美团支付 故障 恢复:和有情人做快乐事,别问是劫是缘----仓央嘉措活佛诗四篇双语

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情诗四篇LOVE POEMS原著 仓央嘉措英译 天涯孤旅     编缉 伊莎贝拉
(一) 第一最好不相见,如此便可不相恋。 See not, attach not. 第二最好不相知,如此便可不相思。 Know  not, love not. 第三最好不相伴,如此便可不相欠。 Accompany not, owe not. 第四最好不相惜,如此便可不相忆。 Cherish not, remember not. 第五最好不相爱,如此便可不相弃。 Love not, abandon not. 第六最好不相对,如此便可不相会。 Meet not, part not. 第七最好不相误,如此便可不相负。 Miss not, betray not. 第八最好不相许,如此便可不相续。 Swear not, renew not. 第九最好不相依,如此便可不相偎。 Rely not, retire not. 第十最好不相遇,如此便可不相聚。 Acquaint not, assemble not. 但曾相见便相知,相见何如不见时。 Once  seen, thus known; to see is none the better than to not. 安得与君相诀绝,免教生死作相思。 Part not, ease not. Alas, to be is to love. 
(二) 我问佛:为何不给所有女子羞花闭月的容颜? 佛曰:那只是昙花的一现, 用来蒙蔽世俗的眼 没有什么美可以抵过一颗纯净仁爱的心 我把它赐给每一个女子, 可有人让它蒙上了灰。 Once I put it to Him, “Why not leave every woman a flowery face?” He the Holy responded, “ A beautiful face is but a flash in the pan,as is more often than not used to kid the earthly eyes,for,no beauty on earth can equal a pure and benevolent heart bestowed upon each woman, bleak, though." 我问佛:世间为何有那么多遗憾? 佛曰:这是一个婆娑世界,婆娑即遗憾,没有遗憾, 给你再多幸福也不会体会快乐. I then said, “ Why are there so many regrets in the world?” Buddha answered, “ Such is but a world of Po Suo,or regret. You willst feel less joy even to be left with more happiness.” 我问佛:如何让人们的心不再感到孤单? 佛曰:每一颗心生来就是孤单而残缺的, 多数带着这种残缺度过一生 只因与能使它圆满的另一半相遇时不是疏忽错过, 就是已失去了拥有它的资格. I then said,“ How come one cannot be left alone?” He said to me, “ A human heart is intrinsically flawed and lone. With such flaws so many of the commonplace beings spend the rest of their life either in that they ignorantly missor are denied the possession of the qualifications while enabling themselves to marry the other half of aloneness itself. 我问佛:如果遇到了可以爱的人,却又怕不能把握该怎么办? 佛曰:留人间多少爱,迎浮世千重变和有情人,做快乐事别问是劫是缘. Thus I asked, “ Given  I came across the lovable, only uncontrollable,then what?” The God, “ As a mortal,thou are faced with endless human love,undergonging varied changes and loving creatures, still,you just be superbly fun and gay, fortune or misfortune,whatever. 我问佛:如何才能如你般睿智? 佛曰:佛是过来人,人是未来佛 我也曾如你般天真佛门中说一个人悟道有三阶段: “勘破、放下、自在。” 的确,一个人必须要放下,才能得到自在。 I requested, “How to be wise?” His almighty, “I live to be a mortal, and you’ll make an immortal. More, you’re naive or ignorant what I for one used to be. The three steps to take for a devoted Buddhist acquiring the Tao, or the truth is as follows: seeing-through , relief and ease.
(三) 那一天,那一月,那一年,那一世 The day,the month,the year and the age. 那一天,我闭目在经殿的香雾中,蓦然听见你颂经中的真言; Ti's the day that I heard all of a sudden thine truth in pattering While I was bathing in the incense of the holy shrine. 那一月,我摇动所有的经筒,不为超度,只为触摸你的指尖; Ti’s the month that I shook all the canisters not for the purpose of expiating my sins , but a single touch of your finger tip. 那一年,磕长头匍匐在山路,不为觐见,只为贴着你的温暖; Ti’s the year that crept on the goat path , kowtowing not to look up but but to get attached to your warmth. 那一世,转山转水转佛塔,不为修来世,只为途中与你相见。 Ti’s the age that I might turn to chance upon thee not for Buddhism’s sake but with dreams lived just as my sight of the water, the mountain and the stupa. 那一夜,我听了一宿梵唱,不为参悟,只为寻你的一丝气息; Ti’s the night that I was engaged in a night of patter,not for the realization but a breath of thine. 那一月,我转过所有经筒,不为超度,只为触摸你的指纹; Ti’s the month that I turned all the canisters, not for the ascending but a touch of your fingerprint. 那一年,我磕长头拥抱尘埃,不为朝佛,只为贴着你的温暖; Ti’s the year that I kowtowed hugging the dust, not for a sight of Buddha but an attachment to thy warmth. 那一世,我翻遍十万大山,不为修来世,只为路中能与你相遇; Ti’s the age that overcame montains tens of thousands, not for eternity but for a meeting with thee. 只是,就在那一夜,我忘却了所有,抛却了信仰,舍弃了轮回, 只为,那曾在佛前哭泣的玫瑰,早已失去旧日的光泽。 Yet,how I lethed all,beliefs abandoned and samsara abnegatedfor nothing but the once rose weeping before the Buddha hast lost the glory of yesterday. 于是佛曰:忘却,忘却。 Buddha Thereby ended up with advice of Lethe, and Lethe and Lethe.
(四) 《见与不见》 你见,或者不见我 我就在那里 不悲不喜 你念,或者不念我 情就在那里 不来不去 你爱,或者不爱我 爱就在那里 不增不减 你跟,或者不跟我 我的手就在你手里 不舍不弃 来我的怀里 或者 让我住进你的心里 默然 相爱 寂静 欢喜 To See or Not I ain't in grief or joy, Staying on there Within or without thine sight. Me brooded or not, In that there is affection, Far or near. The love for thee Does not increase Nor,to the opposite. In pursuit or not, Nither of us two willst depart, For,our palms are in oneness. Do be in my arms,baby, Or,let me be at your heartbottom. In silence,we remain in love, Joyfulness felt,alone,though. 
 原著 仓央嘉措活佛 By Cang  Yang Jia Cuo英译 天涯孤旅 Translated by A Born Loner编缉 伊莎贝拉             Edited    by    Isabella  流光飞舞
歌手:陈淑桦 专辑:爱的进行式 电影青蛇主题曲:流光飞舞(粤语版)
词 曲:黄沾编:雷颂德