skin food眼霜:百慕大魔鬼三角与亚特兰提斯水晶 好神奇

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/08 21:10:50

The Bermuda TriangleThe area of the Atlantic Ocean popularly referred to as the Bermuda Triangle is a complete enigma and has proven to be so for much of recorded history. 


Many seemingly inexplicable occurrences and disappearances have taken place in this particular area. No rational explanation that will satisfy the materialistic parameters of the typical scientist has`been offered that would account for all the mysterious happenings that have taken place in the Bermuda Triangle during the course of many thousands of years. 


Where is the Bermuda Triangle? 


Many of us`believe that the Bermuda Triangle is situated more or less in the middle of an area of the Atlantic Ocean that once housed Atlantis. 


While many eminent Atlantean authorities express differing opinions and ideas as to precisely where Atlantis was situated, I would like to refer to a reading given by Edgar Cayce in 1932: 


"The position - the continent of Atlantis occupied is`between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand and the Mediterranean upon the other. Evidences of this lost civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco, British Honduras, Yucatan and America. There are some protruding portions that must have at one time or another been a portion of this great continent. The British West Indies, or the Bahamas, are a portion of same that may be seen in the present. If the geological survey would be made in some of these especially, or notably in Bimini and in the Gulf Stream through this vicinity, these may be even yet determined". 


When Atlantis was destroyed it sank to the very bottom of the ocean. While the ruined temples now play host to multitudinous underwater creatures, the great Atlantean fire-crystals that once provided so much of the tremendous power and energy that was found in Atlantis long ago still exist. And they are still emitting strong energy beams into the universe. 

当亚特兰提斯被破坏时候,它沉入到大海的深处。而毁灭的神殿现在正寄居了很多水下生物, 曾经提供了非常丰富的巨大功率和发现以前在亚特兰提斯存在的能源的巨大亚特兰提斯岛火-水晶,而且它们仍正在发出强烈的能源光束进入宇宙内。

Unfortunately, however, when the destruction occurred some of these fire-crystals were partially damaged, which has resulted in them only being able to project their energy rays at random. It is said that each fire-crystal would have been at least twenty feet high and some eight feet wide. In Atlantis these fire- crystals would have been erected in a series of three, thus creating a vortex of astronomical energy and a power of the first magnitude! 


From time to time, the force field emitted by these damaged Atlantean fire-crystals`becomes very powerful and any plane or ship coming within the influence of this force field disintegrates and is transformed into pure energy. Hence the inexplicable and mysterious disappearances that has very often been blamed on the area of the ocean known as the Bermuda Triangle! 


Some scientists have advanced the theory that many of the planes and ships that have been lost and that have disappeared within the Bermuda Triangle have been transported into some kind of Black Hole or time warp. This is, I would strongly suggest, simply not true. Those individuals who were aboard planes and ships when they disappeared have basically been returned to spirit. 


On a few rare occasions, ships that had been reported as having vanished have actually returned. The crew members, though, have all appeared to be insane, incoherent and babbling wild stories. This has occurred because there are certain times when the force field projected by the Atlantean fire-crystals is not strong enough to effect total disintegration. Mental disorientation results instead! 

在一些少见的情况下,已经当作消失被报道的船实际上回来了。可是船员们全部似乎患有***, 语无伦次和胡说一气。这是因为出现了某个时间亚特兰提斯岛火-水晶发出的力场不够强烈以致于没有影响达到整体瓦解的力度,结果起而代之的就是精神错乱!

It is very similar to someone who receives an overdose from a shock treatment to the brain. Not enough, perhaps, to kill, or destroy the person, but enough to seriously damage the brain structure and to cause insanity and other forms of madness. The ramblings that all these crew members have related are hallucinations, thoughts of fear and of unknown indescribable horrors with which their minds cannot possibly cope. 

