su如何用插件做螺旋:澳洲军事专家库珀:成都歼20原型机隐身性能初步评估(上下篇 全)

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A Preliminary Assessment of Specular Radar Cross Section Performance in the Chengdu J-20 Prototype作者: 发布日期: 浏览:7829 译文简介:本文是由澳大利亚军事专家卡罗·库珀和迈克尔·佩洛西联合撰写的一篇关于歼20隐身性能的初步评估的军事技术论文。译者简介译文来源:原文链接:
原创翻译: 翻译:病中乃知

原创翻译: 翻译:病中乃知
A Preliminary Assessment of Specular Radar Cross Section Performance in the Chengdu J-20 Prototype

Air Power Australia Analysis 2011-03
4th July 2011

A Monograph by
Dr Michael J Pelosi, MBA, MPA,
Dr Carlo Kopp, SMAIAA, SMIEEE, PEng

Text, computer graphics © 2011 Michael Pelosi, © 2011 Carlo Kopp

澳大利亚空中力量分析 2011-3


迈克尔·J·佩洛西 博士/MBA/MPA


文字,电脑绘图©2011 迈克尔·佩洛西,© 2011 卡罗·库珀

First public flight of the Chengdu J-20 prototype, 11th January, 2011 . The shaping design of the J-20 presents no fundamental obstacles to its development into a genuine Very Low Observable design (Chinese Internet).

2011年111,成都歼20原型机首次公开试飞。歼20的造型设计表明,不会对其改进型的超低可探测性(简称VLO,也就是隐身技术Stealth Technology)。设计造成实质影响。




This study has explored the specular Radar Cross Section of the Chengdu J-20 prototype aircraft shaping design. Simulations using a Physical Optics simulation algorithm were performed for frequencies of 150 MHz, 600 MHz, 1.2 GHz, 3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, 8.0 GHz, 12.0 GHz, 16.0 GHz and 28 GHz without an absorbent coating, and for frequencies of 1.2 GHz, 3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, 8.0 GHz, 12.0 GHz, 16.0 GHz with an absorbent coating, covering all angular aspects of the airframe. In addition, the performance of a range of Chinese developed radar absorbers was modelled, based on a reasonable survey of unclassified Chinese research publications in the area. None of the surveyed materials were found to be suitable for use as impedance matched specular radar absorbers. Modelling has determined, that if the production J-20 retains the axisymmetric nozzles and smoothly area ruled sides, the aircraft could at best deliver robust Very Low Observable performance in the nose aspect angular sector. Conversely, if the production J-20 introduces a rectangular faceted nozzle design, and refinements to fuselage side shaping, the design would present very good potential for  robust Very Low Observable performance in the S-band and above, for the nose and tail aspect angular sectors, with good performance in the beam aspect angular sector. This study has therefore established through Physical Optics simulation across nine radio-frequency bands, that no fundamental obstacles exist in the shaping design of the J-20 prototype precluding its development into a genuine Very Low Observable design.


注释:Radar Cross Section(RCS),雷达散射截面是目标的一种折算面积,用来度量在雷达波照射下所产生的回波强度大小。RCS越小,说明反射越小,越不容易被发现,从而达到“隐身”的效果。RCS减缩有两种途径:一种是外形隐身,通过改变机身造型,把雷达波反射到雷达无法接收的方向上;一种是材料隐身,通过对机身敷设吸波涂层,把雷达波的能量损耗掉。通常外形隐身占到整个RCS减缩的90%左右,也就是说,衡量一架飞机隐身性能的优劣,主要看造型设计是否合理。同时,造型设计关乎到飞机的气动布局,所以如何兼顾隐身和气动的性能,成为了隐身设计的一大课题。
·J-20 Prototype Very Low Observable Airframe Shaping Design Features
Chinese Absorbent Materials Technology
·Radar Cross Section Simulation Method / Simulator Design and Capabilities
  Aircraft Model Features and Limitations
  What the Simulation Does Not Demonstrate
What the Simulation Does Demonstrate
·Specular Radar Cross Section Simulation Results
  Analysis of Shape Related Specular Radar Cross Section
Analysis of Specular RCS with a Representative RAM Coating
·Endnotes, References and Bibliography:
·Annex A Scales, Bands, Geometries, and Representative Threats
·Annex B Basic Concepts in Absorbent Coatings Technology
·Annex C Axisymmetric Nozzle RCS Performance
·Annex D Viewing RCS Plots
·Annex E Glossary of Terms

·附录一 减缩、波段、几何和典型威胁
·附录二 吸收材料技术的基本概念
·附录三 轴对称喷口的隐身性能
·附录四 查看RCS图解
·附录五 术语

                                                                    Introduction 介绍
There has been extensive media speculation about the Radar Cross Section [RCS] of the J-20 stealth fighter, since the PLA-AF first exposed the prototype to the public in late December, 2010. Sadly much of this speculation has no valid scientific basis, yet appears to be regarded seriously enough to have influenced public statements by numerous senior officials in Western defence departments.

Performing a full assessment of the RCS of any Low Observable [LO / -10 to -30 dBSM, Refer Table A.1] or Very Low Observable [VLO / -30 to -40 dBSM, Refer Table A.1] aircraft is not a trivial task, as due consideration needs to be given to all major and minor RCS contributors in the design.
进行任何低可探测(LO / -10到-30 dBSM,参见 表格A.1) 或者超低可探测(VLO / -30到-40 dBSM,参见 表格A.1)飞机的全面评估不是一项简单的任务,需要考虑到设计之中所有主要和次要的RCS贡献。

注释:RCS用σ(Sigma)表示,常用单位为㎡(平方米)或dBSM(分贝平方米),公式为σ=4π *(目标处单位立体角内的散射功率/目标处单位面积上的入射功率),两个单位之间的转换关系是:1000㎡=30dbsm,100㎡=20dbsm,10㎡=10dbsm,1㎡=0dbsm,0.1㎡=-10dbsm,0.01㎡=-20dbsm,也就是说,如果RCS的值是0分贝,那么目标的有效照射面积便是1平方米。(显然,目标的真实面积肯定比1平方米大的多)RCS的“贡献”越大,其值越高。

Moreover, such an assessment, if it is to be useful, must consider the RCS from a range of different angular aspects, this encompassing azimuthal sectors and also elevation or depression angles characteristic of the surface and airborne threat systems the LO/VLO design is intended to defeat [Refer Figures A.3 and A.4].
另外,要使评估有效,必须考虑一系列不同角度位面的隐身效果,包括旨在挫败LO/VLO设计的地面和空中威胁系统在各个方位面以及俯仰角的典型特征。(参见 图表A.3和A.4)(威胁系统指能够搜索、捕获、攻击飞机的雷达、导弹等军事设施)

The assessment of RCS must also be performed at the operating wavelengths typical of the surface and airborne threat systems the LO/VLO design is intended to defeat [Refer Table A.2].
对RCS的评估也必须建立在旨在挫败LO/VLO设计的地面和空中威胁系统的工作波长典型特征之下。(参见 表格A.2)


Definitions of these and other terms employed in this document are summarised in Annex E. Reference data for RCS scales, radio-frequency bands, engagement geometries,  and representative threat systems are summarised in Annex A.

