
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/11 11:05:05
真相: 这篇新闻(视频)是这几天yahoo.com上被转发的最多的新闻 5000+ 评论。这栋楼是在湖南长沙建造的节能环保建筑,准备用于四川灾后重建,建46小时,装修90小时, 6倍节材,5倍节能,20倍净化,只产生1%重的建筑垃圾,可抗震9度。是六天时间日夜不停修建起来的(不包括设计规划,项目审批等过程)。
wazham2 17 小时之前
everything is possible in Japan
在日本真是一切皆有可能 ~
allin1readerwriter 17 小时之前 @wazham2
It’’s Chinese... learn to differentiate your Asians fool.
dinmagic 17 小时之前 @wazham2
This is China.
LuizLHAM 16 小时之前 @wazham2?
china, dude! china! !
taroliw  4 天之前 4 推荐
A 15-story building /done/ in SIX days?? Wow... just WOW.
15 层高的建筑 6 天完工??哇靠!。。。除了哇靠真不知该说啥好。
ocelotrevs 4 天之前 3 推荐
That’’s kinda of scary, you could’’ve gone away for a week, and when you’’ve come home a building has suddenly appeared.
palyman92 3 天之前 2 推荐
Imagine coming home after a 2 day trip and you look out your window like WTF
euromann12 3 天之前 29 推荐
Imagine looking for a hotel room, there is no vacancy, and the receptionist says, “just wait for a few minutes, we will put up another hotel.”
maurotamm 18 小时之前
"We build your skyscraper in a week, buy 1 get 2 for 9,99m $, call now and you get this amazing parking house for free. WAIT, there is more, we even give you your own personal train station."
“我们将在一周之内建好您的摩天大厦, 9 亿 9 千 9 百万,买一赠二,现在马上拨打电话还有免费车库赠送。哦,等等!还有更多惊喜在等着您,我们甚至可以提供您的私人火车站哦 ~ !”
MrMuseenglish 4 天之前 2 推荐
that’’s gotta be the music from SimCity 4
真该配上《模拟城市 4 》的背景乐。
xinsky01 4 天之前 3 推荐
all this is amazing, it is said the Broad Pavilion in Shanghai Exop was built within 24 hours, any video on that?
太给力了。据说上海世博的远大馆只用 24 个小时就建成了,谁有关于那个的视频?
AndrewNoNumbers 1 天之前 3 推荐
That’’s why in 2012 the Chinese build the Ark
这就是为啥在《 2012 》里诺亚方舟是中国制造。
deadmansvoice  1 天前 4 推荐
and we wonder why china is going to rule the world : /
MeketoaI 4 天之前 2 推荐
This ? would have taken 3 years in the USA.
这在美国得花 3 年。
roan33   4 天之前 5 推荐
In America we’’d still ? be going through bullshit protocol and politics for 5 years.
在美国我们光是通过那些该死的法案和过政客那关就得花上 5 年。
Antwnhs92   4 天之前 23 推荐
In my country ? Greece...they cant even make a doghouse in 2 days.
在我的国家希腊…… 2 天时间估计他们连狗窝都盖不起来。
ak471deag   1 天前 7 推荐
amazing stuff.
here in Canada everything takes forever to complete.
whole fukin day to clear some small debris from accidents on highways.
small sections of roads take a whole fukin year. then winter the road cracks again from all the salt sprayed on it. so repeat next year!
WOOD houses take like fukin two years.
foudo   1 天前
@ak471deag : in my country building a round-about takes 5 yrs
(回 ak471deag ):知足吧,在我们国家修个转盘都得 5 年。
【= =0 这家伙是科威特的吗……】
22871987   16 小时之前
Chinese came to my country to build roads. Kings Highway took less then 50 days to finish. Buiding a seawall took less then 30 days, building the South Pacific Games Stadium, Pool, Tracks and field less then a month! My country is Fiji & Australia is whinning that Fiji is having ties with China LMAO - too funny!!
中国人曾经来过我们国家修路。 Kings 高速花了不到 50 天就竣工了,建海堤用了不到 30 天,建南太平洋体育场,泳池,运动场地用了不到 1 个月!顺便说我的国家是斐济。而澳大利亚居然还在抱怨为啥斐济跟中国走那么近?!真逗!!
polkjhgfdsaqw  1 天前
i wish those guys could come to Edmonton. In one of the highways it took Canadian cosntruction workers 2 years to finish a road
kamathln  20 小时之前 38 推荐
These guys should have rebuilt World trade center.
blkhauck  4 天之前 3 推荐
This is why they are better than us. Our version of construction is 5 guys standing around and 1 guy working. DAMN IT
这就是为啥他们比我们强。换我们的版本,工程建设就是 5 个人站在一边儿看一个人干活儿。
mrjezerc  4 天之前
That is why you should send your kids to Chinese language lessons!!!
asiansjason  3 天之前 37 推荐
man, the only thing i can think America can get done fast is fast food orders -_-
我能想到唯一美国人干得快的事儿就是订快餐 -_-
allgood789   3 天之前
Evan fast food in America some times still take 15-20 minutes to get your order. The quick that can get done in America is get devorces. Married today maybe devorces next week.....
在美国就算快餐有时都得等 15-20 分钟才拿得到。在美国能干得快的事儿是离婚。今天刚结也许下礼拜就离了…
dadnesia   4 天之前 2 推荐
Anyway, we can print money faster than these guys!
PowerRizer   4 天之前 13 推荐
I bet they bought it from IKEA. Build it your self 15 story hotel.
我打赌他们是从宜家买的可供自行组装的 15 层酒店。
weirdbuckle  4 天之前
it is okay, it is okay, our building lasts for more than 100 years.
不错,不错,(但)我们的建筑物可是能撑 100 多年哦。
kerinlau  4 天之前 @weirdbuckle
Not really gonna last for more than 100 years. A road of quarter mile at front of my home had been messed up for five months, but will still crack in five years. If its in China, it would be a 2-day job, I guess. And another 2-day job after five years.
(回 weirdbuckle )也不是真能撑 100 年。我家门前一条几里的小路坏掉施工了 5 个月,但 5 年内肯定还得照坏。如果这在中国,也就是两天的活儿。最多 5 年之后花上两天再修一遍。