matlab impulse函数:英语口语极短句

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/08 21:10:26



Lesson 1 Hello!
4.Hello!Is that Tom?喂,请问是汤姆吗?
5.Hello!Mary's speaking.你好!我是玛丽。
Lesson 2 Bye-bye!
2.Bye!My love!再见!我亲爱的!
4.Good bye!再见!
Lesson 3 See you!
1.See you!回见!
2.See you later!一会儿见!
3.See you tomorrow!明天见!
4.See you tomorrow morning!明天早上见!
5.See you tonight今天晚上见!
Lesson 4  Ok?
3.Are you Ok?你没事吧?
4.It's Ok!这样就可以了!
5.Let's go.OK?咱们走吧,好吗?
Lesson 5 Sorry!
2.I'm sorry!我很抱歉!
3.I'm so sorry!我真的很抱歉!
4.Sorry for it!我为此感到遗憾!
5.I feel sorry for you.我为你感到惋惜。
Lesson 6 Excuse me!
1.Excuse me!请原谅!
2.Excuse me for being late.请原谅我迟到了。
3.That's no excuse!那不算理由!
4.Stop making excuses!别找借口!
5.It's good excuse.这是个好借口。
Lesson 7 Busy?
2.Are you busy tonight?你今晚忙不忙?
3.So busy!忙死了!
4.What a busy day!今天可真够人忙的!
5.I'm busy now.我现在正忙着呢。
Lesson 8 It's enough!
1.It's enough!足够啦!
2.Not enough!不够充分!
3.Good enough!够好的啦!
4.Fast enough!够快的啦?
5.I've got enough time.我有足够的时间。
Lesson 9 Ready?
2.Are you ready?你准备好了吗?
3.Not yet ready!还没准备好呢!
4.I'm not ready.我还没准备好呢?
Lesson 10 Help!
2.Can I help you?我能帮你吗?
3.Thank you for your help.谢谢你好意相助。
4.You are not helping at all.你根本帮不上忙。
5.Help yourself.请随意。
Lesson 11 What?
2.What else do you have?有别的吗?
3.What are you doing?你在做什么?
4.What can I do for you?我能为你做些什么?
5.What happened?出什么事了?
Lesson 12 Why?
2.Why not?为什么不呢?
3.Tell me why.告诉我为什么。
4.I can't explain why.我无法解释原因。
5.Do you know why?知道为什么吗?
Lesson 13 Who is it?
1.Who is it?谁呀?
2.Who cares!谁会在乎呢!
3.Who are you calling?你在给谁打电话呢?
4.Who shall I give it to?我应该把这个交给谁呢?
5.Who told you that?谁告诉你的?
Lesson 14 Where?
2.Where shall we go?上哪儿去?
3.Where are you going?你要去哪里?
4.Where did you go?你上哪儿去了?
5.Where are you from?你从什么地方来?
Lesson 15 When?
2.When can you come?你什么时候能来?
3.When will he come?他什么时候来?
4.When will we leave?我们什么时候离开?
5.Call me with you get there.一到那里,就给我打电话。
Lesson 16 How about it?
1.How about it?这个怎么样?
2.How to do it?怎么做才好呢?
3.How do I look?我看起来怎么样?
4.How did you know?你怎么知道的。
5.How are things going?事情进展得怎么样?
Lesson 17 How many?
1.How many?有多少?
2.How much?多少钱?
3.How old are you?你几岁了?
4.How far is it from here?离这儿有多远?
5.How long?要多长时间?
Lesson 18 It's free.
1.It's free.这是免费的。
2.Is this free?这是免费的吗?
3.I'm free today.我今天休闲一天。
4.I've no free time.我都没有自由的时间啦。
5.I'm as free as the air我现在自由自在的。
Lesson 19 Right!
2.You are right.你是对的。
3.Right!I'll do it.对!我会做的。
4.Are you all right?你还好吧?
5.Turn right at the corner.在拐角处向右转。
Lesson 20 No problem!
1.No problem!没问题!
2.Sure.No problem!当然没问题!
3.Any problem?有什么问题吗?
4.What's the problem?怎么了?
5.It's a key problem.这是个关键性问题。
Lesson 21 Thank you
1.Thank you !谢谢!
2.Thank you very much!非常感谢您!
3.Thanks a lot!多谢多谢!
4.Thank God!谢天谢地!
5.Thank you for your kindness.多谢您的好意。
Lesson 22 Amazing!
2.It's really amazing!这真是太令人惊奇啦!
3.What an amazing girl!真是个出色的姑娘!
4.What an amazing thing!多么令人惊奇的事啊!
5.What an amazing place!真是个令人惊奇的地方!
Lesson 23 Anytime!
3.I'm OK with anytime.我什么时候都行。
4.You are welcome at anytime.欢迎你随时来。
5.You can come at anytime.什么时间都行。
Lesson 24 Boring!
2.Such a boring day!真是无聊的一天!
3.What a boring job!多令人讨厌的工作啊!
4.A boring meeting!真是个令人厌烦的会议!
5.How boring!真无聊!
Lesson 25 Beautiful day!
1.Beautiful day!真是个好天气!
2.Beautiful job!真是个绝妙的佳作呀!
3.What a beautiful girl!真是个漂亮的姑娘!
4.What a beautiful voice!多么动人的声音呀!
5.The true,the good,and the beautiful.真,善,美。