If the RCS assessment does not consider angular and wavelength dependencies properly, it will be almost meaningless, in terms of providing a means of determining or estimating the survivability of the LO/VLO design. The common practice of providing a single RCS value for a single aspect at a single frequency yields little information about the actual effectiveness of the design. Such a single point figure permits at best a detection range estimate for a known radar operating at the specified wavelength and aspect.

The PLA's J-20 prototype is an important development in terms of grand strategy, as well as technological strategy, and basic technology. It shows that PLA thinking at the strategic level is focussed on defeating opposing IADS [Integrated Air Defence System] and fighter forces. In the domain of technological strategy, it shows a robust grasp of the limitations of Western technology deployed in

Asia. In terms of basic technology, it shows that China's academic research and industrial base has mastered advanced LO/VLO shaping techniques.

The intent of this study is to perform a preliminary assessment of the RCS of the J-20 prototype, to establish the potential of the aircraft to be fully developed as an LO/VLO combat asset.

The assessment cannot be more than preliminary for a number of good reasons:
   1. The final airframe shaping remains unknown, and changes may arise through the development cycle, to improve
       aerodynamic performance, operational characteristics, and LO/VLO performance;
   2. The state of Chinese Radar Absorbent Materials (RAM), Radar Absorbent Structures (RAS) and radar absorbent

       coatings technology is not well understood in the West;
   3. The state of Chinese technologies for sensor aperture (radar, EO, passive RF) structural mode RCS reduction is not well
       understood in the West;
   4. The state of Chinese technologies for RCS flare spot reduction, in areas such as  navigation/communications antennas,
       seals, panel joins, drain apertures, cooling vents, and fasteners is not well understood in the West.



Achievement of credible LO or VLO performance is the result of a design having intended RCS characteristics in all of these
categories.The relative importance of the respective categories should be discussed.

Sound airframe shaping is a necessary prerequisite for good LO or VLO performance. If shaping is poor, no amount of credible materials application and detail flare spot reduction will overcome the RCS contributions produced by the airframe shape, and genuine VLO performance will be unattainable.

If airframe shaping is sound, then careful and well considered application of Radar Absorbent Materials (RAM), Radar Absorbent Structures (RAS), radar absorbent coatings, aperture RCS reductions, and minor flare spot reductions techniques will yield a VLO design.

As a result, modelling of the shape related RCS contributions of any VLO design is of very high value, as it determines not only whether the aircraft can achieve credible VLO category performance, but also where the designers will be investing effort in RAS, RAM and coating application to achieve this effect.

This paper will focus mostly on shape related RCS contributions, due to the uncertainties inherent in estimating the performance of unknown technologies for RAS, RAM, coatings, aperture RCS reductions, and minor flare spot reduction. Where applicable, reasonable assumptions will be made as to the performance of absorbent material related RCS reduction measures. Some tentative modelling of published Chinese RAM coatings will be performed.


J-20 Prototype Very Low Observable Airframe Shaping Design Features



The J-20 prototype designs displays a number of VLO design features, generally based on design rules developed for and employed in the construction of United States VLO combat aircraft. These display a good theoretical and practical understanding of the VLO design rules developed by US researchers in industry and US government research laboratories, between 1975 and 2000.

Overall, the stealth shaping of the J-20 prototype design is without doubt considerably better than that seen in the Russian T-50 PAK-FA prototypes and, even more so, than that seen in the intended production configuration of the United States' F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

The J-20 design appears to be mostly constructed around the stealth shaping design rules employed in the US Air Force F-22A

1.The chined J-20 nose section and canopy are close in appearance to the F-22, yielding similar specular RCS performance in a
mature design.


2.The J-20 trapezoidal edge aligned engine inlets are closest to the F-22, though they appear to be larger and employ an F-35
style DSI (Diverterless Supersonic Inlet) design, obviously intended to improve on F-22 inlet leading edge signature.
2、歼20梯形进气口的对齐方式与F22十分接近,但他们似乎更多地采用了F35的DSI(无附面层隔道超音速进气道 )设计风格,显然他们打算改进F22的进气口边缘的信号特征。

3.The J-20 wing fuselage join, critical for beam and all aspect stealth, is in shaping and angle very similar to the F-22, and
clearly superior to both the T-50 PAK-FA prototypes and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.


4.The J-20 flat lower fuselage is optimal for all aspect wideband stealth, and emulates the F-22 design closely. It can produce a
significant ground bounce return in some geometries, especially at lower altitudes, or angles approaching the normal.

5.Planform alignment of the J-20 shows exact angular alignment between canard and delta leading edges, and exact crossed (starboard to port, port to starboard) angular edge alignment between canard and delta trailing edges. Leading edge sweep is ~43°, clearly intended for efficient supersonic flight.

6.The J-20 nose and main undercarriage, and cheek weapon bay doors employ C-band through Ku-band optimised edge serration technology, based on F-117A and F-22 design rules.

7.The aft fuselage, tailbooms, fins/strakes and axi-symmetric nozzles are not compatible with high stealth performance, but may only be stop-gap measures to expedite flight testing of a prototype. Performance is notably poorer in the H polarisation.

8.The airframe configuration and aft fuselage shape would be compatible with an F-22A style 2D TVC nozzle design, or a non-TVC rectangular nozzle designed for controlled infrared emission patterns and radio-frequency stealth. Infrared signature will be influenced by other considerations, especially engine bypass ratio.
注释:涵道比(bypass ratio),即涡轮发动机外涵道与内涵道空气流量的比值。内涵道的空气流入燃烧室与燃料混合,燃烧做功,外涵道的空气不进入燃烧室,而是与内涵道流出的燃气相混合后排出。外涵道的空气只通过风扇,流速较慢,且是低温,内涵道排出的是高温燃气,两种气体混合后降低了流速与温度,能够降低噪声,增加推力。

9.The choice of all moving slab stabilators and canards will impact RCS at deflection angles away from the neutral position. If large control deflections are produced in flight regimes other than close combat manoeuvring, the specular RCS of the all moving slab controls would need to be considered.

A qualitative assessment of the J-20 prototype clearly shows that the design has the potential for VLO capability, certainly in the very important forward hemisphere.

Available imagery from similar or identical aspects permits direct comparisons between the J-20 and the United States F-22A and F-35 designs.

Elevated head on view of J-20 prototype showing the trapezoidal edge aligned inlet geometry, combining features of the F
-22A Raptor and F-35 JSF inlet. Both aircraft share shallow wing/fuselage join angles and a flat lower fuselage .

Head on view of F
-22A Raptor showing the trapezoidal edge aligned inlet geometry (US Air Force).

The shaping features of the inlet area and unique lower fuselage are prominent on this image of F
-35A SDD prototype AA-1 (Image via Air Force Link)

This J-20 view shows the chine geometry, and generous use of X-band serrations on the undercarriage doors (Chinese Internet)

Ventral view of F
-22A Raptor with undercarriage extended (US Air Force).

