灌篮高手2部漫画:模块一 U1 重点词汇讲解

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/06 01:18:07
attend, earn, respect, prepare, drop, miss, experience, introduce, develop, donate, please, regret, inform, run, approve, broadcast, continue, select, require
respect, achieve, grade, literature, e-mail, Spanish, German, dessert, field, article, culture, photograph, gift, kindness, guest, speech, flat, attention, title, dynasty, cover, professor, host, preparation, outing, poet, generation, poem, nature
average, challenging, extra, former, recent, close
for free, pay attention to, back cover
earn respect, surf the Internet, Internet access, miss the chance, inform … of,
1. experience
(1)    可数名词“经历”something that happens to you or something you do, especially    when this has an effect on what you feel or think:
This was my first experience of living abroad.
Failing an exam was a new experience for me.
Getting caught in the flood was quite an experience for me.
(2)    不可数名词“经验”knowledge or skill that you gain from doing a job or activity, or the process of doing this:
Experience is the best teacher.
I have some first-hand experience in skiing.
Nowadays people prefer to hire someone with work experience.
(3)    动词to feel, to suffer, to know an experience:
Have you ever experienced real hunger?
It’s the most wonderful feeling that I have ever experienced.
(4)    experience → experienced形容词,“有经验的”
an experienced teacher
an experienced reporter
* be experienced at/in +名词/doing something
She is quite experienced in medicine.
Jenny is experienced at teaching beginners.
Tom is experienced in dealing with difficult customers.
2. attend动词
(1)“出席,到场”to go to …, to be present at …
* 及物动词 vt.
Did you attend the meeting yesterday?
He didn’t attend his brother’s wedding.
* 不及物动词 vi.
Please let me know if you are unable to attend.
Everyone is expected to attend.
(2) “上学,上课”to go regularly to a school
He is the first one in his family to attend college.
Though he was born in China, he attended high school in the US.
3. earn  动词
(1)“挣钱”to receive money by working
She doesn’t earn much money, but she enjoys the work.
Most people in this company earns around 50 thousand dollars a year.
earn a living = make a living
earn one’s living = make one’s living
He earns his living as a teacher.
(2)“赢得”to get something as a result of one’s efforts
He earned a lot of praise because of his honesty.
She earned a reputation as the best teacher of the school.
His achievement earned him respect and admiration.
4. average
(1) 形容词
the average rainfall平均降雨量
the average temperature平均气温
Tom is of average height.
The average age of the students in this school here is 16.
*“一般的,普通的”neither very good nor very bad
She looks like an average teacher.
An average American eats more than 10 pounds of chocolate a year.
(2) 名词
The average of five and three is four.
Do you know how to work out an average? 你知道怎样算平均数吗?
This year’s rainfall comes close to the average.
(3) average的词组:
* on (the) average
On average, I receive 15 e-mails every day.
On the average, men still earn more than women.
* above (the) average / below (the) average
Her grades are above the average.
The cost of living in this city is below the average.
5. donate
动词“捐献,捐款”to give something, especially money, to a person or an organization in                       order to help them:
* donate something to somebody/something
Last year he donated $1,000 to cancer research.
She donated one million yuan to the Hope Project.
Now more and more people volunteer to donate blood to the blood bank.
* donate → donation  名词“捐献”
donation to…
There have been donations from around the world to the flooded areas.
Would you like to make a donation to the school?
6. regret
(1) 动词过去式、过去分词:regretted, 现在分词:regretting
* 懊悔、悔恨、惋惜 to feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it:
I've never regretted the decision.
Don't do anything you might regret.
* regret doing something
I now regret leaving school so young.
He deeply regrets losing his temper last night.
* regret + that- 分句
He was beginning to regret that he'd come along.
She regrets that she never went to college.
* 对……感到抱歉、遗憾used in official letters or statements when saying that you are
sorry or sad about something:
We regret any inconvenience caused to our customers.
* regret + that- 分句
I regret that I will be unable to attend your lecture.
* regret to do (regret to say / inform / tell …)
I regret to inform you that you owe the bank $10,000.
We regret to tell you that you failed in your driving test.
(2) 名词
懊悔、悔恨、惋惜  sadness that you feel about something, especially because you wish it had not happened:
He said he had no regrets about leaving the city.
She has already expressed deep regret for what happened.
* with regret
They said goodbye with deep regret.
I decided with some regret that it was time to move on.
* to somebody's regret
I lost touch with her, much to my regret.
To our regret, he was not accepted by Harvard.
7. run
动词“控制、管理”to organize or be in charge of an activity, business, organization, or country:
For a while, she ran a restaurant in Boston.
Some married women manage to work out and run a home as well.
well-run ←→ badly-run
The hotel is well-run and very popular.
The hotel is badly-run and not popular at all.
8. approve
(1) 及物动词“批准,通过”to officially accept a plan, proposal, etc.:
The President approved the building plan.
(2) 不及物动词“赞成,认可,同意”to think that something /somebody is good, right, or suitable
* approve of
Her parents don’t approve of their marriage.
I don’t approve of your choice.
(3) approve → approval  名词
approve → disapprove反义词
9. inform
动词,“通知”to officially tell someone about something or give them information:
* inform somebody about/of something
Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.
They decided to inform the police of the missing boy.
* inform somebody + that-从句
We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected.
