纯情罗曼史第一季免费:八年级下Unit9 Have you ever been to an aquarium ? 导学案

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/07 11:20:40

Unit9 第一课时 Section A (1—2)


1.单词: neither, seen, island, especially

2.句型: --Have you ever been to an aquarium ?

--Yes, I’ve been to an aquarium ./No ,I haven’t ./ Neither have I .

No ,I’ve never been to an aquarium ./I’ve never been to a water park .



2、自学引导:两两对话 听力训练 


1Pairwork: Which of these places would you like to visit ?完成1a对话内容。

  2)合作学习---Have you ever been to an aquarium ?

---No ,I’ve never been to an aquarium. How about you ?


     1.---Have you ever____the US? ---No,never.

A been      B been to  C  gone     D gone to

    2.Linda went to the zoo _____last year.

A at      B in        C for        D /

    3. There is_____amusement park near the river.

A a      B an      C the     D /

    4.Have you ever _____a foreign language?

A learn     B learns     C to learn      D learning

    5.He has been a student_____two years.

 A in      B on      C after      D for

    6.How long has he been____at the school?

A study      B studies      C studiing     D studying

    7.--Have you ever been to an aquarium ? --No ,I’ve ------- been to an aquarium

A Some      B any        C never       D even

    8. ____ of my parents enjoys music.

A. Both       B. Neither        C. All       D.Every

    9.I’ve never seen such a fine picture _____.

A.ago     B.before       C.yet      D.later

    10. Has the train _____ yet?

A.got to   B.reached     C.arrived     D.arrived at

二)书面表达:祖国山川秀美,让人流连。名胜古迹,使人神往。五一期间你到了哪儿旅游? 你曾到哪儿旅游过?写一段80字短文与我们分享。



Unit9第二课时 Section A(3a-4)


1.词汇:attraction, Disneyland, character, board, island, route, neither ,discover, wonderful, holiday, quarter, season ,natural, environment

2. 句型: --Have you ever been to an amusement park?

–Yes, I have. I went there last year.

--No, I haven’t./ No, I’ve never been to an amusement park.


1、整体感知: have/has been to/have/has gone to的用法。

2、自学引导: 读课文牢记:  太空博物馆________游乐场_____________

水上乐园______________      许多次____________

去动物园_______       一个水族馆______

3、自主合作探究: Read the article 3a and remember the new words

most of us __________  hear of _______   in fact_________  on board________

around the world ___________ call it a theme park_____________

normal attraction _________a roller coaster_____________ take a ride___________ 


1. go   _______   ________        2. study _________ _________

3. have _______   ________         4. be    _________ _________

5. cut  _______   ________    6. buy  _________ _________

7. live _______   ________       8. begin _________ _________

9. break_______   ________        10.finish_________ _________

二) 用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1.   He ________ever______ (be) to the History Museum several times.

2.   --______you ever ______(be) to the zoo?

---Yes. I _______(go) there last summer. I _______(see) many kinds of animals there.

3. – Where is Mr Wang?

--He ______(go) to the library. He wants to borrow some books.

4.Rodgers ________(plant) those trees. He _______(do) it the day before yesterday.

5.We _________(learn) English for more than two years.


1All I ever wanted to do was _______(旅游)

2. Have you ever _______() to the Water World?

3. How long have you been_________(学习) English?

4.Have you ever __________(听说过) a Disney Cruise?

5.She wants _________(当飞行员) when she _____________(长大).




Unit 9第三课时 Section B (1a-2c)

一、学习目标(1).词组: an exchange student

(2)句型: Have you ever been to an  English –speaking country?



1.自主合作探究:Why do you study English ? Rank these reasons from 1 to 5 in the order of importance to you.

____I want to understand English language movies.

____I want to study in an English-speaking country.

_____Its fun to learn another language.

_____I have to.

_____I want to travel.

2..Listen 2a-2b

3 . 完成小组对话

A: Good morning. Are you Leonardo ,the new e_________ student?

B: Yes ,I am..

A: W_________ to my class . I need to ask you some questions……


    1I can sing the song in English .____________

A. So I can   B. So can I  C .I can so  D. Too can I

    2.Why  do not  you buy one of the  scafs  for your mum? They are not ____.

A. beautiful enough  B. enough beautiful C .too beautiful  D. beautifully enough

    3. The food in the restaurant  is good __________the price is too __________.

A. and  high   B .but  high   C. but  expensive   D. because  low

    4. I think a dog is a good pet for _______child.

A .a 6-year-old   B. an 6-year-old  C. a 6-year old  D. a 6years-old

    5. Everyone should do _________best to win the match .

A. one′s  B .the  C .his  D. their

二)就你自己学习英语的情况写一篇80 词左右的短文,内容包括以下方面:

1.你想从事的工作。2.你已经学了多长时间的英语? 3.你为什么学习英语?