F-35 JSF SDD airframe in flight showing chine angles and upper fuselage curvature (
U.S. Air Force photo).

Ventral view of J-20 prototype showing the flat lower fuselage, flat facet fuselage sides, and shallow join angle between the wings, canards and fuselage sides. The aft ventral strakes are undesirable from an RCS perspective (Chinese Internet).

Ventral view of F
-22A Raptor showing the flat lower fuselage, flat facet fuselage sides, and shallow join angle between the wings, horizontal tails and fuselage sides (U.S. Air Force photo).

Ventral view of F
-35A SDD aircraft showing the deeply sculpted lower fuselage, doubly curved fuselage sides, and  steep angle multiple step join between the wings and fuselage sides (U.S. Air Force photo).

Aft view of J-20 prototype showing the serrated axi-symmetric nozzles, modelled on the F-35 JSF design, the strakes and all moving tails, and deflected canards (Chinese Internet).

Aft view of F
-22A Raptor displaying the rectangular TVC nozzles (Jeroen Oude Wolbers)

Forward ventral view of J-20 prototype showing the flat lower fuselage, flat facet fuselage sides, and shallow join angle between the wings, canards and fuselage sides. Note the detail of the inlet geometry (Chinese Internet).

Near head on view of J-20 prototype showing the trapezoidal edge aligned inlet geometry , wing/fuselage join, and flat lower fuselage (Chinese Internet).

Rear quarter view of J-20 prototype showing the axi-symmetric nozzles and strakes (Chinese Internet).

Chinese Absorbent Materials Technology


The state of Chinese research in low observables absorbent materials technology is not well understood in Western nations, as there have been no substantial  official disclosures to date. The absence of disclosures, physical samples, or even viable imagery presents numerous challenges in determining what materials are intended for use in the J-20 design, or even what options are available to the
Chengdu designers.

While official disclosures on production technologies are absent, these is a surprising number of recent unclassified basic research publications available, produced by Chinese researchers, dealing with the materials science of absorbers, especially Carbon Nano-Tube (CNT) absorbers, including absorbers loaded with conductive or magnetic materials. The number of papers and abstracts identified in this and related areas was of the order of thirty, mostly authored over the last several years, and published in English language journals and conferences. No attempt was made to survey Mandarin language publications.

通常,电损性材料高频吸收效果好,磁损性材料低频吸收效果好。在实际应用中,把两者结合起来, 可以制得一种在较宽频率范围内吸收效果好的复合吸波材料。

Chinese research in RCS reduction is not confined to materials alone. A recent paper by Zhenghong and Mingliong details a derived Method of Moments algorithm for RCS computations. Work by Jiang et al details the use of genetic algorithms for the optimal design of complex multilayer absorber structures. Earlier research in conventional RCS modelling for design was produced by Cao et al.
注释:矩量法(Moments Algorithm)是求解电磁场边界值问题的一种数值方法。主要是将积分方程化为差分方程,或将积分方程中积分化为有限求和,从而建立代数方程组 。遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的方法,由于遗传算法不依赖于梯度信息或其它辅助知识,只需要影响搜索方向的目标函数和相应的适应度函数,所以对于解决复杂的组合优化问题有着明显的效果。

Most of the materials research papers and abstracts surveyed were experimental, involving the fabrication and subsequent performance parameter testing of the fabricated material. The deeper theoretical analysis of loss mechanisms, and theoretical study of material behaviour in production applications, are uncommon in openly published work from China. This in many respects emulates the pattern observed in many Soviet unclassified basic research publications during the Cold War period.

Annex B outlines the basic theoretical and practical concepts underpinning the design of absorbent materials.

Of specific interest in the context of Chinese stealth design is the respectable volume of  high quality academic research performed on CNT, ferrite loaded epoxy, or other materials for use as the absorbent or lossy component in epoxy or other polymer matrix absorbent or lossy coatings, laminates, panels or radar absorbent structures.

In CNT/epoxy materials a powder filler comprising CNT is loaded into an epoxy matrix, in a manner similar to traditional inclusion methods for powdered materials intended to alter the dielectric and magnetic properties of the resin. Epoxy resins in the microwave bands exhibit εr ~ 3.0 - 4.6 and δ ~ 0.01, making them a viable matrix for many applications, due to the toughness and durability of the material, and its relative ease of application.
环氧树脂材料的填充粉末是由加载在环氧基上的CNT所组成,在某种意义上,这和利用粉状材料来改变树脂的电磁特性的传统内嵌工艺十分类似。在微波波段,环氧树脂的 εr(相对介电常数)大约是3.0到4.6,δ (介质损耗角)大约是0.01,这些可用基质能否应用于实际,取决于材料的韧性和强度,还有易用性。
按吸波材料的吸收电磁波的方式,可分为谐振型吸波材料和吸收型吸波材料。一、谐振型吸波材料,从原理上讲,是靠回波之间的相互干涉作用来减弱回波强度。比如,在金属平板表面上涂上一层这种材料,除了一部分入射波直接反射外,其余部分透过涂层从平板反射,再穿过涂层形成另一部分回波。如果这两部分回波的振幅大致相等,相位相反,则发生相互干涉而被减弱。(也就是相消干涉)二、吸收型吸波材料,从原理上讲,是将入射波的电磁能量经在吸波材料中所产生的各种弱电和磁滞的损耗,转化为热量散失掉,从而减弱回波强度。第一种吸波材料与文中提到的相对介电常数εr和介质损耗角δ 有关。

Chinese research in CNT/epoxy absorbers seems to be mostly focussed on lossy dielectrics, rather than magnetically loaded materials intended as impedance matched coatings. Such materials are more useful as components in multilayered absorbent coatings or structures, rather than for applications such as control of specular skin reflections in aircraft, where exactly controlled impedance matching of the single layer coating strongly influences the performance of the coating.

There is no evidence in the open literature of a coordinated or focussed effort to develop thin lightweight impedance matched absorbent coatings for specular backscatter control in aircraft applications.

No effort was made to assess the performance of the surveyed materials as surface travelling wave absorbers. While numerical modelling of surface travelling wave absorption performance was feasible, without experimental data, calibration of any such simulation model was not possible.

As a result, most of the English language published Chinese materials research would yield products possibly suitable for other applications, but mostly not suitable for high performance coatings useful in aircraft microwave band specular RCS reduction.


Radar Cross Section Simulation Method / Simulator Design and Capabilities

The Physical Optics (PO) method is used to predict the RCS of complex targets, in this instance the  Chengdu J-20 prototype. The three dimensional model for any such target comprises a collection of triangular facets, with shared edges.