这非常类似某人接受服药过量的大脑休克治疗法。也许不足以杀死人,或破坏人,但是足可以严重损害脑结构和引起精神错乱和其它形式的疯狂行为。所有这些船员们都讲有幻觉产生, 有害怕的想法和他们的思想不能够处理应付的未知的不能用语言表达的惊骇。

In addition to the damaged Atlantean Fire-Crystals, the Timekeeper Crystal still stands guard within the ruined Atlantean Temple of Healing. The great Timekeeper Crystal, however, does not project its energies in the same way as the fire-crystals`because it is hermetically sealed. 

除了被损坏的亚特兰提斯岛火-水晶外, 时间记录者水晶仍然完好位于毁灭的亚特兰提斯岛疗愈神庙里。因为它是密封的, 然而大的时间记录者水晶不能同样像火-水晶那样发射能量。

The Timekeeper Crystal is waiting patiently for the time which is yet to come when once again it will play its important role in the affairs of the world! 


In 1970, Dr. Ray Brown, a naturopathic practitioner from Mesa, Arizona, went scuba diving with some friends near the Bari Islands in the Bahamas, close to a popular area known as the Tongue of the Ocean. During one of his dives, Brown became separated from his friends and while searching for them he was startled when he came across a strange pyramid shape silhouetted against the aquamarine light. 


Upon investigating further, Brown was surprised by how smooth and mirror-like was the stone surface of the whole structure, with the joints`between the individual blocks almost indiscernible. 


Swimming around the capstone, which Brown thought might have been lapis lazuli, he discovered an entrance and decided to explore inside. Passing along a narrow hallway, Brown finally came to a small rectangular room with a pyramid-shaped ceiling. He was totally amazed that this room contained no algae or coral growing on the inner walls. They were completely spotless! 


In addition, though Brown had brought no torch with him, he could nevertheless see everything in the room with his normal eyesight. The room was well lit, but no direct light source was visible. 


Brown's attention was drawn to a brassy metallic rod three inches in diameter hanging down from the apex of the center of the room and at its end was attached a many-facetted red gem, which tapered to a point. Directly below this rod and gem, sitting in the middle of the room, was a stand of carved stone topped by a stone plate with scrolled ends. On the plate there was a pair of carved metal bronze-colored hands, life-sized, which appeared blackened and burnt, as if having been subjected to tremendous heat. 

布朗的注意力被从中心的最高点顶端悬挂下来直径3 英寸象黄铜的金属竿吸引住了, 而它的末端被附上许多有多面体的红色珠宝。在竿和珠宝的正下面,在房间的中央立着一块雕刻的石头,石头顶端旁边有翻卷的石头盘子。在碟子上面安放一双雕刻的金属制的象真手大小彩色青铜手,且燃烧变黑了,好像正在经受巨大的热量烘烤。

Nestled in the hands, and situated four feet directly below the ceiling rod gem point, was a crystal sphere four inches in diameter. Brown tried to loosen the ceiling rod and red gemstone but neither would move. Returning to the crystal sphere, he found, to his amazement, that it separated easily from the bronze hand holders. With the crystal sphere in his right hand he then made his way out of the pyramid. As he departed, Brown felt an unseen presence and heard a voice telling him never to return! 

而且位于天花板竿下面饰以宝石点4 英尺的正下方,一个直径4英寸水晶球体安放在手心里。布朗首先尝试弄明白如何拧松天花板的金属竿和竿上经过雕琢的红色宝石,但是皆不能拧动。折回到水晶球体旁他发现从青铜器的手中很容易地取出水晶球,就带着水晶球离开了金字塔。多年以后,布朗感觉到一个存在,而且从某处听到了一种声音告诉他再也不要回到这个地方来!

Fearing, rightly, that his unusual prize might be confiscated as salvage-treasure by the American Government, Dr. Brown did not reveal the existence of his strange crystal sphere, nor did he relate his experiences until 1975, when he exhibited his crystal for the first time at a psychic seminar in Phoenix. 


Since that time, the crystal sphere has made only a very few public appearances`but on each occasion people who have seen it have experienced strange phenomena directly associated with it. 