Unit9第四课时 Section B (3—4)


1. 运用现在完成时谈论过去的经历

2. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别



Have you ever been to an aquarium?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

2、自学引导: 同桌两人对话练习,复习上节课所学内容。

A: Have you ever been to the park?

B: Yes, I have. I went there last year. Have you ever been to the park

A: No, I haven’t.

3、自主合作探究: 1.   Read the article quickly, and then answer these questions.

⑴.What does Mei Shan do?_________________________________________

⑵.How long has she had the job?_____________________________________

⑶.Why did she want the job? ________________________________________

⑷.How long did she study English?____________________________________

⑸.What kind of job does David want?__________________________________

⑹.Has he ever been to an English-speaking country?_______________________

⑺.How long has he been studying at the school?___________________________

⑻.What other job is he thinking of doing?_________________________________

 三、达标检测:一). 单项选择:

(    )1.      —— I can sing the song in English.   ——_________.

A. So I can  B. So can I   C. I can so   D. Too can I

(    )2.      —— Why don’t you buy one of the scarfs for your mum?

——They are not _______.

Abeautiful enough  B. enough beautiful C. too beautiful  D. beautifully enough

(    )3. The food in the restaurant is good______ the price is too______.

A. and  high   B. but   high   C. but  expensive  D. because  low

(    )4.I think a dog is a good pet for ________ child.

A. a 6-year-old  B. an 6-year-old  C. a 6-year old  D. a 6 years-old

(    )5.Everyone should do _____best to win the match.

A. one’s  B. the  C. his   D. their


Jack:  Hi, Tom.I _____ _____you for a long time.Where _____ you _____?

Tom:  I _____ _____ to Xi’an.

Jack:  Really?How _____ you _____ there?

Tom:  By _____.

Jack:  _____ _____did it take you to fly there?

Tom:  Less _____ two hours.

Jack:  _____ _____did you go there?

Tom:  I _____ there _____ a holiday.

Jack:  Did you _____ a good time there?

Tom:  Yes, I _____ myself very much.

Jack:  I’m very _____ _____ hear that.

Tom:  _____ a lot.

Unit 9 第五课时 Selfcheck



2、复习“Have you ever been to an amusement? ”并利用句型谈论过去的体验和经历。


 1、整体感知:---Have you ever been to an amusement?

---I have been to the zoo a lot of times.

---I have never been to a water park.

2、自主合作探究: Ask students to fill in the blanks with the words given,then check the answers with each other.


    1There is____amusement park near by home.

A a      B an      C the     D /

    2Have you ever____the US? No,never.

A been      B gone    C been to      D gone to

    3Mei Shan looks____her mother.

A as      B to     C like     D in

    4Linda went to the zoo three____last year.   A time      B times    

    5It is fun____another language.

A learn     B learns     C to learn      D learning

    6He has been a student_____two years.

 A in      B on      C after      D for

    7How long has he been____at the school?

A study      B studies      C studiing     D studying

    8What____job is he thinking of doing?

A else     B other      C one      D some

    9.How long has his brother _____ the book?

A.kept    B.bought        C.lent        D.borrowed

    10.—Do you mind if I stay here a little longer?  —_____.

A.No, you can’t B.Yes, you may  C.Certainly not  D.Yes, not at all

    11. —I’ve never been to a water park. — _______

A. Me, too  B. Me, neither.    C. Me also.     D. Me both.

Unit9 第六课时(Reading

一、学习目标: 1.Grasp words and useful phrases in Reading.

                       3. Learn more about the culture around the world.


  1、整体感知:1.What do you think of this country?

                2. Do you want to visit Singapore if you have chance? Why?

                3. Where do you want to go?


1. Where is Singapore?

2 .What language do people speak in Singapore?

3. Why can we speak Chinese in Singapore?

4. Can we speak English there? Why?

5.Can we find any Chinese food there ?

6. What kind of Chinese food can we find ?

7. Can we try any kind of new food there?

8. What kinds of new food can we find ?

9.Have you ever been to zoos?

10. Have you ever been to a zoo at night?

11. Singapore has a special zoo. What’s it’s name?

12 .Why is the zoo so special?

13. Why is the Night Safari so good?

14. What is the weather like in Singapore? Why?

15 .When can we go to Singapore?


东南部___________ 极好的___________ 四分之一___________ 人口___________

害怕___________ 勇敢的___________ 卓越的___________ 自然的___________

环境___________ 温度___________东南亚________________ 度假________________  四分之三的人口________________  夜间野生动物园________________  醒来________________  一年到头________________  在一个更自然的环境中________________ 


(   )1.There are two books on the desk, but____of them is interesting

Anone      Bneither     Cboth      Dall

(   )2.—Have you ever _______ to the Summer Palace, Lily?