The scattered field from each and every visible facet, for a given angle pair {θ, Φ} in elevation and azimuth, is computed using the far field radiation integrals.  It is assumed that the wavefront is planar and no parallax errors arise. The contributions from each of the facets are then summed to produce a total RCS for the angle pair {θ, Φ} in question. This method is a high frequency approximation that provides the best results for electrically large targets, and performs well in the specular direction
假定波阵面是二维的,并且没有出现视差,对于一个给定的角度{θ, Φ} ,每个可见面的散射场都可以计算出它的远场辐射积分。每个面的贡献加起来就是{θ, Φ} 角度的总RCS。这种方法是高频的近似值,大型电子目标的最佳结果,并很好地演示了反射的方向。

注释:俯角是以铅垂线为基准,观察者的视线与铅垂线之间的夹角,用θ表示,范围是0°到180°。(当观察者在水平面以下的时候,也就是仰视,仍可以用大于90°的俯角来表示)方位角是二维平面中,从某点的指北方向线起,顺时针方向到目标方向线之间的水平夹角,用Φ表示,范围是0°到360°。俯角和方位角合起来构成一对视界角{θ, Φ},决定了独一无二的三维视角。这个视角就是雷达波照射飞机的方向,上文提到过,入射波的方向也会影响RCS,下面的模拟会从不同的方向来测量飞机的RCS。

The simulation uses geometric self-shadowing of facet calculations, such that RCS contributions hidden by shadowing airframe features are removed. This mechanism does not implement diffraction effects at larger wavelengths.

The PO RCS simulation program implementation has manageable run–times because it requires minimum computer resources. It is implemented in C++ language to provide shorter computation times than earlier Physical Optics simulators, such as the NPS POFacets code, which is implemented in the interpreted Matlab language.
出于对计算机资源占用最小化的考虑,物理光学RCS模拟程序的运行必须有可控的运行时间。C++语言比之前的物理光学模拟器运行更短的估算时间,例如 NPS POFacets(基于物理光学近似的面元法程序)代码,就是在Matlab语言下运行的。

At this time the simulator does not implement surface travelling wave modelling and associated edge or gap backscatter modelling, or edge diffraction scattering effect modelling. As the backscatter from these, in real aircraft, depends upon leading and trailing edge absorbent treatments, it is a reasonable assumption that in a production design these RCS contributions would be strongly suppressed as a result of effective treatments, and thus the magnitude of these RCS contributions would be smaller than specular returns, from angles other than the peak mainlobes.


The PO RCS simulator generates a raw data output as RCS magnitude values for a specified operating frequency, polarisation, and aspect angle pair {θ, Φ}, in ASCII text format.
在指定了工作频率、极化方向和视界角 {θ, Φ}的情况下,物理光学RCS模拟器生成RCS幅度值作为原始数据以ASCII文本格式输出

The integrity of the PO RCS simulation program was validated by modelling a range of basic shapes and materials coated panels, and comparing against published experimental third party results. The simulator generally displayed very low errors compared to published measurements, typically of the order of the error produced by digitising printed hard copy plots of experimental measurement results.

Postprocessing tools were developed and employed to generate two different representations of the RCS data.

The first representation devised was labelled as the PolyChromatic Spherical Representation (PCSR), in which a translucent sphere is rendered around a two-dimensional rendering of the aircraft, where the surface of the sphere is divided into tiles by aspect angle pair {θ, Φ}. The colour of each tile represents the RCS from the angular direction determined by the path between the tile and the centroid of the aircraft. The colour encoding of RCS employs the same ordered colour sequence as is employed by US Government  and other agencies for weather radar rainfall density representation, as this is a well understood and intuitive encoding scheme.
第一种表示法是用多色球面表示法来标记,让一个透明球体围绕飞机,然后把飞机的二维透视图投影到球面上,同时球面被视界角 {θ, Φ}划分成若干区块。每个区块的颜色都代表了由区块和飞机重心之间的路径所决定的角方向上的RCS。RCS的颜色编码采取的色序排序,与美国政府和其它气象雷达降雨强度发布部门使用的一样。

Example PolyChromatic Spherical Representation (PCSR) of J-20 specular RCS at 150 MHz. The dBSM value is represented by the colour scale at the bottom of the plot [Click to enlarge].


The second representation devised was labelled as the PolyChromatic Planar Representation (PCPR), in which a rectangular area is divided into tiles by aspect angle pair {θ, Φ}. The colour of each tile represents the RCS from the angular direction determined by the path between the tile and the centroid of the aircraft. The colour encoding of RCS employs the same ordered colour sequence as is employed in the PCSR scheme. All PCPR charts are further enhanced by the addition of rulers which separate the most critical azimuthal sectors, and elevation/depression angles
第二种表示法是用多色平面表示法来标记,矩形平面被视界角 {θ, Φ}划分成若干区块。每个区块的颜色都代表了被区块和飞机重心之间的路径所决定的角方向上的RCS。RCS的颜色编码采取了与多色球面表示法相同的色序排序。所有PCPR图表都可以被添加的直尺所加强,区分最重要的方位面、仰角和俯角。

Example PolyChromatic Planar Representation (PCSR) of J-20 specular RCS at 150 MHz. The dBSM value is represented by the colour scale at the bottom of the plot. The rulers outline angular sectors of specific importance, from a survivability perspective.




Aircraft Model Features and Limitations

The model used was an extant public domain 3,343 facet representation constructed from publicly available high and medium resolution photographic imagery of the J-20 prototype, observed in December, 2010, and January, 2011.

Two variants of the model were tested and one then employed. One model used axisymmetric exhaust nozzles fully open, and the other used axisymmetric exhaust nozzles fully closed. This was necessary to capture the specular returns from the nozzle exterior in the aft hemisphere of the aircraft, which vary strongly with nozzle position. As the nozzles open, the principal lobes of the specular returns rotate forward, and in the fully open position contribute mostly to the beam aspect RCS, where not shielded by the aft fuselage structure. Nozzle RCS from the forward and aft aspects varies weakly with nozzle position. Therefore all simulations presented are for a closed nozzle, which is the most frequent case in operational use of such aircraft, and thus of most interest. The nozzle rim includes serrations as observed on the prototype. The intent behind the use of serrations could be rim RCS reduction in the upper bands, but could also be to promote vortex generation and plume mixing to increase plume dissipation and thus reduce blackbody radiation from the plume in the near infrared bands.



The primary nose mounted radar antenna radome is assumed to be a bandpass design, emulating United States fighter designs, and was assumed to be fully opaque at all frequencies of interest. The model assumes an insignificant structural mode RCS contribution from the radar antenna face and radar bay bulkhead, consistent with a properly designed bandpass radome in its stopband region. Given the absence of any useful data on the internal configuration of the radome and antenna bay, a more elaborate model would be speculative, unavoidably. Imagery of the prototypes does not show any evidence of the radome join to the fuselage, possibly reflecting the absence of a radome on airframes built to validate aerodynamics, shaping and flight systems. In a production design the radome seam / join to the fuselage can produce significant RCS contributions if poorly implemented.



The engine inlet tunnels were modelled as Perfect Electrical Absorbers (PEA; Refer Annex E). Given the absence of any useful data on the internal configuration of the inlets and tunnels, a more elaborate model would again be entirely speculative. This is consistent with an ideal S-bend inlet tunnel clad with ideal RAM on its interior walls, and the use of an ideal engine face blocker. This is an optimistic assumption given historically observed difficulties in inlet tunnel signature reduction, as in many designs the inlet tunnel cavity RCS is a dominant wideband contributor in the forward aspect.