Deep inside the crystal form, one gazes upon three pyramidical images, one in front of the other, in decreasing sizes. Some people who enter a deep meditative state of consciousness are able to discern a fourth pyramid, in the foreground of the other three. 

深深凝视水晶球内部就会出现三个金字塔图像, 其中一个在另两个的前面,体积小一些。某些可以进入冥想状态的或具有整体意识知觉的人, 在其它三个金字塔很醒目的位置上能够清楚地看见第四个金字塔。

Elizabeth Bacon, a New York psychic, claimed while in trance, that the crystal sphere had once belonged to Thoth, the Egyptian God who was responsible for burying a secret vault of knowledge in Giza, near the three great Pyramids. 


Perhaps the positions of the three pyramidical images in the crystal sphere hold the long-sought key to finding a fourth, as yet unfound. Looking at the crystal sphere from the side, the internal images dissolve into thousands of tiny fracture lines. Brown feels that these may prove to be electrical in nature, like some form of microscopic circuitry. From yet another angle, and under special conditions, many people have been able to see a large single human eye staring out serenely at them. Photographs of this eye have also been taken! 

也许在水晶球体三个金字塔形图像的位置持有苦苦寻找发现第四个金字塔的钥匙,目前为止还没有发现。从一侧看着水晶球体,内部的图像溶解在数以千计极小的破碎线之内,而且布朗感觉这些可能是电的自然属性, 就像一些某种形式的微观电路。仍然从另一个角度看,而且在特别的情况下,许多人能够看见一只大的人类眼睛安祥的凝视着他们。这个眼睛的相片也被拍照下来!

Dr. Brown's crystal sphere has`been the source of a wide variety of paranormal and mysterious occurrences. People have felt breezes or winds`blowing close to it. Both cold and warm layers surround it at various distances. Other witnesses have observed phantom lights, heard voices or felt strange tingling sensations surrounding it. 


A compass needle, when placed next to the crystal sphere, will spin counter-clockwise, then commence turning in the opposite direction when moved only inches away. metals`become temporarily magnetized when they come into close contact with the sphere. There are even recorded instances where healing has taken place by merely touching the sphere. 


Seismographic surveys carried out across the Atlantic Ocean have shown that there are many deviations and unexplained contours to be found right at the bottom of the ocean. 


Perhaps`brown's`bahamas pyramid once formed part of Atlantis. It has`been suggested that this sunken pyramid once attracted, accumulated and even generated some form of cosmic force. 


The suspended rod may have conducted forces accumulated in the capstone. The faceted red gem at its end may have been used to concentrate and project the energies to the crystal sphere below it. The burnt and blackened hands, showing the evidence of an energy transfer, probably amplified the release of these energies while the crystal sphere acted as the tuner and broadcaster of the energies. 


In 1933, Edgar Cayce suggested in two readings that the Atlanteans possessed some form of atomic power and radioactive forces: 


"Through the same form of fire the bodies of individuals were regenerated by burning, through application of rays from stone, the influences that brought destructive forces to an animal organism. Hence the body often rejuvenated itself and it remained in that land until the eventual destruction, joining with the peoples who made for the breaking up of the land, or joining with Belial at the final destruction of the land. In this, the entity lost. At first it was not the intention nor desire for destructive forces. Later it was for ascension of power itself. 


"As for a description of the manner of construction of the stone: we find it was a large cylindrical glass (as would be termed today), cut with facets in such manner that the capstone or force that concentrated between the end of the cylinder and the capstone itself. 

