
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/03 11:49:52

The Academy Award?-sweeping film Amadeus wisely pinned much of its dramatic thrust on Mozart's gloriously eternal music, and its soundtrack remains a concise yet rewarding introduction to Wolfgang's spectacular oeuvre. This newly remastered "Director's Cut" edition is a companion to the expanded DVD and features 24-bit encoding on two 24-karat-gold discs, sharpening the sonic clarity of the performances of Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields to near perfection. The performances (which, Marriner notes, crucially served as templates during actual production) have also been augmented to match the expanded new video edition and include a new, 2001 recording of the Adagio in C Minor for Glass Armonica, K. 617.

【专辑曲目】〖 disc 1〗
01.Symphony No. 25 in G Minor, K. 183: 1st Movement (As Used in the Film,
02. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Serenade, K. 525: 1st Movement (As Used in the
03.Stabat Mater: Quando Corpus Morietur & Amen (As Used in the Film, ...) - Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
04.Salieri's March into Mozart's Non Più Andrai, For - Simon Preston
05.Serenade for Winds, K. 361: 3rd Movement (As Used in the Film, Amadeus)
06.Die Entführung Aus Dem Serail, K. 384: Chorus of the Janissaries ...
07.Ich M?chte Wohl (Ein Deutsche Krieglied), K. 539: As Used in the Film,
08.Die Entführung Aus Dem Serail, K. 384: Turkish Finale (As Used in ...)
09.Mass in C Minor, K. 427: Kyrie (As Used in the Film, Amadeus)
10.Concerto for Flute & Harp, K. 299: 2nd Movement (As Used in the ...)
11.Concerto for Flute & Harp, K. 299: 2nd Movement (As Used in the ...)
12.Symphony No. 29 in a Major, K. 201: 1st Movement (As Used in the Film,
13.Adagio in C Minor for Glass Armonica, K. 617: Adagio (As Used in ...)

〖disc 2〗
01.Concerto for Two Pianos, K. 365: 3rd Movement (As Used in the ...)
02.Concerto for Two Pianos, K. 365: 3rd Movement (As Used in the ...)
03.Symphonie Concertante, K. 364: 1st Movement (As Used in the Film, ...)
04.Symphonie Concertante, K. 364: 1st Movement (As Used in the Film, ...)
05.Zaide: Aria: Ruhe Sanft (As Used in the Film, Amadeus)
06.Zaide: Aria: Ruhe Sanft (As Used in the Film, Amadeus)
07.Zaide: Aria: Ruhe Sanft (As Used in the Film, Amadeus)
08.Zaide: Aria: Ruhe Sanft (As Used in the Film, Amadeus)
09.Caro Mio Ben (As Used in the Film, Amadeus) - Giuseppe Giordani
10.Piano Concerto in E Flat, K. 482: 3rd Movement (As Used in the ...)
11.Piano Concerto in E Flat, K. 482: 3rd Movement (As Used in the ...)
12.Piano Concerto in E Flat, K. 482: 3rd Movement (As Used in the ...)
13.Piano Concerto in E Flat, K. 482: 3rd Movement (As Used in the ...)
14.Nozze Di Figaro, K. 492: Ecco la Marcia (As Used in the Film, Amadeus)
15.Nozze Di Figaro, K. 492: Ecco la Marcia (As Used in the Film, Amadeus)
16.Nozze Di Figaro, K. 492: Ah Tutti Contenti (As Used in the Film, ...)
17.Bubák and Hungaricus [Early 18TH Century Gypsy Mus] - Anonymous Composer
莫扎特传Amadeus (1984)
导演 Director:米洛斯·福尔曼 Milos Forman
编剧 Writer:Peter Shaffer ....(play)/(original screenplay by)
影片开始缘于奥地利宫廷乐师萨利埃利向神父忏悔,音乐家莫扎特的英年早逝与他不可饶恕的嫉妒和坑害有关。 42 年前萨利埃利从偏僻小镇到了维也纳,在约瑟夫二世的王宫里当了宫廷乐师。谁知被莫扎特乐曲迷得神魂颠倒,一次在主教家里终于见到仰秤慕已久的莫扎特,这位人称4岁写协奏曲,7岁写交响乐, 11 岁写大型歌剧的大音乐家原来是由个放荡不羁、玩世不恭又十分傲慢的青年人。
本片讲述了伟大的音乐天才沃尔夫岗·阿巴迪斯·莫扎特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)的一生。影片采用倒叙手法,由安东尼奥·萨利埃利(Antonio Salieri)讲述。他是一位宫廷乐师,莫扎特的天才使他既羡慕又震惊,心理上发生了变态,决定除掉莫扎特。音乐在全片中具有叙述和点出主题的作用,将莫扎特的音乐和他的生平事件串连在一起, 刻画了莫扎特与萨利埃利在音乐上的冲突。

1782 年,年仅26岁的莫扎特来到维也纳,其绝色才华立即倾倒了整个奥地利宫廷,同时也引起了宫廷首席乐师萨利埃利的嫉妒。萨利埃利为人自负,自诩为维也纳音乐界第一人。莫扎特的才华既令他惊叹,也使他陷入深深的绝望之中。心胸狭窄的萨利埃利由嫉转恨,决心不惜一切代价毁灭掉这个强大而可怕的“对手”。
萨利埃利的阴谋得逞之后,自感莫扎特的冤魂日夜索命不休,最后精神失常,被送进疯人院。 时光流逝,曾经炫赫一时的萨利埃利渐渐被人遗忘,莫扎特的作品却成为人类音乐殿堂里的瑰宝,在世间永远传唱……