
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 14:36:31


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  北京——根据周四公布的《2011年中国的航天》白皮书,中国预计在未来五年发射空间实验室和载人飞船,为空间站建设做准备,表明该国的太空计划是蓄势待发。 转自米尔军情网 http://www.junshijia.com


  Fodder-wing :I would think that one that dominates space can and will dominate the Earth。 That should not be the US objective, but we are fools to let China take the lead。


  cljvedelman :China moves forward and Obama eliminates NASA's capacity to have manned space flight for the foreseeabl e future。 The Obama Administra tion offers only vague talk about US manned space presence。 The Obama Administra tion says private industry will lead the way。 This is a foolish way for this nation to view the future of a US manned space program。

  中国大踏步向前,奥巴马却忽视NASA为可预见的未来进行载人航天飞行的能力。奥巴马政府对美国载人航天只是在口头上含糊地说一说。奥巴马政府还说私营企业会在这方面“带头前进”。用这种方式展望美国载人航天项目的未来,真是蠢透了。 米尔军事论坛 bbs.junshijia.com

  whitemale08 :Meanwhile, the US continues to pat itself on the back for going backwards by never ending bailouts and guaranteei ng the losses of every Western speculator on Wall Street/Cit y of London。

  China is smart while the West is nothing but a home to fools。

  Soon China will reach full employment and will no longer need slave labor to manufactur e widgets for WalMart customers in the US。

  与此同时,美国继续拍马倒退,因为那些永不完结的紧急融资,以保障每一个西方投机商在占领华尔街/占领伦敦运动中的损失。 www.junshijia.com 爱国交流理性平台



  susanbsbi :We should be doing this also, but the congress killed our space program 米尔军事论坛 bbs.junshijia.com


  Amalek:The 20th Century was America's。 The 21st is China's。 It is a good thing they plan to spend it on science instead of bombs。 米尔军事论坛 bbs.junshijia.com

  二十世纪是美国的,二十一世纪是中国的。这是件好事情,中国把钱用在科学项目上面,而不是到处扔炸弹。 米尔军事论坛 bbs.junshijia.com

  jdwlor :Well isn't it nice to know that all the money the American people have sent to China that they can afford to build they'er own space station and we have to rely on the Russians to take us to the one that in time we will have to quit funding。Bu t to listen to the candidates for the rightwinge rs we have the money to start a war with Iran。If we do go to war we will probably get a tax break。Isn' t that the way that the American people get involved,j ust ask the armed forces to do all the dirty work。 米尔军事论坛 bbs.junshijia.com





  teltech543 :Our schools should be teaching Chinese。 China will be the the new number one global power sooner than anyone thinks。

  我们的学校应该教一下中文。中国会成为新的世界第一,而且比任何人想象的都要快。jamesnpost :The students in the top Chinese high schools speak, read, and write better English than most Americans, most of whom are not bilingual in any language (which is ignorant), and most of them are proud of that fact (which is stupid)。

  中国顶级高中的学生英语的说、读、写能力比大部分美国人都要好,这些美国人没有掌握任何一门外语(这是无知的),这些美国人居然还为此自豪(这是愚蠢的)。 www.junshijia.com 爱国交流理性平台

  Trekkinbob :My bets are on China。 If they can find a way to truly allow freedom of individual expression , their nation would stand more proudly than the U。S。 had ever imagined since we seem bound and determined to return to the Dark Ages after having made some of the greatest advances in human knowledge ever。


  米尔军事论坛 bbs.junshijia.com