买地契咒语:2012: A Year of Choices (8)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 18:33:58

Hong Kong, Singapore, Bloomberg, and a Personal Note

First, let me wish you a very personal Happy New Year! It looks to be a busy one for me. Next Tuesday I am off to Hong Kong to speak at a conference for the Hong Kong Economic Journal. I am told there will be a simultaneous translations into Chinese. Then Singapore the following Sunday, and back on the 20th. I will again be writing on the road, but I expect you will get your letter next weekend at the usual time.

I am very pleased to announce a special new publication called <Mauldin Research Trades>. It will be launching on the Bloomberg terminal platform in two weeks. This is a really exciting publication that will be a collaborative effort of half a dozen of the best technical analysts in the world (they literally have written a couple of dozen books on technical trading), who will contribute trading ideas to a select, very limited group of Bloomberg client subscribers (mainly institutional and trading funds), based on my macroeconomic views. In addition to the exclusive new publication, my <Thoughts from the Front Line> and <Outside the Box> letters will also soon be available to Bloomberg terminal users all over the world.

I am launching the publication with my good friend Barry Habib (whom you know from his writing on mortgages and frequent appearance on CNBC). He is an essential part of the project (and the source of some of the best trades so far!). And Peter Mauthe is heading up our effort in my office. This new publication has been developed specifically and exclusively for distribution to Bloomberg terminal users. You can contact your Bloomberg representative for details. I will provide more information in a few weeks, after the official launch.

On a personal note, long-time readers know that I have written about the joys of wine and other adult beverages. They have been a source of pleasure. But for health reasons, my doctor, Mike Roizen, made it very clear I had to quit drinking, which I did about five months ago. Yes, cold turkey; and yes, it was not easy, especially on airplanes on international flights. But you do what you have to do. As some of you know, I intend to live a very long time. Hopefully long enough for Mike West of Biotime to figure out how to reverse the aging process, so I can live a very long time indeed! And since I want to give Mike (and others who are also working on the problems of aging) as much time as I can, I have had to make some very hard personal choices. Even chardonnays are off the menu.

So until someone can come up with a genetic treatment that will allow me to metabolize alcohol with no side effects (talk about a killer business model – I will invest!), I am “on the wagon.”

It is quite late and time to hit the send button. Enjoy your week. In the coming year, let’s focus on what we need to do to get through this rough patch we see coming. We can do it, you and I.

Your looking for the wisdom to know the difference analyst,

John Mauldin


Source: JohnMauldin.com (http://s.tt/158aq)