“有关石头建筑样子的描述: 我们发现它是大的圆柱形玻璃 (有如今天的称呼一样), 切割为多面体以如此的方式顶石或在圆柱和顶石本身的端部之间集中力量。”

"As indicated, the records as to ways of constructing same are in three places in the earth, as it stands today: in the sunken portion of Atlantis, or Poseidia, where a portion of the temples may yet be discovered under the slime of ages of sea water - near what is known as`bimini, off the coast of Florida. And (secondly) in the temple records that were in Egypt, where the entity acted later in cooperation with others towards preserving the records that came from the land where these had been kept. Also (thirdly) the records that were carried to what is now Yucatan, in America, where these stones (which they know so little about) are now, during the last few months, being uncovered." (December 20, 1933) 

“如指出的那样, 同样方式建造的记录在地球上有三个地方,如同它今天留下来的一样: 亚特兰提斯的沉没部分,或Poseidia,仍没有发现的神庙一部分,埋在海水时代的黏土里-附近就是闻名的Bimini,佛罗里达的海面上。而(其次)神庙的记录是在埃及,实相与其它向前的存留记录发生共同作用,记录来自已经被保存下来的陆地。同样(第三)记录被携带到现在的尤卡坦半岛,在美国,这些石头(对它们知之甚少)是现在最近几个月期间发现的。”(1933年12月20日)

One particularly interesting piece of information in the above reading is the reference to Bimini. In 1969, steps were discovered leading down under the ocean at Bimini. These have always`been believed to have once formed part of Atlantis although it appears that little further excavations or explorations have ever taken place on this site. But - and really it is not too big a but - it does seem that the balance of probability is firmly tilted towards the supposition that Atlantis was more than a legend; that, in reality, it was a historical fact. 

上述的阅读中一个特别令人感兴趣的信息片段是提到了Bimini。在1969年,发现了伸向Bimini大海之下的台阶。这些总是被认为曾经形成了亚特兰提斯的一部份,虽然似乎曾经在这个地方有更进一步的挖掘或探险。但是- 而且真的它不太大一但是-它确实像是可能性的平衡,坚定地向亚特兰提斯是超过一个传说的想像方面倾斜;事实上,它就是一种历史的事实。

In the meantime, however, the damaged Atlantean fire-crystals will continue, from time to time, to have an effect upon some of the planes and ships which pass through the area known as the Bermuda Triangle. 

在百慕达三角洲海底下的亚特兰提斯的部份王国及人民的后代,至今还存在的。这些人很安静地居住在那里,他们并没有威胁到地球上的人,他们的飞行器可以穿梭海洋,来去自如,一点也不受海洋的影响。在地球上有三个入口,可以通往平面宇宙,百慕达三角洲是其中之一,另外两个入口,分别是在日本海及马达加斯加。当你进入这个入口时,你会发现到地球是一个平面,共有三个:一个是过去的地球,一个是现在的地球,另一个是未来的地球。由此看出,时间是一个幻相,过去、现在与未来是同时存在的。为什么会有这三个入口呢?为什么在别的地方没有入口呢?原因是:这三个入口受到离地球七百二十光年的两个类似太阳的影响,当这两个太阳一起照射在这些区域时,就产生了高能量的幅射,此高能量会把时间撕掉,当时间被撕掉时,就产生不可思议的结果。由于两大高能量场的聚集,加上地球的旋转,使得高能量场产生游离能量,再由此游离能量,产生海洋平面的提升﹔因此当船只路过时,船只就会被提升,一旦游离能量场消失后,船只就潜入深海底,而到达过去或未来的地球层面。如果你驾驶的是飞机,你会感觉有一阵的巨风,将你吸入过去或未来的地球,这段时间大约维持一小时。有一天,人们可在未来看到他们,因为我们的地球也正转入第四度空间当中。   三大平面地球的产生是由于三千五百年前,金星太接近于地球所产生的,它干扰了地球与水星对太阳能量的平衡,由于时间被高能量场所撕裂,而使得过去的地球与现在的地球,被拉入未来的地球层面。当这三大层面接近时,有时你可以以你的肉眼看到。所谓未来的地球是指五百年后的地球。五百年后的地球己有所谓的「幽浮」,而且有很多人住在月球及其它的星球。所谓的过去的地球是指恐龙出现时的地球。目前平面地球的入口,己移出受两大能量场的范围,所以不会再发生类似船及飞机无缘无故消失在此一区域。
---------------------------------------------------------Author: 希希(Post at: 2006-11-06 05:38:11)Come From: