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[国家地理] 难得一见的巴西沙丘景观阅读原文

发给好友 | 转发到QQ空间 | 保存到记事本 原作者: 来源Brazil Dunes - National Geographic Magazine 译者luyue 1.Ribbons of dunes trap the rains.001.带状沙... 全文↓ 来自:luyue

来源Brazil Dunes - National Geographic Magazine

1.Ribbons of dunes trap the rains.


2.The Blue Lagoon, a popular tourist attraction, shimmers at the base of sugary dunes in Lenóis Maranhenses National Park, which is an hour and a half by car (followed by a long walk) from the Brazilian town of Barreirinhas.


3.In a land still soaked from the rainy season, a river stained with tannin from a nearby forest marbles the sand.


4.Water plants float on swimming stems.


5.Water dark with tannin inspired the name Rio Negro, or "black river," which swirls across virgin sand. In the park's ponds, thriving communities of algae can turn the water blue or green.


6.Raised by residents of the park, goats graze freely on wild vegetation during the lush months of rain, then are rounded up when the dry season arrives.


7.Fishermen moor their boats at a seasonal camp at the western end of the park. In the dry season, they farm. During the rainy months, farming is difficult, so they leave their communities at the edge of the dunes and head for thatch-roofed beach huts. From there they cast nets into the surf or motor farther out to sea.


8.Relentless winds have scored fine lines into the top of a dune and swept sand into a mangrove forest, smothering trees that are now reduced to denuded trunks.


9.The park's creamy sand and sparkling water shelter nesting birds, turtles, and fish. The ecological balance is fragile, though. Hikers and bikers are welcome on the dunes. Motorized vehicles are not.


10.Waves of sand, firmed by an overnight rain, flow along the route of a fisherman pedaling his catch at dawn to trade it for supplies. When the dune dries in a day or so, the wind will begin to reshape it once again.