Lesson 26 Believe me!
1.Believe me!想信我!
2.Believe in yourself!相信你自己!
3.I believe you!我相信你!
4.I can't believe my eyes!我简直不能相信自己的眼睛!
5.Believe it or not.信不信由你。
Lessson 27 Bless me!
1.Bless me!哎呀!我的天!
2.Bless you!祝福你!
3.God bless you!上帝保佑你!
4.Bless you,my boy!祝福你,我的孩子!
5.Bless this house!愿上帝保佑这个家!
Lesson 28 Better not!
1.Better not!最好不要这样!
2.Better than before.比以前好多了。
3.Much better than mine.比我做的强多了。
4.Well,nothing is better than that.哦,那再好不过了。
5.Feel better?感觉好一点吗?
Lesson 29 Pardon?
2.I beg your pardon?对不起,请您再讲一遍。
3.I beg your pardon.请原谅。
4.Pardon me for that.对不起。
5.Pardon me,please.对不起,请原谅。
Lesson 30 Don't touch it.
1.Don't touch it.请勿触摸。
2.Don't move.不要动。
3.Don't worry.别担心。
4.Don't make fun of me.别取笑我了。
5.Don't hesitate.不要犹豫。
Lesson 31 Good point!
1.Good point!问得好!
2.Good idea!好主意!
3.Good luck!祝你好运!
4.Good job!做得好!
5.Good timing1分秒不差!
Lesson 32 Good morning!
1.Good morning!早上好!
2.Good afternoon!下午好!
3.Good evening!晚上好!
4.Good night!晚安!
5.Good day!日安!
Lesson 33 Are you kidding me?
1.Are you kidding me?你是在和我开玩笑吧?
2.I'm not kidding you.我可没骗你。
3.Don't kid me!不要骗我!
4.You're kidding!你在开玩笑!
5.Just for kids!仅供小朋友使用!
Lesson 34 You must be joking!