    —No, I __________.

A.gone,hasn’t B.gone,haven’t C.been,haven’t D.been,hasn’t

(   ) 3.I have ________ the book for three days.

Aborrowed      Blent            Cbought       Dkept

(   ) 4.Neither her brother nor she _________ a dictionary.

Ahas        Bhave       Cget         Dneed

(   )5 Alice is____an American_____ a German. She is an Australia.

    A. both; and    B. either; or   C. neither; nor   D. not; but

(   ) 6. Mike doesn’t know French. And__________        .

    A. so do I   B. so am I   C. neither do I   D. neither am I

(   )7.--Which sweater do you prefer, the yellow one or the pink one?

---_________,I like a light blue one.

   A.   Either      B. Both      C. Any    D. Neither

(   )8. We have been to Water City.  ---________        .

A.Neither have I  B.Nor have we  C.So have they  D.So do they

(   )9. John_______ Beijing. He is still there.

A. has been to   B. has gone to   C. go to    D. goes to

(   )10. --May I speak to John? --Sorry, he_______ Japan. But he_____ in two days.

A.has been to ;will come back      B.has gone to ;will be back

C.has been in ;would come back     D.has gone to ; won`t  come back

(   )11. Neither you nor I________a teacher.

     A. is        B. are         C. am     D. be

(   )12. The Smiths________China for three years.

     A.have come  B.have been to C.have been in  D.have come to

(   )13.“When_______his grandpa_________?”     “ Three years ago.”

    A. has; died     B. is; dead     C. did; die    D. is; died

(   )14. He took an interest_________English.

     A. at        B. in       C. of         D. on

(   )15. There is not_______ in today’s newspaper.

A.nothing interesting   B.interesting something 

C. interesting    D.anything interesting

(   )16.Nice to meet you. I _____ you for a long time.

A. hadn’t seen  B. haven’t seen  C. didn’t see  D.will not see

(   )17.Last night he had a bed to sleep__,but I had only a chair to sit ___.

A.in,on      B./,/     C.on,in       D.in,to                                            

(   )18.About ________ of the workers in the factory were born in the ________.

A.two-thirds,1970        B.two-thirds,1970s

C.two-third,1970         D.two-third,1970s   

(   )19. Is William’s lifestyle _________ David’s?

A.the same    B.same as     C.same to   D.the same as       

  20.He is so careless that he always ___ his school things at hone.

A. leave      B. left       C.leaves       D.forgets

  21.--______ Do you write to your pen-friend?  --Once a week .

A.How long    B.How soon   C.How far  D.How often

   22-- Have you ever ____ Lin Tong to see the Terra Cotta Warriors?

- - Yes ,I have.

A. went to   B. gone to  C. been in   D.been to

(    )23.The teacher asked _____.

A.what’s your name     B.what was your name

C.what your name is     D.what your name was

(    )24—Have you ever been to an aquarium? —No, _____.

A. I have   B. I am not      C. I haven’t    D. I hasn’t

(    )25--Wow! There are so many books. I really can’t decide __.

A. where to buy   B. which to buy   C. what to buy   D. how to buy   


1.A: Hello! Have you______(see) my pen? I can’t ________(find) it.

B: I’m afraid I haven’t.       (see-saw-seen, find-found-found)

2.A: Excuse me. Have you ______(see) my pen? I ______(put) it on the shelf a moment ago.    (put-put-put)    

B: Oh, I have. I’m sorry I forgot to _______(give) it back to you. (give-gave-given)

3. A:Mary, I’ve______(lose) my cap. Have you _____(see) it anywhere?

B:Look! It’s over there. I_____(see) you put it there.( lose-lost-lost)

4. A: Have you ________(find) your knife yet?

B: Not yet. (find-found-found)

5. A: John, ____ you _______(return) my pen yet?

B: Not yet. Don’t worry! I ______   _________ (return) it soon.

四)完型填空。    I have just (1)______ to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar(乞丐) knocked (2)______ my door. He (3)______ me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar (4)______ on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate (5)______ food and drank the (6)______. (7)______ he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. (8)______ a neighbor told (9)______ about the beggar. Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He (10)______ at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.

(   )1.   A. move         B. moved            C. moving           D. moves

(   )2.   A. in              B. of                  C. off                  D. at    

(   )3.   A. told            B. gave              C. asked              D. sent 

(   )4.   A. stand         B. stood             C. standed           D. stands

(   )5.   A. the             B. a                    C. an                   D. ×     

(   )6.   A. water         B. juice               C. beer                D. tea   

(   )7.   A. So             B. After              C. Before             D. Then

(   )8.   A. Late           B. Later              C. Last                D. Let  

(   )9.   A. him            B. he                  C. me                  D. I      

(   )10.  A. comes        B. calls               C. visits               D. sees