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2012年 01月 23日 15:47

亚洲日益壮大的葡萄酒藏家大军来说,去年的行情可谓疯狂──2012年可能也与之类似。近日在香港举行的一系列拍卖会上,一瓶拉菲堡(Chateau Lafite) 1870年产3公升装葡萄酒、勃艮第(Burgundy)酿酒大师亨利?贾伊尔(Henri Jayer)的稀世葡萄酒以及九十年香槟(Champagne)陈酿均在拍品之列。
名酒拍卖商萨奇斯(Zachys)于1月7日拉开拍卖季帷幕,Acker Merrall & Condit和苏富比拍卖行(Sotheby's)紧随其后,在1月14日举行了拍卖会,它们都纷纷赶在亚洲地区最重要的节日──春节──前夕进行拍卖。
佳士得(Christie)亚洲区名酒部主管葛帝斯(Charles Curtis)称,“真正稀有、备受追捧的酒品需求旺盛,但浅龄波尔多等一些随处可得的葡萄酒行情则不太好。走俏的是陈年酒,或者是(波尔多)里鹏酒庄(Chateau Le Pin)这种非常稀有的酒品,以及勃艮第酒,因为产量极低。”
佳士得香港拍卖额去年增加了92%,该公司将于2月初举行2012年首场拍卖会,拍卖价值240万美元的勃艮第亨利?贾约尔稀世葡萄酒。勃艮第最受藏家追捧的葡萄酒商是罗曼尼?康帝庄园(Domaine de la Roman口e-Conti),每瓶酒价格通常能达到1万美元甚至更高,但亨利?贾约尔的价格比这也低不了多少。
苏富比拍卖行美洲和亚洲区洋酒部拍卖师兼负责人钱礼智(Jamie Ritchie)称,“拍卖会很可能会减少,拍卖额会略有下降。”不过,尽管中国大陆(近期许多大买家来自中国大陆)经济增速有所放缓,但钱礼智发现香港、印尼、台湾和泰国等地买家变得更加活跃。
苏富比拍卖行1月14日拍卖会的亮点拍品包括凯歌酒庄(Veuve Clicquot) 1921-1947年产1.5公升装香槟以及Bordeaux Winebank葡萄酒系列。Bordeaux Winebank的买家佣金一般较高,因为它们可保证自酿造以来始终储存在最佳贮存条件下。钱礼智说,随着精品葡萄酒销量的大幅增加,“酒的来源越来越关键,也越来越受人们重视。”
在全球最大的精品葡萄酒拍卖商Acker Merrall为期两天的拍卖会上,估价最高的拍品以罗曼尼?康帝庄园葡萄酒为主,此外还有一瓶1870年产拉菲3公升装葡萄酒,Acker Merrall称,这瓶葡萄酒十分罕见,无法对其估价。
Acker首席执行长约翰?卡邦(John Kapon)在纽约的一次品酒活动上说,“罗曼尼?康帝已经成为市场上风头最劲的品牌,肯定盖过了拉菲,美国加州和意大利产葡萄酒也抢占了波尔多葡萄酒的部分领地。”
Wine Sellers Aim High Ahead of Chinese New Year
Last year was a wild ride for Asia's growing legions of wine lovers ─ and 2012 could prove to be similar, with a double magnum of 1870 Chateau Lafite, rare bottles from Burgundy producer Henri Jayer and 90-year old Champagne among upcoming sales in Hong Kong.
Zachys kicked off the auction season on Saturday, and it will soon be followed by Acker Merrall & Condit and Sotheby's, which hold sales this weekend, all squeezed in ahead of the region's most important holiday, Chinese New Year.
Last year ended with mounting demand for Burgundy that has pushed a few top names up to new records, while mainstay Bordeaux struggled as Lafite and other traditional favorites seemed to fall out of favor.
'The truly rare and sought-after is getting good demand, but the other stuff you can get everywhere, like young Bordeaux, hasn't done so well,' said Charles Curtis, Christie's head of wine for Asia. 'What is taking off is the old bottles, or the very rare like [Bordeaux's] Chateau Le Pin, and Burgundy, because production there is so little.'
Christie's Hong Kong sales rose 92% last year, and the auctioneer starts 2012 in early February with a $2.4 million sale of rare lots from Burgundy's Henri Jayer. While Domaine de la Romanée-Conti is Burgundy's most sought-after producer, with bottles regularly going for $10,000 and up a bottle, Jayer prices are not far behind.
Not everyone agrees about 2012's prospects, however, given the global economy's struggles, years of sharply increasing prices for fine wines, and the sheer glut of it coming onto the market.
'There'll probably be fewer auctions, and the numbers a little less,' said Jamie Ritchie, auctioneer and president of Sotheby's Wine, Americas and Asia. Even though the economy is slowing in China, home of many of the recent big buyers, Mr. Ritchie is seeing more activity by bidders in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan and Thailand.
Highlights of Sotheby's Jan. 14 sale include Champagne magnums from Veuve Clicquot from 1921 to 1947, and a collection of bottles from Bordeaux Winebank that typically command high premiums given they are guaranteed to have been kept in optimum storage conditions throughout their lifetime. With volumes of fine wine sales surging, 'provenance is more and more critical and in people's minds,' says Mr. Ritchie.
The top lots at the two-day sale by Acker Merrall, the world's biggest seller of fine wine, are dominated by Domaine de la Romanée-Conti, alongside a double magnum of 1870 Lafite that it says is so rare it can't put an estimate on it.
'DRC has become the strongest brand in the market and certainly taken over Lafite,' Acker CEO John Kapon said during a tasting event in New York. 'Some of the Bordeaux energy is also diversifying into California and Italy.'
Diversification by Asia's top wine drinks away from red Bordeaux is a point everyone agrees on as 2012 begins. 'People are even starting to drink white wine in China,' said Mr. Curtis.
Jake Lee