The exhaust tailpipe RCS contributions were also modelled as Perfect Electrical Absorbers (PEA). Given the absence of any useful data on the internal configuration of the tailpipes, a more elaborate model would be as before entirely speculative. The PEA model is consistent with an ideal  tailpipe internally clad with ideal heat resistant RAM, and the use of an ideal turbine face  and afterburner fuel spraybar blocker. This is an inherently optimistic assumption, as can be shown by employing an approximate model for an untreated tailpipe cavity, accounting for the reduction in projected nozzle area. This is detailed in Annex C.


The cockpit canopy transparency was modelled as a Perfect Electrical Conductor (PEC; Refer Annex E), to emulate the effect of a gold or other highly conductive plating layer in the polycarbonate laminate structure.



The closed axisymmetric exhaust nozzle employs a stacked serrated trailing edge in the manner of the F-35 nozzle, reflecting photographic imagery of the prototype. As the structural shape of the gaps between nozzle petals is not known at this time, we modelled the open nozzle as simple cylinder.

The photographic imagery of the J-20 prototypes was not of sufficient quality to incorporate any useful detail of panel join boundaries, door boundaries, and other surface features which produce RCS contributions due to surface travelling waves coupled to the aircraft skin. Even were such detail available, there is no guarantee production aircraft would retain the prototype configuration, reducing the value of any such results.

The position of the canards,  delta wing leading and trailing edge surfaces, and fully moving tail surfaces was set to neutral, reflecting an optimal cruise configuration at nominal supercruise altitudes and airspeeds. Large deflections by these control surfaces in flight would produce large but transient increases in specular backscatter.

The geometrical fidelity of the model was assessed by comparison with high resolution imagery released in January, 2011, specifically by comparing the shape of the model from the same aspect as the photograph. Particular attention was paid to the fidelity of angles, especially in the chines, engine inlet exterior, planform and wing/fuselage joins, as these determine the {θ, Φ} directions of the mainlobes and sidelobes in the specular returns.
通过与2011年1月份泄露的高分辨率图像对比,特别是从相同的角度来比较模型和图像的外形来评估模型的几何精度。应当特别关注角度的精度,尤其是机脊、发动机进气口外部,俯视图和翼身融合,这些决定了镜面回波在 {θ, Φ} 方向的主瓣和副瓣。

注释:由于雷达波照射机身方向不同,RCS取值不同。本次模拟通过若干角度对歼20的RCS进行分析,球面投影图代表不同的视界角{θ, Φ},上篇详细讲述过视界角,这里不再赘述。虽然每个球面图中飞机的位置不同,但在平面图中都是正视前向的,也就是说正中间的淡蓝色部分是机头方向,两边的蓝色是机尾,周围黄色和红色是两侧。不同的颜色代表不同的RCS值,并随着蓝、绿、黄、红而逐渐增大。

To establish the robustness of the 3D model for physical optics modelling, we explored the statistical distribution of edge lengths [x-axis] in the facet population [y-axis]. A substantial fraction of the facets are sufficiently large to yield good accuracy through most of the frequency bands being modelled for.



What the Simulation Does Not Demonstrate


1.The simulator at this time does not model backscatter from edge diffraction effects, although the resulting error will be mitigated by the reality that in a mature production design these RCS contributions are reduced by edge treatments;

2.The simulator at this time does not model backscatter from surface travelling wave effects. In the forward and aft hemispheres these can be dominant scattering sources where specular contributions are low. The magnitude of these RCS contributions is reduced by edge treatments, lossy surface coatings, gap treatments, and panel serrations;


3.The simulator at this time does not model backscatter from the AESA bay in the passband of a bandpass radome, due to the absence of any data on the intended design of same, the resulting error will be mitigated by the reality that in a mature production design much effort will be expended in suppressing passband RCS contributions;

4.The simulator at this time does not model backscatter from the engine inlet tunnels or engine exhaust tailpipes, due to the absence of any data on the intended design of same. In the forward and aft hemispheres these can be dominant scattering sources where specular contributions are low. The magnitude of these RCS contributions is reduced by suppressing these RCS contributions with absorbers, and in the case of inlet tunnels, by introducing a serpentine geometry to increase the number of bounces.

5.The simulator at this time does not model structural mode RCS contributions from antenna and EO apertures, panel joins, panel and door gaps, fasteners and other minor contributors; although the resulting error will be mitigated by the reality that in a mature production design these RCS contributions are reduced by RCS reduction treatments.

6.The PO computational algorithm performs most accurately at broadside or near normal angles of incidence, with decreasing accuracy at increasingly shallow angles of incidence, reflecting the limitions of PO modelling. The simulator does not implement the Mitzner/Ufimtsev corrections for edge currents. While a number of test runs with basic shapes showed good agreement between the PO simulation and backscatter peaks in third party test sample measurements, even at incidence angles below 10°, characteristically PO will underestimate backscatter in nulls. This limitation must be considered when assessing results for the nose and tail aspects, where most specular RCS contributions arise at very shallow angles39.

7.The PO computational algorithm performs best where the product of wave number and dimension ka ≥ 5, where k ≈ 2πf [Table 5.1 in (1)], yielding errors much less than 1 dB. Knott cites good agreement for cylinders as small as 1.5 wavelengths in diameter1.
7、物理光学逻辑算法在波数k≈2πf 、波数尺寸ka ≥ 5时计算结果最佳,产生的误差小于1分贝。诺特证明了圆柱体的直径为1时,与1.5倍波长相当。(这句话吃不准,实在理解不了是什么意思)


8.The simulator does not account for a number of environmental factors, such as air density profile at the aircraft skin boundary layer, thermal variations in absorbent material properties, and moisture precipitation. RCS contributions from these sources are negligible for the principal lobe magnitudes studied.
In practical terms, the combination of the J-20 aircraft geometry and the use of the PO method without the Mitzner/Ufimtsev edge current corrections will yield errors at the frequencies of interest of less than 1 dB for the beam aspect and tail aspect sectors, which both have dominant specular scatterers. The nose aspect angular sector results will underestimate RCS, in part due to the absence of shallow angle specular contributions not modelled by the Mitzner/Ufimtsev edge current corrections, and by the absence of surface travelling wave backscatter contributions from surface features, gaps and trailing edges.



In all instances, the errors arising from the limitations of the PO computation method all fall into areas where well established RCS reduction treatments using RAS, RAM or coatings would be used, thus reducing the relative magnitude of the errors in the resulting RCS result for angles other than the peak mainlobes produced by these backscatter sources.


Importantly, even were the simulator capable of modelling shallow angle specular and non-specular RCS contributors, the PLA would not permit sufficiently detailed disclosures on the RCS reduction treatments applied to the airframe design, as a result of which reasonable assumed parameters would have to be applied instead of actual values.

The latter underscores the difficulty in attempting to perform highly accurate numerical RCS modelling of foreign airframe designs, where access to high fidelity shaping data, surface feature data, and materials type and application is actively denied.


