三个火枪手 bt:怎样捕获男士的风格

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 12:28:41


Personal “brand”


First. What is your personal brand? What are five words that describe you? Ask your friends for a few words to describe you. That is your current style. If that doesn’t work for you, what do you want instead? List those words.


How conventional are you? Do you take risks? Are you serious? Playful? My personal brand has a lot of humor, and I am pretty comfortable being the center of attention, so I can get away with wearing a bright pink sport coat, or four different patterns (coordinated, of course), but I fade into the woodwork if I’m wearing a grey suit, white shirt and red tie. That’s me. Who are you?


Look for other styles


Next, find magazines that speak to your style. Look at the ads and the photos. What are the guys wearing? Imagine yourself in that. Would that look good on you? (some of the things in magazines are to be avoided, by the way) Read the style articles, too, but don’t always believe them when they say that this or that trend is coming back. “Hats” have been coming back for almost 50 years, but have never quite recovered since the 1950s. Don’t buy one because they are trendy, buy one because you like it.


Go to a store (that fits your style…) and browse. I know, we’re guys, we prefer hunting over gathering. So, think of this as scouting for your prey. Take a friend whose judgment you trust and run ideas by him / her, but make your own decisions! (BTW, you will make mistakes. That’s OK, that’s how you learn…) If you don’t have a friend you trust with this stuff, walk up to someone else in the store and ask his or her opinion about the shirt / suit / shoes you are wearing. This is a fun way to meet people, too.


Get some professional help


Find a knowledgeable salesperson in the store and enlist his / her help. Remember, they may be on commission, so they may want to sell you stuff you don’t really want, you will need to use judgment here too. A good salesperson won’t do this, preferring to build a relationship instead. You want that too, so that they will tell you about upcoming sales and offer to put stuff aside for you. This is VERY important if you are in any way a non-standard size (says the guy who is 6’5″). Anyway…ask him / her what colors and cuts look best on you. Not everyone looks good in all colors and patterns. Blue is great for me, dark grey not so much. Similarly, bold patterns make people look bigger and broader, which is great if you are 5’6″ and 120 pounds, but not if you are 6’0″ and 350 pounds.

找商店里有专业知识的售货员并且获得他的帮助。记住,他们可能会为了获取提成而卖给你一些你并不需要的东西,所以在这里你需要有自己的判断。一个好的售货员不会这么做,他们倾向于与你之间建立一种关系。你同样想要那样东西,他们会告诉你将会有的价格并且帮你把用不着的东西放一边。如果你怎样都不是标准身材(指那些不是6‘5“的人),这是很重要的。不管怎样,问问他什么颜色和剪裁最适合你。并不是所有人穿任何颜色、款式的衣服都好看。蓝色最适合我,但深灰色就不适合。同样的,轮廓突出的款式会使人看起来更宽大,如果你是 5’6″并且只有120磅,那挺不错的,但如果你是6’0″并且350磅,那还是算了吧。

Lastly, enjoy the process. There is a science, as well as an art, and you can learn both. Don’t take it seriously (except for those few occasions when you must, like funerals).


By the way, that is me in the photo above, no stock photo could capture the mood quite right….
