A zero-day attack is launched using a vulnerability unknown to a software’s developer and shared among attackers who exploit the fault before a patch is put in place.
The virus was inserted into the military’s network using infected PDF files and specifically targeted to look for information on the Boeing X-45 unmanned combat air system and the Boeing X-37 orbital vehicle.
该病毒是使用受感染的PDF文件侵入到军用网络的,并专门搜寻关于波音X- 45无人作战飞机系统和波音X – 37空天飞机的信息。
The X-37 recently had its classified mission extended nine months leading to speculation about its orbital activities. China, too, seems to have questions regarding its mission.
This most recent attack seems to have begun in August 2011, but another variant of the Sykipot virus goes back to 2006. The older version used clouded script files, taking advantage of an Internet Explorer vulnerability.
Finally, both versions used servers known as Netbox, 80 percent of which are located in China. This may explain why its documentation and error messages both come up in Mandarin.
There is so little info here that it actually hurts.
the iphone4 jailbreak was also possible thanks to an adobe pdf vulnerability.
Someone should finally put Adobe out of their misery. It seems to me they are simply unable to ever release any software that has less security holes that a Swiss cheese :-/
You couldn't be more wrong. first the iOS doesn't use Adobe Reader or even allow you to install adobe reader on any iDevices. Second the exploit was in libraries in the iOS system. Nothing to do with Adobe. I hate adobe reader since version 9, I use and suggest alternative PDF readers.
Do not blame others for your own incompetency. Hire good software guys to protect your IP, Stupid a**.
No I think there is enough information if you are a little tech savvy. All the big Silicon Valley companies employ hundreds of Chinese software Engineers who unbeknownst to them are MOTHERLAND SPIES. They are routinely transfer data and computer code back home. They are smart to trojan some of the most widely used components like flash players or MSWord or Excel because they know most of the Non-Techies in Government or Defence use these products.
As long as White American Silicon Valley Geeks love skinny assless Chinese girls....that got a spy here and she is getting paid too by the same Corporations which she is working against.
Using a commercial Operating system for Military components is a big fucking mistake.
I am aghast!!!!!
If true, i don't believe the US military could be this flawed in security. But honestly i just cannot beilive it
maybe they just wanna be ready in case. you never know when the US army is gonna attack you anymore. friends today, axis of evil tomorrow
Think of the missile defense bases in Europe and Russia's upcoming response.
This is China's response to our surveilling, spying, hacking, cracking, and infecting.
Is it just me or do these things look like Cylon Raiders from Battlestar Gallactica?