What the Simulation Does Demonstrate


1.The simulation can accurately capture the direction of mainlobes and sidelobes produced by specular backscatter returns, especially where major specular reflectors produce strong contributions; this includes broadside and lesser specular returns from the wings, control surfaces and major reflecting areas of the fuselage, inlet exteriors and nozzles;

2.For an untreated PEC skin, the simulation can accurately capture the absolute and relative magnitudes of mainlobes and sidelobes produced by specular backscatter returns, especially where major specular reflectors produce strong contributions; this includes broadside and lesser specular returns from the wings, control surfaces and major reflecting areas of the fuselage, inlet exteriors and nozzles;

3.In capturing mainlobes and sidelobes of major specular scatterers it permits an assessment of the angular extent in the nose and tail sectors where diffraction and surface travelling wave backscatter is dominant, and can still be suppressed effectively;

4.Where a RAM surface treatment is applied in the model, it will present inferior RCS reduction performance to an actual treatment; so results produced will present a worst case performance result, to an order of magnitude.

In summary, if the results of the Physical Optics specular return modelling yield RCS values from key aspects, at key frequencies, which are consistent with stated VLO performance values in US designs, to an order of magnitude, it is reasonable to conclude that a mature J-20 design will qualify as a genuine VLO design.


Specular Radar Cross Section Simulation Results



Specular RCS was modelled for full spherical all-aspect coverage, for nine frequencies of interest. Frequencies were carefully chosen to match likely threat systems the J-20 would be intended to defeat in an operational environment. There are:

1.150 MHz to defeat Russian built VHF band Counter-VLO radars such as the Nebo UE, Nebo SVU and Nebo M series, or the Rezonans N/NE series;
2.600 MHz to defeat UHF band radars such as those carried by the E
-2C/D AEW&C system, or the widely used Russian Kasta 2/2E and P-15/19 Flat Face / Squat Eye series;
3.1.2 GHz to defeat L-band surface based search, acquisition and GCI radars, and the Northrop-Grumman MESA AEW&C radar;
4.3.0 GHz to defeat widely used S-band acquisition radars, and the E-3 APY-1/APY-2 AWACS system;
5.6.0 GHz to defeat C-band Surface-Air-Missile engagement radars such as the MPQ-53/65 Patriot system;
6.8.0 GHz to defeat a range of X-band airborne fighter radars,  Surface-Air-Missile engagement radars such as the 30N6E Flap Lid / Tomb Stone, and 92N6E Grave Stone, and a range of Western and Russian Surface-Air-Missile seekers;
7.12.0 GHz to defeat a range of X-band airborne fighter radars,  Surface-Air-Missile engagement radars, and Surface-Air-Missile and Air-Air-Missile seekers;
8.16.0 GHz to defeat a range of Ku-band airborne fighter radars,  and Surface-Air-Missile engagement radars, and Surface-Air-Missile and Air-Air-Missile seekers;
9.28.0 GHz to defeat a range of K-band missile seekers,  and Surface-Air-Missile engagement radars;
1、150兆赫兹用来挫败俄罗斯建造的甚高频波段反VLO雷达,比如米波UE、米波SVU和米波M系列,或者Rezonans N/NE系列。

2、600兆赫兹用来挫败超高频波段雷达,比如被E-2/D(鹰眼)空中预警系统装载或者俄罗斯广泛使用的 Kasta 2/2E和P-15/19平面/矮小眼睛系列。
6、8.0千兆赫兹用来挫败一系列X波段的机载作战雷达、地空导弹指引雷达,比如30N6E Flap Lid / Tomb Stone、92N6E Grave Stone和一系列西方和俄罗斯的地空导弹导引头。

RCS simulation results are presented in PCSR and PCPR formats. The latter includes rulers to show the most important elevation/depression angle rings/zones, and the four azimuthal quadrants.


Analysis of Shape Related Specular Radar Cross Section


The results of the physical optics simulation modelling of specular RCS for the J-20 shape, using an idealised PEC skin for all external surfaces, are displayed in Tables 1 and 2, for a vertically polarised E component. An additional simulation was performed at 150 MHz, or a horizontally polarised E component, with results in Tables 1A and 2A

Table 1. J-20 Specular RCS Model Results PEC [V-Pol]

Notation: The POFACETS simulator labels V-pol as “TM-z”, i.e. the magnetic H vector is transverse to the z-axis or vertical. This convention was retained for consistency in these simulation plots, with plots labelled TM being V-pol and plots labelled TE being H-pol.


Table 2. J-20 Specular RCS Model Results PEC [V-Pol]











A.Distant threats CRPL exponential refractive atmospheric model;
B.Near threats SBF refractive atmospheric model;

C.Spherical earth model;
D.Assumed aircraft altitude 36 kft;
E.For higher aircraft altitudes the depression angles increase for nearer threats.


Threat depression angles as a function of type and missile kinematic range, for various contemporary and legacy SAM systems of Russian/Soviet manufacture (C. Kopp).


Table 1A

. J-20 150 MHz Specular RCS Model Results PEC [H-Pol]

Table 2A. J-20 150 MHz Specular RCS Model Results PEC [H-Pol]

The starting point for any forensic analysis of the RCS of a new and hitherto unknown aircraft type is the study of the RCS of its shape, assuming a perfectly electrically conductive surface. This will permit identification of mainlobes and sidelobes, and their respective angular locations.

As the simulation technique is confined to the Physical Optics method, care must be taken in the interpretation of results, as at grazing or shallow angles of incidence the method will usually underestimate the magnitude of the RCS. In the most critical nose and tail aspect angular sectors, a good design will have no major scattering sources producing specular returns captured by the simulation, and the RCS will be dominated by nonspecular mechanisms, primarily diffraction and surface travelling waves, engine inlet and exhaust backscatter, as well as the structural mode RCS of antennas, panel join gaps, or other electrical apertures.
Behaviour in the nose aspect angular sector, defined as ±45° in azimuth left and right of the nose, and between +5° in elevation, and -36° in depression, is generally very good across all bands simulated. No scattering sources producing significant specular RCS are observed at 3 GHz or any higher frequencies. The RCS performance will thus satisfy the Very Low Observable requirement that strong specular returns are absent. In this angular and frequency domain, the actual RCS performance of the design will be dominated by edge alignment to control diffracting edge mainlobe directions, and applied RAM and RAS. As the simulation cannot capture the behaviour of the inlet edges and tunnels, these peaks are absent.
At L-band and below, there is a pronounced increase in the calculated RCS within the nose aspect angular sector. This is a byproduct of the breakdown of the directional effect produced by smaller shaping features, which lose their ability to concentrate backscatter into narrow mainlobes. Indeed many physically smaller specular and diffractive regime optimised shaping features fall into the Raleigh scattering regime and lose effect wholly.

