
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/06 01:14:48


For most of the history of our species, there was no television or internet orbooks. Our ancestral environment had no McDonald’s, birth control pills, Viagra, plastic surgery, nuclear weapons, alarm clocks, florescent lighting, paternity tests, or written codes of law. There were not billions of people.


Our minds are not modern, and many of our woes have to do with this mismatch between our Stone-age psychologies and the world in which we now live. Obesity is a simple example of this. Food was hard to get for most people for most of human history. Even a few hundred years ago, the average European family  spent over half of its budget on food, and it wouldn’t get much for the money—the daily  caloric  intake of  an eighteenth  century  Frenchman was equivalent that of a contemporary citizen of a malnourished African nation.362  In a world in which food is scarce, it is smart for an animal to eat when it can and store up the  fat, and suicidal to pass up the chance for sweet fruit or fresh meat. But many humans now live in environments in which food is cheap, plentiful, and cleverly manufactured to be maximally flavorful. It is  difficult—impossible for many of us—to resist the Darwinian imperative to gobble it all up.363



As another example, it would be smart to treat the insults and provocations of strangers—rude behavior on the highway, nasty remarkson the internet—as irrelevant. There’s no payoff to getting mad. But our minds are not evolved to think about strangers, and we obsess,needlessly, about what people think of us andhowthese insults will diminish us in the eyes of others. This is why we have roadrage and blog wars.


Finally, we have evolved in a world of lions and tigers and bears; of plants and birds and rocks and things. We get pleasure and fulfillment from the natural world.364   Many  modern humans  miss  out on  this,  as we  spend our  days inconstructed  environments.  The biologist E.O. Wilson has  argued that  thisestrangement from nature is bad for the soul: “[we] descend farther from heaven’s air if we forget how much the natural world means to us.”365  Several studies now show that even a limited dose of the natural, such as a chance to look at the outsideworld  through  a  window, is  good  for  one’s  health. Hospitalized patients  heal quicker; prisoners get sick less often; spending time with a pet enhances the lives of everyone fromautistic children toAlzheimer patients.366

  最后还有一点:我们一路进化而来,离不开这个世界,而这个世界则既离不了豺狼虎豹,也离不了花鸟石虫;换言之,是大自然的种种一切赋予了我们快感与满足感。【364】生活在钢筋水泥改造过的环境中,很多现代人恰恰就忽略了这一点。生物学家伊·奥·威尔森(E.O. Wilson)曾指出:疏离大自然不利于人类心灵健康。他说:“如果我们将自然的世界抛在脑后,那么自然的天堂就会将我们抛得更远。”【365】近来亦有一些研究表明,即便是与大自然的小小接触——比如向窗外眺望几眼——对人的健康也大有益处;例如住院病人可以更快康复,狱中囚犯的患病率也会降低。任何人,不管是自闭症儿童,还是老年痴呆症患者,只要身边常有宠物相伴,生活质量必定有所改善。

These mismatches are interesting and important, and they are the focus of much research and theorizing in evolutionary psychology. What scholars sometimes miss, though, is that we are not innocent bystanders. We are not like rats dropped into a psychologist’s maze or elephants thrust into a circus. We made this unnatural world. We invented the Big Mac and the Twinkie; the freeway and theinternet andtheskyscraper; government andreligion andlaw.


This book so far has been about what we like and why we like it. In this brief final chapter, I turn to some implications of the essent