1.You must be joking!你一定是在开玩笑吧!
2.Just a joke!只是开个玩笑而已嘛!
3.Can't you take a joke?开个玩笑都不行吗?
4.Really a very funny joke?真是个滑稽的笑话!
5.It's no joke.这可不儿戏。
Lesson 35 I promise you!
1.I promise you!我答应你!
2.Never break your promise again!你不要再毁约啦!
3.Promise me,please!请答应我!
4.I can't promise you.我不能打保票。
5.Is that a promise?这话算数吗?
Lesson 36 Probably!
2.Probably not!大概不会吧!
3.Probably you are right.可能你是对的。
4.Probably the wrong code.可能是搞错了。
5.It will probably rain.可能要下雨吧。
Lesson 37 Listen!
2.Listen to me,please!请听我说。
3.Listen to the music!听听音乐!
4.Listen carefully!仔细听好!
5.Don't listen to him.不要听他的话.
Lesson 38 Look!
2.Look!A dog1看!有一条狗!
3.Look at the backboard,please.请看黑板.
4.Have a look at these roses!看这些玫瑰花!
5.Have a loook at this photo.看看这张照片.
Lesson 39 Perfct!
2.What a perfect day!多美好的一天哪!
3.You're perfect!你真棒!
4.Perfect answer!回答正确!
5.His English is perfect.他英语很纯熟.
Lesson 40 Next,please!
2.In the next room.在隔壁房间.
3.Sit down next to me,please.坐我旁边吧.
4.What shall we do next?接下去咱们做什么?
5.What happened next?接着发生了什么?
Lesson 41 Hurry up!
1.Hurry up!动作快点吧!
3.Hurry him up!催他一下!
4.What's the hurry?什么事这么急?
5.I'm in a hurry!我赶时间!
Lesson 42 Maybe!
2.Maybe not!大概不会吧!
3.Maybe I'm wrong.可能是我错了.
4.Maybe you are  right..也许你是对的.
5.Maybe.I'm not sure.可能是这样,我说不准.
Lesson 43 Remember?
2.Remember me?还记得我吗?
3.Remember to call me?别忘了给我打电话.
4.Give me some time to remember,please.让我慢慢回想一下.
5.Remember me to your family.代我向家人问好.
Lesson 44 Please!
2.Be careful,please.请注意点儿。
3.A cup of tea,please.请来一杯茶。
4.Please don't.拜托你不要这样做。
5.This way,please.请往这边来。
Lesson 45 Nothing!
2.Nothing important.没什么要紧的事。
3.It's really nothing.这没什么了不起的
4.Nothing special.也没什么新鲜事。
5.Thank nothing of it.不必介意。
Lesson 46 What's your name?
1.What's your name?你叫什么名字?
2.What's your family name?您贵姓?
3.May I ask you name?您尊姓大名?
4.My name is Edward.我叫爱德华。
5.You name the day.你来订日子。
Lesson 47 Congratulations!
2.Happy birthday!Gongratulations!祝你生日快乐!
Lesson 48 Wait!
1.Wait!等一等 !
2.Please wait a minute.请等一会儿。
3.Can't wait any longer!不能等了!
4.I'm waiting for an answer.我等着答复。
5.Wait for me,please.请等我一下。
Lesson 49 Understand?
2.Do you understand English?你会英语吗?
3.Yes,I can understand.是的,我能理解。
4.I don't understand.我不明白。
5.I don't understand what you're talking about.我不明白你在说什么。




  • 听力原文

Lesson 50 Terrificl
2.It's terrific!妙极啦!
3.What a terrific speed!多惊人的速度呀!
4.The view's terrific.景色美极了。
5.You did a terrific job.你做得好极了。
Lesson 51 I have no idea.
1.I have no idea.我不知道。
2.Got any idea?有头绪吗?
3.What's your idea?你有什么想法?
4.Good idea!这是个好主意!
5.I've had an idea!我有个主意!
Lesson 52 Certainly!
3.Certainly not!不行!
4.Certainly not my handwriting.这肯定不是我写的字。
5.Certainly you're right.你当然是对的。
Lesson 53 Dead tired!
1.Dead tired!累死我啦!
2.Too tried!太累了!
3.Sorry,I'm tired!不好意思,我累了。
4.A little tired now.我现在有点疲倦。
5.I'm tired of your conversation.你的话我都听腻了。
Lesson 54 Enjoy yourself1
1.Enjoy yourself!祝你玩得开心!
2.Enjoy your dinner,please!请好好享受餐点吧!
3.I didn't enjoy it.我觉得很扫兴。
4.Enjoy your trip.祝你旅途愉快!
5.I enjoy my job a lot.我喜爱我的工作。
Lesson 55 Go!
2.Go ahead!前进!
3.GO on.说下去。
4.Go away!走开!
5.Let's go!咱们走吧!
Lesson 56 Come on!