Behaviour in the tail aspect angular sector, defined as ±45° in azimuth left and right of the tail, and between +5° in elevation, and -36° in depression, is dominated by the scattering behaviour of the pair of axisymmetric nozzles, which has major specular, cavity and diffractive contributors, detailed in Annex C. The large diffraction backscatter from the nozzle rims below X-band is not captured in the Physical Optics simulation,  the tailpipe cavity backscatter is not represented, and the distinctive lobing structure of the nozzle petals above X-band is also not visible.
There are two prominent mainlobes at ~±15° in azimuth left and right of the tail, centred at a depression angle of ~20° to ~40°, produced by the vertical tails which are not shadowed by a horizontal stabilator as would be employed in a conventional airframe design. While these produce strong specular returns, the depression angle through the centre of these mainlobes varies strongly with changing azimuth angle, and thus would present at any fixed depression angle only a narrow transient flash for a single azimuth.
Behaviour in the left and right beam aspect angular sectors, defined as ±45° in azimuth left and right of the beam, and between +5° in elevation, and -36° in depression, is dominated by the scattering behaviour of the almost flat slab sides, canted vertical tail surfaces, strakes, and specular return from the nozzles. This could be described as classical “bowtie” lobing behaviour.
The specular return from the nozzles produces a pronounced mainlobe at 20° to 25° aft of the airframe beam, through most of the elevation band, with most of the mainlobe contained within a 10° degree width. There is a strong interference pattern discernable in the mainlobe, as the backscatter from the paired nozzles constructively and destructively interferes with changing aspect angle.
The primary mainlobe produced by the slab fuselage sides is unusually wide in the azimuthal dimension at ~20° below the S-band as a result of the complex side curvature introduced by area ruling, for aerodynamic reasons. In the Ku-band the mainlobe separates into multiple closely spaced peaks, each associated with a particular extent of the fuselage side.

The extent to which the specular mainlobes in a ventral slab sided design, these including the J-20, T-50 PAK-FA, F-35 and F-22, should be made as narrow as possible, depends primarily on whether the aircraft is intended to penetrate an IADS deeply or not. The wider these lobes are, the greater the exposure time of the aircraft to a distant beam aspect threat, such as a missile battery.
The overall conclusions which can be drawn from a forensic analysis of the shape of the J-20 prototype across the bands of interest are as follows:
1.The nose aspect sector has excellent potential for achieving Very Low Observable performance due to the absence of any major specular scatterers;

2.The tail aspect sector is largely degraded in RCS performance by the use of axi-symmetric nozzles which introduce strong specular and diffraction returns; the nozzles destroy the otherwise very reasonable behaviour of the rest of the airframe in this angular sector; the tail surface geometry introduces a further degradation in performance, but constrained to narrow lobes;
3.The beam aspect sector shows classical “bowtie” lobing behaviour, but the lobe widths are wider than otherwise necessary due to the use of smooth area ruling rather than discrete geometrically flat area segments.
If the production J-20 retains the axisymmetric nozzles and smoothly area ruled sides, the aircraft could at best deliver robust Very Low Observable performance in the nose aspect angular sector.

If the production J-20 introduces a rectangular faceted nozzle design, and refinements to fuselage side shaping, the design would present very good potential for  robust Very Low Observable performance in the S-band and above, in the nose and tail aspect angular sectors, and viable Low Observable performance above the S-band in the beam aspect angular sector.

Analysis of Specular RCS with a Representative RAM Coating


The results of the physical optics simulation modelling of specular RCS for the J-20 shape, using a RAM coating model for all external surfaces, are displayed in Tables 3 and 4. The RAM coating parameters are discussed below.
Modelling a RAM coated J-20 presents a number of interesting challenges, especially since so little is known about the materials available to Chengdu engineers, and the construction technique used on the airframe. It is not yet known with any confidence whether the J-20 is covered with metal alloy skin panels, carbon fibre composite skin panels, or some combination of the two. Moreover, if we consider the Russian Flanker as a case study, metal skin panels were progressively replaced with composite panels in later variants, so it is entirely conceivable that a metal skinned J-20 prototype could evolve over time into a composite skinned production vehicle.

Aircraft built for VLO will employ a range of specialised materials, applied to specific portions of the airframe to achieve very specific loss characteristics at specific frequencies. Unique materials would be employed to control specular returns, surface travelling wave returns, and edge returns, all from specific key aspects.
A Physical Optics simulator can model specular returns, but the simulator employed for this study does not at this time incorporate surface travelling wave effects, and edge diffraction effects. Therefore a materials model which addressed the latter two scattering mechanisms would only impact a specular RCS model through the behaviour of these otherwise optimised materials in a specular scattering regime at larger angles of incidence.
At this time there are two well known strategies for the application of absorbers to aircraft.

The first strategy is to construct the aircraft with skin panels comprising different, structurally optimised materials, then coat the whole airframe with a highly conductive coating, such as a silver suspension in epoxy, and then robotically apply one or more coats of an epoxy or urethane matrix based RAM material. Weight will constraint coating thickness, for large areas, to as little as ~1 mm.
The advantage of this approach is simplicity, and considerable freedom in choices of skin materials, which are effectively hidden by the conductive substrate to the absorber. The disadvantage of this approach is that a very high performance absorber is required, which presents a range of challenges in achieving concurrently impedance matching to ~377 Ω, high permittivity and permeability, and low thickness and thus weight.
Corrosion and abrasion of coatings, resulting from handling damage, exposure to dust or sand particles, insects, rain droplets and hailstones at high velocities, and the permeability of coatings to water with concomitant electrolytic effects,  can increase operational and maintenance costs strongly through the resulting need for post flight inspections and coating repairs. Paint or surface treatment erosion or damage through these mechanisms is a well established problem in conventional aircraft where the surface material is primarily used for optical and infrared band camouflage and skin protection. Where the coating must meet a challenging broadband complex impedance specification, resilience to damage and erosion is a much more demanding design requirement.

The second strategy is to construct the aircraft with composite skin panels either loaded with RAM, or laminated in production with a RAM sheet.
The advantage of this approach is that greater RAM depth can be achieved, and that the RAM is inherently more mechanically robust and durable compared to a coating, yielding lower operational and maintenance costs. The disadvantages of this approach are several. The RAM must provide some measure of impedance matching to a high permittivity and low impedance carbon-fibre or other composite skin; the airframe designers lose freedom in choosing skin panel materials for mechanical properties alone; and finally improvements in available RAM can only be accommodated by replacing most or all of the aircraft skin panels, rather than stripping and reapplying coatings during periodic depot maintenance cycles.
The second strategy is usually termed the “matched wave impedance” approach, which is typically employed when the substrate, such as an aircraft skin, is a non-conductive material such as a composite, with complex impedance properties. In this strategy, the coating applied over the skin is designed to have such dielectric and magnetic properties, such that the nett impedance of the coating and skin together approaches, ideally, free space at Z0 ≈ 377.