Unfortunately we were informed that the lecture had been cancelled, so we didn’t go.
1. ---- Are you free tomorrow afternoon?
---- I’m afraid not. I’ll have to __________ an important lecture given by a famous professor.
A. join               B. take part in        C. attend        D. enter
2. The Chief Manager made a donation of one million _________ the City Museum.
A. to                 B. at                            C. on             D. for
3. They failed to finish the project in time. I regretted _________ them.
A. to be not able to help          B. being not able to help
C. not being able to help          D. not be able to help
4. Still, some women do not have any full-time jobs because their husbands do not ________.
A. agree             B. approve             C. allow         D. admit
5. History is my favorite subject. So I think I’ll __________ physics and chemistry when I reach
Senior II.
A. stop                     B. drop                 C. desert                D. leave
6. Through hard work you will ________ the respect of your fellow workers.
Which of the following is not appropriate?
A. gain                     B. earn                  C. win                   D. accept
7. We’ll be having a picnic this afternoon by the lake. Why don’t you come and ________ us?
A. take part in           B. attend              C. join                  D. enter
8. It is ________ deep regret that we have to report the death of the pupils.
A. to          B. of       C. with           D. in
9. We will inform you __________ writing ________ the changes as soon as possible.
A. for … in        B. at … on                   C. in … of             D. on … about
10. He is a great success as a scientist, but he hasn’t ________in teaching.
A. many experiences         B. much experience              C. an experience     D. a lot of experiences
1. The job wasn’t ___________ enough for me. I want something more creative. (富有挑战性的)
2. She is studying American ____________ at Georgetown University at present. (文学)
3. The students are working hard every day, in ___________ for the big examination. (准备)
4. Older people often complain that the younger ____________ don’t know what hard work is.
5. It takes an _________ of two weeks to finish a task like this. (平均)
6. The village schools are in great need of ______________ teachers. (有经验的)
7. Have a rest before you __________ with your reading. (继续)
8. The Internet is ___________ at a very fast speed. (发展)
9. People in this neighborhood can use the gym at no _________ cost. (额外的)
10. The Ming ___________ ruled China from 1368 to 1644. (朝代)
introduce … to…    for free        donate … to…
prepare … for…     on average      inform … of
1. According to this research, ________ women live between five to seven years longer than men.
2. Before I open the letter, let’s _________ ourselves _______ the news, whether it is good or bad.
3. I think doctors should ________ the patients _______ the side effects of the medicine they take.
4. Peter, I want to _________ you _________ my family.
5. He has offered to do the job ___________.
6. Do you think you are willing to ___________ some of your time ________ the volunteer work?
pay attention to      approve of       above average
miss the chance      earn respect      to one’s regret
1. I lost touch with her, much ____________.
2. Her performance last night was well ____________, which surprised everyone.
3. I do not ____________ your choice of friends.
4. If you don’t _____________ the teacher in class, I don’t think you will pass the examination.
5. You will soon regret it if you ___________.
6. If you want to be a good boss, you will have to ____________ from your employees first.
1. ---- How was your trip to Beijing?
---- Great. My only r___________ was that I had no time to visit the Great Wall.
2. ---- What are we having for d___________?
---- Ice-cream, cheese cake and chocolate pudding.
3. ---- How much are these books?
---- Five dollars each. But if you buy two, you could get the third one for f_______.
4. ---- May I i___________ myself? I’m Jerry Blom, assistant to Dr. Smith.
---- Nice to meet you.
5. ---- Why don’t you buy that cellphone? It’s 30% off today!
---- Not unless my parents a____________.
6. ---- What’s the matter, officer? I was driving at 50 miles an hour. I wasn’t speeding.
---- Sir, you are r___________ by law to wear a seat belt.
7. ---- What’s your new boss like?
---- Oh, she is hard to p________. Everything should be perfect.
8. ---- Look at the mistakes! You are not paying a___________ in class!
---- I’m sorry sir. I promise I’ll listen more carefully.
9. ---- What’s your secret to success?
---- The reason I a__________ good results is that I work hard. So could you!
10. ---- Do you agree with me?
---- I totally disagree with you, but I r__________ your opinion.
I studied at a British high school for one school year. It was quite an ___1___ for me. My class with 29 students is of ___2___ size in Britain, but much smaller according to the Chinese standard. At first, I find the homework a little ___3___ as everything was in English, but I soon got used to it. Later I made great progress in English. I worked hard and ___4___ high grades so I earned ___5____ from my classmates. After school I enjoyed ___6___ under a tree or sitting on the grass. When I ___7___ my family and friends, I would ___8___ them at lunchtime in the school Computer Club for ___9___. One thing I like about British food is the ___10___ after the main meal.
1-5: CACBB          6-10: DCCCB
1. challenging        2. Literature           3. preparation        4. generation          5. average
6. experienced        7. continue            8. developing         9. extra                 10. Dynasty
1. on average         2. prepare … for    3. inform … of             4. introduce … to   5. for free
6. donate … to
1. to my regret              2. above average    3. approve of         4. pay attention to  5. miss the chance
6. earn respect
1. regret                2. dessert               3. free                   4. introduce           5. approve
6. required             7. please                8. attention            9. achieve              10. respect
1. experience         2. average              3. challenging        4. achieved            5. respect
6. relaxing             7. missed               8. e-mail               9. free                   10. dessert