1.Come on!拜托啦1
2.Come here!到这边来!
3.I'm coming!我马上就来!
4.Come off it!别胡闹了!
5.Come to the point!有话就直说吧!
Lesson 57 Miss you so much!
1.Miss you so much!我很想念你!
2.I'll miss you very much.我会非常想你的。
3.You missed a chance.你错过了一个机会。
4.Do you miss your family?你想家吗?
5.You can't miss it.你不会错过的。
Lesson 58 For me!
1.For me?这是给我的吗?
2.All for you!这一切都为了你!
3.All for love!一切为了爱!
4.It's for you.找你的。
5.So much for today.今天就讲这么多吧。
Lesson 59 I feel sad.
1.I feel sad.我想难过。
2.I'm sad you're leaving.
3.Why are you so sad?为什么愁容满面的呢?
4.Don't be so sad!别那么伤心!
5.You look so sad.你看起来好悲伤啊。
Lesson 60 Happy?
2.I'm very happy.我感觉得幸福。
3.Happy New Year!新年快乐!
4.Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐。
5.She's a happy girl.她是个快乐的姑娘。
Lesson 61 I'm late.
1.I'm late.我要迟到了。

2.Sorry for being late.不好意思,我来晚了。
3.The plane is late.飞机晚点了。
4.It's the latest fashion.这是最时尚的。
5.It's very late.天很晚了。
Lesson 62 Is it ture?
1.Is it true?这是真的吗?
2.Is the news true?消息可靠吗?
3.It's true.这是真的。
4.Ture.It's not easy.说真的,这并不容易。
5.Tell me the truth,please.请告诉我实情。
Lesson 63 My pleasure.
1.My pleasure.我很高兴如此。
2.It's my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。
3.It's my pleasure to help you.帮助您是我的快乐。
4.At your please.悉听尊便。
5.What is your pleasure?要吃点什么?
Lesson 64 Of course!
1.Of course!那当然!
2.Of course I know!我当然知道!
3.Of course you're right!你当然是对的!
4.Of course I'll go!我当然要去啦!
5.Of course I love you!我当然爱你啦!
Lesson 65 Great!
2.That's great1那太棒啦!
3.Great idea!好主意!
4.Great!Let's go!好!咱们出发吧!
5.You are doing great!你做得太好了!
Lesson 66 Not necessary!
1.Not necessary!不这需要!
2.If necessary.如果有必要的话。
3.Sleep is necessary to health.对健康来讲,睡眠是必要的。
4.It's a necessary part.这是必不可少的组成部分。
5.It's necessary that I work hard.我必须努力工作。
Lesson 67 Once more!
1.Once more!再来一次!
2.Once more,please.请您再来一遍。
3.I'll repeat the question once more.我把问题再重复一遍。
4.More than once.不止一次。
5.Once is enough for me.对我来说一次就够了。
Lesson 68 Come here at once!
1.Come here at once!马上来这儿!
2.Do it at once!立刻就干吧!
3.Come back at once!马上回来!
4.Let's begin at once1咱们马上开始吧!
5.We must leave at once!咱们必须立即离开!
Lesson 69 Time's up1
1.Tim's up!时间到了!
2.What time is it now?现在几点了?
3.Have a good time!祝你玩得开心!
4.I have no time.我没时间。
5.Now it's your time.现在你的机会到了。
Lesson 70 It's time for dinner!
1.It's time for dinner!到该吃饭的时间啦!
2.It's time for work!该工作啦 。
3.It's time to go bed!该上床去睡觉啦!
4.It's time to have a rest!应该休息一下!
5.It's time to go!该走了。
Lesson 71 Anything to drink?
1.Anything to drink?喝点什么吗?
2.Anything new?有什么新闻吗?
3.Anything wrong?出了什么事了吗?
4.Anything interesting?有什么有意思的事吗?
5.Anything else?还有其它事吗?
Lesson 72 Absolutely!
3.Absolutely not!绝对不!
4.Asolutely impossible!这绝对不可能!
5.Absolutely right!完全正确!
Lesson 73 Business is business.
1.Business is business.公事公办。
2.It's none of my business.这不关我的事。
3.It's none of your business.这不关你的事。
4.Business before please.正事要紧。
5.What's your business here?你来干什么?