The effectiveness of this strategy depends on finding a coating material with properties complementary to the substrate. It has the advantage of both layers attenuating the signal.
It is important to note that if an absorber presents a strong impedance mismatch to free space, the reflection from the mismatch will set an asymptotic bound on achievable RCS reduction of specular returns. Increasing material loss performance or thickness will not improve performance beyond this asymptotic bound.
No attempt was made to model treatments for surface travelling wave backscatter, as insufficient data was available on the geometry of panel and control surface boundaries, and as noted earlier, the choice of skin materials is unknown. The intent behind such treatments is to minimise the impedance mismatch at a panel boundary, or trailing edge, seen by a  surface travelling wave attached to the skin of the aircraft.
Where dissimilar skin materials are employed without substantial absorbent coatings,  for instance, matching the impedance at the boundary between two panels of strongly differing impedance, would require a low impedance coating on the higher impedance panel, which would be far from the optimum required for broadside specular backscatter reduction. Treatment of trailing edges typically requires materials with high permeability, also suboptimal for specular backscatter reduction.
Stability of surface materials with changing temperature is a major consideration, given the wide operating temperature range experienced by supersonic gas turbine powered military aircraft. Stability with surface materials age is also important, especially for the second implementation strategy where an age related degradation in material performance incurs a very high cost in skin panel replacement. Neither of these considerations were addressed in this study.
The final choice in modelling the J-20 was to employ the second  implementation strategy where the aircraft is assumed to be constructed with composite skin panels either loaded with RAM, or laminated in production with a RAM sheet. The “matched wave impedance” approach was assumed, although none of the published Chinese materials possessed the required properties.
This choice of using the second strategy was made as the intent of this study was to explore the long term potential for good Very Low Observable performance in the J-20 design. Composite skins with embedded absorbers provide greater RAM depth and thus better performance with a less mature RAM technology base. They are also less demanding in terms of handling in an operational environment, a major advantage for an operator reliant on less experienced conscript maintenance personnel.
A question of interest which arose during this effort was that of which frequency bands the designers of the J-20 might optimise the design of a specular RAM coating for. Prima facie this may appear to be a simple question, but it is not.
If we assume that combat attrition is a serious consideration in PLA-AF planning and design definition, then the two most obvious choices in optimisation are thus:
1.L-band through S-band - most suited for a design intended to penetrate deep into an opposing IADS, the intent of the RAM being to defeat early warning and acquisition radars;
2.X-band through Ku-band - most suited for a design intended to fight inside its own supporting IADS, the intent of the RAM being to defeat X-band fighter radars, and Ku-band missile seekers.
Unfortunately, PLA-AF reasoning in this area is not well understood in the West, given the limited disclosures made to date. In turn, application of Western design priorities may not yield an accurate estimation of the PLA-AF's relative priorities in the design.
A complicating factor is uncertainty surrounding the choice of axi-symmetric exhaust nozzle geometry and ventral strakes in the long term. It is entirely conceivable that a mature production J-20 might employ a faceted rectangular nozzle in the manner of the F-22, and be completed without the strakes. Were the latter to prove true, the more likely RAM optimisation would be L-band through S-band, conversely, if the axi-symmetric exhaust nozzle is retained to production, then an X-band through Ku-band optimisation would be more likely.
The final material combination employed was essentially “generic”, with an outer 2 mm epoxy layer loaded with a soft Ni-Zn ferrite (Configuration C, below), laminated with a 4 mm carbon fibre epoxy composite skin.

Due to limited frequency coverage in data characterising the modelled RAM coating, simulations were performed only for six frequencies, from the L-band through to the Ku-band.

Some measure of the performance improvement achieved can be determined from the preceding chart, which shows specular RCS averaged across an angular extent in the beam aspect, across a range of frequencies. The beam aspect was chosen due to the dominant specular scatterers in this angular region. For a 2 mm ferrite loaded epoxy layer thickness laminated into a CFC panel, the absorber produces observable effect between S-band and Ku-band, improving with frequency. Best effect was achieved in the region of 12 GHz, of the order of 10 dB compared to PEC, all averaged across the same angular extent.

The variations in RCS behaviour observed with changing aspect reflect closely the behaviour observed with the PEC model simulation, detailed above. In particular, the RAM reduces the peak magnitude of and narrows the mainlobes in the specular return. This effect is most pronounced in the upper X-band and Ku-band, and weakest in the L-band.
In assessing what materials strategy to apply, several experimental simulations were performed to observe actual effectiveness, and the extent to which impedance mismatch impacted achievable RCS reduction.
The well characterised CNT/epoxy matrix RAM, by Zhang et al., was applied to a model of Zhang's test article used for measurement, and then as a 1 mm RAM coating over a PEC airframe skin, to establish whether this high permittivity material would be viable. The results reflected the strong impedance mismatch observed with the simulation of the initial test article, and this model was not pursued further. The material parameters are detailed in Table 5.

The more refined ferrite loaded Fe-filled CNT/epoxy matrix RAM by Gui et al., was not well characterised, so the published performance curves were employed to reverse engineer the complex permeability and permittivity values, using an RCS simulation of the test article employed by Gui et al., and an iterated guessing algorithm. This material also provided very poor impedance matching, reflected in a reduced resolution simulation of the airframe with a 1 mm coating over PEC. It was also not pursued further.

While the basic theoretical constraints for an impedance matched thin specular RAM coating predicted that neither material would be viable, it was nevertheless of interest to perform a quantitative simulation experiment to confirm this empirically.

A number of epoxy matrix coatings, using older and more recent ferrites, were also simulated, using a 4 mm thick carbon fibre epoxy composite substrate, emulating an aircraft skin.

The best specular RCS improvement observed involved the use of a theoretical impedance matched material, with real permeability and permittivity of ~15, and high loss tangents.

Table 3. J-20 Specular RCS Model Results With RAM / CFC [V-Pol]

Table 4. J-20 Specular RCS Model Results With RAM / CFC [V-Pol]









Table 5. Representative RAM and Material Properties




This study has explored the specular Radar Cross Section of the Chengdu J-20 prototype aircraft shaping design. Simulations using a Physical Optics simulation algorithm were performed for frequencies of 150 MHz, 600 MHz, 1.2 GHz, 3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, 8.0 GHz, 12.0 GHz, 16.0 GHz and 28 GHz without an absorbent coating, and for frequencies of 1.2 GHz, 3.0 GHz, 6.0 GHz, 8.0 GHz, 12.0 GHz, 16.0 GHz with an absorbent coating, covering all angular aspects of the airframe.
In addition, the performance of a range of Chinese developed radar absorbers was modelled, based on a reasonable survey of unclassified Chinese research publications in the area. None of the surveyed materials were found to be suitable for use as impedance matched specular radar absorbers.
If the production J-20 retains the axisymmetric nozzles and smoothly area ruled sides, the aircraft could at best deliver robust Very Low Observable performance in the nose aspect angular sector.
If the production J-20 introduces a rectangular faceted nozzle design, and refinements to fuselage side shaping, the design would present very good potential for  robust Very Low Observable performance in the S-band and above, for the nose and tail aspect angular sectors, with good performance in the beam aspect angular sector.
In conclusion, this study has established through Physical Optics simulation across nine frequency bands, that no fundamental obstacles exist in the shaping design of the J-20 prototype, which would preclude its development into a genuine Very Low Observable design.
总之,本课题是通过物理光学模拟穿越九个无线电波段,在歼20原型机的外形设计不存在根本缺陷的情况下,确保改进型达到真正的超低可探测设计。  译者:病中乃知